Papers by Oleksii Rudenko

Genealogisches Wissen in Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit: Konstruktion – Darstellung – Rezeption, edited by Giuseppe Cusa and Thomas Dorfner, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, pp. 159-182., 2023
My paper explores the ways in which early modern Italian, Polish and Lithuanian authors approache... more My paper explores the ways in which early modern Italian, Polish and Lithuanian authors approached Renaissance origin myths of their peoples using references to classical antiquity. I deduce three key ways and changes in employing classical authors and motifs for history-writing and myth-making: acknowledging, criticizing, and integrating their evidence into established history-writing narratives. The myth-creators of the Polish and Lithuanian early modern origin stories used the classical references not merely as a tribute to the Renaissance history-writing traditions. They rather contradicted, blamed, and criticized ancient historians for their fabrications and lack of attention to validate the new origin accounts. I also briefly review reception of the Roman and Sarmatian origin myths by Polish-Lithuanian-Ruthenian nobility in the sixteenth-seventeenth centuries.

Zygmunt II August i kultura jego czasów. W pięćsetlecie urodzin ostatniego Jagiellona na polsko-litewskim tronie, 2022
The representation of Sigismund II Augustus is an interesting example of royal image-making in th... more The representation of Sigismund II Augustus is an interesting example of royal image-making in the context of Eastern European Renaissance. His childhood was decisive for the formation of his future representation. In my article, I argue that the image of Sigismund Augustus as an erudite ruler corresponded to the artistic and humanist requirements of the sixteenth century and was constructed during his childhood and youth under the influence of his parents and his mother’s milieu. Sigismund’s representation highlighted his descent from two noble families, Jagiellon and Sforza, his classical education, and the hopes for his future successful reign. The royal heir’s image was disseminated through visual (arrases, coins, medals, and portraits) and textual (literature, poetry) means by a range of diverse actors that included his closest family, poets, writers, and artists of early modern Poland and Lithuania. Sigismund Augustus’ self-fashioning persisted throughout his reign and outlived him, but its crucial foundations were constructed in his childhood and youth.

Spartacus and His Early Soviet Theatrical Representation, Dec 23, 2022
Spartacus became one of the key figures of Soviet dramaturgy in the 1920s. He was ... more Spartacus became one of the key figures of Soviet dramaturgy in the 1920s. He was presented as the only ancient predecessor of the Bolsheviks and his theatrical image significantly shaped the later icon of the gladiator as a brave leader of the oppressed masses and a hero acting in the name of the proletariat. This article explores the image of Spartacus in early Soviet theater and mass performance and outlines the correlation between the template of Spartacus’ portrayal, Raffaello Giovagnoli’s novel Spartaco (1874), and the first dramatic adaptations by Vladimir Mazurkevich (1920) and Vladimir Volkenstein (1921). The article examines the use of the ancient hero in Bolshevik propaganda and traces the ways in which Spartacus’ image morphs and maps onto wider shifts of Soviet political and cultural policy in the early decades of the USSR.

Ucrainica Mediaevalia, 2021
The article deals with the image of the last Jagiellonian King of Poland and the Grand Duke of Li... more The article deals with the image of the last Jagiellonian King of Poland and the Grand Duke of Lithuania Sigismund II Augustus (1520–1572) as it was commemorated during his five hundredth anniversary in August, 2020. I briefly outline the state of historiography about Augustus in Polish and Ukrainian and then place Sigismund II and his self-fashioning efforts in relation to his contemporaries, namely the Habsburgs. Through three case studies (Augustus’ name and its meaning; art collecting practices; the case of the Order of the Golden Fleece), I argue that Augustus’ public image and representation should be compared to those of the Habsburgs in order to understand his politics, actions and intentions.
Стаття розглядає тему образу останнього Ягеллона на троні Польського королівства та Великого князівства Литовського - Сигізмунда ІІ Августа (1520-1572) до 500-річного ювілею з дня його народження, що відзначався у серпні 2020 року. Стаття коротко описує польську та українську історіографію теми, а згодом звертається до проблеми створення іміджу ранньомодерного правителя, зокрема через порівняльний аспект із Габсбургами.

