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      LeadershipPsychopathyWhite Collar CrimeNarcissism
The goal of this paper is to explore the perception of Kosovo's citizens of the severity of tax evasion relative to other crimes and abuses. Perception of tax evasion may somewhat clarify the degree of rebelliousness with the tax laws.... more
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      Economic SociologyPolitical SociologyLawCriminal Law
Carrier, N. and K. Walby. (2015). For Sociological Reason: Crime, Criminalization, and the Poverty of Biosocial Criminology. Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Criminology, 7/1: 73-82.
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      Critical TheoryCriminologyCriminal LawCriminal Procedure
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      Critical TheorySociologyCultural StudiesCriminology
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      TerrorismOrganized CrimeFinancial Risk ManagementMoney Laundering
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      Criminal ProcedureTerrorismOrganized CrimeWhite Collar Crime
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      SociologyPsychologyWhite Collar CrimeDeviant Behavior
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      ReligionSociologyCriminologySociological Theory
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      Criminal LawCriminal JusticeCriminal Law Criminal Procedure LawWhite Collar Crime
En el presente artículo, el Dr. Narvaja lleva a cabo un análisis sobre la competencia de las provincias en materia de lavado de activos de origen ilícito y plantea una crítica a la doctrina “Renga” de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de la... more
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      Criminal LawCriminal ProcedureCriminal JusticeMoney Laundering
A general paper summarizing theories of organized crime in canada in its various forms and functions
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      CriminologySociology of Crime and DevianceOrganized CrimeWhite Collar Crime
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      Criminal LawWhite Collar CrimeMarket AbuseDiritto Penale
This project examines recent and ongoing misconduct in the financial sector and implications for corporate governance and accountability. The misconduct ranges from abusive mortgage trades and misreporting on derivatives losses to... more
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      FinanceCriminal LawCriminal JusticeCorporate Law
Iako je definicija javnog ovlašćenja predmet debate u okviru savremenog diskursa društvenih nauka, suština pojma javnog ovlašćenja je nesporna ― javno ovlašćenje zavisi od voljnog podređivanja naredbama koje nadređeni izdaju podređenima,... more
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      CriminologyLegitimacy and AuthorityDemocracyInstitutions (Political Science)
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      Criminal LawComparative LawAntitrust (Law)Comparative Criminal Law
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      PsychologyWhite Collar CrimeCrime
ITA: Il presente lavoro, esaminando le scelte operate dalla l. n. 190 del 2012 alla luce delle pulsioni riformatrici degli interpreti interni e delle organizzazioni internazionali, oltre che di un’analisi comparata con gli ordinamenti... more
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      Criminal LawCriminal JusticeInternational Criminal LawComparative Criminal Law
Table of Contents: • Evolution of Business Criminal Law • Notion of Business Criminal Law • Sources of Business Criminal Law • Basic Knowledge about (Business) Criminal Law & Justice • Criminal Liability Concepts for Entrepreneurs... more
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      BusinessEntrepreneurshipBusiness AdministrationCriminal Law
There is growing consensus that the insider-trading regime in the United States, the oldest in the world, is in need of reform. Indeed, three reform bills are currently before Congress, and one recently passed the House with overwhelming... more
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      Comparative LawHuman RightsComparative Criminal LawRitualism
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      Sociology Of DevianceSociology of Crime and DevianceIdentity Fraud/TheftWhite Collar Crime
Gatekeepers Inside Out challenges the conventional wisdom that in-house counsel are simply "too captured" by their senior managers in their corporations to serve as effective gatekeepers of our securities markets. The author revises... more
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      Social PsychologyLegal ProfessionSocial CognitionLaw and Economics
O sistema penal brasileiro tem apresentado nos últimos anos um movimento que, em sua aparência, demonstra certa modificação ou expansão da tendência punitiva no que diz respeito ao sujeito-alvo da atuação das agências punitivas. Os... more
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      White Collar CrimeCriminologia Críticacrimes de colarinho branco
Nell’ambito di un lavoro orientato a comprendere il ruolo della rule of law sull’equilibrio fra sicurezza e libertà nell’ambito di sistemi democratici di qualità, il presente capitolo si propone principalmente di offrire una panoramica,... more
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      SociologyCriminologyPolitical SociologyCriminal Law
During the last years, there has been an increase in the public exposure on a very distinct criminal phenomenon in Chile. It is the case of felonies committed by managers and executives of relevant or big corporations. These cases have... more
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    • White Collar Crime
Il Decimo Rapporto annuale di "Sos Impresa", pubblicato il 22 ottobre 2007 in occasione dell'assemblea nazionale dell'associazione antiracket dall'eloquente sottotitolo "le mani della criminalità sulle imprese", pone per l'ennesima volta... more
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      EconomicsSociology of Crime and DevianceGovernanceLaw and Economics
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      CriminologyCriminal LawCriminal JusticeWhite Collar Crime
Walby, K., Richard Jochelson, Michelle Bertrand, and Steven Kohm. 2016. ‘Issue Introduction: Visualizing Justice’. The Annual Review of Interdisciplinary Justice Research, 5: 5-14.
