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      International RelationsChinaPost Cold War EraInternational system
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      Russian StudiesRegional competitivenessGeopoliticsSyrian Studies
Neorealism is one of the most influential theories of international relations, and its first theorist, Kenneth Waltz, a giant of the discipline. But why did Waltz move from a rather traditional form of classical realist political theory... more
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      International Relations TheoryDecision MakingCyberneticsSecurity
This study presents a state of the art of the civil-military relations (CMR) in a global level and establishes a parallel with the Colombian case. It identifies three conceptual axis that correspond to three historical periods, which are... more
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      ColombiaMilitary and PoliticsCivil-military relationsFuerzas Armadas
This article explores the issue of international system category in the discipline of international relations after the Cold War. The analysis provides the perspective of international system contextual redefi nition. The first section... more
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      International RelationsStosunki MiędzynarodoweTheory of International RelationsInternational system
For international relations (IR) scholars, the story behind the figure of Udjahorresnet might seem as an obscure phase in international history. Yet the pre-Roman period is educative for testing constitutive IR concepts such as the balance... more
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      Ancient HistoryIR TheoryAncient Near Eastern HistorySoft Power and International Relations
When and why do powerful countries seek to enact major changes to international order, the broad set of rules that condition behavior in world politics? This question is particularly important today, as Donald Trump's apparent disregard... more
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      International RelationsInternational Relations TheoryInternational SecurityCold War
Bu çalışmada 1997 Asya Finans Krizi sonrası kurumsallaşan G20'nin küresel yönetişim sistemindeki gelişimi ve yeri analiz edilmektedir. Günümüzde G20'nin bürokratik bir yapıdan küresel zirveler düzenleyen bir karaktere evrilmesinin mantığı... more
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      Political EconomyGlobal GovernanceInternational Political EconomyG20 - G8 - G7
S’interroger sur la place de la solidarité en relations internationales à l’heure de la pandémie de la Covid-19.
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      International RelationsPolitical ScienceSolidarityInternational system
Raport Potęga Państw 2018 to dzieło niezwykłe, unikatowe i niemające dokładnego odpowiednika w świecie. Zawiera on zwięzłą ilościową analizę przemian w międzynarodowym układzie sił po zimnej wojnie. Badaniu poddano 195 państw w układzie... more
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      International RelationsInternational system
Σκοπός της δημοσίευσης αυτής είναι να αποτελέσει μια καταρχήν εισαγωγή στην μελέτη του βαλκανικού χώρου ως ένα " περιφερειακό υποσύστημα " της διεθνούς πολιτικής, να δώσει ώθηση σ' ένα επιστημονικό διάλογο γύρω από το ζήτημα. Στην μελέτη... more
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      International RelationsInternational Relations TheoryRegional IntegrationBalkans
This article takes a strategic narrative approach to explaining the current and likely future contestation between Russia and the West. We argue that Russia projects a strategic narrative that seeks to reinforce Russia's global prestige... more
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      International RelationsNarrativeRussian Foreign PolicyRussia
The main point of departure for this article is the incapacity of current international relations theorizing to explain both change and continuity without shifting between levels of analysis. The previous research agenda on system studies... more
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      Political SociologyInternational RelationsInternational Relations TheoryPeace and Conflict Studies
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      GlobalizationInternational system
Recension de l'ouvrage d'Amaël Cattaruzza : Atlas des guerres et des conflits, un tour du monde géopolitique. Comment représenter la guerre ? Comment rendre compte des différentes échelles d'un conflit ? Quelles sont les principales... more
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      International RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesConflictConflict Mapping
В статье поднимаются теоретические и практические вопросы развития международных отношений в Северной Америке в их пространственном аспекте. Развитие международных отношений в Северной Америке в XIX в. рассматривается с точки зрения... more
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      HistoryInternational RelationsCritical GeopoliticsGeopolitics