Crossing Borders, Contesting Boundaries. Proceedings of the 2020 MEMSA Student Conference. Eds. Irini Picolou & Kate Foy. MEMSA Journal (2), Durham University, 2021
My article focuses on the early modern spatial dimension of two neighbouring textual myths of ori... more My article focuses on the early modern spatial dimension of two neighbouring textual myths of origins, the Polish and Lithuanian, which appeared and developed approximately in the fifteenth and early sixteenth century. These two myths diversely defined, applied and attached the idea of territory. Among specific geographic points, the rivers acquired notable meaning as the crucial markers of two early modern nations in the origin myths, which defined the territory where the legendary progenitors and their early modern descendants lived. I elucidate how these geographic markers were delineated and used within the myths and their textual and cartographic variations. Securing the place on the map (implying visual rendering of territory) was crucial for the sixteenth-century Polish-Lithuanian (and broadly speaking European) humanist milieu as the cartographical representation of the region reinforced the local myths of origins. Hence, the interrelation between early modern national self-identification and development of cartography constitutes another element of this article. For this, I apply Jordan Branch’s idea about the linkage between early modern cartography and state formation which I develop in relation to the early modern self-identification.
Classical Images in the Dissemination of Royal Imagery in Early Modern Poland, Epoch, no. 1, pp. 106-115., Sep 1, 2020
This article for the first issue of postgraduate historical magazine at Lancaster University feat... more This article for the first issue of postgraduate historical magazine at Lancaster University features the royal imagery of the last Jagiellonian rulers in sixteenth-century Poland. I elaborate on the classical images used in the representation of Sigismund I the Old (Zygmunt Stary) and Sigismund II Augustus (Zygmunt August) via different technics in art and literature, demonstrating diverse approaches used by the last Jagiellonians in an attempt to put them in a broader European Renaissance framework.

The Classical Reception, Royal Image and Strengthening the King’s Power in Early Modern Poland (1520–1572). MA thesis., 2020
My thesis focuses on the interconnection between the phenomenon of the classical reception—that i... more My thesis focuses on the interconnection between the phenomenon of the classical reception—that is the reception of the classical Greek–Roman antiquity and its legacy—and representation of the King (royal imagology) in early modern Polish Kingdom in the sixteenth century. For the analysis of these concepts, my study examines the figure of Sigismund II Augustus Jagiellon (1520–1572), the last Jagiellonian King of Poland and the Grand Duke of Lithuania and the first King of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth. His reign was marked by dissemination of the classical images and figures in literature and art.
My research stresses the hypothesis that the classical images and symbols were regularly used in shaping and promotion the image of Sigismund Augustus. In particular, these classical symbols deriving from the antiquity strengthened the image of the royal authority in complicated circumstances, such as confrontation with the nobility, reformist Executionist movement, and preparation of the Polish–Lithuanian Union. Promotion of the royal image was made in several ways: via direct visual and textual propaganda and through connotations and context that arose simultaneously. My thesis argues that Sigismund Augustus was regularly compared with or instructed based on the prominent examples of the classical antiquity—Cyrus, Alexander the Great, Octavianus—and this contributed to strengthening of his political positions in early modern Poland. Methodology applied in my research includes art historical and historical methods, literature analysis, involves comparative analysis and broader European context, analysing early modern Central-Eastern Europe as an integral element of Renaissance European politics and culture.

The Making of a Soviet Hero: the Case of Spartacus, The Soviet and Post-Soviet Review (2020), Vol. 47, Issue 3, pp. 333-356., 2020
This article examines the process of establishing the image of ancient slave rebellion leader Spa... more This article examines the process of establishing the image of ancient slave rebellion leader Spartacus in the early Soviet era, with a focus on the 1920s and 1930s. Although the image of Spartacus in Soviet historiography has been investigated by scholars, the process of acculturation and reception of his figure within toponymy, onomastics, sport, and history-writing has not been researched as a holistic approach of Soviet propaganda. This article traces how and why Spartacus's image became the primary figure of the classical antiquity in Soviet propaganda of the 1920s. The article argues that it was not Soviet historiography in the 1920s that shaped his image to be embodied in the Soviet narratives and public space. Rather, art, local toponymy, and sports created and promoted a particularly Soviet reception of Spartacus in the 1920s and 1930s which provided implications for socialist Central-Eastern European countries in the post-World War II era.
