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Mucho se ha discutido en medios de comunicación, debates académicos y grupos activistas sobre la extravagancia de la tipificación de los delitos atribuidos a Chelsea Manning. Por ejemplo, por el hecho de que resultó convicto de... more
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      Information SecurityWikileaksEspionageEnemy
This article reviews the role of intelligence in public administration and compares diplomatic intelligence and espionage. In this context, the article provides examples of diplomatic intelligence and espionage across political, economic,... more
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      Public AdministrationIntelligenceSpying and IntelligenceNational Security
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      Spanish Golden AgeEspionageFelipe IINew Historical Novel
In the autumn of 1962, two weeks before U-2 aerial photographs confirmed Soviet deployments of nuclear missiles in Cuba, the US intelligence community attempted to image the island with the spy satellite Corona. Insufficient image... more
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      Military IntelligencePhotographyIntelligence StudiesInternational Security
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      HistoryCriminologyArt HistoryArt
Skyfall (2012) signals a crisis in global espionage in a post-9/11 era of schizophrenic digital terror. James Bond and his enemy are both internally excluded from their agency-MI6-and this "abjection" leads to terrorist revenge and... more
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Espionage During the Cold War, the Soviet Union maintained a strong presence in Iceland, due to Iceland’s military importance and the American base in Keflavík. Despite a couple of incidents that revealed Soviet espionage in Iceland, no... more
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      EspionageSoviet UnionKgb
Religious groups existing on the fringes of US Society can quickly find themselves pushed outside the borders of acceptability by the onset of war, especially if they hold pacifist convictions and an avid desire to proselytise. Gary... more
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      New Religious MovementsNationalismMillenarianismAnti-War
How has secrecy shaped the collective memory of Bletchley Park? Collective memory helps to form our collective identity, an ideal that we should conform to. It gives us belonging, a sense of right and wrong and is what motivates us to... more
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      HistorySecrecyIntelligence and EspionageEspionage
Translation of the book: Venice Secret Service
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      European HistoryOttoman HistoryEarly Modern HistoryMediterranean Studies
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      IntelligencePolish HistoryCold WarIntelligence and Espionage
The objective scope of the analysis contained in the text concerns legal solutions to penalisation of the crime of espionage with regard to information security. As the main goal, the text performs an analysis of the crime of... more
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      Information SecuritySecuritySecurity StudiesIntelligence and Espionage
Le roman, s’il est l’objet d’une lecture par les outils conceptuels des sciences humaines, contribue à dévoiler en partie ce que la littérature académique a désigné comme la « dimension manquante » des Relations internationales.... more
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      Intelligence StudiesIntelligenceNovelFiction
Cet article plonge dans les méandres du monde de James Bond pour tenter de comprendre en quoi le célèbre espion britannique nous fait découvrir un au delà du réel. En considérant pleinement l'enjeu philosophique de ce brouillage de... more
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      PhilosophyLiteratureIntelligenceContemporary French Philosophy
Book review of Cyber Espionage and International Law by Russell Buchan
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      International LawInternational Human Rights LawPublic International LawIntelligence and Espionage
The digital age has permanently changed the way states conduct political warfare—necessitating a rebalancing of security priorities in democracies. The utilisation of cyberspace by state and non-state actors to subvert democratic... more
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      Information WarfareInformation OperationsPolitical WarfareEspionage
Documents and audio from Alexander Siloti's daughter Kyriena.
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      Franz LisztAlexander ScriabinEspionageHistory of Espionage
Wilhelm Stieber greatly advanced intelligence and counterintelligence. His ideas paved the way for secret police forces and intelligence agencies for the future. He not only managed intelligence services but undertook dangerous work... more
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      German StudiesMilitary IntelligenceGerman HistoryIntelligence Studies
BREAKING: Evidenced Corruption and Collusion in Federal and Massachusetts State Courts - Recused/Disqualified Judges, Attorneys for Bank Defendants Wells Fargo/US Bank, Federal/State Prosecutors and the Deafening silence of Massachusetts... more
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      Constitutional LawEconomicsFinancial EconomicsPublic Economics
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      James BondEspionageCinematic citySpy Fiction
This present essay focuses on the information that Hispanic spies collected in the Levant during the sixteenth-century. Based on archival and literary sources, the study is built around the typical structure of a lyric opera to show the... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryMilitary IntelligenceEarly Modern History
In Indian history, spying on citizens is as old as Rigveda. The system had developed as an intricate and sophisticated administrative science. Aphorisms like “spies are kings’ eyes” reflect an Indian tradition going back many centuries.... more
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      History of IndiaIntelligence and EspionageIndiaIndian subcontinent
Gordian III and Philip the Arab. The Roman Empire at a Crossroads (Dr. Ilkka Syvänne, Pen and Sword Publishing, Barnsley 22 March 2021) offers not only detailed analysis of the reigns of Gordian III and Philip the Arab, but also a very... more
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      HistoryEconomic HistoryMilitary IntelligenceStrategy (Military Science)
See index and opening essay.  Self explanatory.
