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There are many matters in the history of Polish-English relations that have so far escaped the attention of historians dealing with this subject. Religious issues that are the subject of this article, which is the result of a monthly... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryEarly Modern HistoryPolish HistoryEnglish History
Polish translation of the opening part of Book One of Goslicius' De optimo Senatore (1568). In O senatorze doskonałym studia. Prace upamiętniające postać i twórczość Wawrzyńca Goślickiego pod redakcja Aleksandra Stępkowskiego (Warszawa:... more
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      Renaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismPolish HistoryPolitical Science
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      Late Middle AgesPolish HistoryHeraldry and VexillologyDecorative Arts
The paper is an edition of a poem by Laurentius Corvinus 'Ad Famam' (Cracow 1518), published as a part of his epithalamium written for the wedding of Sigismund I Jagiellon and Bona Sforza.
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      Renaissance HumanismNeo-latin literatureRenaissance CartographyRenaissance literature
Was published in the journal Archaeological Monuments for rok1905.
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      Art HistoryMedieval StudiesHistory of ArtMedieval Art
The scientific research on the history of Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the Jagiellonian era, being conducted nowadays in the Polish scientific community as well as among foreign historians, does not place particular emphasis on the... more
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      JagielloniansGrand Duchy of LithuaniaManagement of Aquatic Living Resources
Public houses-inns, taverns, and alehouses-during the Jagiellonian Dynasty (1385-1572) in Cracow functioned as important establishments in the diplomatic services of kings, city officials, and the nobility. Not only did these locales... more
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      Central EuropeCentral European historyCentral European StudiesPoland
Although Polish historiography does not usually regard 1541 as an important date, contemporary reactions in the country show that the fighting around Hungarian capital, Buda, and the subsequent Ottoman occupation of the city received much... more
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      Early Modern HistoryHabsburg StudiesEarly Modern Europe16th Century (History)
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      TransylvaniaMedieval HungaryJagielloniansHistory of Transylvania
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      European StudiesRussian StudiesMedieval HistoryCzech History
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      MohácsJagielloniansSuleiman the MagnificentLouis II
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      Medieval PortraiturePortraitureMedieval PolandJagiellonians
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      Latin EpigraphyMedieval EpigraphyJagielloniansWładysław Jagiełło
Wool, silk, silver and gilt silver threads;
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      Polish History16th Century Netherlandish ArtDecorative ArtsHistory of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
The text of the privilege granted by the king of Poland and grand duke of Lithuania Aleksander Jagiellończyk is published from its original preserved in the Central Archives of Historical Records in Warsaw (Archiwum Główne Akt Dawnych)... more
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      JagielloniansGrand Duchy of LithuaniaSmolenskИстория Смоленска
DIALOG Warsaw 2015 This pubHcation has been co-financed by the Rector of the University of Warsaw and the Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Warsaw. Editorial review: Prof dr hab. Marek M. Dziekan DTP: "Radon" Radoslaw Kierelowicz... more
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      Renaissance StudiesPolish History16th Century Netherlandish ArtDecorative Arts
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      ConservationPolish HistoryHeraldry and VexillologyDecorative Arts
Portret -niezwykłe źródło poznania postaci. Odwzorowanie konkretnej rzeczywistości -raz świadomie kształtowanego wizerunku, kiedy indziej obraz widziany subiektywnym okiem artysty. Przedstawienia portretowe w sztuce dawnej miały na celu... more
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      PortraitsArt HistoryDress StudiesHistory of Dress
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      Reformation HistoryHabsburg StudiesHistory of the ReformationEarly Modern Hungarian History
Propozycja scenariusza lekcji dla klasy IV szkoły podstawowej, odpowiadającego nowej podstawie programowej, a zarazem rozwijającego myślenie historyczne i pokazujące warsztat naukowy historyka. Lekcja oparta jest o tworzenie kalendarium... more
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      History EducationLesson Plansdidactics of HistoryJagiellonians
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      Art HistoryArchitectureRenaissancePainting
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      Economic HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesEnvironmental History
My thesis focuses on the interconnection between the phenomenon of the classical reception—that is the reception of the classical Greek–Roman antiquity and its legacy—and representation of the King (royal imagology) in early modern Polish... more
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      Early Modern HistoryRenaissance StudiesEarly Modern EuropeThe Classical Tradition
Publikacja jest próbą monograficznego opracowania kultu świętych patronów państwa polskiego w czasach jagiellońskich. Pracy tej nie należy jednak traktować jako zbioru tradycyjnych monografii poszczególnych świętych, lecz jako... more
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      ReligionChristianityHistoryCultural History
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval ArchaeologyCopernicusArchaeological Excavation
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      ArchitecturePolish Art and ArchitectureIconsJagiellonians
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      Renaissance ArtDecorative ArtsApplied ArtsChristian Iconography
Over just a few decades, starting in the last years of the 15th century, three summer palaces that were all very similar to one another were built in the Bohemian and Hungarian Lands. One stands close to Prague Castle, and since the 19th... more
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      ArchitectureRenaissance StudiesArchitectural HistoryMatthias Corvinus
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      History of HungaryMedieval HungaryJagielloniansJagellonians
Monografia dotyczy szeroko ujętych procesów przemian w strukturze gospodarczej, własnościowej i społecznej ziem pomiędzy Niemnem, Bugiem, Liwcem i Biebrzą w XV-XVI w.