Advance article was published online on June 25, 2020 at
The final version can be found at:

Creating the image of the King: the early modern woodcut of Sigismund Augustus from ‘Confessio fidei’ by Stanislaus Hosius, Text and Image: Essential Problems in Art History, 1(9), 2020, pp. 54-68., 2020
My article is devoted to the woodcut with the image of Polish King Sigismund II Augustus Jagiello... more My article is devoted to the woodcut with the image of Polish King Sigismund II Augustus Jagiellon (1520-1572) and to the possible authorship of this early modern emblem. The composition for the first time is noted in the second Vienna 1560 edition of ‘Confessio fidei’, written by Polish bishop and later – a Cardinal – Stanislaus Hosius (Stanisław Hozjusz). The same emblem is inserted in the 1561 Vienna edition, but is absent from all further reprints. At the same time, the National Museum in Cracow defines the origination of this woodcut from the city of Mainz and dates it back to 1557, however, in the existing exemplars of the 1557 print in The Princes Czartoryski Library and The Bavarian State Library in Munich this woodcut is not present. In my
article, I elucidate the artistic peculiarities of the composition of this emblem – the King’s portrait, the role of the framing of his figure with the dynastic and territorial coats of arms, and also analyse and translate the text of the 12-line poem in Latin. The poem interpreted the successes of
Sigismund II, firstly, with the origins of his name from the ancient Roman princeps Octavianus Augustus, and secondly, by the King’s faithfulness to the Catholic Church. Considering the appointment of Hosius as the nuncio to Vienna in 1559, the direct involvement of the bishop into the creation of this emblem is perceived as quite likely, especially in spite of Hosius’s activity in the Counter-Reformation processes in Europe. This was conducted for two purposes: in order to accomplish a specific didactic-catholic mission for Maximilian II Habsburg, as well as to promote the image of Sigismund Augustus in the international arena. In the article, the attention is focused on the ancient reminiscences, referred by the author, and the possible further research paths of the
classical reception are defined in the context of early modern Europe.

Religious ritualism as a factor of political struggle in the Late Roman Republic (60–50–s years of I century BC), 2018
In the article is researched the problem of religiosity of Roman society in
the middle of I centu... more In the article is researched the problem of religiosity of Roman society in
the middle of I century BC. The focus is given to the opportunities and concrete examples of use of religious ceremonies in political struggle, particularly for the termination of assemblies. The issue of signs and especially signs from heaven that are often mentioned in the sources of history of Late Republic is explored. The accent is given to the attitude of Cicero, Clodius and Caesar towards the ritualism and opportunities of using it in their own political interests. Among different sources about the republican period the one by Julius Obsequens, dedicated to religious signs in the history of Rome is used. It was found that during the period of the Late republic the mandatory rituals for the magistrates gradually were being transformed into formalities. The interpretation of the signs could be also used for political reasons. Nevertheless, it became a significant point of political struggle and abuse in the benefit of the First Triumvirate.
P.S. I am sorry I published it at the 'Hileya' journal which is considered by most of my Ukrainian colleauges as a non-trustful journal. Meanwhile, it was reviewed by one of my supervisors from Kyiv university, therefore (at least I hope), it does not acquire the low-level of some of the articles that may be published in 'Hileya' just as a report, not as a proper scientific contribution.

The article is dedicated to the analysis of the main methods of political struggle in Late Roman ... more The article is dedicated to the analysis of the main methods of political struggle in Late Roman republic based on Dio Cassius' Kokkeianos
"Roman history". The change of the main principles of political activities in late Republic are often considered by historians to be one of the reasons of for the decline of the republican system. At this time along with legal traditional methods of political struggle are actively used also both illegal methods and political practices, various manipulations to influence people. Information by Dio Cassius is an object of outstanding scientific value, especially actual for Ukrainian historicians of antique world due to some existing problems with translation of a number of books by this author.