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      Military IntelligenceIntelligence StudiesIntelligenceSpying and Intelligence
The objective scope of the research problem presented in the text covers a selection of issues concerned with the US espionage against Poland in the period between 1970 and 1989. The main goal of the text is to present the Polish... more
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      International SecuritySecurityIntelligence and EspionageCounter Intelligence
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      Gender StudiesFeminismWorld War IFilm and History
For those of you wondering why I recently took an impassioned interest in defending the Electoral College, the Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA) from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence on Russian meddling in the... more
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      HistorySocial SciencesIntelligenceGovernment
Since 9/11 American intelligence has evolved in a changing atmosphere of modern tactics and techniques of information collection. This atmosphere, coupled with massive leaps in technological advancement such as social media, mobile... more
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      Critical TheoryHistoryMilitary HistorySociology
Hubungan bilateral antara Indonesia dengan Australia tidak selalu stabil. Hubungan bilateral ini cenderung fluktuatif lengkap dengan pasang-surut kedekatannya yang dipengaruhi berbagai hal. Kasus yang terbilang masih hangat yang sempat... more
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      International RelationsAustralian StudiesSovereigntyAustralia
The Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) intelligence system is focused on technology acquisition, political and military intelligence, and counter-subversion, using some techniques familiar in the West but others that are less so. Chinese... more
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      Intelligence StudiesInternational BusinessIntelligenceHUMINT-Human Intelligence
Is Barack Hussein Obama a creation of the U.S. Central  Intelligence Agency? This paper explores that possibility.
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      IntelligenceIntelligence and EspionageBarack ObamaCouncil on Foreign Relations
This is an update to my 2017 paper providing information regarding the use of Double Agents by the Allies in WW2, and how MI6(V) developed a Counter-Espionage Section and outstations to identify enemy intelligence operators and control... more
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      Military IntelligenceIntelligenceSecurityIntelligence and Espionage
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      James BondEspionageSpy FictionIan Fleming
These additional footnotes are a supplement to Russell Campbell, Codename Intelligentsia: The Life and Times of the Honourable Ivor Montagu, Filmmaker, Communist, Spy (The History Press, 2018).
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      Film StudiesFilm HistoryIntelligence and EspionageFilm and History
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      Military IntelligenceSecond World WarWorld War IIOccupation and Resistance in WW2
Thèse de doctorat dirigée par Laurence van Ypersele et défendue à l'Université catholique de Louvain le 23 janvier 2006.
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      Military IntelligenceIntelligence StudiesIntelligence and EspionageSecond World War
This article addresses the problem of legitimation under communist rule in Romania during the epoch of Nicolae Ceausescu (1965-89) by focusing on the communist spy novels published during a particular time span, that is, 1965-77.... more
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      Romanian HistoryCommunismRomanian StudiesIntelligence and Espionage
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      World War IISOEEspionageİzmir
During the Second World War the Abwehr, Germany's intelligence service, made concerted attempts to sabotage Britain. Not only did they train specialist saboteurs, they also recruited Irish and Welsh Nationalists and poured thousands of... more
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      Military HistoryInternational RelationsSecurity StudiesSecond World War
The text is treats of the espionage against Poland in the period 1944-1989. The above analysis has been supplemented with the quantitative data from the period 1944-1984 as regards those convicted for participating in, acting... more
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      Information SecuritySecurityIntelligence and EspionagePoland
Francisco Ríos (c. 1872-c.1811), alias el Quitacapas, es un peligroso ladrón que llega a ser capitán de los cholos durante la Revolución del 25 de Mayo de 1809 en La Plata (Chuquisaca). En 1963, Gunnar Mendoza publica la "Causa criminal... more
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      ViolenceBolivian studiesPolitical ViolenceSubaltern Studies
In the mid 1990s, the CIA faced an existential crisis, it's ideological enemy in the guise of the Soviet Union collapsed. This left a vacuum in which the Agency could not justify a desired increase in public spending on 'intelligence... more
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      PropagandaFilm HistoryIntelligence and EspionageEntertainment
Reviews one of three books related to the Cold War: Scott Martell's The Fear Within, Alan Hornblum's The Invisible Harry Gold, Thomas Sakmyster's Red Conspirator, all of which appeared in the peer-reviewed Intelligencer: Journal of U.S.... more
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      CommunismIntelligence and EspionageHistory of CominternHistory of Communism
This book is memoirs, telling the story of Bregman relationship with Mossad spy Ashraf Marwan, the son-in-law of President Nasser of Egypt
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      HistoryEgyptArab-Israeli conflictSpying and Intelligence
Robert Hanssen, a career FBI Special Agent and " trusted insider " , was able to sell U.S. secrets to the Soviets and Russians for twenty-two years before his detection in December, 2000 by the FBI. Prior to Hanssen's arrest, the FBI's... more
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      IntelligenceFBI HistoryEspionageInsider Threat
This paper explores the possibility that James Jesus Angleton, the CIA's legendary chief of counterintelligence, was actually a traitor working for America's domestic enemies.
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      IntelligenceCentral Intelligence AgencyEspionageCIA
The scope of the research problem encompasses selected issues concerning the content and sense of the elements characterizing the offense of espionage in Polish criminal law. In the legislation currently in force, the offense of espionage... more
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      Information SecurityHomeland SecurityIntelligence and EspionageComputer Security
The KGB (Komitet Gosudarstvennoi Bezopasnosti or Committee of State Security) was the preeminent Soviet intelligence agency and Soviet equivalent of the American CIA. During the later Soviet period, the KGB served as organization... more
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      HistoryInternational RelationsSocial SciencesGlobalization
Zarys życiorysu Wacława Komara, przedwojennego działacza komunistycznego, uczestnika wojny domowej w Hiszpanii, który po II wojnie światowej był szefem wywiadu PRL.
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      Soviet HistoryIntelligencePolish HistoryEastern European and Russian Jewish History
Guide to Part One of lectures on the world history of espionage recorded in the Modern Scholar series at Recorded Books, Inc. Part Two was completed, but never published due to Record Books bankruptcy.
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      World HistoryEspionageThe History of Espionage