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      TheologyHistorical TheologyPractical theologySystematic Theology
Authors/Szerzők: Ercsey-Ravasz Ferenc, Ercsey-Ravasz Mária, Fazakas Emese, Hatházi András, Bodó A. Ottó, Jankó Szép Yvette, Köllő Csongor, Gábor Csilla, Bóné Éva, Orbán Gyöngyi, Berszán István, Ferencz Orsolya, Serestély Zalán, Lázár... more
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      InterdisciplinarityRhythmHermeneuticsExperience of time
An New Testament hermeneutic
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      New TestamentHermeneuticsTafsirBiblical Hermeneutics
Authors/Szerzők: Fekete László, Tóth I. János, Molnár Judit, Péter László, Hunyadi Attila Gábor, Ungvári Zrínyi Imre, Baritz Sarolta Laura, Holló László, Pásztori-Kupán István, Jitianu Liviu, Veress Károly, Karikó Sándor, Lurcza... more
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      TheologyVirtue EthicsHermeneuticsEconomic Theory
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      ReligionGerman StudiesComparative LiteratureMythology
Tugas MK Hermeneutika PB (dosen pengampu: Pdt. Resty Arnawa Tehupieoury, M.Th)
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      New TestamentHermeneuticsHermeneutikHermeneutika
Revisions to the Greek NT in NA28 are restricted to the Catholic Epistles—the product of the Münster Institute’s ongoing work on the Editio critica maior. The text of the rest of the NT remains unaltered. The updated manuscript data,... more
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      Greek LiteraturePapyrologyGreek LanguageNew Testament
Kajian kritis terhadap konsep al-Quran sebagai produk budaya (muntaj tsaqafi)
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      HermeneutikaKajian Tafsir Al-Quran
An overview of the variety of textual differences that exist between the Apocalypse in Codex Sinaiticus and the book in modern critical editions, thereby offering a window into the book's early readership. There is also a YouTube link to... more
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      Greek LiteratureGreek HistoryPapyrologyPatristics
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      Hermeneutics (Research Methodology)HermeneuticsPhilosophical HermeneuticsHERMENEUTICA
Tafsiran 1 Tawarikh 13: 1-8 (Metode Historis Kritis)
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    • Hermeneutika
Aliran hermeneutika lahir ketika pemikiran dari seseorang menjadi perhatian orang lain yang akhirnya resepsi pihak lain itu menjadi madzhab atau aliran tertentu. Munculnya suatu aliran itu dapat mengembangkan aliran-aliran sebelumnya.... more
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      TafsirHermenéuticaHermeneutikaHukum Islam
Segala sesuatu yang tertulis di atas teks memiliki makna-entah yang dititipkan padanya dari penulis teks maupun makna yang didapat oleh pembaca yang menginterpretasi teks. Atas dasar itu, muncul keraguan-keraguan akan makna yang... more
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      Wilhelm DiltheyFilsafatHermeneutikaLangit Makin Mendung
El 10 de julio de 2008 pudimos leer la noticia de que se había derrumbado el túnel del glaciar Perito Moreno (Patagonia, Argentina). En otro momento se hubiera tratado de una ordinaria experiencia catastrófica natural de los veranos... more
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      Political PhilosophyLatin American PhilosophyHermeneuticsEcology
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      HermeneuticsWilhelm DiltheyIslamic StudiesHermenéutica
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      Art HistoryHermeneutika
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      HermeneuticsQur'anic StudiesQuranic StudiesQuranic and Islamic Studies
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      HermeneutikaPendekatan Studi Islam
Hans-Georg Gadamer merupakan filsuf jerman yang memiliki kekhasan di dalam menelurkan pemikiran filsafatnya di bidang hermeneutika. Jika melacak latar belakang pemikirannya tentang hermeneutika, terdapat sosok Martin Heidegger yang tidak... more
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      Hans-Georg GadamerHermeneutikaHermeneutika GadamerHermeneutika Ontologis
Orthographic variation within the manuscripts of the Greek NT is seldom a cause célèbre beyond the ranks of diehard textual critics. Even among these most will concede that orthographic irregularities amount to little more than evidence... more
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      Greek LiteratureGreek HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesGreek Language
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      Greek LiteraturePapyrologyGreek LanguageNew Testament
The publication of Josef Schmid's landmark work on the textual history of the Apocalypse seemingly established the Andreas Text Type as a fourth-century product. The primary evidence for Schmid's claim came from the fourth-century... more
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      Greek LiteratureGreek HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesPapyrology
A short article on the origin and development of the longer Trinitarian text of 1 John 5:7-8 as found in the Textus Receptus. The typos that are present in this draft will be corrected before the final version is submitted for... more
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      Greek LiteratureMedieval LiteratureHigh Middle AgesMedieval History
Three minute sermon delivered at Elim Baptist Church, Minneapolis, MN, on Good Friday, 14 April 2017.
