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В научном периодическом издании Екатеринбургской духовной семинарии публикуются материалы и исследования по различным вопросам богословия, церковной истории и смежных дисциплин, извлечения из протоколов заседаний ученого совета ЕДC,... more
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      Liturgical StudiesBulgariaSiberiaTheological Education
"Студенички типик Светог Саве" (аутора М. Анђелковић) је уводна студија новог тројезичног издања Студеничког типика (Манастир Студеница 2018). На три језика (српски, енглески, руски) издање садржи уводну студију, нови превод целог Типика... more
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval StudiesManuscript StudiesTypikon
The participation of women in Byzantine Offices has aroused the interest of researchers in various aspects. On the one hand, their active part during Worship as Deaconesses within sacred rituals. On the other hand and in relation to the... more
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      Women's StudiesSoundscape (Music)Byzantine MusicologyHistorically Informed Performance (HIP)
Getting Eucharistic Bread at Holy Liturgy: between dignity and humbleness. Defending the proper understanding of the theological meaning of a liturgical gesture. Starting from some changings of rubrics in the last edition of the... more
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      LiturgyRubricsTypikonLiturgical practices
Ἀρχικές διατάξεις λειτουργικῶν τυπικῶν ἀνατολῆς.
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      Liturgical StudiesTypikon
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      Performance StudiesGender and religion (Women s Studies)Byzantine MusicByzantine Musicology
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      Byzantine LiturgyLiturgical HistoryTypikon
В научном периодическом издании Екатеринбургской духовной семинарии публикуются материалы и исследования по различным вопросам богословия, церковной истории и смежных дисциплин, извлечения из протоколов заседаний ученого совета ЕДC,... more
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      TheologyProsopographyRussian Orthodox ChurchSiberia
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      Women's StudiesCastratiByzantine MusicByzantine Musicology
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      WomenByzantine StudiesPolitical TheologyByzantine Musicology
International Conference on Current Research in Liturgical Studies co-hosted by the School of Social Theology and Christian Culture of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the School of Theology of the University of Eastern... more
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      Liturgical StudiesByzantine LiturgyEastern Orthodox Liturgical TheologyLate Antique Liturgy
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      Liturgical StudiesTypikon
This monograph is a comprehensive research of the Cyrillic copies of the Jerusalem Typikon created between the last third of the 15th and the second third of the 17th century. Applying codicological analysis, the author examines these... more
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      HistoryLibrary ScienceMuseum StudiesEarly Modern History
До данас сачувани српски преписи литургијских зборника који садрже химнографски материјал настали у 13. веку нису бројни, али имају значајну улогу у проучавању не само рецепције преводне византијске химнографије код православних Словена... more
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      KanonHymnographySlavonic HYMNOGRAPHYSt. Clement of Ohrid
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      CharitySebastokratorTypikonIsaakios Komnenos
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    • Typikon
The paper describes the corpus of the sources belonging to the scientific libraries and museums in Ukraine. The research finds out sixty-three Cyrillic copies of Jerusalem Typikon from the last third of the 15th – first third of the 17th... more
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      MuseumsCodexSource StudyTypikon
Најстарији српски минеји, који су настали током 13. и у првим годинама 14. века и који припадају корпусу литургијским књига дојерусалимске традиције, у знатној мери се разликују од оних који су усклађени са захтевима Јерусалимског типика.... more
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      Cult of SaintsSaints' CultsMenaionSaints
Statute of ecclesiastical service: Bilоstok Statute. The article provides general characteristics of Cyrillic manuscript church statutes, in particular the Study statutes, into the type of which we classify the investigated Bilоstok... more
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      Codicology17th-Century StudiesCodicology of medieval manuscriptsEcclesiastical History
6/1 2020
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      TheologyLiturgyPrayerArmenian Culture
Giles Constable remarquait que parmi les habitants de l'Occident à la période médiévale, les moniales et les moines possédaient sans nul doute le mode de vie le plus fortement rythmé par des cérémonies et par des rituels 1. La remarque... more
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      Byzantine StudiesReligious StudiesTypikaMonachisme Orthodoxe
The purpose of the study is codicological and textual research of the 41 Cyrillic manuscript fragments of Przyb. 299/71 from the collection of the Jagiellonian Library in Kraków (Poland). The research methodology applies general... more
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      Manuscript StudiesCodicologyTextologyMenaion
ENGLISH ABSTRACT A typikon, stored in the National Library of the Univeristy of Turin under the signature C III 17 (gr. 216), portrays the industrious cultural activity of the monastery of St. Nicholas of Casole (gr. ton Kasoulon),... more
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      Greek manuscriptsScriptoriumTypikonManuscritos Griegos
Апстракт: Рукопис Хиландар 307, триодни стихирар с краја XII века, један је од најстаријих словенских рукописа који се чувају у манастиру Хиландар. Рукопис није сачуван у целости - недостаје његов почетак у којем су се налазиле стихире... more
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      Christian liturgical musicSlavonic ManuscriptsHilandar monasterySticherarion
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      CodicologySlavic StudiesCyrillic manuscriptsTypikon
The article is dedicated to research of the oldest survived Cyrillic copy of Jerusalem Typikon of the last third of the 15th century. The author investigates the problem of its dating, localization of its origin and use. The paper also... more
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      Manuscript StudiesCodicology15th CenturyCyrillic manuscripts
Old Believers or Old Ritualists have been struggling for ages after the Schism to preserve traditions that are deeply rooted in the byzantine origins of Russian Chant. The present paper aims to demonstrate that contemporary audiovisual... more
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      Women's StudiesByzantine MusicologyHistorically Informed Performance (HIP)Byzantine Chant
The research investigates the problem of establishing names, territorial origin, social positions, and professional occupations of the Jerusalem Typicones’ scribers.
