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      Critical TheoryAestheticsEmpowermentEmancipation
This article presents a new theory of development that unifies disparate insights into a single framework, focusing on human empowerment—a process that emancipates people from domination. Human empowerment sets in when mass-scale... more
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The text attempts to rethink the concept of emancipation and how it is structured as political action, while describing its historical origins and how it is further understood by the three important political philosophers: Karl Marx,... more
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      Social MovementsClassCultural Historical Activity TheoryEmancipation
Book review. Overall, this book makes significant contributions to the project of understanding the history of the socio-political movements to improve women’s condition in Europe as well as making a persuasive argument for the centrality... more
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      European HistoryWomen's HistoryBritish HistoryWomen's Rights
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      EmancipationSimone de BeauvoirSimone de Beauvoir (Philosophy)Existentialism In Philosophy
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisPsychoanalysisCritical Security Studies
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      EducationHistory of EducationPolitical HistoryEmancipation
This paper presents a literature review of critical information systems (IS) research. Specifically, it focuses on how IS researchers have responded to Myers and Klein’s (2011) call to consider critical approaches and theorists in... more
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      Critical TheoryEmancipationFrankfurt SchoolCritical research
How did the material culture of fashion shape power relations between plantation mistresses and their slaves? This inquiry engages the rich historiography on the master-slave relationship. Most historians have not fully appreciated the... more
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      History of SlaveryEmancipation19th century American historyUS Southern History
Este texto intenta indagar algunas cuestiones relativas a la percepción generalizada en España y en Italia de que el feminismo sea anacrónico o necesite una profunda transformación para adaptarse a los nuevos tiempos que, en dichas... more
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      Gender StudiesGender TheoryFeminismEmancipation
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      Political PhilosophyContemporary French PhilosophyJacques RancièrePhilosophy of History
Der Ruf nach Selbstbestimmung war einst ein Aufbruchssignal der Frauenbewegung. Inzwischen ist die Forderung vielfältig kritisch reflektiert worden. In den Sozialwissenschaften wird die Vorstellung eines autonomen Selbst in den so... more
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      Social MovementsGender StudiesSocial SciencesGovernmentality
Collection of new research on the Reconstruction South, co-edited with Bruce E. Baker, with a foreword by Eric Foner
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      Women's HistoryAbolition of SlaverySouthern HistoryEmancipation
The status of learning styles theory in educational studies is uncertain as we inhabit the liminal phase between the theory's death as proclaimed by educational psychologists who avow to have disproven it and whatever afterlife will... more
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      MetaphysicsEducationAristotlePhilosophy of Education
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesPostcolonial StudiesEmancipationSocialism
Latin American social movements are reinventing emancipatory politics, in which those invisibilised and excluded by capitalist-coloniality are emerging as the emancipatory subjects of our times. Rather than a method of learning, pedagogy... more
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      Social MovementsLatin American politicsCritical PedagogyEmancipation
Attempts to build a liberal peace and a concurrent neoliberal state in Kosovo have not managed to produce a sustainable and emancipatory peace. Instead, they have produced a local and negative hybrid peace that has been co-opted by the... more
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      International RelationsUnited NationsEuropean UnionEmancipation
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      Qualitative methodologyCase Study ResearchQualitative ResearchEmancipation
This article connects the release of the Emancipation Proclamation to the historic March on Washington.
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      Civil RightsEmancipationCivil Rights MovementBlack History
The article looks at two concepts that have both an established and a disputed position in the field of educational and social sciences: the concepts of empowerment and emancipation. The guiding questions are: how empowerment and... more
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      EmpowermentEmancipationSocial PedagogyPedagogía social
Glazen plafonds, plakkende vloeren, glazen muren: vrouwen hebben het op de arbeidsmarkt niet makkelijk. Dat het vooral vrouwen zijn die moeilijkheden ondervinden, wil echter niet zeggen dat alleen zij voor een oplossing moeten zorgen. Ook... more
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Right-wing populism has gained ground in Europe in recent years, with the greatest support among rural communities. Yet the European countryside remains largely overlooked in debates on the current political crisis and the ways out of it.... more
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      Rural SociologyPopulismNeoliberalismEmancipation
Dit artikel gaat in op de wijze waarop aan de VU rechtsfilosofisch onderwijs wordt verzorgd, aan de hand van een analyse van de aan het begin van deze eeuw gevoerde rechtszaken met betrekking tot de toelating van vrouwen op de... more
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      Political PartiesDiversityFreedom of ReligionEquality and Diversity
While coaching is establishing itself as an effective human development approach, there is limited understanding of the dynamics of coaching in the context of oppression. This paper summarises a study that examined the use of coaching as... more
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      Critical TheoryPsychologySocial PsychologyDevelopmental Psychology
Izbris, ali dejanje administrativnega etničnega čiščenja, kot ga imenujejo nekateri, je globoko zaznamovalo etičnost slovenske osamosvojitve. Kakršnokoli špekuliranje na temo, ali se je izbris zgodil ali ne, in kakršnakoli brezbrižnost do... more