La autonomía del Estado-nación nunca ha sido del todo completa. En efecto, los Estados nacionales han estado expuestos a influencias internacionales, incluso antes de que el actual proceso de globalización cobrase impulso hacia finales... more
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      International RelationsNon-state actorsRelaciones InternacionalesNation-State
“Din istismarı yapanlar ve dünyalık kazanmak için kutsalını pazarlayanlar; parasıyla fuhuş yapan kadınlardan ve karısını-kızını satanlardan daha aşağı ve bayağı mahluklardır. Açıkca Dine ve İlahi düzene düşmanlık yapanlar ise, insan... more
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      Islamic EconomicsComparative PoliticsInternational RelationsSocial Policy
Daha sonra başına 1. eki gelecek olan Dünya Savaşı, 1918 yılının sonunda " la Der Des Ders " yani " tüm savaşların en sonuncusu / the last of the all wars " biçiminde tanımlanmıştır. Söz konusu dönem daha ayrıntılı bir biçimde... more
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      International systemBalance of PowerUluslararası SistemThe First World War
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O envolvimento do Brasil nas duas Guerras Mundiais é o tema desta tese. A leitura contínua dos dois eventos, como um só tempo histórico, tem como marco cronológico inicial os anos de 1914 a 1919 — início da Primeira Guerra Mundial e... more
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      Foreign Policy AnalysisBrazilian HistoryInternational HistoryForeign Policy
Neorealism is one of the most influential theories of international relations, and its first theorist, Kenneth Waltz, a giant of the discipline. But why did Waltz move from a rather traditional form of classical realist political theory... more
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      International Relations TheoryDecision MakingCyberneticsSystems Theory
International relations scholars of all stripes have long been interested in the idea of "international order." At the most general level, international order entails some level of regularity, predictability, and stability in the ways... more
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      International RelationsInternational Relations TheoryInternational AffairsMilitary Orders
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      Development EconomicsInternational RelationsInternational Relations TheoryForeign Policy Analysis
مقدمة عامة يحتوي الكتاب على دراسات سياسية اقليمية ودولية، تناقش بمجملها واقع انظمة سياسية في حدود نطاق تفاعلاتها الجغرافية على المستوين الداخلي والخارجي. وقد جاءت هذه الدراسات لتشخص واقع الأنظمة السياسية عبر مسار سياساتها التنفيذية... more
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      International RelationsInternational StudiesInternational SecurityInternational Political Economy
This chapter offers an overview of the international system in the long nineteenth century, focusing on three key themes. First, I examine the fairly widespread assumption that there was an existing system of states before the long... more
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      HistoryInternational RelationsLong Nineteenth CenturyInternational society
Tesis presentada para obtener el Grado de Maestra en Estudios en Relaciones Internacionales, Programa de Posgrado en Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. El conflicto iniciado en Siria en marzo de 2011... more
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      International RelationsInternational StudiesMiddle East StudiesInternational Law
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      Middle East StudiesSecurity StudiesStrategic AlliancesTurkish and Middle East Studies
How do securitisation moves affect a nation’s foreign policy agenda? This article (re-)directs critical security studies’ attention to the discipline’s core concern with interstate relations. Drawing on the notions of subjectification and... more
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      International Relations TheoryForeign Policy AnalysisConstructivismCritical Security Studies
Penelitian ini mencoba untuk menggambarkan bagaimana sejarah perjuangan kemerdekaan Indonesia yang disebabkan oleh faktor eksternal atau kondisi sistem internasional yang berlaku sehingga membentuk karakteristik Politik Luar Negeri... more
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      International RelationsForeign Policy AnalysisPolitical ScienceInternational Politics
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      International RelationsCritical GeopoliticsGeopoliticsAtlantic World
The COVID-19 pandemic, considered the most important event of the new century and one of the turning points according to some, undoubtedly affects every aspect of social life. The most important factor in this pandemic is that it hinders... more
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      Uluslararası İlişkilerUnited StatesInternational systemInternational Politcs
The power of countries, their estimations and their measurements have always been an issue of interest for military leaders, rulers and politicians, who needed fairly objective decision parameters. These expectations were initially... more
