Conference Programs and Thesis by Andrii Kepsha
by Department of Ancient and Medieval History (Kyiv), Stanislav Voloshchenko, Andrii Koval, Andriy Domanovsky, Illia Levchenko, Oleksii Rudenko, Artem Papakin, Olexiy Kupchenko-Grynchuk, Andrii Kepsha, Dmytro Dymydyuk, Roman Ivashko Роман Івашко, Вячеслав Ціватий, and Чернігівський Університет Abstracts of the papers and the programme of the International Scientific Conference «Ver Kyivien... more Abstracts of the papers and the programme of the International Scientific Conference «Ver Kyiviens: Societies of Medieval and Early Modern Times and their civilisation heritage», May, 16-17, 2019 / Ed. by O.Okhrimenko; Department of Ancient and Medieval History Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Kyiv, 2019. 160 p.
(in Ukrainian and English)
Papers by Andrii Kepsha

Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. History
The Crusades have always provoked different reactions of the inhabitants of Europe. The participa... more The Crusades have always provoked different reactions of the inhabitants of Europe. The participants of the crusades tried to achieve their own goals – redemption, to escape from a difficult life, opportunities for enrichment, approach to God, spreading political or ecclesiastical power etc. Despite the motives of the participants, which could be really opposite to each other, next generations perceived and reproduced these events differently. If the society of the Enlightenment condemned the Crusades as a manifestation of cruelty and religious fanaticism, the romance of the 19th century glorified the heroes of the movement for devotion, honor, nobility and feats. Scientific studies of the Crusades of the 1950s and 1960s formed the main views on the phenomenon. This was done thanks to a number of scientists – S. Ransiman, K. Setton, J. Riley-Smith etc. They have formed the basic principles of research and created main works that are relevant to our time. Subsequent generations of sc...

Scientific Herald of Uzhhorod University. Series: History
The issue of the history of the Crusades has been researched for many years. During the twentieth... more The issue of the history of the Crusades has been researched for many years. During the twentieth century the foundation of further research was laid by K. Setton and S. Runciman. Undoubtedly, subsequent generations expanded the range of studies of the Crusades. J. Riley-Smith, C. Hillenbrand, Ch. Tyerman, J. Phillips, D. Nicolle, M. Barber and many other scholars have detailed some aspects of the Crusades. It should be noted that from the end of the XX - beginning of the XXI century. more and more attention began to be paid to the role of women in the history of the Crusades, the lower social classes, the vision of the movement from the point of view of Muslims, the role of natural, including climatic, factors, and so on. It is generally accepted in scientific world that the First Crusade was the most successful, and created the preconditions of the Franks presence in Outremer. But it should be noted that researches over the past few decades have shed light on one of the most impor...

Scientific Herald of Uzhhorod University; Series: History, 2022
The issue of the history of the Crusades has been researched for many years. During the twentieth... more The issue of the history of the Crusades has been researched for many years. During the twentieth century the foundation of further research was laid by K. Setton and S. Runciman. Undoubtedly, subsequent generations expanded the range of studies of the Crusades. J. Riley-Smith, C. Hillenbrand, Ch. Tyerman, J. Phillips, D. Nicolle, M. Barber and many other scholars have detailed some aspects of the Crusades. It should be noted that from the end of the XX - beginning of the XXI century. more and more attention began to be paid to the role of women in the history of the Crusades, the lower social classes, the vision of the movement from the point of view of Muslims, the role of natural, including climatic, factors, and so on. It is generally accepted in scientific world that the First Crusade was the most successful, and created the preconditions of the Franks presence in Outremer. But it should be noted that researches over the past few decades have shed light on one of the most important reasons for the success of the First Crusade – the political situation in the region among the Muslims. Many works of researchers are devoted to the events of 1095–1099, which continue to reveal new aspects of the course of those distant events.
The Gesta is one of the most important sources available to us, covering the events of the First Crusade. Despite the fact that the issue of authorship remains controversial, the reliability of the source is high. The probable participant (or the author who recorded the events from an eyewitness) describes in detail not only the course of military and political events, but also records natural signs, miraculous visions, the appearance of saints and Jesus himself in the spirit of his time. Saints take an active part in the course of hostilities, help the Crusaders find relics, inspire them to perform feats. Nature, dreams, visions, relics appear as participants of the campaign, who influenced and could change the course of those events. What exactly does the author consider appropriate to record, what significance does he attach to these phenomena, how does he interpret them? The Gesta invites us to look at natural and symbolic phenomena from a different perspective and gives us an opportunity to understand the people from those far ages much better.

