Papers by Stanislav Voloshchenko

Text and Image: Essential Problems in Art History, 2024
The purpose of this article is to restore the place of Helena Ettinger’s research in the study of... more The purpose of this article is to restore the place of Helena Ettinger’s research in the study of medieval manuscripts during the 1930s. Due to incomplete evidence and the loss of her work, The Illuminations and Miniatures of Greek and Cyrillic Manuscripts of the 9th–15th Centuries (1935–1936), Helena Ettinger’s position among researchers in Ukrainian bibliographic studies remains undetermined. Her activities as a research associate in the manuscript department of the Library of the Academy of Sciences and the State Historical Library have been limited to a descriptive level in reference publications. The article draws on archival documents from the Institute of Manuscripts at the Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine and the New York Public Library. It also employs prosopography and comparative biographical methods to reconstruct the scholar’s biography more comprehensively. Based on the preserved introduction and reviews by Mykola Heppener and Serhiy Maslov, the article provides qualitative insights into Ettinger’s lost work. The authors note that Ettinger used the term ornamentation to mean illumination and clarify other terms she employed (e.g., Cyrillic, index, defects). Ettinger's methodological approach surpassed the prevailing practices of her 1930s contemporaries by extending beyond textology and palaeography to incorporate codicology and visual studies. Ettinger carried out meticulous work in compiling collection descriptions, editing predecessor records to establish a uniform standard, creating methodical instructions for miniature descriptions, and contributing to exhibition efforts. Her connections included writer Ivan Le and American ethnologist Stella Marek Cushing, and her interests extended to ethnographic materials. Ettinger’s scientific contributions—such as the stylistic comparison of Greek and Cyrillic medieval manuscripts based on decoration, her linguistic expertise, and her maintenance of international scholarly contacts—along with her background (stemming from a dekulakized Jewish family), may have adversely affected her fate. Her sudden dismissal from the library and her subsequent disappearance during the German-Soviet war remain unexplained.

Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, 2024
This article updates the issue of identifying and attributing Cyrillic fragments of the Middle Ag... more This article updates the issue of identifying and attributing Cyrillic fragments of the Middle Ages using the example of the Apostolus Christinopolitanus of the 12th century. The purpose of the study is to fact-check two fragments that supposedly belong to the codex and their attribution. The article's methodology is built on the principles of scientific systematicity, integrity, objectivity, and historicism. During the writing of the research, general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, and deduction were used; general-historical: chronological, problem-thematic, and archival heuristics, as well as specific ones, which are used in the study of written sources. The textology methods contribute to identifying the content of fragments; the methods of palaeography and codicology indicate the inconsistency of the selected fragments with the Apostolus Christinopolitanus. The scientific novelty is that for the first time, the fact of belonging to the Apostolus Christinopolitanus of two fragments in Canada and Romania has been disproved, and thus their new attribution has been realized. Conclusions. On the example of two parchment fragments kept in Ottawa (Canada) and Bucharest (Romania), the question of historical memory and the phenomenon of attribution of heritage is raised. The results of the identification of the fragment from the Archive of Oleksandr Kolessa in Ottawa and the manuscript Ms. Sl. 790 from the Library of the Romanian Academy of Sciences, which were considered by Iraida Gerus-Tarnavetska, Iryna Matiash (Ottawa fragment), and Maria Korogodina (Bucharest fragment) to be parts of Apostolus Christinopolitanus of the 12th century. The research establishes mistakes made by experts when describing these fragments and falsifying the artefacts due to incorrect attribution, which is related to the identification of the Ottawa and Bucharest fragments with the Apostolus Christinopolitanus. The article proves that the claimed fragments are not part of the Apostolus Christinopolitanus and never belonged to it. A new attribution of the manuscripts shows that the Ottawa fragment is the folio 10 from the Buchach Gospel of the 13th century, and the Bucharest fragment is the Complete Apostol aprakos of the 12th–13th centuries.