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      SociologyCultural StudiesCriminologySocial Theory
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      Tax LawCorporate LawInternational LawGovernment
This edited collection focuses on the phenomenon of corruption in (non-)criminal commercial enterprise, that is, in legitimate and illegitimate business. It examines the interdependencies between organised crime and corruption in the... more
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      White Collar CrimeOrganised CrimeCorporate CrimeCorruption
Two broad approaches towards confiscating the proceeds of crime have developed since the conception of using confiscation as a response to acquisitive crime—the punitive approach and the deprivatory approach. The Hodgson Committee in 1984... more
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      Recovery of criminal assetsWhite Collar CrimeProceeds of crimeHistory of Crime and Punishment
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      Criminal LawPublic AdministrationPolitical ScienceWhite Collar Crime
Schedule 17 of the Crime and Courts Act 2013 introduced Deferred Prosecution Agreements (DPAs) into the English legal system. On the 30th of November 2015 the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited entered into the first-ever... more
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      Criminal LawCriminal ProcedureCriminal JusticeCorporate Social Responsibility
This is a presentation on how criminals are using the Internet to sell drugs, guns, forgeries & financial information.
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      Cyber crimeWhite Collar CrimeCrime
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      Criminal JusticeWhite Collar Crime
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      Sociology of Crime and DevianceCriminal Justice HistoryWhite Collar CrimeHistory of Crime and Punishment
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      EngineeringDeterrenceOccupational Health & SafetyRational Choice
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      IntelligenceWhite Collar CrimeWhite Collar Crime, Fraud, Counterfeiting
Le cœur de l'ouvrage consiste en une présentation de la prohibition d'exploiter des informations d'initiés en droit américain, en droit européen ainsi que, de façon approfondie, en droit suisse. La partie de droit suisse traite autant... more
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      Criminal LawEuropean LawBanking LawEconomic Law
This briefing by David Ellis and David Whyte is the second of two briefings the Centre has published on public attitudes to questionable conduct by the state, corporations and individuals. The first briefing – Redefining corruption –... more
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      White Collar CrimeCorporate Crime
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      Sociology of Crime and DevianceWhite Collar CrimeCrime
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      CriminologyCriminal LawCriminal JusticeCultural Heritage
The existence of market confidence is intrinsic to the efficient operation of the stock market, with the accuracy of pricing resting on pertinent information being available to individuals at all times. UK regulators historically relied... more
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      Criminal JusticeCompany LawWhite Collar CrimeInsider Dealing
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      Criminal LawCriminal JusticeCorporate Social ResponsibilityWhite Collar Crime
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    • White Collar Crime
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      EducationGovernmentPolitical ScienceWhite Collar Crime
Vor beinahe vier Jahren wurden neue Steuervortaten zur
Geldwäscherei im schweizerischen Strafrecht eingeführt. Der Beitrag beleuchtet ausgewählte Fragen aus der Praxis und identifiziert red flags welche auf Steuervortaten hindeuten.
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      Regulatory ComplianceComplianceMoney LaunderingBanking Law
I will consider how the specific corporate governance structure of PARMALAT and its practical functioning represented, unfortunately, a decisive factor in the overall process that brought the entire group to the financial breakdown.
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityCorporate GovernanceCompany LawWhite Collar Crime
O legislador brasileiro escolheu um modelo de responsabilidade penal da pessoa jurídica por atribuição, sujeito a diversas críticas. Um recorte da práxis judicial evidencia não só a inobservância dos próprios pressupostos do modelo... more
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      White Collar CrimeDireito Penal EconômicoBusiness CrimeCorporate Criminal Liability