Uzhhorod National University , 2022
Історична наука часто постає жертвою багатьох стереотипів, масової культури та застарілих уявлень... more Історична наука часто постає жертвою багатьох стереотипів, масової культури та застарілих уявлень про наше минуле. Звісно, епоха середніх віків не є виключенням. Навіть термін «середні віки», який є невід'ємною частиною класичної періодизації історії (європейської, перш за все), з'явився і закоренився фактично ще з часів 15-16-го століть. Як з'явився цей термін, коли та хто його вигадав не є предметом нашого огляду. Але період в приблизно 1000 років (як один з наслідків) постає перед нами в кращому разі досить безлико, як щось середнє між класичним античним грекоримським світом та яскравою епохою нового часу. Що важливо, уявлення про епоху середньовіччя формувалось саме в період Нового часу, тому й постав в наших уявленням з багатьма неправильними й часто просто несправедливими рисами. Однією з таких рис, зокрема, є інша назва епохи «темні віки». Предметом нинішнього огляду є праця Matthew Gabriele та David M. Perry «The Bright Ages». Matthew Gabriele є професором середньовічних студій та професором кафедри релігії та культури в університеті Вірджинії. Вчений є автором багатьох праць, присвячених історії середньовіччя, зокрема таких тем як пам'ять та легенди про Карла Великого, франків, Єрусалим, Перший хрестовий похід тощо ( David M. Perryісторик середньовіччя, журналіст, старший науковий співробітник кафедри історії в університеті Мінесоти, та колишній співробітник Домініканського університету. Наукова діяльність вченого присвячена таким темам як Четвертий хрестовий похід, проблематиці батьківства, людей з вадами тощо в епоху середньовіччя. Він є автором численних наукових праць, статей, монографій ( Їхня праця «The Bright Ages» з'явилась в грудні 2021 року й стала предметом обговорень на міжнародному вченому рівні. Як можемо побачити із назви книги («The Bright Ages»-«Яскраві віки») автори обрали протилежний підхід до відомої назви епохи-«темні віки». Фактично, праця є спробою подивитись на період Середньовіччя з протилежної точки зору, яка довгий час панувала/панує в науковому світі та серед широкого загалу. Автори ставлять під сумнів хронологічні (476 та 1453/1492 рік) та географічні рамки епохи, такі її риси як занепад ремесел, наук, міст тощо. Вчені ставлять запитання, чи дійсно розірвався зв'язок між класичним античним світом та епохою Нового часу. Matthew Gabriele та David M. Perry розпочинають розгляд подій з міста Равенна приблизно 430-х років в храмі Galla Placidia, яке без перебільшень було політичним та культурним центром Західної Римської імперії у зв'язку із послабленням Риму. Перед нами постає нове бачення хронологічних та географічних рамок. Розповідь авторів розпочинається в Італії, і на завершення епохи нам пропонують опинитись в тому самому місті, разом з видатним Данте Аліг'єрі в 14-му столітті. Глава перша присвячена важливому питанню з точки зору трансформації тодішнього світу. Цю трансформацію можна коротко описати як «Рим не занепав» (на противагу класичному уявленню, що епоха стародавнього світу скінчилась із падінням Зх. Римської імперії). Автори пропонують свій власний погляд на трансформацію Римської імперії, зокрема, об'єднання готів та римлян. Також

Bulletin Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv , 2021
The Crusades have always provoked different reactions of the inhabitants of Europe. The participa... more The Crusades have always provoked different reactions of the inhabitants of Europe. The participants of the crusades tried to achieve their own goals – redemption, to escape from a difficult life, opportunities for enrichment, approach to God, spreading political or ecclesiastical power etc. Despite the motives of the participants, which could be really opposite to each other, next generations perceived and reproduced these events differently. If the society of the Enlightenment condemned the Crusades as a manifestation of cruelty and religious fanaticism, the romance of the 19th century glorified the heroes of the movement for devotion, honor, nobility and feats.
Scientific studies of the Crusades of the 1950s and 1960s formed the main views on the phenomenon. This was done thanks to a number of scientists – S. Ransiman, K. Setton, J. Riley-Smith etc. They have formed the basic principles of research and created main works that are relevant to our time. Subsequent generations of scholars have rethought a number of views on the history of the Crusades and revealed new aspects of previously unexplored issues. Views on the participation of "younger sons" in the campaigns, religious bigotry as the main factor of the movement, the bloody confrontation with Muslims as the basic principle of the existence of the Crusaders in Outremer were changed. Scientists such as F.Gabrieli, T.Madden, J.Phillips, M.Amin, A.Boas, N.Godgson, N.Christie looked at already known events from other points of view – through the eyes of locals in Outremer and Muslims, women, travellers etc.
New studies of the Crusades in terms of race, gender, religion, denominations, symbols, etc. provide a better understanding of the events of the Crusades and shed light on the dark corners of the distant past.