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      Manuscript StudiesCodicologyManuscriptsScribes
Copies of the Jerusalem Typikon of the 17th century: Dating, Scribers, Localization and Provenance (the case study of the Institute of Manuscript of Vernadskyii National Library of Ukraine) The detailed scientific attribution of twelve... more
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      Manuscript Studies17th-Century StudiesAttritionCodex
У цій публікації ми дослідимо місце та час створення рукописних списків Єрусалимського Уставу, встановимо імена переписувачів, з’ясуємо локації покладення у храми і простежимо їх подальшу міграцію.
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      CodicologyCodexCyrillic manuscriptsTypikon
Stanislav Voloshchenko. Krekhiv Statute of the 17th century: codicological description of the manuscript In the article reconstructed is the history of creation and use of hand-written Ecclesiastical Statute from Krekhiv (near Lviv) St.... more
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      CodicologyEcclesiastical HistoryTypikon
The article reconstructs the history of creation and use of hand-written Ecclesiastical Statute from Krekhiv (near Lviv) St. Nicolas Basilian monastery, which was made in the first third of the 17th century. The codicological research of... more
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      CodicologyEcclesiastical HistoryTypikon
Автореферат дисертації на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата історичних наук за спеціальністю 07.00.06 – історіографія, джерелознавство та спеціальні історичні дисципліни. Дисертаційна робота захищена 24 вересня 2020 р. на засіданні... more
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      Manuscript StudiesCodicologyMuseum Collections (Research)Cyrillic manuscripts
Jerusalem Typikon: codicology study the copies of the 17th century from the Collection of the Institute of Manuscript of the VNLU. The article deals with the complete codicology study of the twelve Cyrillic copies of the 17th century of... more
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      Codicology17th-Century StudiesCodicology of medieval manuscriptsCodex
The partaking of fish on Wednesdays and Fridays, during Pentecost, is a liturgical issue of high relevance, because it concerns many faithful of our Church, especially because this liturgical specification was generalized and introduced... more
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Ecclesiastic Typikon from the Scientific Library of Kyiv University: Attribution of Manuscript The principles of scientific attribution of liturgical cyrillic manuscripts, which has been worked out by author, are examined. The thorough... more
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      CodicologyCodicology of medieval manuscriptsAttributionCyrillic manuscripts
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      Byzantine StudiesByzantine LiturgyArabic ManuscriptsTypikon
Апстракт: Књига триод садржи службе покретног годишњег цилкуса, од Недеље митара и фарисеја до Недеље свих светих тј. до прве недеље после Вазнесења. Књига је добила назив по скраћеним канонима који се састоје од три, ређе и четири песме... more
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      Catholic LiturgyFirst Ecumenical CoyncilXiiI centurySveti Kliment Ohridski
The Cyrillic copy of the Jerusalem Typikon of the beginning of the 17th century is investigated from the collection of the Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine. On the base of the colophon and margins information, the author... more
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      Manuscript Studies17th-Century StudiesByzantine Paleography and codicologyUkraine
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      ArchitectureByzantine LiturgyCharters and PaleographyByzantine Hagiography
Апстракт: Рукопис бр.608 хиландарске збирке, служабни минеј за децембар, преписан је крајем XIII века. Ранија истраживања су утврдила да се у овом минеју налазе и литургијска упутства преузета из Евергетидског типика. Тиме је потврђено да... more
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      MenaionHilandar monasteryTypikonEvergetis Typikon
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      Liturgical StudiesTypikon
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      AsceticismMount Athos StudiesAscetical TheologyMonastic rules
Lithia is a service that suffered in time more than one changes and influences. For instance, “the blessing of the bread” expresses no more than the faithful’s desire to participate more intensely in the Church services, throughout their... more
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В научном периодическом издании Екатеринбургской духовной семинарии публикуются материалы и исследования по различным вопросам богословия, церковной истории и смежных дисциплин, извлечения из протоколов заседаний Ученого совета ЕПДС,... more
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      PhilologyChurch MusicPhilosophyIconography
The present translation of the Protheoria of the Typikon provides to the English reader a general overview of the structure of the services as they are to be properly ordered for use in the parishes of the Orthodox Church. The general... more
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      LiturgyConstantinoplePatriarchate of ConstantinopleLiturgics