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      EmancipationPolitical strugglesErased people in Slovenia
Seit es Entwicklungspolitik gibt, sieht sich diese mannigfaltiger Kritik ausgesetzt. Im Gegensatz zu anderen kritischen Sichtweisen geht es Post-Development-Ansatzen um die Infragestellung von Entwicklungspolitik an sich. Anstatt also vor... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesPolitical ScienceEmancipationPostdevelopment Theory
With a fundamental interest in further developing and specifying the theoretical and ethical framework of Psychology from the Standpoint of the Subject (PSS), the article at hand asks: What is the PSS researcher's position in and... more
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      Participatory ResearchCritical PsychologyCultural Historical Activity TheoryCritical Social Psychology
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      EmancipationFrench colonial AlgeriaTorah Sages
Political Film Aesthetics. How Frederick Wiseman's At Berkeley and Ex Libris make social inequality cinematographically experienceable, audible and visible
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical TheoryJacques RancièreEmancipation
Writing for emancipation While reading through the texts of the Contemporary Period present in the Heath Anthology of American Literature, I had a particular attention on the ones written by women. These authors narrate their experiences... more
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      American LiteratureWomen's LiteratureEmancipation
Em entrevista no encerramento do III Congresso da ADHILAC (Asociación de Historiadores Latinoamericanos y Caribe), realizada na PUC-SP em 11 de novembro de 2016, o doutor Martin Almada (UNA) reconstrói a experiência pedagógica da Vila... more
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      Latin American StudiesTransitional JusticeExileEmancipation
A análise de obras de Marx, desde os Manuscritos econômico-filosóficos de 1844 até cartas escritas no início dos anos de 1880, demonstra mudanças e continuidades na formação teórica e política desse pensador. Essa dinâmica, por sua vez,... more
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      PhilosophyMarxismMarxist EconomicsMarxism and Ecology
Ma réflexion porte sur le post-colonialisme, l'émancipation, le colonialisme et l'identité, et son but est d'offrir un point de vue critique et une analyse sur la question du projet d'unification et de négation de l'identité de l'autre... more
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      EducationIdentity (Culture)CultureEmancipation
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      International RelationsMedia StudiesInternational Relations TheoryGlobalization
Our research on the social movement opposing proposed piracy legislation reveals novel societal opportunities and challenges caused by digitization. We summarize literature on the Katz and Lazarsfeld Two-Step Model of Communication and... more
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      Critical TheorySocial MovementsQualitative methodologyPolitical Science
Tabby ruins along the marsh and bits of historic ceramic strewn across the surface of the North End Site (9MC81) on Creighton Island, GA, are among the only traces left of a once vibrant African American antebellum and postbellum... more
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      Historical ArchaeologySlaveryEmancipationCoastal and Island Archaeology
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      Critical TheoryInternational RelationsMarxismInternational Security
En partant des usages actuels de l’autonomie dans les pratiques d’intervention sociale, j’interroge dans cet article sa portée émancipatrice possible, face aux risques de domination et d’assujettissement qui la traversent. Les visions... more
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      PragmatismSocial WorkReflexivityMichel Foucault
"Ο στόχος του συγκεκριμένου βιβλίου –το οποίο αποτελεί μια συλλογική προσπάθεια, και είναι το προϊόν ενός ετήσιου σχεδίου ομαδικής εργασίας (project) με μεταπτυχιακούς φοιτητές και μεταπτυχιακές φοιτήτριες από το Α.Π.Θ και το Πανεπιστήμιο... more
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      PhilosophyEducationAdult EducationTransformative Learning
This (german) paper analyses the role of law as a mobilizing and stimulating power for legally repressed groups using the example of the women's emancipation movements in the long 19th century (1789-1914). Firstly the (historical)... more
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      HistoryLawConstitutional LawCivil Law
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      Cultural HistorySociologyCritical Race TheoryIdentity (Culture)
Distribution électronique pour DICEN IdF. © DICEN IdF. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays. La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites des conditions... more
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      Social MovementsMedia StudiesNew MediaEmancipation
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      Latin American and Caribbean HistoryHistory of SlaveryHaitiHaitian Revolution
This article is based on the hypothesis that the fundamental human instinct is mobilization, which is not liberation, but rather a form of submission. This is particularly true in the age of the Web, which is both a specific technology... more
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      PhilosophyCommunicationMedia StudiesEmancipation
Antes de iniciar as reflexões sobre as dimensões que envolvem os processos de empoderamento, é conveniente elucidar exatamente de que poder estamos falando quando utilizamos esse neologismo que significa, grosso modo, “dar poder”. Muitos... more
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Emancypanci i emancypatorzy. The men that supported the emancipation of Polish women in the second half of the 19th and at the beginning of the 20th centuries. In terms of primary realm, the presented volume gives an ability to... more
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      Masculinity StudiesPolish HistoryEmancipationMasculinities
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesAbolition of SlaveryEmancipationUS Southern History
In recent years, rapper and entrepreneur Jay-Z has tried to promote black entrepreneurship and black capitalism as viable ways of resistance against systems of racism and neoliberal oppression. This thesis, however, argues, that within... more
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      Music HistoryCritical Race TheoryNeoliberalismEmancipation