The Studies into the History of the Book and Book Collections, 2024
In this research, colophons are studied as an essential component of Cyrillic codices, which were... more In this research, colophons are studied as an essential component of Cyrillic codices, which were created on the lands of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Crown of Poland (later the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth). To write the study, the author analysed more than seventy colophons preserved in manuscripts from the collections of libraries in Lithuania, Poland, Russia, and Ukraine. The earliest colophon is contained in the “Lviv Gospel completed (full) aprakos” 1477, and the latest – the “Kotsuriv Gospel” 1600. The study of the text’s structure showed that these colophons belonged to six types with two subtypes, the classifying feature of which was the initial formula. A detailed analysis of the content of each colophon showed that the main components were the recording of the book’s title, the name of its copyist, its origin, time and place of publication, and mention of the customer or buyer. The analysis of the colophons illustrated the phenomenon of authorial statements of scribes, which consisted of explaining the motives of their work, an idea of their mission, instructions to readers, or a request to correct errors in the text. In the colophons 1594 and 1595 by Stepan Popovych, who was from Trushevychi village, the inadmissibility of stealing codices with an appeal to the Holy Scriptures, in particular the passage Hbr 10,31 with its author’s interpretation, was emphasised quite extensively.

Apostolus Christinopolitanus of the Twelfth Century: Facsimile Edition and Codicological Research, 2023
In 2009, the Horobets Publishing House launched the project Returning cultural heritage to Ukrain... more In 2009, the Horobets Publishing House launched the project Returning cultural heritage to Ukraine, designed to make available to scientists
and everyone interested in cultural heritage, facsimile editions of the medieval codices of Rus-Ukraine, which nowadays belong to foreign
gatherings. Such handwritten books include the Apostolus Christinopolitanus of the 12th century, three parts of which are kept in the collections of
Ukraine and the Republic of Poland. The main part of the medieval manuscript in the form of a codex is in the storage of the Lviv Historical Museum (Inv. No. MS 39, 291 folios). The other two parts are fragments and belong to the collections of the Institute of Manuscripts of the V. Vernadskyi
National Library of Ukraine (Collection 8, no. 3M, 8 folios) and the Princes Czartoryski Library of the National Museum in Kraków (No. MS 11601,
4 folios). The Apostolus Christinopolitanus is a unique parchment manuscript written in Rus-Ukraine in the 12th century. The codex is the oldest and most complete translation of the Acts and Epistles of the Apostles to the Church Slavonic language. The proposed edition consists of an introductory
article by Oleksandr Okhrimenko, dedicated to the book culture of medieval Europe and Rus-Ukraine; a complete photocopy of all three parts of the
Apostolus Christinopolitanus, known as of 2023; a codicological study of the manuscript prepared by archim. Methodius (Stanislav) Voloshchenko.

This review is dedicated to the debut exhibition of Lviv artist Arsen Shpak. The exhibition calle... more This review is dedicated to the debut exhibition of Lviv artist Arsen Shpak. The exhibition called "Drawing" opened in Lviv, at the Vinyl Club music space, on June 25, 2022. For connoisseurs of the art of drawing, the artist offered thirteen of his own graphic works. The exhibited objects are an exclusively new series of the author's works and were shown for the first time. The work on their creation is largely due to the beginning of the full-scale open invasion of the Russian troops on the territory of Ukraine on February 24, 2022. In my review, the first thing I talk about is the identity of the author, which includes short biographical notes, the stages of his formation, first of all, as an artist, as well as a restorer, which contributes to a better understanding the peculiarities of his work. The proposed text presents the first description of Arsen Shpak's drawings. Attention is focused on the material of his works, performance technique, and analysis of plots. The exhibited objects were created by the author with a graphite pencil on drawing paper, formats A3 and B2. The author demonstrated drawings in passe-partout and anti-frames. His works are characterized by conciseness and simplicity of forms, which are realized through the use of geometric structures. Geometry permeates all drawings, even in the case of anthropological subjects. Eleven works are devoted to female subjects and two to exclusively geometric figures. Female images are characterized by clearly expressed gestural aspects, which are manifested in the cheekbones, features of the gaze of the depicted, as well as masculine features. The works, primarily anthropological, are characterized by sacred interspersions, which are transmitted through the halos above the heads of his characters. Analysis of Arsen Shpak's works proved that the presented graphics were significantly influenced by the tragedy of war, as it was embodied in the emotionality of his heroes, in part, their sadness, pain, and longing, but at the same time with a sense of victory in the fight against evil. Publishing his work to the general public opened up prospects for the artist's further searches and their embodiment in new works.