Bulletin Taras Shevchenko National University , 2021
The Crusades have always provoked different reactions of the inhabitants of Europe. The participa... more The Crusades have always provoked different reactions of the inhabitants of Europe. The participants of the crusades tried to achieve their own goals – redemption, to escape from a difficult life, opportunities for enrichment, approach to God, spreading political or ecclesiastical power etc. Despite the motives of the participants, which could be really opposite to each other, next generations perceived and reproduced these events differently. If the society of the Enlightenment condemned the Crusades as a manifestation of cruelty and religious fanaticism, the romance of the 19th century glorified the heroes of the movement for devotion, honor, nobility and feats.
Scientific studies of the Crusades of the 1950s and 1960s formed the main views on the phenomenon. This was done thanks to a number of scientists – S. Ransiman, K. Setton, J. Riley-Smith etc. They have formed the basic principles of research and created main works that are relevant to our time. Subsequent generations of scholars have rethought a number of views on the history of the Crusades and revealed new aspects of previously unexplored issues. Views on the participation of "younger sons" in the campaigns, religious bigotry as the main factor of the movement, the bloody confrontation with Muslims as the basic principle of the existence of the Crusaders in Outremer were changed. Scientists such as F.Gabrieli, T.Madden, J.Phillips, M.Amin, A.Boas, N.Godgson, N.Christie looked at already known events from other points of view – through the eyes of locals in Outremer and Muslims, women, travellers etc.
New studies of the Crusades in terms of race, gender, religion, denominations, symbols, etc. provide a better understanding of the events of the Crusades and shed light on the dark corners of the distant past.

