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There has been a growing recognition in the post-Cold War era that culture has increasingly become a factor in determining the course of today’s complex and interconnected world. The U.S. experience in Afghanistan and Iraq extended this... more
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      Cultural StudiesInternational SecurityWar StudiesStrategic Studies
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      International RelationsPolitical TheoryForiegn PolicyPublic Policy
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      International RelationsForiegn Policy
This research paper investigates the role of media towards foreign policy issues between Pakistan and Afghanistan. For this purpose, it examines the type of coverage Pak-Afghan relations get in Pakistani newspapers Dawn and The News... more
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      AfghanistanComparative Media StudiesComparing Media SystemsPress
Агресія Росії проти України: історичні передумови та сучасні виклики / П.П.Гай-Нижник (керівник проекту, упоряд. і наук. ред.); авт. кол.: П. П. Гай-Нижник, Л. Л. Залізняк, І.Й.Краснодемська, Ю.С.Фігурний, О.А.Чирков, Л.В.Чупрій. – К.:... more
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      Political TheoryPolitical ScienceUkrainian StudiesRussian Politics
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      U.S. Foreign PolicyPublic EngagementForiegn PolicyPublic Policy
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      ChinaForiegn Policy
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      International RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesForeign Policy AnalysisPolitical Theory
Mediation from soft diplomacy to foreign policy In this chapter we will explore how Qatar gained its current title as a "trusted partner" through mediation. Running in the 2nd decade of its enriched journey, where it was started from... more
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      MediationQatarSoft Power and International RelationsMediation and Qatari foreign policy
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      International RelationsCentral Asian StudiesEurasiaChina
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      International RelationsForiegn Policy
An examination of the contrasting scholarship referencing the Opium Wars, fought between Great Britain and China in the mid 1800's.
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      Opium WarOpium Trade in ChinaForiegn Policy
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      IndiaKazakhstanIndia and Kazakhstan bilateral relationsForiegn Policy
To Western eyes, China’s wolf-warrior foreign affairs policy and Russia’s extravagant threats over Ukraine can appear cryptic. These seem designed not to make friends but rather to antagonise others. Moreover, Chinese and Russian actions... more
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      International RelationsStrategyStrategic ThinkingGrand Strategy
Гай-Нижник П. П. Становлення українсько-грузинських дипломатичних взаємин за Центральної Ради УНР та Української Держави за гетьманату П.Скоропадського (1917–1918 рр.) // Гілея. – 2017. – Вип.122 (№7). – С.12–21.
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      Diplomatic HistoryUkrainian StudiesUkrainian Foreign PolicyForeign Policy of Ukraine
Independent Singapore and the People’s Republic of China (PRC) have a historically varied and complex relationship. The two states enjoy excellent economic ties, which have been a key feature of bilateral interactions since the PRC’s... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryForeign Policy AnalysisChinese StudiesInternational Security
Japan's diplomatic strategy toward East Asia underwent three main changes in the post-Cold War era. The fi rst change occurred soon after the 1991 Persian Gulf War propelled Japan to consider a potential way to contribute to international... more
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      Japanese StudiesEast AsiaDiplomacyJapanese Foreign Policy
In this paper, I present evidence from a meta-analysis of one of the most dominant theoretical perspectives in executive-legislative policy making relations—Aaron Wildavsky's (1966) two presidencies thesis. Wildavsky's work suggested that... more
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      Presidency (American Politics)U.S. CongressPresidential StudiesEmpirical Political Theory