Biblioteka, 2022
One of the important Cyrillic medieval manuscripts from Kievan Rus is the Apostolus C... more One of the important Cyrillic medieval manuscripts from Kievan Rus is the Apostolus Christinopolitanus – a 12th-century codex which is now separated into two parts that are preserved (though some fragments have been lost) in Kyiv (Insti-tute of Manuscript of V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine, since 1927) and Lviv (history Museum of Lviv, since 1948). This article discusses four parchment folia from Kraków (The Princes Czartoryski Library, Poland) discovered in July 2020. Paleographical, orthographical, linguistic and textological features indicate that this section is the previously lost part of the Apostolus Christinopolitanus (excerpts from Act 13,5–20, 15,29–16,4, 1Tim 4,8–5,4 and 2Tim 1,10–2,4). The Kraków folia are the continuation of the Kyiv part and the beginning and final part of the Lviv part of the codex. The Kraków part was detached before 1888, when the manuscript was shown to the public at the Lviv Stauropegion Institute Exhibition and described and foliated for the catalogue by Antonij Petruševič. This article contains photocopies of all of the newly-discovered fragments.

Z Badań nad Książką i Księgozbiorami Historycznymi, 2022
This article is devoted to the recently attributed eight parchment strips stored in the Сollectio... more This article is devoted to the recently attributed eight parchment strips stored in the Сollection of the Archdiocese Archives in Gniezno (MS Fragm. 244). These fragments have not previously appeared in the scientific literature, so the main purpose of this publication is to inform the scientific community about the new sources and their introduction into circulation. All the bits are written with the Ustav script. These fragments were separated from two different Church Slavonic codices as the analysis of handwriting and the content has shown. Six strips belong to the one manuscript with the text from the New Testament. These are two incomplete passages from Eph 3,14–21 and Eph 4,14–16, that allow identifying the original codex as Apostol Aprakos. Two other strips from the liturgical codex. They contain excerpts from prayers, which were read at the evening service on the eve of the feast of the Trinity. The attribution of the content of these two strips has allowed us to consider them an additional part of the Liturgiсon. Those fragments may be dated to the 12th–13th centuries according to the studies of the material side of the pieces, palaeography of scripts, graphic and orthographic identification, and linguistic features.

The proposed article is devoted to the issue of preservation from possible damage to the national... more The proposed article is devoted to the issue of preservation from possible damage to the national heritage of the Garrison Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul (Jesuit Church or Society of Jesus), as well as the Church of St. Paraskeva Friday in Lviv during the Russian-Ukrainian war (2014 – present). Circumstances of the full-scale military invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine on February 24, 2022, necessitated the immediate need to protect the country's cultural heritage. The urgency of the security component of the preservation of art objects was dictated by missile attacks in almost all regions of Ukraine, including the Lviv region. The security measures in which
the authors of the article took part were conditioned by the possibility of rocket attacks on sacred monuments of Lviv and the possibility of their damage by fire or mechanical damage. These cultural values include altars, wooden sculptures, decorative elements, organs, and objects on the canvas of the Garrison Church, as well as a six-row wooden iconostasis of the Church of St.Paraskeva. The specifics of the material of art objects, their size, location, and in part restoration work, made it difficult to evacuate and preserve them in new circumstances. The authors characterize the newly acquired experience of securing the heritage of the 17th – 20th centuries. refractory materials in the outlined Lviv religious buildings. The article deals with artifacts that have been protected from the effects of missile damage. The stages of monument protection work are covered, which first of all consisted in the selection and classification of refractory and heat-resistant materials, team involvement, photo-fixing, marking, inventory of objects, direct security of art objects. The authors express their recommendations for practical solutions in uncertain conditions, since, for the first time since the restoration of Ukraine’s independence, such a practice has been used in architectural monuments of national importance in

Z Badań nad Książką i Księgozbiorami Historycznymi , 2022
This article is dedicated to the study of the history of the Cyrillic Four Gospels BJ 941 from th... more This article is dedicated to the study of the history of the Cyrillic Four Gospels BJ 941 from the manuscript section of the Department of Special Collections of the Jagiellonian Library in Krakow. The study de nes that the Gospels were rewritten on a paper variety, the identi cation of its watermarks implies that the book was created in the last third of the 16th century. The analysis of the manuscript margins indicates that the manuscript was rewritten and purchased in Stryi, in the former Przemyśl region. The study of four gift records of the 16th and 17th centuries draws an understanding of how the manuscript has functioned and migrated at the appointed time. First, after the purchase, the codex was donated to the church of Paraskeva Piatnytsa in the Pietniczany village in the Lviv region. In 1641 the codex was gifted over to the Church of the Beheading of John the Baptist in Rozhysche, Sataniv povit. Between 1649 and 1678 the Gospels were presented to the Church of the Intercession of the Virgin in Vinnytsia. In 1678 the book appeared in the Church of the Intercession in the village of Nekhaiky in the Cherkasy region. In the 19th century, the Gospels belonged to the private library of Stanisław Krzyżanowski, who in 1870 donated the manuscript to the Jagiellonian Library.

