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Das Verhältnis zwischen dem Europäischen Gerichtshof (EuGH) und den Verfassungsgerichten der EU-Mitgliedstaaten (1) ist ein wechselhaftes. Bisweilen wird dem EuGH Aktivismus vorgeworfen, er würde allzu politisch und expansionistisch... more
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      European LawFundamental RightsECJEuropäische Gerichtshof (EuGH)
This paper, which is a contribution to the EUI EUDO citizenship debate on Case C-135/08 Janko Rottmann [2010] launched by Prof. Jo Shaw, critiques this remarkable judgement of the Court of Justice, suggesting possible ways forward in the... more
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      European LawEuropean UnionCitizenshipEuropean Court of Justice
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      European Criminal LawEuropean Court of JusticeDiritto PenaleECJ
1. Reminder

2. The Spanish Supreme Court assumed the ECJ doctrine on Consumer Protection

3. Most recent ECJ cases on EU consumer protection
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      European LawEuropean Union LawConsumer Protection (Law)Consumer Protection
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      European integrationEuropean Court of JusticeECJCosta Vs ENEL
1. Introduction In what is undoubtedly the most high-profile antitrust case of this moment, tech giant Google has been hit with a string of allegations with regard to its business practices. These allegations led Europe’s highest... more
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      Competition LawEuropean Union LawEU LawGoogle
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      Constitutional LawComparative Constitutional LawPrivacy (Law)National Security
La distinction du fait et du droit est une problématique centrale dans l'organisation des voies de droit. Elle exerce en effet, au-delà d'une variété de formes et de significations, une influence décisive sur l'office du juge ainsi que... more
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      European StudiesJurisprudenceEuropean LawJudicial review
En esta contribución examinaremos cómo la libertad de expresión se ha convertido en un derecho esencial de las sociedades modernas (II), tanto en su caracterización general (II.A) como, en particular, por parte de los medios de... more
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      Hate SpeechFreedom Of ExpressionEuropean Convention of Human RightsECtHR
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      Tax LawHuman RightsRelationship among European Cour of Justice and ECHR. Relationship between national courts and european courts (ECJ and ECHR)Ne bis in idem
The European Union suffers from an empty formalistic reading of the principle of equality when dealing with situations where different legal orders legitimately compete, aspiring to regulate the condition of the same persons in the same... more
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      SovereigntyDiscriminationEuropean Union CitizenshipJustice
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      EU LawECJInterpretative JudgmentsPreliminary Ruling
This Article explores a novel cross-national phenomenon: the emergence of a new judicial review model that merges procedural judicial review with substantive judicial review. While this model is not yet fully defined, it has already... more
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      Constitutional LawCourtsComparative Constitutional LawJudicial review
[EN] This article aims to analyze the doctrine that resulted as a reaction to the arrival of Opinion 2/13 from the European Court of Justice, by which it considered that the European Union cannot accede to the system established by the... more
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      Human RightsEuropean Union LawRelationship among European Cour of Justice and ECHR. Relationship between national courts and european courts (ECJ and ECHR)Dreptul UE
SOMMARIO: 1. Premessa-2. La direttiva 2005/29/CE e il diritto europeo delle pratiche commer-ciali. La questione e il suo contesto-3. Il significato della locuzione «in caso di contrasto» di cui all'art. 3, para 4, della direttiva... more
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      Competition LawECJPratiche commerciali sleali
The distinction between public and private entities is central to French administrative law. The line between the two categories has, however, been blurred by the case law of the European Court of Justice, and its definition of public... more
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      LawEuropean LawFrench LawEuropean Union Law
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      Cultural PropertyECJ
Clandestine migration, particularly along the Southern sea borders, dominates the debate on migration control in Europe. On the contrary, even if most irregular migrants are visa over-stayers, remarkably little is known about the... more
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      Human RightsSovereigntyImmigrationMigration
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      CopyrightEU LawECJInterpretative Judgments
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      Food LawEurpean UnionECJFood Labelling
"U radu je prikazana presuda Europskog suda ECJ C-101/08 Audiolux, gdje je Sud, povodom zahtjeva za prethodno tumačenje, trebao odrediti postoji li u pravu EU opće načelo koje pruža zaštitu manjinskim dioničarima, tako što nameće obvezu... more
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      EU LawCompany LawEU company lawECJ
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      European integrationEuropean UnionEuropean Integration HistoryEuropean Union Law
The present Insight compares the decisions of two chambers of the Polish Supreme Court regarding the domestic enforcement, under the terms laid down in the Polish Constitution, of a judgment of the Court of Justice, the independence of... more
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      Constitutional LawPolandJudiciaryECJ
This paper discusses the effect of the constitutionalisation of the EU’s legal framework on European integration. The first section deals with the evolution of the Treaties as a pathway towards increasing legal integration. The second... more
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      European StudiesEuropean LawEuropean ConstitutionalismEuropean Union
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      Chemical EngineeringInorganic ChemistryOrganic ChemistryEuropean integration
Il contributo intende analizzare gli effetti delle disposizioni contenute nel Regolamento 2020/2092 sulle relazioni tra Istituzioni UE e Stati membri, alla luce del vincolo (condizionalità) del rispetto dei principi dello Stato di diritto... more
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      European UnionRule of LawEU ConditionalityEuropean union budget
In this contribution, which embraces a dialogical understanding of the Rule of Law, I focus on the ‘other’ side of the Rule of Law coin in Europe, as opposed to the story of the fight for the values of Article 2 TEU: the deployment of the... more
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      DialogueRule of LawEU LawECJ
Brexit is scheduled to happen on October 31, 2019, and researchers have previously studied the impact of Brexit on relationships in the EU’s political institutions. This paper studies how Brexit might affect Member States’ interactions... more
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      Judicial independenceJudicial PoliticsEuropean UnionEuropean Union Law
Este trabajo examina brevemente el importante Dictamen 2/13 del TJUE, por el que se rechaza la compatibilidad del Proyecto de Acuerdo de Adhesión de la Unión Europea al CEDH con los Tratados de la Unión.