The strategic culture of the Republic of Korea (ROK)/South Korea is based on three pillars: attaining prosperity and strength as an enduring national purpose and objective; countering the existential North Korean threat; and maintaining... more
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      Cultural StudiesKorean StudiesSouth KoreaMilitary and Politics
Abstract: This paper offers a variety of reasons as to Russia’s Intervention in the Syrian Crisis and tackles Russia’s foray into entering the International scene anew through its policy of expansionism manifest in its involvement in... more
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      International RelationsInternational NegotiationPoliticsEuropean Foreign Policy
" So historical experience and realism both bid us to be more objective and less emotional, or if we are to engage our emotions it should be based on our authentic identity as Asians. It is on this basis that we reexamine the world, our... more
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      PhilippinesChinaSpratly IslandForiegn Policy
In American History, war and God are never separate affairs. As historian Andrew Preston framed it: Religion can be a Sword of the Spirit and it can, at the same time, be a Shield of Faith. Religion can justify and perpetuate war;... more
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      American HistoryAmerican StudiesHistory of ReligionHuman Rights
Гай-Нижник П. П. Взаємини України з Францією і Великою Британією за Центральної Ради (1917–1918 рр.): становлення і розлад // Гілея. – 2017. – Вип.124 (№9). – С32–43. Hai–Nyzhnyk P. P., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Academician of the... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryUkrainian StudiesDiplomatic StudiesUkraine (History)
Spanish version of Cultural Dimensions of Strategy & Policy
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      Cultural StudiesInternational SecurityWar StudiesStrategic Studies
Japan’s diplomatic strategy toward East Asia underwent three main changes in the post-Cold War era. The first change occurred soon after the 1991 Persian Gulf War propelled Japan to consider a potential way to contribute to international... more
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      Japanese StudiesEast AsiaDiplomacyPost Cold War Era
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      International RelationsMiddle East StudiesIntelligence StudiesIsrael Studies
The Syrian crisis has been the theatre of complicated and unpredictable dynamics strongly connected to the growing power struggle among the major players. Central to the foreign policy goals of the major actors in this crisis is national... more
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      International RelationsTerrorismForiegn PolicySyrian Civil War
Resumen. El conocimiento geopolítico clásico ha sido una aproximación clave para analizar los problemas fronterizos del Norte Grande de Chile. Su derrotero ha expuesto continuidades, cambios y matices en el plano teórico, infiriéndose,... more
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      Critical GeopoliticsChileGeopoliticaTeoría de las relaciones internacionales
The PNG National Public Service Male Advocacy Network (PNG PS MAN) is one of the few uniquely home-grown initiatives of the Government of Papua New Guinea in 2013 as outlined in the 2013 KOKODA COMMITMENTS agreed to by Central Government... more
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      Media and Cultural StudiesPeace and Conflict StudiesSocial and Cultural AnthropologyGender and Sexuality
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      International RelationsArmenian StudiesIsrael StudiesOral history
Гай-Нижник П. П. Законодавче та нормативно-правове підґрунтя становлення дипломатичної служби Української Держави за Гетьманату 1918 р. // Гілея. – 2017. – Вип.123 (№8). – С.28–36. Hai-Nyzhnyk P. P. Legislative and normatively-legal... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryForeign Policy AnalysisUkrainian StudiesDiplomatic Studies
The purpose of this paper is to establish whether it is largely beneficial for the UK to employ it’s intelligence community in it’s strategic shift to the Indo-pacific announced within the 2021 Global Britain in a Competitive Age: the... more
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      Intelligence StudiesSecurity StudiesDefence and SecurityForiegn Policy
Гай-Нижник П. Олександр Севрюк – соціаліст-революціонер і дипломат-аматор, політичний авантюрист й агент чужоземних спецслужб // Дипломатична та консульська служба у вимірі особистості. – Ч.2. – К., 2019. – С.33–59.