Konštatínove listy, 2022
The study is dedicated to the manuscript of Four-Gospels W 150 from the Chester Beatty Library Co... more The study is dedicated to the manuscript of Four-Gospels W 150 from the Chester Beatty Library Collection (Dublin, Republic of Ireland). The publication consists of four aspects that disclose the history of the creation, provenance, usage, and migrations of the manuscript. A detailed paleographic and codicological study of the Gospels made it possible to determine the exact location of its production – village of Pniv (Ivano-Frankivsk oblast, Ukraine) in the first half of the 17th c., by local priest Ioanne. The study of the inscriptions of 1640, 1641, and 1738 showed the purchase of the book by the family of Kostya and Anastasia, together with their sons Gryd and Stepan, daughter Agafia, son-in-law Petrash, daughter-in-law Christina and Maria, as well as grandchildren. The motive of giving the Gospels to the church in the village Yasinia (Transcarpathian region, Ukraine) was concerned with the salvation of their souls. Spouses Ivan and Olena Strukov and Pavlo Gryd were worried about keeping the codex and together paid for a new binding in 1738. The artistic component of the manuscript was also investigated, which made it possible to find out the identity of the author of drawings. As a result of the research, it was possible to reconstruct the history of its provenience and usage from the time of writing to the time of the migration to the Chester Beatty Library in Dublin, cataloguing and the first description of the codex.

Наукові праці Національної бібліотеки України імені В. І. Вернадського, 2022
The purpose of the study is codicological and textual research of the 41 Cyrillic manuscript frag... more The purpose of the study is codicological and textual research of the 41 Cyrillic manuscript fragments of Przyb. 299/71 from the collection of the Jagiellonian Library in Kraków (Poland). The research methodology applies general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction, and specific methods for the study of manuscripts. Textology helps organize and identify the texts from the fragments; with a watermark method it is possible to find out the time and place of paper production; methods of palaeography and codicology support a localization a territory of the manuscript’s production. The scientific novelty. The fragments were found in the binding of the Cyrillic print book St. dr. 589 840 III. The article’s first task was to attribute the old print book in which the manuscript fragments were found. It allows to establish the approximate time of the manuscript separation as the 18th century. The identification of the manuscript text helps replace the fragments in the correct sequence. The codicological and palaeographic parameters of the fragments show the place and time of their creation. Conclusions. The article argues that the first edition of Вослѣдованiѧ праздникѡмъ... was published in Cyrillic types in 1741 by Basilian Fathers of the Pochaiv Monastery. The textual attribution shows that the fragments originally were parts of three different manuscripts: Festal Menaion (35), Jerusalem Typikon (2), and another liturgical book (4). The paleographic research concludes that all three fragments were rewritten in the Church Slavonic language by a semi-constitutional type of writing, typical of Early Modern Halychyna. The watermarks of Festal Menaion allow to identify the time of manuscript production as the beginning of the 16th century. The obtained results open up prospects for further search for codices from which the fragments originated. This paper is a case study on fragments from liturgical codices, promoting the publication of new sources, attribution, research, and digitization. The comprehensive study of the manuscripts’ fragments goes alongside the old print book, which was bound together for a long time in the shared sacred space. As the result of the research, it is possible to reconstruct the manuscript codex before the damage and separation for the binding purposes.

Hiperboreea, Jun 1, 2022
In the middle of the nineteenth century, Rudolf Gutovski, a native of Poland and military doctor ... more In the middle of the nineteenth century, Rudolf Gutovski, a native of Poland and military doctor in the Ottoman Cossack army, gave the Jagiellonian Library six manuscripts in a patriotically motivated gift. In his imagination, the old Cyrillic artifacts were links between joint Slavic heritage and intended to enrich the collection in Krakow as a personal perpetuation. The collection of items from the Treskavets has a tradition involving scientists and church hierarchs from the Russian Empire. The manuscripts from the region, which are now kept in Russia, Bulgaria, Serbia, Poland, and Ukraine, demonstrate how the interests of different empires crossed in the Balkans region at the time. The manuscripts — Triodion of the Lent and Pentecostarion, a fragment of Four Gospels, three Liturgical Menaia, and Octoechos — were studied in the nineteenth century by F. Matejko, E. Kałużniacki, W. Wisłocki, J. Perwolf, and P. Syrku, but the articles with watermark studies propose more precise dating and full new descriptions for modern use.

