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This article explores the patterns of class inequality and capital accumulation in Brazil, showing the drivers and limits of the decline in inequality that occurred during the Workers' Party governments. It proposes that minimum wage... more
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      Latin American StudiesDevelopment EconomicsPolitical EconomyDevelopment Studies
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      MarxismAnalytical MarxismSocial ClassErik Olin Wright
This book brings together fifty of today’s finest thinkers. They were asked to let their imaginations run free to advance new ideas on a wide range of social and political issues. They did so as friends, on the occasion of Philippe Van... more
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      Welfare StateWelfare StateSocial JusticeFederalism
(en Luis Enrique Alonso, Carlos J. Fernández Rodríguez y Rafael Ibáñez Rojo (coords.), Estudios sociales sobre el consumo, Madrid, CIS, 2020).
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      MarxismPierre BourdieuSociology of the BodyPhenomenology of the body
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      MarxismPost-MarxismSlavoj ŽižekGiorgio Agamben
Marksist düşüncede toplumun sınıflar temelinde analizi büyük bir önem taşır. Sınıfların bu önceliği ve önemi, hem toplumun bilimsel analizinin sonucu hem de çıkış noktasıdır. Sınıfları bütünlüklü olarak ele alıp tartışmamış olsa da... more
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      MarxismMarxist theoryMarxism (Political Science)Social Class
The objective of the master thesis presented here is to chart a concept of causality adequate for a historical materialism at pace with the times, uncircumventable for grasping complex social phenomena and relationships, their... more
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      Critical TheoryOntologySocial PhilosophyCritical Realism
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      Utopian StudiesFilosofía socialMetodología y Teoría de la Investigación SocialMarxismo
Questo scritto introduce e presenta un saggio di Michael Burawoy, dove il sociologo di Berkeley traccia un profilo intellettuale del collega e amico Erik Wright. Redatto per la conferenza tenutasi l'1 e il 2 novembre 2019 all'Università... more
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      Critical TheoryPublic SociologyHistory of IdeasMarxism
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      MarxismPost-MarxismSlavoj ŽižekGiorgio Agamben
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      Futures Studies and ForesightAnticipationMartin SeligmanErik Olin Wright
Uma seleção de textos resultantes de comunicações ao Congresso: «Transformar o Capitalismo com as Utopias Reais». Coimbra: CES/FEUC, 23  24 de janeiro de 2020.
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      Gender StudiesMarxismExclusionPoverty and Inequality
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      Constitutional LawInternational RelationsGlobal GovernanceLegal Theory
This introductory course presents a survey of theoretical, conceptual, and practical approaches to the study of social justice, as well as the study of socio-political systems from a justice-centric framework. Students will have the... more
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      HistorySociologyPolitical SociologySocial Movements
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Within cultural history there is a widespread eschewal of speculative reasoning. This article notes the complicity of the general postmodern avoidance of metanarratives with Anglo-Saxon empiricism and locates the major problem facing... more
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      Critical RealismHegelKarl PopperGombrich
Who speaks for the anthropocene? Who is authorized to bring about " the good anthropocene " ? Who gets to decide the path of our hybrid futures? In the last chapter we saw that some of the most influential contemporary manifestations of... more
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      SociologyGeographyEnvironmental GeographyPolitical Philosophy
Este artigo aborda a relação entre a religião e a mobilidade social, identificando como valores, normas e práticas constituintes de uma cultura específica podem ser potenciadores ou inibidores de mobilidade social.
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      SociologySociology of ReligionPierre BourdieuDurkheim
“Orta sınıf”, Marksist analiz çerçevesi içinde içeriksiz bir terim olsa da, empirik varlığında ısrarlı bir fenomenler kümesine işaret etmektedir. Bu açıdan bakıldığında, Wright’ın sınıf yapısını empirik çalışmalarda işlemselleştirmeye... more
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      Pierre BourdieuSocial ClassPierre Bourdieu; Forms of capital and theory of social mobilityErik Olin Wright
This paper was presented at the World Association for Political Economy conference in Berlin, July 2018. It critically analyses the theory of Sociological Marxism, developed by Michael Burawoy and Erik Orlin Wright. Sociological Marxism... more
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      SociologyMarxismEconomic CrisisFalling Rates of Profit
Début : Loin de tirer des plans sur la comète, nullement futurologue, André Gorz a fondé son « utopie concrète » sur les possibilités de réalisation qu’offrait, sous ses yeux, notre monde en crise. Cette première biographie intellectuelle... more
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      Political PhilosophyUtopian StudiesBiographyEmancipation
Evrensel temel gelir üzerine. 29 Kasım 2021. İleri Haber. Fırat Çoban. 2020 yılından bu yana deneyimlediğimiz koronavirüs pandemisi ile birlikte, halihazırda çağımızın üzerine en çok tartışılan sosyal politika tasarılarından biri olan... more
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      Erik Olin WrightUniversal Basic IncomeEvrensel Temel Gelir
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      MarxismErik Olin Wright
Article rédigé avec Alessandro Drago.
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      Erik Olin WrightReal Utopias
Une pensée critique se caractérise par une contestation globale de l'ordre établi. Les pensées critiques contemporaines ont évolué : héritées du marxisme et du cycle politique des années 1960-1970, elles sont produites par des auteur.e.s... more
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      Jurgen HabermasSlavoj ŽižekJacques RancièreGiorgio Agamben
La obra de Erik O. Wright puede entenderse como una renovación del marxismo sociológico, una tradición que ha mantenido un “matrimonio mal avenido” con el feminismo, por usar la conocida expresión de Hartmann. Este artículo se propone... more
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      SociologyGenderGender EqualityErik Olin Wright
Karl Marx characterized the 1848 June Days uprising as a class struggle between proletarians and the bourgeoisie. But modern investigations have shown that the insurgents actually consisted primarily of artisans and not proletarians. They... more
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      MarxismCommunismSocialismSocial Class
Uma síntese dos trabalhos de Erik Olin Wright, a propósito do congresso de homenagem promovido pelo CES, com o mesmo título.
