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      DuetSara HossainFazlur RahmanAnisur Rahman
In this paper I will examine the reformist thought of Fazlur Rahman (1919–1988). The first section will contain a systematic reconstruction of Rahman’s reformist method, while the second attempts a systematic review of the major... more
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      Islamic LawHermeneuticsIslamIslamic Reformism
How the Quranic Hermeneutic of Fazlur Rahman reflects changing discourses in Islam and modernity.
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      HermeneuticsQuranic StudiesIslamic StudiesIslam
Since the arrival of revealed religions and their encounter with Greek philosophy, the issue of the relationship between reason and revelation has been one of the most important problems in the history of thought. One important aspect of... more
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      Quranic StudiesAl FarabiLeo StraussQuran
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      Hadith StudiesHadithQuran and Sunnah StudiesFazlur Rahman
Buku ini mendiskusikan dua pemikiran Farid Esack.
1. Hermeneutika Pembebasan.
2. Pemahaman terhadap ayat suci yang digunakan untuk menjalain kerjasama antara umat beragama
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      HermeneuticsGustavo GutierrezHans-Georg GadamerMohammed Arkoun
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      TarihselcilikFazlur RahmanTarihsellikEvrensellik ve Tarihsellik
In the present article, Fazlur Rahman’s understanding of the sunnah/hadīth will be discussed in comparison with Schacht’s ideas. The purpose of the article is to establish whether the similarities between these two scholars is to an... more
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      Islamic StudiesOrientalismHadithJoseph Schacht
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      Qur'anic StudiesQuranic StudiesIslamic EthicsFazlur Rahman
Hâlihazırdaki makalede, Fazlur Rahman’ın sünnet/hadis anlayışı, Joseph Schacht’ın sünnet/hadis anlayışıyla karşılaştırmalı olarak incelenmektedir. İki ilim adamının hadis literatürü ile ilgili görüşlerinin yaşayan sünnet kavramı etrafında... more
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      HadisHadithOryantalizmJoseph Schacht
تعتبر هذه الأطروحة التي يقدمها يوسف سنغاري من أهم الدراسات التي تناولت فكر فضل الرحمن فحاولت أن تتقصى إضافاته وطرافته. وهي دراسة تندرج ضمن مسار فكري نشط يرنو إلى تجديد قراءة التراث ومراجعة ما علق به من مسلمات لمساءلتها وخلخلة الواهن... more
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      Islamic Contemporary StudiesKalam (Islamic Theology)Quranic StudiesIslamic Studies
La presente tesi è dedicata alla questione della proibizione dell'interesse nell'Islam. Il lavoro è diviso in tre capitoli. Nel primo vengono analizzate le fonti del diritto musulmano, da cui vengono derivate le diverse definizioni di... more
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      HistoryIslamic LawHistory of ReligionArabic Language and Linguistics
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      Ottoman HistorySufismNeo-SufismIbn Taymiyya
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      ModernizmFazlur Rahman
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      Islamic LawAl FarabiFazlur Rahman
When we look at the history of Islamic law, it is possible to say that the fiqh method has developed in a process from the beginning. In this process, it can be mentioned that many scholars, especially mujtahids, who we call sect imams,... more
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      Research MethodologyFazlur RahmanFıkıh Usulü
Profesor islamskih studija i filozofije na istaknutim univerzitetima u Engleskoj i Americi Fazlurahman došao je na čelo Centralnog instituta za islamska istraživanja u Karačiju nekoliko godina nakon što je država Pakistan međunarodno... more
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      HistoryJurisprudenceQur'anic StudiesQuranic Studies
Fazlur Rahman dan interpretasi teks Al-Quran
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    • Fazlur Rahman
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      JavedFazlur Rahman
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    • Fazlur Rahman
Fazlur Rahman adalah salah satu pemikir Islam yang sangat berpengaruh. sampai sekarang teori penafsiran yang dicetuskannya "Double Movement" masih banyak digandrungi oleh para cendikiawan muslim.
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      HermeneuticsIslamic StudiesFazlur Rahman
Artikel ini berusaha untuk memaparkan pemikiran Fazlur Rahman sebagai seorang tokoh pemikiran Islam kontemporer. Karena itu, sifat dari tulisan ini lebih bersifat informatif. Akan tetapi, tulisan ini juga bermaksud sebisa mungkin untuk... more
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      Islamic Thought & PhilosophyContemporary Islamic ThoughtModern Islamic ThoughtIslamic thought
The main purpose of this article is to accentuate and elucidate the notion that the Qur'an is a histoncal address. Bearing this main purpose in mind, I will try to show various histoncal elemenis in the Qur'an. However, I should say in... more
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      HistoricityUniversalityTarihselcilikFazlur Rahman
The science of Kalâm, expressed as Uṣûlü'd-dîn in Islamic thought, is a constructional science. This means that the science of Kalâm has a dynamic structure in social life as well as a theoretical beginning. Kalâm has played an important... more
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      Kalam (Islamic Theology)ModernismIslamic thoughtFazlur Rahman
Islamic modernism is a rich Islamic intellectual tradition and it permeates the thinking of many scholars, intellectuals, reformists, and poets in South Asia. Even in the Muslim communities of South Asia, especially among the educated... more
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      Islamic Political ThoughtIslamic Modernism in India & PakistanMuhammad IqbalFazlur Rahman
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      HermeneuticsInterpretationFazlur Rahman
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Denis Gril, « SANGARÉ Youssouf T., Repenser le Coran et la tradition islamique. Une introduction à la pensée de Fazlur Rahman, Paris, Albouraq 2017, 154 p. », Revue des mondes musulmans et de la Méditerranée [En ligne], Lectures inédites,... more
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      Islamic Contemporary StudiesQuranic StudiesCoranFazlur Rahman
This study discusses to Fazlur Rahman's thoughts on Qur'anic ethics, because experts often mention that ethics is not only the basic elan of the Quran (essence in the teachings of Alquran), but also is a universal aspect that exists in... more
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      EtikaFazlur RahmanAlquranIlmu Alquran
Conference to be held at the Catholic University of Louvain in May 2018. Please download the PDF for more details.