Садиба Франка: науковий збірник заповідника "Нагуєвичі" / Ред. кол. Б. Лазорак (голов. ред.), Я. Мельник, М. Мозер, П. Гриценко, Л. Тимошенко, В. Александрович та ін. ), 2020
The article is based on the findings obtained during the preservation of church book, published i... more The article is based on the findings obtained during the preservation of church book, published in Univ in 1733, which, together with other Cyrillic textbooks, was transmitted in July 2013 to the Lviv Central Provincial Library of the Fathers of Vassilians at the St. Onufriiyv Monastery from the archives of the library of the St. Nicholas Basilian Monastery in Krekhiv. During the study, a double sheet of Cyrillic handwriting was discovered under the flywheel of the lower bezel, which was dismantled and restored. An analysis of the sheet with Cyrillic alphabet text made it clear that it is an excerpt from the Epistle of St. Paul to the Jews, written in Cyrillic, a semi-original type of writing with using of the yus. It is established that the preserved fragment of the handwritten Apostle dates from the first half of the 16th century. It is also established that a similar copy of the Apostle is kept in the department of the manuscripts of the Vasyl Stefanyk Lviv National Scientific Library of Ukraine of the NAS of Ukraine.
Церква – наука – суспільство: питання взаємодії. Матеріали Сімнадцятої Міжнародної наукової конференції , 2019
Матеріали Сімнадцятої Міжнародної наукової конференції (28 травня -1 червня 2019 р.)
Матэрыялы XV Міжнародных кнігазнаўчых чытанняў, 2019
Localisation of the Provenance of the Cyrillic copies of the Jerusalem Typikon.
The article is de... more Localisation of the Provenance of the Cyrillic copies of the Jerusalem Typikon.
The article is devoted to the provenance of Jerusalem Typikon, copies of which are collected in Ukraine. It investigates the localization and the places of the use for direct purposes till the time of their admissions to the modern place of preservation – scientific libraries and museums. The marginalia of scribes and marks of provenience are studied as a source for the research.

Здабыткі: дакументальныя помнікі на Беларусі, 2018
The Cyrillic copy of the Jerusalem Typikon of the beginning of the 17th century is investigated f... more The Cyrillic copy of the Jerusalem Typikon of the beginning of the 17th century is investigated from the collection of the Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine. On the base of the colophon and margins information, the author reconstructs the place of origin of the codex, which was Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius, where it was created in 1603. The names of the scriber and the customer are restored; the first one was the monk and clerical, the second one was the abbot the monastery. The analysis of the text information let discover the history of the existence of the manuscript and the migration from Russia to Ukraine. With the analysis of the water-marks, the dates of the codex were proved, the paper of the manuscript belongs to the end of the 16th century – beginning of the 17th century. The author shows the codicological and palaeographical features of the codex. The formula of the quires and foliation was reconstructed. The signatures of the quires are from the dates of the codex, but the foliation was done in the 19tn century. The special focus of the article was on the characteristics of the page organization of the manuscript, the palaeography of the hands was investigated. The author states, that four scribers created the Jerusalem Typikon, but the main among them was Danilka Gavrilov. The article characterizes the elements of the ornamentation of the manuscript, e.g. four golden headpieces, and studies the material, construction and decoration of the cover. The analysis of the cover features let find the place of the origin - Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius. The research focuses also on the conditions of the codex as the source for the history of reading during its direct primary using.

Hiperboreea, 2019
The Gavril Uric’s Psalter, created in 1437, remains one of the important manuscripts from the Nea... more The Gavril Uric’s Psalter, created in 1437, remains one of the important manuscripts from the Neamț Monastery and South Slavic Cyrillic heritage. Involving the late medieval religious source into research, especially then it is a common text as Psalter, inspires to see this codex as the material object that was used by several generations. The system how the scribe organized the page, how he solved the mistakes, how he decorated the text is the way of interacts with his readers; behind the sacred text he put eyes of God, shown by his calligraphy. The Psalter of 1437 became a memorial of the scribe Gavril Uric, Leon the monk, and other people, who signed the codex with their names at different times. Until the 19th century, this Psalter remained the physical mediator between the person and God. From the end of the 19th century, the book was an object for scientific research and closed to the public. Nowadays, the digital version gives a new breath for the Psalter and new opportunity to revise our perception and the way in which we study medieval manuscripts.
Konštantínove listy, Jun 2019
The article is dedicated to research of the oldest survived Cyrillic copy of Jerusalem Typikon of... more The article is dedicated to research of the oldest survived Cyrillic copy of Jerusalem Typikon of the last third of the 15th century. The author investigates the problem of its dating, localization of its origin and use. The paper also lists the names of the owners and describes the transfer of the manuscript from Russia to Ukrainian Lviv. The ignorance of the codex by researchers and a lack of publications prompted this scientific study based on a codicological analysis of the external and internal features of the manuscript with methods of the auxiliary sciences of history. The paper argues that the codex is a complex artifact of culture and history.