Here are classified the most common methods, that existed in Roman political life, the problem of using of religious practices in somebody's own interests is shown in detail.
У статті описуються результати участі у Tandem-project влітку 2017 р. спільно із Університетом Ре... more У статті описуються результати участі у Tandem-project влітку 2017 р. спільно із Університетом Регенсбурга, Німеччина та освітній поїздці завдяки гранту від Євро-Азіатської Акредитаційної Асоціації місцями Реформації у Європі в серпні 2017 року.
Висловлюю вдячність фонду EVZ за можливість участі у проекті та подальшій публікації роботи.
In the article are described the results of participance in Tandem-project together with the University of Regensburg in summer 2017 and the scientific trip through the places of Reformation in Europe thanks to scholarship of Euro-Asian Accrediting Association in August, 2017.
I am grateful to the foundation of EVZ for the opportunity of participating in the project and the following publishing.
Conference Programs and Thesis by Oleksii Rudenko
Reception of 'Classical' Mediterranean Region in Jagiellonian Tapestries in Late Medieval and Early Modern Age (Abstract), 2020
This is an abstract of my presentation at the Third International Conference on Byzantine and Med... more This is an abstract of my presentation at the Third International Conference on Byzantine and Medieval Studies in Nicosia (17-19 January 2020).
Thessaloniki, Cultural Heritage and Narratives: Juxtaposing Greeks, Romans, Slavs, Byzantines and Turks (Abstract), 2019
This is an abstract of my paper, delivered at the conference 'Cultural Entanglement, Transfer and... more This is an abstract of my paper, delivered at the conference 'Cultural Entanglement, Transfer and Contention in Mediterranean Communities from Antiquity to the Present' at the Center for Eastern Mediterranean Studies, Central European University on May 30, 2019.
Абстракти доповідей та програма круглого столу "Демократія"
(1 грудня 2019 року)
Report on the workshop 'Digging Politics: The Ancient Past and Political Present in East-Central Europe' held at Durham University on 12-13 June 2019, written by Florian Ostrowski, 2019
Report on the workshop 'Digging Politics: The Ancient Past and Political Present in East-Central ... more Report on the workshop 'Digging Politics: The Ancient Past and Political Present in East-Central Europe' | H-Soz-Kult. Kommunikation und Fachinformation für die Geschichtswissenschaften | Geschichte im Netz | History in the web
Durham University, 12-13 June 2019, report written by Florian Ostrowski
by Department of Ancient and Medieval History (Kyiv), Stanislav Voloshchenko, Andrii Koval, Andriy Domanovsky, Illia Levchenko, Oleksii Rudenko, Artem Papakin, Olexiy Kupchenko-Grynchuk, Andrii Kepsha, Dmytro Dymydyuk, Roman Ivashko Роман Івашко, Вячеслав Ціватий, and Чернігівський Університет Abstracts of the papers and the programme of the International Scientific Conference «Ver Kyivien... more Abstracts of the papers and the programme of the International Scientific Conference «Ver Kyiviens: Societies of Medieval and Early Modern Times and their civilisation heritage», May, 16-17, 2019 / Ed. by O.Okhrimenko; Department of Ancient and Medieval History Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Kyiv, 2019. 160 p.
(in Ukrainian and English)
Papers by Oleksii Rudenko
Стаття розглядає тему образу останнього Ягеллона на троні Польського королівства та Великого князівства Литовського - Сигізмунда ІІ Августа (1520-1572) до 500-річного ювілею з дня його народження, що відзначався у серпні 2020 року. Стаття коротко описує польську та українську історіографію теми, а згодом звертається до проблеми створення іміджу ранньомодерного правителя, зокрема через порівняльний аспект із Габсбургами.