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      ChristianityChristian EducationNew TestamentHistory of Christianity
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      Greek LiteraturePapyrologyGreek LanguageHermeneutics (Research Methodology)
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      Political PhilosophyHumanitiesMarxismPraxis
Dalam makalah ini, penulis akan mencoba menganalisis konteks dalam suatu bagian Firman Tuhan dan menggali makna sesungguhnya yang ingin dikatakanoleh Injil Markus 2:1-12. Penulis akan memaparkan hasil analisisnya terhadap beberapa faktor... more
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      Theological HermeneuticsHermeneutika
Az IPA a 2000-es, a 2010-es évektől egyre kiterjedtebb alkalmazása (együtt más kvalitatív módszerek terjedésével) vagy éppen a fenomenológiára jellemző, egyes szám első személyű beszámolók is jelzik, hogy megnőtt az érdeklődés az... more
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      HermeneuticsInterpretative Phenomenological AnalysisFenomenologiaHermeneutika
Perkembangan filsafat sastra kontemporer menghadirkan suatu metode pembacaan radikal terhadap teks-teks sastra yang dikenal dengan dekonstruksi oleh Jacques Derrida. Pendekatan ini mengajukan suatu tesis kritis yang cenderung radikal... more
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      TeologiaHermeneutikaFilsafat DekonstruksiApologetika Kristen
Palimpsest is an international journal for linguistic, literary and cultural research founded at the Faculty of Philology in Stip in 2016. It is published in printed form and electronically twice a year, the first issue in May and the... more
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      Sociology of CultureWorld LiteraturesComparative LiteratureLiteracy
Authors/Szerzők: Ungvári Zrínyi Imre, Demeter M. Attila, Veress Károly, Zuh Deodáth, Schmidt Dániel, Czirják Árpád, Réti Kinga-Eszter, Bajusz Gábor, Nițu Johanna, Lippai Cecília, Soós Amália, Lurcza Zsuzsanna, Ferencz Enikő, Szőcs... more
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      OntologyMulticulturalismIntercultural CommunicationInterdisciplinarity
Makalah ini dipresentasikan pada sesi peluncuran buku antologi "Pendekatan Ma'na-cum-Maghza atas Al-Qur'an dan Hadis: Menjawab Problematika Sosial Keagamaan di Era Kontemporer" vol. 2 di Hotel New Saphir Yogyakarta pada tanggal 27... more
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      HermeneuticsTheological HermeneuticsQuranic StudiesTafsir
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      HermeneutikaPerjanjian Baru
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      Greek LiteratureLate Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesPapyrology
Authors/Szerzők: Szabó Gábor, Szabó György, Vukov Jeromos, Berszán István, Máthé Dénes, Veress Károly, G. Etényi Nóra, Bakó Edit, Csonta Réka, Molnár Dániel, Szuszámi Zsuzsanna, Rácz Éva Mária, Serestély Zalán, Orbán Gyöngyi, Homa Ildikó,... more
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      Game TheoryInterdisciplinarityPlayHermeneutics
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      PhenomenologyHistory of Political ThoughtHermeneutic PhenomenologyFilsafat
The article analyses two ways in which the symbol of Jacob’s ladder is used for understanding a spiritual journey of a Christian, one from the Sinai desert, the other from the Communist Romania. Článek zkoumá způsoby, jakými se symbol... more
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      AnthropologyAsceticismContemporary SpiritualitySpirituality
Historical method and narrative criticism are the two approaches that have become important tools in exegetical work of canonical Gospels. Both have given important contribution, however the two approaches have inadequacies. The... more
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      HermeneutikaGreco-Roman BiographyPerjanjian BaruInjil Kanonik
Mata kuliah ilmu filsafat yang materinya penuh istilah-istilah yang rumit, memerlukan seorang pengajar yang mampu menjelaskan secara sistematis dan cara penyampaian yang tidak bertele-tele. Tujuannya supaya mahasiswa bisa menyerap... more
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      HermeneutikaSejarah FilsafatFilsafat Integrasi Sains Dan AgamaSekolah Integrasi Agama Dan Sains
„Das erste, womit das Verstehen beginnt, ist, dass etwas uns anspricht. Das ist die oberste aller hermeneutischen Bedingungen“, schreibt Gadamer in seiner Schrift Vom Zirkel des Verstehens. Was ist aber die geschichtliche Voraussetzung... more
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      HermeneuticsBibleGadamerFriedrich Schleiermacher
Tulisan ini mengidentifikasi otoritas Hadis dalam konsep Asbāb al-Nuzūl Jadīd menurut M. Amin Abdullah. Asbāb al-Nuzūl Jadīd adalah paradigma tafsir kontemporer yang berbasis pada pola pikir kosmis (worldview), ideologis, antropologis dan... more
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      Indonesian StudiesHermeneuticsQuranic StudiesTafsir
Özet Bireyler gündelik hayatta üretim ve tüketimin ikircikli yapısı içerisinde yer alır. Bu ikircikli yapı içerisinde biyolojik ihtiyaçlardan çok sosyal ihtiyaçlar öncelik kazanır. Popüler kültür bu ihtiyaçların doyuma ulaşmasında merkezi... more
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      PostmodernizmGöstergebilimPopüler KültürHermeneutika
A review of A Gospel Synopsis of the Greek Text of Matthew, Mark and Luke: A Comparison of Codex Bezae and Codex Vaticanus. Edited by Jenny Read-Heimerdinger and Josep Rius-Camp, in collaboration with Enric Muñarch. Leiden: Brill, 2014.... more
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      Greek LiteratureGreek HistoryPapyrologyGreek Language
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      HermeneutikaKodifikasi Dan Penafsiran HukumUU Perkawinan
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      German LiteraturePhilosophy Of LanguageLanguages and LinguisticsLiterature
hermeneutik eksistensial adalah salah satu aliran hermeneutik yang banyak digaungkan. Eksistensial adalah cara dimana seseorang 'mengada'. Berbagai cara yang ditawarkan untuk memahami hakikat teks. Diantaranya hermeneutik, seperti yang... more
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    • Hermeneutika
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      Hermeneutikakortárs zeneművészetelméletzeneesztétika
The Acknowledgements page with an account of the origin, development, and completion of the collaborative translation of Schmid's "Studien zur Geschichte des Griechischen Apokalypse-Textes: Die Alten Staemme."
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      PhilologyHistoryTranslation StudiesLanguages and Linguistics
Forthcoming in the Review of Biblical Literature
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      Greek LiteraturePapyrologyGreek LanguageStructuralism (Literary Criticism)