Науковий вісник Східноєвропейського національного університету імені Лесі Українки. Серія: Історичні науки, 2018
Jerusalem Typikon: codicology study the copies of the 17th century from the Collection of the Ins... more Jerusalem Typikon: codicology study the copies of the 17th century from the Collection of the Institute of Manuscript of the VNLU.
The article deals with the complete codicology study of the twelve Cyrillic copies of the 17th century of Jerusalem Typikon from the collection of the Institute of Manuscript of the Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine. The research also covered the format of the codices, the page-layout for finding out the reader’s preferences. The author describes the paleographical features of the hands. The article studies the decorations of the coves. The author names the dates, places, materials, constructions, techniques of decorations, and analyses the depictions on covers done with different bookbinders’ instruments. The most important part of the research was the condition study of the codices and the processes of the repairing during the active using at the churches. This examination shows that the copies of the Jerusalem Typikon of the 17th century were actively read and used.

Етнічна історія народів Європи: збірник наукових праць, 2019
The paper describes the corpus of the sources belonging to the scientific libraries and museums i... more The paper describes the corpus of the sources belonging to the scientific libraries and museums in Ukraine. The research finds out sixty-three Cyrillic copies of Jerusalem Typikon from the last third of the 15th – first third of the 17th centuries. The copies of the Jerusalem Typikon represent main Ukrainian regions of developing manuscript codices – Halychyna, Volyn, Kyiv, Podillia, and Russian. The paper characterizes the history of receiving of the manuscripts by libraries and museums, which was connected with the geographies of primary existence and further migrations of the codices. The diversity of the codices informs us of payer’s specialties, their practice and history of the liturgical life of Orthodox Church with regional features, and about book users, their level of religious consciousness, daily-life, a culture of manuscript writing, reading and using.
Papers by Stanislav Voloshchenko
and everyone interested in cultural heritage, facsimile editions of the medieval codices of Rus-Ukraine, which nowadays belong to foreign
gatherings. Such handwritten books include the Apostolus Christinopolitanus of the 12th century, three parts of which are kept in the collections of
Ukraine and the Republic of Poland. The main part of the medieval manuscript in the form of a codex is in the storage of the Lviv Historical Museum (Inv. No. MS 39, 291 folios). The other two parts are fragments and belong to the collections of the Institute of Manuscripts of the V. Vernadskyi
National Library of Ukraine (Collection 8, no. 3M, 8 folios) and the Princes Czartoryski Library of the National Museum in Kraków (No. MS 11601,
4 folios). The Apostolus Christinopolitanus is a unique parchment manuscript written in Rus-Ukraine in the 12th century. The codex is the oldest and most complete translation of the Acts and Epistles of the Apostles to the Church Slavonic language. The proposed edition consists of an introductory
article by Oleksandr Okhrimenko, dedicated to the book culture of medieval Europe and Rus-Ukraine; a complete photocopy of all three parts of the
Apostolus Christinopolitanus, known as of 2023; a codicological study of the manuscript prepared by archim. Methodius (Stanislav) Voloshchenko.
the authors of the article took part were conditioned by the possibility of rocket attacks on sacred monuments of Lviv and the possibility of their damage by fire or mechanical damage. These cultural values include altars, wooden sculptures, decorative elements, organs, and objects on the canvas of the Garrison Church, as well as a six-row wooden iconostasis of the Church of St.Paraskeva. The specifics of the material of art objects, their size, location, and in part restoration work, made it difficult to evacuate and preserve them in new circumstances. The authors characterize the newly acquired experience of securing the heritage of the 17th – 20th centuries. refractory materials in the outlined Lviv religious buildings. The article deals with artifacts that have been protected from the effects of missile damage. The stages of monument protection work are covered, which first of all consisted in the selection and classification of refractory and heat-resistant materials, team involvement, photo-fixing, marking, inventory of objects, direct security of art objects. The authors express their recommendations for practical solutions in uncertain conditions, since, for the first time since the restoration of Ukraine’s independence, such a practice has been used in architectural monuments of national importance in