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      Foriegn PolicyМіжнародні відносиниTreaty of Brest-LitovskПерша світова війна
India and Russia have endorsed the importance of the 'Special and Privileged Strategic' partnership as a result of the historical foundation of the partnership, strategic cultures and also keeping in pace with the geopolitical and... more
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      Russian StudiesInternational RelationsSocial SciencesForeign Policy Analysis
Great power competition is today’s defining strategic issue. Crucially this competition is seen as remaining below the level of great power armed conflict, instead ranging across diverse areas including economic, diplomatic, cyber,... more
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      Strategy (Military Science)International RelationsInternational Relations TheoryStrategic Studies
This paper compares the ways in which countries that have suffered from terrorist actions combat terrorism. Specifically, I compare counterterrorism policies in the United States and Spain before and after two of the most severe acts of... more
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      TerrorismPolitical Violence and TerrorismPolitical ViolenceCounterterrorism (CT)
As relações entre Brasil e Rússia se desenvolveram e ampliaram no decorrer dos anos em relações simétricas e convergentes. Apoiadas sob bases e condutas similares, projetar o país em intenções de cooperação em trocas comuns, trouxeram as... more
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      Russian StudiesBrazilian StudiesRussian Foreign PolicyBrazil
One familiar, even pervasive, narrative in Singapore is that the country and its people live under the shadow of ever-present existential threats. Such dangers are supposedly always lurking just beneath the surface of internal prosperity... more
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      Political SociologyPolitical EconomyDevelopment StudiesSoutheast Asian Studies
SOVYET DIŞ POLİTİKASINDA AFGANİSTAN İŞGALİ VE SONUÇLARI adında yazdığım makale aslında Ankara Üniversitesi SBF'de Uluslararası ilişkiler bölümünde lisans eğitimi dönemine aittir.
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      International RelationsForiegn Policy
The article is devoted to the study of the contemporary approaches on Great Silk Road by analyzing historical preconditions to the development of relations between Europe and states of Central Asia. Paper sheds light upon the historical... more
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      International RelationsWorld HistoryDiplomacyCentral Asian Politics
After 40 years, Richard Nixon, US president for the first time, had tried to stabilize the relation between the People 's Republic of China. Both countries are working together and making close ties to avoid their strategic mistrust. The... more
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      International RelationsPolitical ScienceSouth-south cooperationDiplomacy and international relations
Increased energy trade has important economic and strategic significance for the United States and Mexico. Mexico’s energy-market reforms that opened access and improved natural gas trade between American producers and Mexican consumers... more
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      Energy EconomicsGeopoliticsInternational TradePetroleum
A szíriai polgárháború dinamikája 2016 vége óta alapvető átalakuláson megy keresztül. Bár a háromszintű – helyi, regionális és globális – szereplőkkel és érdekellentétekkel zajló konfliktus rövid távon továbbra sem tűnik megoldhatónak, a... more
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      International RelationsForeign Policy AnalysisMiddle East StudiesInternational Security
Interview comments cited in media article
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      United KingdomLibyaForiegn Policy
من المؤكد أن الجدل الدائر على صفحات المجلات ومواقع السوشيال ميديا إنما يعكس توترًا حقيقيًّا بين الخليج ومصر، وإن ظلت المواقف الرسمية على تحفظها مؤكدة متانة علاقات الدعم والتحالف بين مختلف الأطراف، وهو ما يفتح الباب أمام تكهنات حول مستقبل... more
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      EgyptRegional SecurityInternational Relations of East Asia, Asian Security, China's Foreign Policy, International Relations Theory, Space SecurityGCC
على الرغم من أن الاتفاق النووي الإيراني- اتفاقية فيينا- قد أنهـى عقودًا من التوتر بين القوى الغربية والنظام الإيراني، وفتح آفاقًا للتعاون الاقتصادي بين الطرفين مع رفع العقوبات المفروضة على طهران، إلا أن الشرق الأوسط الغارق في حروبه ذات... more
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      Middle East StudiesSecurity StudiesUnited States Foriegn PolicyForiegn Policy
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      International RelationsPolitical ScienceTransatlantic relationsPolitics
The July 2020 issue of Strategic Assessment focuses on the theme of Israeli foreign policy and national security. To complement the articles in this issue, we held a discussion with former senior figures from the Foreign Ministry and... more
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      Israel StudiesNational SecurityForiegn Policy
This year, for the first time ever, the presidential nominees of both major parties are promising to end the "endless" or "forever" wars in which they acknowledge their nation to be engaged.
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      American HistoryMilitary HistoryAmerican StudiesInternational Relations