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      Human RightsEuropean Union LawECJEU accession to ECHR
This paper provides a brief critical overview of the recent EU citizenship case-law of the Court of Justice including Rottmann, Ruiz Zambrano, McCarthy and Dereci. While these cases open a number of new avenues of fundamental importance... more
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      European Union CitizenshipFundamental RightsRuiz ZambranoECJ
It seemed that Court of Justice of the European Union wanted to make it short and sweet: It took the Grand Chamber in its Achmea Decision less than fifteen pages to conclude that Investor-State dispute settlement (ISDS), as we know it,... more
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      European LawInternational LawArbitrationForeign Direct Investment
Consultar Revista íntegra: Sentencia del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea. Asunto C-544/10 (Deutsches Weintor eG / Land Rheinland-Pfalz) de 6 de septiembre de 2012 Procedimiento prejudicial –... more
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      Food Law and PolicyECJHealth Claims
Nos complace reproducir a continuación un interesante artículo sobre la Sentencia “Queso Comté” pues la jurisprudencia que en ella consagra el TJUE no es sólo de actualidad, sino que constituye uno de los elementos fundamentales en los... more
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      ECJMember StatesDenomination of OriginComté
La Corte di Giustizia afferma l’ammissibilità del soccorso istruttorio a pagamento (ora abrogato nel nostro ordinamento), purché la sanzione prevista sia ispirata a un criterio di proporzionalità e precisa che, in ogni caso, le... more
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      Public Procurement LawECJ
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      International Tax LawRenewable EnergyInternational ArbitrationTaxation
1. Introduction; 2. ECJ ruling 362/14 - 6.10.2015; 2.1. Legal questions under enquiry; 2.1.1. The powers of the national supervisory authorities within the meaning of Article 28 of Directive 95/46/CE, when the Commission has adopted a... more
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      PrivacyFacebookECJSafe Harbour
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      Monetary PolicyECJ
The current development of the EU citizenship concept is incompatible with some of the terms of enlargement, namely the policy of transition periods, outlined in the Act of Accession. While the ECJ has tried to interpret EU citizenship as... more
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      Eastern EuropeEuropean Union CitizenshipEuropean UnionEquality
SUMMARY Motivation 2. Methodology Multilevel constitutionalism as theoretical perspective and EU law prevalence 3. Prevalence of EU law and autonomy of National Law 4. Procedural Autonomy of National Law in relation to Consumer... more
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      European LawConsumer ProtectionApplication of EU Law at ECJConsumer protection law
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      European integrationEuropean Court of JusticeECJCosta Vs ENEL
This paper discusses the effect of the constitutionalisation of the EU’s legal framework on European integration. The first section deals with the evolution of the Treaties as a pathway towards increasing legal integration. The second... more
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      European StudiesEuropean LawEuropean ConstitutionalismEuropean Union
Sentencia del Tribunal de Justicia (Gran Sala) de 9 de noviembre de 2010. Mediaprint Zeitungs- und Zeitschriftenverlag GmbH & Co. KG contra "Österreich"-Zeitungsverlag GmbH. Petición de decisión prejudicial: Oberster Gerichtshof -... more
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      Application of EU Law at ECJECJUnfair CompetitionPremium sales
📝 ARTICLE - Available et EC Library BXL Library and e-Resources BXL – FONDS (RX 143 Y2000) La jurisprudencia relativa al artículo 28 CE (antiguo artículo 30 TCE) sobre la libre circulación de mercancías después de "Keck y Mithouard"... more
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      Free Movement of GoodsECJKeck and Mithouard
In several fields of both positive-, as well as of negative-integration, EU law (including the CJEU) refer to science, which addresses the question, whether this import of non-legal concepts should take place in an absolute or in a... more
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      European Union LawPrecautionary PrincipleLaw and Social ScienceECJ
The European integration project has shaped a legal reality where the importance of particular Member State nationalities is dwarfed in relation to that of EU citizenship. Currently the Member States’ nationalities, short of being... more
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      SovereigntyNon-discriminationEuropean UnionCitizenship
Transferências transnacionais de dados pessoais, sua proteção e privacidade em face do interesse geral da segurança e investigação criminal: lições do caso Schrems
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      Privacy and data protectionECJ
Cooperazione rafforzata nella disciplina del brevetto unitario - ricorsi Spagna ed Italia - Unitary Package - adesione italiano al brevetto unitario
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      European UnionEuropean patent policyECJEuropean Patent System
La CGUE ha confermato che, sia un poster di carta, sia il trasferimento su tela contenente l'immagine di un'opera artistica protetta sono copie dell'opera. L'articolo 4 (1) della Direttiva 2001/29/CE riconosce il diritto esclusivo degli... more
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      Copyright (Law)Copyright and intellectual propertyCopyright LawCopyright, Media Law, Privacy Law
The book forcefully demonstrates the impact that judicial co-operation has on the development of the European and English legal orders, while pointing at the same time to weaknesses, where the legitimacy and effectiveness of the judicial... more
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      Consumer RightsECJPrinciple of Good FaithJudicial Co-Operation
The ECJ has always been outspoken about the essence of the EC as a Rule of Law Community. The notion of the Rule of Law entered the texts of the Treaty and arguably plays a crucial role in the Community legal order, serving as one of the... more
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      European UnionEuropean Union LawRule of LawApplication of EU Law at ECJ