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      International RelationsInternational systemRankingPowers of State
The review on the usage of "international system" category in the different research programmes of international studies. Paper in memory of prof. Józef Kukułka from the book edited by R. Zięba, S. Bieleń, J. Zając (Teorie i podejścia... more
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      History of International ThoughtStosunki MiędzynarodoweTheory of International RelationsKenneth Waltz
This paper focuses on analyzing the conflict between Czechoslovakia and Nazi-Germany that had the full capacity to lead to the Second World War. It presents all the relevant circumstances and actors of international relations from the... more
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      International LawSmall StatesHistory of CzechoslovakiaInternational system
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      Contemporary HistoryEuropean Foreign PolicyHistory of International RelationsSpain
Tulisan singkat ini hendak memberikan problematisasi lebih mendalam terhadap rencana kerja pasangan presiden dan wakil presiden terpilih Jokowi-JK di bidang hubungan internasional dan politik luar negeri (polugri). Bahkan, secara lebih... more
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      International RelationsStrategic StudiesStrategic Environmental AssessmentInternational system
This article mainly discusses about the complexity of understanding terrorism. It will try to answer few questions such as comprehending terrorism and globalization and how it became one of the most important issues for US after the Cold... more
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      TerrorismU.S. Foreign PolicyJihadArab Spring (Arab Revolts)
The world order reflects and advantages those who are present at the top to actively shape and influence it. However, history has shown that hegemony is a fragile conquest that oscillates through cycles of “ascendancy and decline” (Vieira... more
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      Emerging PowersGlobalization and New World OrderBRICSInternational system
This article reviews U.S. metric conversion efforts, particularly as they have affected education. Education system benefits and costs are estimated for three possible measurement system conversion plans. Of the three, the... more
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      Curriculum DesignEconomics of EducationMeasurement and EvaluationMetrics
This is a PhD defense booklet that comprises data about the time and venue of the defense, the brief academic CV and the extended abstract of the dissertation.
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      European HistoryInternational RelationsInternational Relations TheoryMedieval History
International recognition has generally been discussed from the point of view of international law and modern history. By contrast, this volume takes a long-term perspective of more than two thousand years of European and world history... more
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      HistoryFrench HistoryLatin American and Caribbean HistoryInternational Law
This article is centered on the opportunities of small states in the emerging imperial order. Particularly, policy options for Lithuania as a small state in the evolving international arena are explored. Washington's policy of pre-emption... more
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      International RelationsForeign Policy AnalysisEmpireLithuania
When and why do powerful countries seek to enact major changes to international order, the broad set of rules that guide behavior in world politics? Prior studies have focused on how the origins of orders have been consensus-driven and... more
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      International RelationsInternational Relations TheoryInternational organizationsUnited Nations
Around the world, water stress, water scarcity and desertification problems due to water scarcity are increasing day by day. At the international level, international organizations draw attention to these problems, actions are... more
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      Political Geography and GeopoliticsCritical GeopoliticsGeopoliticsWater resources
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      IR TheoryMiddle PowersInternational system
State failure is often seen as due to endogenous factors, rather than systemic ones; correspondingly, the idea that states can be built by supporting internal processes and institutions alone is prevalent in policy documents and in some... more
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      State FormationAfghanistanNationalism And State BuildingPost-Conflict State Building
Bu makale Soğuk Savaş sonrası dönemde uluslararası sistem üzerine belirli kuramsal önermeler ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır. İlk olarak, bu makalenin ikincil bir tezi olarak, Soğuk Savaş’ın sonar ermesinden beri tecrübe ettiklerimizin... more
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      SovereigntyPeace of WestphaliaWestphalian System9/11