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      Social ClassMarxismoErik Olin WrightReal Utopias
This article explores Erik Olin Wright's theoretical reflections on the possibilities of a socialist alternative and their transformation from the early days of the Kapitalistate circle and its neo-marxist theories of the state to... more
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      SociologyHistory of IdeasMarxismState Theory
Katsausartikkelissa tarkastellaan yhdysvaltalaisen marxilaissosiologi Erik Olin Wrightin niin sanottuihin todellisiin utopioihin kohdistunutta tutkimusta. Artikkelissa avataan sekä sitä, kuinka Wrightin todellisen utopian käsite tulisi... more
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      SocialismsUtopianismSocial ClassSocial transformation
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsIndustrial SociologyRussian StudiesWorking Classes
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      EconomicsMarxismCapitalismEconomic Methodology
La obra de Erik O. Wright puede entenderse como una renovación del marxismo sociológico, una tradición que ha mantenido un “matrimonio mal avenido” con el feminismo, por usar la... more
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      GenderGender EqualityErik Olin WrightSocial Stratification and Inequality
Poulantzas took a critical step towards post-Marxism, which severed all connections between politics-ideology and the economic base of classes, when he considered the “ideological-political criteria” as a central element in determining... more
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      MarxismSocial ClassStructuralismPoulantzas
Respuestas al cuestionario preparado para la mesa redonda “La práctica de la investigación en el marxismo argentino”, coordinada por Rodolfo Elbert. Carrera de Sociología, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 18-5-18.
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The present article establishes an alternative reading of Weber that pays closer attention to his materialist understanding of how bureaucratic forms of power become legitimized through their being embodied in the habitus of social agents... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologySocial TheoryEmbodied Cognition
This jointly authored paper is a speculative and exploratory essay on the emerging field of social accounting. In essence, the paper explores whether the fact that most social accounting has, traditionally at any rate, been promulgated by... more
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      Accounting ScholarshipPhilosophyGovernanceEnvironmental Policy and Governance
La presente ponencia reflexiona acerca de las representaciones sociales que se construyen en el seno de la sociedad civil respecto de los migrantes externos. Específicamente, trabajaremos con migrantes bolivianos y paraguayos. Para ello... more
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      SociologyRace and RacismSocial RepresentationsBolivian studies
Focus: alternative trade unions in the transnational automotive industry in Russia. traditional unions associated with state control; new alternative unions in Russia are particularly associated with political opposition and radicalism.... more
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      Russian StudiesWorking ClassesWork and LabourAutomotive Industry
Who speaks for the anthropocene? Who is authorized to bring about " the good anthropocene " ? Who gets to decide the path of our hybrid futures? In the last chapter we saw that some of the... more
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      GeographyEnvironmental GeographyPolitical PhilosophyHybridity
En el presente artículo se realiza un balance de la obra del sociólogo norteamericano Erik Olin Wright. Se aborda su trayectoria como investigador prestando especial atención a los principios metodológicos (analíticos y normativos) que... more
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      Social TheoryMarxismAnalytical MarxismSocial Class
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      Analytic PhilosophyMarxismAnalytical MarxismHistorical Materialism
Erik Olin Wright’s recent new book, Envisioning Real Utopias is an important contribution to an expanding literature that attempts to articulate both a vision for a radical egalitarian and democratic society and a strategy for achieving... more
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      Social ChangeSocial MovementsSocial EconomyCooperatives
Farklı siyasal görüşlere yakınlığı ile bilinen 17 ulusal gazetedeki Suriyeli mülteci temsillerini inceleyen bu içerik analizinde, medyada öne çıkan ‘yardıma muhtaç’ ve ‘ucuz emek’ temsilleri arasındaki sınıfsal farklar ortaya... more
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      Cultural StudiesCommunicationMedia StudiesMedia and Cultural Studies
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsSocial MovementsWorking ClassesSocial Movement
O ano de 2016 assinala a passagem dos 500 anos desde a publicação da famosa Utopia de Thomas More, livro que é, a justo título, considerado como sendo um dos que maior influência tiveram em todo o pensamento posterior. Poucos são os... more
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      SociologyUtopian StudiesPaul RicoeurUtopian Literature
Review of Erik Olin Wright's "Envisioning Real Utopias".
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      MarxismSocialismUtopiaErik Olin Wright
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      Cultural StudiesCommunicationMedia StudiesMedia and Cultural Studies
이 글은 먼저 현대 맑스주의와 베버주의 계급론이 수렴하는 경향 속에 통합적 전망으로서 부르디외를 위치시키면서, 부르디외가 이들과 공명하는(또는 영향을 받은) 지점들을 탐구한다(2장). 방법론적으로 재구성된 계급 개념을 논하고(3장), 부르디외의 장 개념이 계급투쟁의 계급 행동을 과잉결정하는 다차원적인 공간임을 주장한다(4장). 이후 부르디외의 문제의식에서 맑스주의 계급론의 몇 가지 의의를 찾아볼 것이다. 이는 부르디외가... more
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      SociologySocial SciencesMarxismSociology of Knowledge