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      Climate ChangeInformation WarfareHegemony and Counter-HegemonyGreenpeace
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    • Greenpeace
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      International RelationsNon-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)Forest fireGreenpeace
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      Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)TurkeyPublic Relations and Social MediaGreenpeace
Purpose. The paper traces developments in the fashion business commitment to sustainability over two decades and identifies the drivers that progressively changed fashion brands’ perspective on Sustainable Supply Chain Management.... more
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      Supply Chain ManagementCorporate Social ResponsibilitySustainable Production and ConsumptionSustainable Development
Il Cestudec,in collaborazione con la Scuola di guerra economica di Parigi,ha il piacere di presentare per la prima volta in Europa un report redatto in lingua francese da Thibault Kerlirzin ,allievo della Scuola di guerra economica... more
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      Political EconomyEnergyEcologyGas and Petrolium
Un sistema alimentario que se preocupa por la gente.
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      Organic agricultureGreenpeaceMercados OrganicosAgricultura organica en colombia
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      Political EcologyGlobal Civil SocietyNon-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)environmental NGOs
Oleh Irsyad Ibadulloh Manusia telah bersedia untuk menerima amanah yang diberikan Allah swt. Alquran menceritakan bahwa Allah swt sudah menawarkan amanah tersebut kepada semua makhluk yaitu; langit, bumi, gunung, namun semua menolaknya... more
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      Adam SmithJonathan Z. SmithGreenpeaceHistória da Idade Média
This article argues that the use of sexual infiltration by police and criminal collaborators represents a strategic deployment of surveillance technology by the state with the aim of creating Foucault’s “docile bodies” through the... more
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      Critical TheoryHistoryCriminologyPolitical Sociology
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      GreenpeacePolitical Communication, Marketing & Campaigning
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      International RelationsInternational Relations TheoryIdealismInternational organizations
Purpose. The paper traces developments in the fashion business commitment to sustainability over two decades and identifies the drivers that progressively changed fashion brands’ perspective on Sustainable Supply Chain Management.... more
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      Supply Chain ManagementCorporate Social ResponsibilitySustainable Production and ConsumptionSustainable Development
Objetivo: la investigación analiza el discurso de Greenpeace México en torno a los conceptos de seguridad alimentaria, soberanía alimentaria y derecho a la alimentación. Metodología: se emplea una metodología cualitativa asistida por el... more
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      FramingGreenpeaceSeguridad AlimentariaSoberanía Alimentaria
Résumé : Les ONG sont-elles devenues des « multinationales de l’action collective » ? Que ce soit dans le domaine humanitaire ou environnemental, ces organisations ont recours depuis une trentaine d’années à des pratiques issues du monde... more
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      HumanitarianismCollective ActionNon-profit ManagementNon-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
In 2015, the European Parliament mandated the EU Commission to ensure a number of reforms in both the EU-US Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) and the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) with Canada. In... more
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      International Investment LawInternational Investment ArbitrationEU trade policyGreenpeace
El greenwashing consiste en el uso de publicidad engañosa y otras técnicas para presentar a las empresas como medioambientalmente responsables ocultando su verdadero impacto ambiental. En este artículo contraponemos el greenwashing con el... more
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      MarketingCommunicationSocial MarketingEcology
İnsan topluluklarının var olduğu her dönemde bir çeşit otorite de var oldu. Bir arada yaşayan insanlar, tarihin en erken dönemlerinde bile bazı kurallara tabi oldular. Ama ‘devlet’ mekanizması, çok daha sonraları oluştu. Devlet’in... more
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      Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)The InternetGreenpeace
Purpose – This paper explores the interactive element in social and environmental reporting during a controversy between business organisations and a stakeholder over environmental performance. Design/methodology/approach – We adopt... more
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      RhetoricCorporate Social ResponsibilityStakeholdersArgumentation
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      Social MovementsCritical MassGreenpeaceNo TAV Movement
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      Oil SpillGreenpeaceIndustrial Disasters
Fondée voici près d'un demi-siècle, Greenpeace fait trembler les entreprises. Pourtant, à plusieurs reprises, les accusations de l'ONG se sont révélées fausses. Les rares fois où des entreprises décident de l'attaquer en justice,... more
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      Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil - ONGGreenpeace
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    • Greenpeace
The study presents a case for the importance of spectacle in modern capitalist social relations. Drawing on theories produced by Debord, Loftus, Žižek, Laclau, Mouffe, Holloway and Eagleton, a theoretical framework for assessing the... more
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      Social MovementsPolitical EconomyPolitical EcologyVisual Semiotics
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    • Greenpeace
Revue fondée en 1925 par Pierre Monatte | Abonnement 23 €
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      French PoliticsSecularismGreenpeace
Sollicité à deux reprises par Greenpeace, l'artiste Spencer Tunick a photographié des volontaires nus sur le glacier d'Aletsch en Suisse et dans le vignoble des Rontets en France. À partir des images prises in situ, des récits des... more