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      History of ReligionIslamic Contemporary StudiesHermeneuticsWilhelm Dilthey
In the present article, Fazlur Rahman’s understanding of the sunnah/hadīth will be discussed in comparison with Schacht’s views on the same subject. That the views of Schacht and Fazlurrahman on Hadīth literature revolve around the term... more
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      HadithJoseph SchachtSunnahFazlur Rahman
This article juxtaposes two of the most influential Qur'anic exegetes emerging in the post-independence period in Egypt and Pakistan respectively, Sayyid Quṭb (1906-1966) and Fazlur Rahman (1916-1988). As the two represent disparate... more
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      20th century (History)Reformed theologyQur'anic HermeneuticsIslamic revival and reform movements
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      HermeneuticsHistoricismQur'anic StudiesQuranic Studies
Kepemimpinan merupakan suatu entitas yang penting bagi peradaban manusia. Adanya suatu komunitas yang eksis, memerlukan suatu bentuk kepemimpinan yang akan mengarahkan komunitas tersebut kepada tujuan dan visi serta misi yang hendak... more
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      HermeneuticsKepemimpinanFazlur RahmanMa'anil Hadis
In recent years, the idea of "justice" alongside many other great ideas has undergone shifts in meaning due to a philosophical programme that was set in motion centuries earlier and has by now consolidated its influence in the Muslim... more
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Editör: Cafer Mum, Malatya: İnönü Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2016.
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      FelsefeKelamTefsirKuranın Tarihsel ve Evrensel Okunuşu
Reform Revisited
Universität Osnabrück
10. Mai 2017
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      HermeneuticsQuranic StudiesHans-Georg GadamerFazlur Rahman
Cet ouvrage voudrait être une introduction rigoureuse à la pensée de " l'une des figures les plus importantes de l'islam contemporain ", (Abdou Filali-Ansary) le pakistanais Fazlur Rahman (m.1988). Le présent ouvrage vise à combler un... more
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      Islamic StudiesFazlur RahmanFazlur
Fazlur Rahman'ın ismi daha çok İslâm ve çağdaşlık, İslâmi yenilenme gibi konularla anılsa da onun akademik kimliğinin temelini İslam Felsefesine dair çalışmalar oluşturmaktadır. Fazlur Rahman'ın doktora teziyle başladığı bu alana yönelik... more
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      Islamic PhilosophyKalam (Islamic Theology)Islamic StudiesFazlur Rahman
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      Islamic StudiesFazlur RahmanSophia Perrenis
Invité de l’émission « Religions du monde » de RFI, dimanche 03 juin 2018. Emission animée par Geneviève Delrue. Présentation sur le site de RFI : Grand invité : le Dr Youssouf Sangaré pour son livre Repenser le Coran et la traduction... more
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      Hadith StudiesIslamic HistoryIslamic History and Muslim CivilizationIslamic thought
Se revendiquant d’E. Betti dans le débat qu’il eut avec H.-G. Gadamer, Fazlur Rahman défend la possibilité de connaître avec certitude le sens objectif du Coran, qu’il dissocie du sens littéral. Ce sens objectif, qui correspond à... more
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      Hans-Georg GadamerIslam and ModernityIslamic ReformismQur'anic Hermeneutics
Main Points: 1. This essay argues that there has been resistance to criticism and diverse opinions in the traditional Muslim scholarly behaviour which has thwarted a full-fledged movement of reform in Islam. 2. In order to enrich our... more
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      Islamic StudiesIslamic ReformismIslamic Scholarly TraditionAbul Ala Maududi
Recension de mon ouvrage sur Fazlur Rahman par Le Quotidien des livres et des idées.
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      Quranic StudiesCoranFazlur Rahman
In the mid-1960s, over half a century ago, Marshall Hodgson entreated scholars of Islam and world history to avoid the pitfall of prejudgment. His clarion cry still needs to be heard, and repeated, its mandate pursued, today. Several... more
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      CosmopolitanismIslamic StudiesIslamic and Middle Eastern studiesFazlur Rahman
Dibesarkan dalam lingkungan mazhab Hanafi yang kuat, sejak kecil diajarkan pendidikan tradisional mengenai kajian-kajian keislaman, dengan tetap membuka mata atas tantangan modernitas yang harus dihadapi umat Islam modern. Menempuh... more
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      PhilosophyFazlur RahmanMuslim philosophy and thought