The article is devoted to the provenance of Jerusalem Typikon, copies of which are collected in Ukraine. It investigates the localization and the places of the use for direct purposes till the time of their admissions to the modern place of preservation – scientific libraries and museums. The marginalia of scribes and marks of provenience are studied as a source for the research.
The article deals with the complete codicology study of the twelve Cyrillic copies of the 17th century of Jerusalem Typikon from the collection of the Institute of Manuscript of the Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine. The research also covered the format of the codices, the page-layout for finding out the reader’s preferences. The author describes the paleographical features of the hands. The article studies the decorations of the coves. The author names the dates, places, materials, constructions, techniques of decorations, and analyses the depictions on covers done with different bookbinders’ instruments. The most important part of the research was the condition study of the codices and the processes of the repairing during the active using at the churches. This examination shows that the copies of the Jerusalem Typikon of the 17th century were actively read and used.
and everyone interested in cultural heritage, facsimile editions of the medieval codices of Rus-Ukraine, which nowadays belong to foreign
gatherings. Such handwritten books include the Apostolus Christinopolitanus of the 12th century, three parts of which are kept in the collections of
Ukraine and the Republic of Poland. The main part of the medieval manuscript in the form of a codex is in the storage of the Lviv Historical Museum (Inv. No. MS 39, 291 folios). The other two parts are fragments and belong to the collections of the Institute of Manuscripts of the V. Vernadskyi
National Library of Ukraine (Collection 8, no. 3M, 8 folios) and the Princes Czartoryski Library of the National Museum in Kraków (No. MS 11601,
4 folios). The Apostolus Christinopolitanus is a unique parchment manuscript written in Rus-Ukraine in the 12th century. The codex is the oldest and most complete translation of the Acts and Epistles of the Apostles to the Church Slavonic language. The proposed edition consists of an introductory
article by Oleksandr Okhrimenko, dedicated to the book culture of medieval Europe and Rus-Ukraine; a complete photocopy of all three parts of the
Apostolus Christinopolitanus, known as of 2023; a codicological study of the manuscript prepared by archim. Methodius (Stanislav) Voloshchenko.
the authors of the article took part were conditioned by the possibility of rocket attacks on sacred monuments of Lviv and the possibility of their damage by fire or mechanical damage. These cultural values include altars, wooden sculptures, decorative elements, organs, and objects on the canvas of the Garrison Church, as well as a six-row wooden iconostasis of the Church of St.Paraskeva. The specifics of the material of art objects, their size, location, and in part restoration work, made it difficult to evacuate and preserve them in new circumstances. The authors characterize the newly acquired experience of securing the heritage of the 17th – 20th centuries. refractory materials in the outlined Lviv religious buildings. The article deals with artifacts that have been protected from the effects of missile damage. The stages of monument protection work are covered, which first of all consisted in the selection and classification of refractory and heat-resistant materials, team involvement, photo-fixing, marking, inventory of objects, direct security of art objects. The authors express their recommendations for practical solutions in uncertain conditions, since, for the first time since the restoration of Ukraine’s independence, such a practice has been used in architectural monuments of national importance in
The article is devoted to the provenance of Jerusalem Typikon, copies of which are collected in Ukraine. It investigates the localization and the places of the use for direct purposes till the time of their admissions to the modern place of preservation – scientific libraries and museums. The marginalia of scribes and marks of provenience are studied as a source for the research.
The article deals with the complete codicology study of the twelve Cyrillic copies of the 17th century of Jerusalem Typikon from the collection of the Institute of Manuscript of the Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine. The research also covered the format of the codices, the page-layout for finding out the reader’s preferences. The author describes the paleographical features of the hands. The article studies the decorations of the coves. The author names the dates, places, materials, constructions, techniques of decorations, and analyses the depictions on covers done with different bookbinders’ instruments. The most important part of the research was the condition study of the codices and the processes of the repairing during the active using at the churches. This examination shows that the copies of the Jerusalem Typikon of the 17th century were actively read and used.