Published online at Lossi36:
My research stresses the hypothesis that the classical images and symbols were regularly used in shaping and promotion the image of Sigismund Augustus. In particular, these classical symbols deriving from the antiquity strengthened the image of the royal authority in complicated circumstances, such as confrontation with the nobility, reformist Executionist movement, and preparation of the Polish–Lithuanian Union. Promotion of the royal image was made in several ways: via direct visual and textual propaganda and through connotations and context that arose simultaneously. My thesis argues that Sigismund Augustus was regularly compared with or instructed based on the prominent examples of the classical antiquity—Cyrus, Alexander the Great, Octavianus—and this contributed to strengthening of his political positions in early modern Poland. Methodology applied in my research includes art historical and historical methods, literature analysis, involves comparative analysis and broader European context, analysing early modern Central-Eastern Europe as an integral element of Renaissance European politics and culture.
Advance article was published online on June 25, 2020 at
The final version can be found at:
article, I elucidate the artistic peculiarities of the composition of this emblem – the King’s portrait, the role of the framing of his figure with the dynastic and territorial coats of arms, and also analyse and translate the text of the 12-line poem in Latin. The poem interpreted the successes of
Sigismund II, firstly, with the origins of his name from the ancient Roman princeps Octavianus Augustus, and secondly, by the King’s faithfulness to the Catholic Church. Considering the appointment of Hosius as the nuncio to Vienna in 1559, the direct involvement of the bishop into the creation of this emblem is perceived as quite likely, especially in spite of Hosius’s activity in the Counter-Reformation processes in Europe. This was conducted for two purposes: in order to accomplish a specific didactic-catholic mission for Maximilian II Habsburg, as well as to promote the image of Sigismund Augustus in the international arena. In the article, the attention is focused on the ancient reminiscences, referred by the author, and the possible further research paths of the
classical reception are defined in the context of early modern Europe.
the middle of I century BC. The focus is given to the opportunities and concrete examples of use of religious ceremonies in political struggle, particularly for the termination of assemblies. The issue of signs and especially signs from heaven that are often mentioned in the sources of history of Late Republic is explored. The accent is given to the attitude of Cicero, Clodius and Caesar towards the ritualism and opportunities of using it in their own political interests. Among different sources about the republican period the one by Julius Obsequens, dedicated to religious signs in the history of Rome is used. It was found that during the period of the Late republic the mandatory rituals for the magistrates gradually were being transformed into formalities. The interpretation of the signs could be also used for political reasons. Nevertheless, it became a significant point of political struggle and abuse in the benefit of the First Triumvirate.
P.S. I am sorry I published it at the 'Hileya' journal which is considered by most of my Ukrainian colleauges as a non-trustful journal. Meanwhile, it was reviewed by one of my supervisors from Kyiv university, therefore (at least I hope), it does not acquire the low-level of some of the articles that may be published in 'Hileya' just as a report, not as a proper scientific contribution.
"Roman history". The change of the main principles of political activities in late Republic are often considered by historians to be one of the reasons of for the decline of the republican system. At this time along with legal traditional methods of political struggle are actively used also both illegal methods and political practices, various manipulations to influence people. Information by Dio Cassius is an object of outstanding scientific value, especially actual for Ukrainian historicians of antique world due to some existing problems with translation of a number of books by this author.
Here are classified the most common methods, that existed in Roman political life, the problem of using of religious practices in somebody's own interests is shown in detail.
Висловлюю вдячність фонду EVZ за можливість участі у проекті та подальшій публікації роботи.
In the article are described the results of participance in Tandem-project together with the University of Regensburg in summer 2017 and the scientific trip through the places of Reformation in Europe thanks to scholarship of Euro-Asian Accrediting Association in August, 2017.
I am grateful to the foundation of EVZ for the opportunity of participating in the project and the following publishing.
Conference Programs and Thesis by Oleksii Rudenko
Durham University, 12-13 June 2019, report written by Florian Ostrowski
(in Ukrainian and English)
Стаття розглядає тему образу останнього Ягеллона на троні Польського королівства та Великого князівства Литовського - Сигізмунда ІІ Августа (1520-1572) до 500-річного ювілею з дня його народження, що відзначався у серпні 2020 року. Стаття коротко описує польську та українську історіографію теми, а згодом звертається до проблеми створення іміджу ранньомодерного правителя, зокрема через порівняльний аспект із Габсбургами.