Науковий вісник Ужгородського університету, серія “Історія”, 2019
The article deals with the work of the medieval Arabic author Usama ibn Munkidh "The Book of Cont... more The article deals with the work of the medieval Arabic author Usama ibn Munkidh "The Book of Contemplation". This work, which was found in Madrid at the Escorial Museum, aroused the interest of the scientific community at the time, as it gave an opportunity to look at the famous events of the XI-XII centuries on the contrary for Christians of Europe. As the author of the work held a high social status and was actively involved in the political turmoil of the era, this work makes it possible to consider events from the perspective of both the participant and the observant observer. It is worth noting that Usama ibn Munkidh was descended from the Banu Munkiz clan who owned the Shazar - a fortified fortress and settlement that was en route from Aleppo to Damascus, the main centers of what was then Syria. In addition, a good education eventually made it possible for the author of “The Book of Contemplation” to be involved in services for the main political figures of the era from Cairo to Damascus. Active political activity, which made it possible to communicate with a representative of the world of Islam of different trends, as well as with Christians of different denominations, created conditions for the formation of the image of the "enemy", not always expected and predicted. The author concludes that the concept of "enemy" did not always encompass the "Franks" who, during the events of the First Crusade, seized lands in the Middle East, creating new states and displacing Muslims. Moreover, even "franks" as such do not in all cases appear as a single concept, which under different circumstances acquires different colors. Thus, the analysis of this work makes it possible to understand the complexity of the political situation in the Holy Land of the XI-XII centuries, to look at the events from the point of view of Muslims who have been invaded by the Christians, and ultimately to reject the stereotypical view of these events as a confrontation between the two "of the worlds ”- Christians and Muslims.
Different perception of these events by Christians and Muslims (even in modern world) can be seen in works of participants and eyewitnesses of that events. It is widely agreed that scientific world has opportunities to research medieval and modern approaches to eyewitnessing and narratology as an analytical tool.
Conference Programs and Thesis by Andrii Kepsha
(in Ukrainian and English)
Papers by Andrii Kepsha
The Gesta is one of the most important sources available to us, covering the events of the First Crusade. Despite the fact that the issue of authorship remains controversial, the reliability of the source is high. The probable participant (or the author who recorded the events from an eyewitness) describes in detail not only the course of military and political events, but also records natural signs, miraculous visions, the appearance of saints and Jesus himself in the spirit of his time. Saints take an active part in the course of hostilities, help the Crusaders find relics, inspire them to perform feats. Nature, dreams, visions, relics appear as participants of the campaign, who influenced and could change the course of those events. What exactly does the author consider appropriate to record, what significance does he attach to these phenomena, how does he interpret them? The Gesta invites us to look at natural and symbolic phenomena from a different perspective and gives us an opportunity to understand the people from those far ages much better.
Scientific studies of the Crusades of the 1950s and 1960s formed the main views on the phenomenon. This was done thanks to a number of scientists – S. Ransiman, K. Setton, J. Riley-Smith etc. They have formed the basic principles of research and created main works that are relevant to our time. Subsequent generations of scholars have rethought a number of views on the history of the Crusades and revealed new aspects of previously unexplored issues. Views on the participation of "younger sons" in the campaigns, religious bigotry as the main factor of the movement, the bloody confrontation with Muslims as the basic principle of the existence of the Crusaders in Outremer were changed. Scientists such as F.Gabrieli, T.Madden, J.Phillips, M.Amin, A.Boas, N.Godgson, N.Christie looked at already known events from other points of view – through the eyes of locals in Outremer and Muslims, women, travellers etc.
New studies of the Crusades in terms of race, gender, religion, denominations, symbols, etc. provide a better understanding of the events of the Crusades and shed light on the dark corners of the distant past.
Scientific studies of the Crusades of the 1950s and 1960s formed the main views on the phenomenon. This was done thanks to a number of scientists – S. Ransiman, K. Setton, J. Riley-Smith etc. They have formed the basic principles of research and created main works that are relevant to our time. Subsequent generations of scholars have rethought a number of views on the history of the Crusades and revealed new aspects of previously unexplored issues. Views on the participation of "younger sons" in the campaigns, religious bigotry as the main factor of the movement, the bloody confrontation with Muslims as the basic principle of the existence of the Crusaders in Outremer were changed. Scientists such as F.Gabrieli, T.Madden, J.Phillips, M.Amin, A.Boas, N.Godgson, N.Christie looked at already known events from other points of view – through the eyes of locals in Outremer and Muslims, women, travellers etc.
New studies of the Crusades in terms of race, gender, religion, denominations, symbols, etc. provide a better understanding of the events of the Crusades and shed light on the dark corners of the distant past.
Different perception of these events by Christians and Muslims (even in modern world) can be seen in works of participants and eyewitnesses of that events. It is widely agreed that scientific world has opportunities to research medieval and modern approaches to eyewitnessing and narratology as an analytical tool.
(in Ukrainian and English)
The Gesta is one of the most important sources available to us, covering the events of the First Crusade. Despite the fact that the issue of authorship remains controversial, the reliability of the source is high. The probable participant (or the author who recorded the events from an eyewitness) describes in detail not only the course of military and political events, but also records natural signs, miraculous visions, the appearance of saints and Jesus himself in the spirit of his time. Saints take an active part in the course of hostilities, help the Crusaders find relics, inspire them to perform feats. Nature, dreams, visions, relics appear as participants of the campaign, who influenced and could change the course of those events. What exactly does the author consider appropriate to record, what significance does he attach to these phenomena, how does he interpret them? The Gesta invites us to look at natural and symbolic phenomena from a different perspective and gives us an opportunity to understand the people from those far ages much better.
Scientific studies of the Crusades of the 1950s and 1960s formed the main views on the phenomenon. This was done thanks to a number of scientists – S. Ransiman, K. Setton, J. Riley-Smith etc. They have formed the basic principles of research and created main works that are relevant to our time. Subsequent generations of scholars have rethought a number of views on the history of the Crusades and revealed new aspects of previously unexplored issues. Views on the participation of "younger sons" in the campaigns, religious bigotry as the main factor of the movement, the bloody confrontation with Muslims as the basic principle of the existence of the Crusaders in Outremer were changed. Scientists such as F.Gabrieli, T.Madden, J.Phillips, M.Amin, A.Boas, N.Godgson, N.Christie looked at already known events from other points of view – through the eyes of locals in Outremer and Muslims, women, travellers etc.
New studies of the Crusades in terms of race, gender, religion, denominations, symbols, etc. provide a better understanding of the events of the Crusades and shed light on the dark corners of the distant past.
Scientific studies of the Crusades of the 1950s and 1960s formed the main views on the phenomenon. This was done thanks to a number of scientists – S. Ransiman, K. Setton, J. Riley-Smith etc. They have formed the basic principles of research and created main works that are relevant to our time. Subsequent generations of scholars have rethought a number of views on the history of the Crusades and revealed new aspects of previously unexplored issues. Views on the participation of "younger sons" in the campaigns, religious bigotry as the main factor of the movement, the bloody confrontation with Muslims as the basic principle of the existence of the Crusaders in Outremer were changed. Scientists such as F.Gabrieli, T.Madden, J.Phillips, M.Amin, A.Boas, N.Godgson, N.Christie looked at already known events from other points of view – through the eyes of locals in Outremer and Muslims, women, travellers etc.
New studies of the Crusades in terms of race, gender, religion, denominations, symbols, etc. provide a better understanding of the events of the Crusades and shed light on the dark corners of the distant past.
Different perception of these events by Christians and Muslims (even in modern world) can be seen in works of participants and eyewitnesses of that events. It is widely agreed that scientific world has opportunities to research medieval and modern approaches to eyewitnessing and narratology as an analytical tool.