This monograph could be of interest to historians, liturgists, codicologists, philologists, librarians museum employees, and those interested in source studies and local history.
Дисертаційна робота захищена 24 вересня 2020 р. на засіданні спеціалізованої вченої ради Д 26.228.01 в Інституті української археографії та джерелознавства ім. М. С. Грушевського Національної академії наук України.
Дисертація присвячена комплексному кодикологічному дослідженню кириличних списків Уставу церковного Єрусалимського XV–XVII ст. Рукописні пам'ятки вивчено як цілісне історичне та культурне джерело. Дослідження кодексів дозволило типологізувати наявні списки XV–XVII ст., виявити спільні та відмінні риси у побудові структури. Опрацювання філіграней паперу, письма, художнього оформлення блока та особливостей його оправлення дало змогу датувати манускрипти і визначити регіони переписування. Дослідження осіб переписувачів, замовників і вкладників, дозволило встановити коло людей, які безпосередньо пов’язані із досліджуваними книгами. Реконструкція історії їх функціонування від моменту переписування до часу надходження до сучасних місць збереження дало розуміння, як вони переміщувалися, що зумовлювало це явище, а також як вони повторно купувалися і вкладалися в інші храми.
У каталозі вміщено детальні описи книг, що надійшли у бібліотеку впродовж 1989–2015 рр., вступну частину та покажчики. Колекція кириличних стародруків Львівської бібліотеки Отців Василіян при Свято-Онуфріївському монастирі нараховує 69 примірників і є однією з найбільших бібліотечних колекцій відроджених василіанських монастирів, а також й інших чернечих чинів та згромаджень Української Греко-Католицької Церкви.
У каталозі описано книжкові пам’ятки, що вийшли друком в Острозі, Львові, Києві, Почаєві, Уневі, Супраслі, Москві та в старообрядницьких друкарнях. Найдавнішими та найціннішими можна вважати два видання друкарні В.К.Острозького в Острозі – Біблію, видану Іваном Федоровичем у 1581 р. та «Книгу о постничестві» Василія Великого, видану в 1594 р. Представлений у складі збірки «Образ моління повсякденного» (Почаїв, 1781), раніше не був зафіксований у жодній бібліографії стародруків. Серед описаних раритетів збірки – Євангеліє (Москва, 1703), Псалтир (Київ, 1733), «Чин поставлення єпископа Антонія Ангеловича» (Львів, 1796).
Каталог містить велику кількість зображень стародруків, що унаочнюють мистецтво давньої книги. Каталог кириличних стародруків збірки Отців Василіян при Свято-Онуфріївському монастирі у Львові вводить у широкий науковий обіг новий книгознавчий матеріал, який слугуватиме джерелом для подальших історико-книгознавчих досліджень та різнобічних гуманітарних студій. Публікація розрахована на фахівців різних гуманітарних галузей знань і на широкий читацький загал.
In July 2020, during my scholarship at Biblioteka Książąt Czartoryskich Muzeum Narodowego w Krakowie (Kraków, Poland) granted by «Gaude Polonia», I have discovered four vellum sheets written with early Cyrillic Uncial (BCzart., MS 11601). The two bifolios are 294–295 mm long and 240 mm wide. The first two sheets appear to be the first and the last folia of quire 6, and other two are the beginning and the end of quire 43, which is testified by authentic signature marks in their inner corners. The main text is written by a single hand in one column with brown ink on 20 and 23 lines. The textological attribution has shown that they are the fragments of the Acts of the Apostles (13:5–20, 15:29–16:4), and those of the First Epistle to Timothy (4:8–5:4) and the Second Epistle to Timothy (1:10–2:4), with comments in their margins. These revealed folia are, therefore, the continuation of the Kyiv part (IM VNLU, Coll. VIII, MS 3 M), and the beginning and the end of the Lviv main part (HML, MS 39) of the 12-century Apostolus Christinopolitanus.
The text of four parchment sheets, which are written with early Ustav handwriting, is attributed. The study has revealed that the text consists of passages from the Acts of the Apostles, the First and Second Epistles to Timothy and that it belongs to the Apostolus Christopolitanus from the 12th century.
publications were often used as material for the
bindings of the codices. This practice was
usually used during the rebinding of books in
their locations.
The report is devoted to the problems of liturgical book donations in early modern times. By the example of donation inscriptions in Cyrillic codices of Jerusalem Typikon the author raises questions of the peculiarities of their protection against the from church. Usually, the donor had protected his contribution by words of warning against the a acks of local priests, deacons, clerks, parish community, and even members of his family. e Anathema, Maranatha, the curse of 318 Holy Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council of Nicaea and the court of non-hypocritical Judge Jesus Christ were to secure, according to the depositor, the inviolability of his «good deed». However, did these warnings actuallysave the codices from moving, rebuy, redonation, and even from pawning.
(in Ukrainian and English)
Абстракти доповідей та програма наукового семінару Теорія та практика роботи із рукописними та стародрукованими фрагментами