Published online at Lossi36:
My research stresses the hypothesis that the classical images and symbols were regularly used in shaping and promotion the image of Sigismund Augustus. In particular, these classical symbols deriving from the antiquity strengthened the image of the royal authority in complicated circumstances, such as confrontation with the nobility, reformist Executionist movement, and preparation of the Polish–Lithuanian Union. Promotion of the royal image was made in several ways: via direct visual and textual propaganda and through connotations and context that arose simultaneously. My thesis argues that Sigismund Augustus was regularly compared with or instructed based on the prominent examples of the classical antiquity—Cyrus, Alexander the Great, Octavianus—and this contributed to strengthening of his political positions in early modern Poland. Methodology applied in my research includes art historical and historical methods, literature analysis, involves comparative analysis and broader European context, analysing early modern Central-Eastern Europe as an integral element of Renaissance European politics and culture.
Advance article was published online on June 25, 2020 at
The final version can be found at:
article, I elucidate the artistic peculiarities of the composition of this emblem – the King’s portrait, the role of the framing of his figure with the dynastic and territorial coats of arms, and also analyse and translate the text of the 12-line poem in Latin. The poem interpreted the successes of
Sigismund II, firstly, with the origins of his name from the ancient Roman princeps Octavianus Augustus, and secondly, by the King’s faithfulness to the Catholic Church. Considering the appointment of Hosius as the nuncio to Vienna in 1559, the direct involvement of the bishop into the creation of this emblem is perceived as quite likely, especially in spite of Hosius’s activity in the Counter-Reformation processes in Europe. This was conducted for two purposes: in order to accomplish a specific didactic-catholic mission for Maximilian II Habsburg, as well as to promote the image of Sigismund Augustus in the international arena. In the article, the attention is focused on the ancient reminiscences, referred by the author, and the possible further research paths of the
classical reception are defined in the context of early modern Europe.
the middle of I century BC. The focus is given to the opportunities and concrete examples of use of religious ceremonies in political struggle, particularly for the termination of assemblies. The issue of signs and especially signs from heaven that are often mentioned in the sources of history of Late Republic is explored. The accent is given to the attitude of Cicero, Clodius and Caesar towards the ritualism and opportunities of using it in their own political interests. Among different sources about the republican period the one by Julius Obsequens, dedicated to religious signs in the history of Rome is used. It was found that during the period of the Late republic the mandatory rituals for the magistrates gradually were being transformed into formalities. The interpretation of the signs could be also used for political reasons. Nevertheless, it became a significant point of political struggle and abuse in the benefit of the First Triumvirate.
P.S. I am sorry I published it at the 'Hileya' journal which is considered by most of my Ukrainian colleauges as a non-trustful journal. Meanwhile, it was reviewed by one of my supervisors from Kyiv university, therefore (at least I hope), it does not acquire the low-level of some of the articles that may be published in 'Hileya' just as a report, not as a proper scientific contribution.
"Roman history". The change of the main principles of political activities in late Republic are often considered by historians to be one of the reasons of for the decline of the republican system. At this time along with legal traditional methods of political struggle are actively used also both illegal methods and political practices, various manipulations to influence people. Information by Dio Cassius is an object of outstanding scientific value, especially actual for Ukrainian historicians of antique world due to some existing problems with translation of a number of books by this author.
Here are classified the most common methods, that existed in Roman political life, the problem of using of religious practices in somebody's own interests is shown in detail.
Висловлюю вдячність фонду EVZ за можливість участі у проекті та подальшій публікації роботи.
In the article are described the results of participance in Tandem-project together with the University of Regensburg in summer 2017 and the scientific trip through the places of Reformation in Europe thanks to scholarship of Euro-Asian Accrediting Association in August, 2017.
I am grateful to the foundation of EVZ for the opportunity of participating in the project and the following publishing.
Durham University, 12-13 June 2019, report written by Florian Ostrowski
(in Ukrainian and English)