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      SemioticsCommunicationPhotographyPerformance Art
Though semiotic analysis of media texts conceives advertising as an exemplary object of investigation, only a limited number of researches concentrate on the semiotic strategies behind the communication of Corporate Social Responsibility,... more
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      SemioticsCorporate Social ResponsibilityVisual SemioticsEcology
"Much research is directed towards analysing the role of environmental NGOs in addressing environmental problems, however few of these works examine the idea of nature that is upheld by these organisations. This nevertheless emerges as a... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentNon-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)Nature CultureCivil Society
When David Robie set sail on the Rainbow Warrior for the Marshall Islands, he sensed a major story in the offing. The Warrior, flagship of the international Greenpeace environmental protest movement, was going to Rongelap to evacuate the... more
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      JournalismPacific Island StudiesEnvironmental StudiesAsia Pacific Region
In 2007, Babakan Siliwangi city forest in Bandung came under threat of privatisation from a local corporation, PT EGI, which proposed hotel and commercial development. In the period 2012–2013, the anti-corporatist, environmentalist group... more
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      Political ScienceIndonesiaUrban SociologyMultidisciplinary
While environmentalism's novel nature in the early 1970s is widely accepted, its origins are manifold and complex. This review essay explores the latest research on the origins of environmentalism, reviewing what Frank Zelko's Make it a... more
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      Social MovementsEnvironmental ScienceHistory of IdeasCanadian History
The Greenpeace-funded trawler Rainbow Warrior will leave Hawai'i tomorrow [28 April 1985] on a mercy mission to evacuate about 200 "guinea pig" islanders from Rongelap atoll which was contaminated by nuclear tests three decades ago.... more
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      JournalismPacific Island StudiesGeopoliticsEnvironmental Studies
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      International organizationsTurkeyTransnational Advocacy NetworksFukushima nuclear disaster
This research analyzes Greenpeace International Unfriend Coal protest campaign against Facebook's energy policy (2010-2011), as a case study in the organization’s approach to campaigning on climate change issues. In the context of... more
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      Social MediaPolitical MobilizationFacebook StudiesClimate change communications
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      ManagementMarketingHumanitarianismCollective Action
Greenpeace members who in 2018 boarded the M/T Stolt Tenacity in the Gulf of Cadiz and the M/V Mermaid Searcher in the Port of Taranaki, New Zealand, continued a pattern of conduct in the maritime environment that implicates navigational... more
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      Human RightsMaritime LawLaw of the SeaOil and gas
Resúmenes de las intervenciones en las Jornadas Libertad de comercio ¿a qué precio? organizadas por Jueces para la Democracia en mahyo de 2016. La nueva generación de acuerdos de libre comercio, entre ellos el Acuerdo de Asociación... more
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      Environmental Impact AssessmentNeoliberalismGreenpeaceTTIP
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    • Greenpeace
This paper proposes a discussion of the controversial conceptualisation “Nature is healing. We are the virus”. These depictions have been observed in Twitter threads during the peak of COVID-19 pandemic. The implications entail that... more
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      Climate ChangeMetaphorEnvironmental SustainabilityGreenpeace
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      International RelationsEnvironmental SustainabilityHumanityGreenpeace
Gerakan lingkungan antisawit yang dilaksanakan selama 2008-2010 oleh Greenpeace belum berhasil untuk membuat Indonesia mengubah kebijakan industri kelapa sawit dari perkebunan menjadi pengolahan (industri hulu ke hilir) untuk menekan... more
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      Social MovementsCommunicationEnvironmental LawStrategic Planning
Paper voor het vak: Geschiedenis van de Sociale Bewegingen
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      HistorySocial MovementsGreenpeace
A critical analysis of Greenpeace’s conservation campaign in Amazonia, from the mid 1990s to today reveals the contradictory impact of international NGOs on tropical forest policies. On one hand, Greenpeace succeeds in maintaining the... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentNon-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)AmazoniaCivil Society
Greenpeace España documenta cinco casos de importación y/o posesión irregular de maderas de especies amenazadas incluidas en el Convenio CITES. Estos presuntos delitos cometidos entre entre 2002 y 2006 son en buena parte resultado de... more
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      Wildlife ConservationGreenpeaceIllegal LoggingIllegal Wildlife Trade
In the decades to come, global climate change poses a significant environmental, social, and economic threat. Among the various strategies that are being implemented to reduce this threat are those that focus on decreasing greenhouse gas... more
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      Social MarketingEnvironmental PsychologyEnvironmental CommunicationCivic Engagement
We challenge the labelling of organisations like Greenpeace India as 'anti-national' because they oppose government policies that encourage dirty power and industry. It is a government that sacrifices the country's future to please... more
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      Renewable EnergySustainable DevelopmentEnergyNationalism
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Is it possible to stop a global power exploding a nuclear bomb? The story of Cook Islands, a “small” country in the Pacific, suggests people at the margins of global politics have unexpected agency.
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      International RelationsPacific Island StudiesIsland StudiesNuclear Weapons
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      Environmental Policy and GovernanceEnvironmental PoliticsGreenpeace