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      Rural HistoryJagielloniansJagiellonowie
The aim of the present contribution is to provide a first sketch of the possibilities for further research in the field of dynastic memory and identity of the Jagiellonians in the preserved genealogical material. We tried to give an... more
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      Cultural HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesEarly Modern Europe
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      Jagiellonianshistory of Great Duchy of Lithuania (XIV-XV)Jan Długosz
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      Polish HistoryRenaissance ArtDecorative ArtsItalian Renaissance Art
Dear Reader, Your attention is called to the second edition of the catalog of the Lithuanian coins minted within the reigns of Alexander Jagiellon and Sigismund the Old ( 1495 – 1536). The first edition included the coins of only one... more
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      NumismaticsNumismaticHistory of Polish-Lithuanian CommonwealthLithuanian History
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      Applied ArtDecorative ArtsItalian Renaissance ArtCameos
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      Art HistoryPaintingArchitectural HistoryBaroque art and architecture
[Santrauka: Niurnbergo auksakalystes menas paskutinitjjv Jogailaiciy dvaro aplinkoje]
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      Art HistoryLate Middle AgesPolish HistoryDecorative Arts
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      Renaissance StudiesDecorative ArtsItalian Renaissance ArtJewellery
KOZÁK, Petr: Nápoje na dvorech králů a knížat z dynastie Jagellonců
konce 15. a počátku 16. století, Historica 12, 2021, Nr 2, pp 151-165.
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      Cultural HistoryCzech HistoryRomanian HistoryFood History
The paper focuses on the withrawal of the Lithuanians by examinig previous battles and contemporary Latin and German sources also. My goal was to prove that the feigned withdrawal was a common and efficient maneuvre of the Lithuanians... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryStrategy (Military Science)Medieval History
Рецензии: A. Ryčkov // Lietuvos istorijos metraštis, 2016, t. 1, p. 139-142; A. Szweda // Średniowiecze Polskie i Powszechne, 2016, t. 8 (12), s. 329-335.
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      Medieval HistoryJagielloniansJagiellonowieGrand Duchy of Lithuania
in: Wissenschaftliches Jahrbuch der Tiroler Landesmuseen 2016, p. 50-137. The text presents a catalogue raisonné of the portait paintings by the German Renaissance painter Hans Maler (ca. 1475–1526/29). It is the first catalogue of... more
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      PortraitsEarly Modern HistoryRenaissance StudiesRenaissance Art
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      Art HistoryLate Middle AgesPolish HistoryRenaissance Art
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      Economic HistoryMedieval HistoryCritical Edition (Medieval History)Medieval Hungary
Stylistic pluralism, combining Gothic elements with Renaissance ones, is a characteristic feature of the works of architecture and monumental sculpture commissioned by the King of Poland Sigismund I the Old (reg. 1507-1548) 1 A... more
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      Art HistoryRenaissance architecturePatronageJagiellonians
Title: The character of Jadwiga of Anjou in light of Poland’s contacts with the Holy See in the period of Great Western Schism in 1388/9-1399. The author attempts to outline the personal qualities of Queen Jadwiga in light of the... more
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      Medieval HistoryPapacy (Medieval Church History)Medieval Anjou (History)Medieval Poland
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      Medieval HistoryHistory of HungaryMedieval HungaryLate Medieval History
The queen’s palace which was probably located at Prague Castle since the time of Vladislaus II of Bohemia and Hungary was inhabited by Anne of Bohemia and Hungary, the wife of King Ferdinand I, until 1541 when a fire dwstroyed it. The... more
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      ArchitectureHabsburg StudiesArchitectural HistoryBohemia
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      Art HistoryLate Middle AgesPolish HistoryRenaissance Art