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Introduction and overview of Jennifer R. Whitson's PhD Thesis
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      Game studiesNew MediaDigital MediaFacebook
Como se recoge en el título del trabajo, su finalidad es la de especificar los estudios relacionados con el periodismo en Internet además de los elementos que configuran y determinan la comunicación de estos nuevos medios. Las... more
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      New MediaJournalismResearch MethodologyDigital Media
As a result of latest breakthroughs in technology and dehumanizing efforts, recent developments in artificial intelligence technologies have gained momentum. In particular, the research and development processes related to the proficiency... more
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      Machine LearningUser Experience (UX)Business IntelligenceCustomer Relationship Management (CRM)
In this thesis, I have examined whether the current approach to competition policy is suitable for the distinct characteristics of the digital economy. It is particularly difficult to define the relevant market and rely on market share... more
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      EconomicsSocial NetworkingCompetition LawCompetition Policy
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      Gold MineralizationGoogleMineral explorationMahasiswa
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En primer lugar, el estudio señala la percepción libertaria que marcó el origen de internet y explica no pocos fenómenos actuales. Se indican los diversos movimientos sociales y los conflictos que habitualmente se generan, así como su... more
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      GoogleDerecho constitucionalDerechos FundamentalesLibertad De Expresión E Información
This is a book review of Ethan Katsh and Orna Rabinovich-Einy's Digital Justice: Technology and the Internet of Disputes. According to Katsh and Rabinovich-Einy, "disputes... are the collateral damage of innovation." While that may be... more
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      TechnologyFacebookTwitterOnline Dispute Resolution
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This study aimed to learn the morphology accessory glands of male reproductive of pangolin by macroanatomy. Male reproductive organs of a pangolin were used in this study. Morphometric observations included measurements of length,... more
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... of meanings between both worlds through visual properties that creates new sub-culture, which is Real life “virtual” sub-culture. ... [3] Hall, Stuart, 1997. ... Bahasa Rupa; Prasejarah, Newton sampai Einstein dan Relevansinya pada... more
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      Media StudiesNew MediaMedia and Cultural StudiesDigital Media
Learn how to communicate
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Oggi troppi giornalisti si fanno condizionare dalla SEO, contravvenendo non solo alle regole del giornalismo “di una volta” ma anche al buon senso. Certo, occorre conoscerla per farne un buon uso e per potersi difendere da eventuali... more
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      JournalismDigital MediaSearch Engine OptimisationWeb Technologies
We are in the middle of a perfect storm that has brought together the chaos and disruption of the Digital Age, the final stages of the Only Money Matters Cycle, and all three variations of Spiral Dynamics' Large-Scale change. This paper... more
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      GoogleSpiral DynamicsAmazon.comAlphabet
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      Social MovementsAnthropologyMedia StudiesNew Media
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      Business EthicsApplied PhilosophyApplied EthicsCorporate Social Responsibility
Firewall adalah sebuah sistem atau perangkat yang mengizinkan lalu lintas jaringan yang dianggap aman untuk melaluinya dan mencegah lalu lintas jaringan yang tidak aman. Firewall umumnya juga digunakan untuk mengontrol akses terhadap... more
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In 1597 Francis Bacon claimed, “Knowledge is power”. For today, Google has become the preeminent steward of the knowledge, information and power (Stross, 2009: p. 2). Google has started its operation in 1998, and since the begging of the... more
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      Media StudiesWeb 2.0Digital CultureCapitalism
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      AlgorithmsGoogleNetwork EconomyPagerank
S tem prispevkom dopolnjujem v zaokroženo celoto članek z naslovom Zgodovina topografskih izmer habsburške monarhije, ki je bil od decembra lani do februarja letos objavljen po delih v treh zaporednih številkah revije Življenje in... more
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      Military HistoryHabsburg StudiesHistorical mapsGeoreferencing
Ia tidak membenarkan atau membolehkan akses dari pelbagai domain. Anda tidak boleh ‘log-in’ dengan menggunakan akaun Gmail peribadi anda, anda perlu ‘log-in’ dengan menggunakan ‘Google Apps for education’. Ini akan mengecewakan anda... more
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      Googlegoogle classroom
Google Tag Manager nedir? Ne işe yarar ve nasıl kullanılır. Giriş seviyesinde bir makale.
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      GoogleGTM models, Rural marketingGoogle Tag Manager
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      Information TechnologySocial SciencesPoliticsFacebook
The growing digitalization of scientific research practices is reflected in the content that academic and governmental institutions put on their websites, many of which are not optimized so that their contents reach visibility in search... more
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      ScientometricsWebsite VisibilitySearch EnginesGoogle
A short meditation on Revelation 2:12-17 Pergamum church was faithful is spite of trials and suffering, and evildoers people. They hold fast the name of Christ and continued to witness but few things they needed to improve. We are good... more
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      HermeneuticsLiterary study of the BibleBook of RevelationGoogle
Il 5 dicembre 2017 il robot AlphaZero ha vinto ripetutamente contro Stockfish, il (fino a quel momento) migliore giocatore automatico di scacchi - più precisamente, il Top Chess Engine Championship del 2016. AlphaZero è un algoritmo di... more
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      CommunicationHumanitiesDigital HumanitiesPrivacy
In day today life the utilization of power turns to be necessary for each work .The power delivered in this paper will not contaminate the surroundings and it is also will not to rely upon the climate conditions. The paper proposes a... more
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Although much has been written regarding Internet theory, there is still work to be done exploring the nature of lived experience online to assess the validity of such theoretical discussion. This ethnographic research explores the... more
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      MusicMusicologyNew MediaDigital Humanities
Evidence identification, extraction and analysis are crucial in the field of digital forensics and security at large. Evidence credibility, integrity and admissibility can help in deciding whether a criminal will be refuted or charged in... more
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      Computer ScienceHuman Computer InteractionComputer EngineeringComputer Networks
Do people really care about their privacy? Surveys show that privacy is a primary concern for citizens in the digital age. On the other hand, if we look at the way those people behave behave - they reveal personal information for... more
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      PrivacyPostphenomenologyGooglePrivacy Paradox
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Cara mudah berkoordinasi pelaksanaan suatu tugas dengan menggunakan aplikasi standar di mobile phone para anggotanya. Dijelaskan secara langkah per langkah dengan paduan gambar.
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      GoogleKoordinasiSinergi Dan Kolaborasi
Veja neste artigo o que é o Google Meu Negócio e de que forma esta ferramenta pode ajudar na divulgação de pequenos e médios negócios locais.
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      Search Engine OptimisationGoogleGoogle My Business
This book presents the latest research on the challenges and solutions affecting the equilibrium between freedom of speech, freedom of information, information security, and the right to informational privacy. Given the complexity of the... more
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      Business EthicsInformation TechnologyLawPhilosophy
This exploratory paper analyses monetary and power relations between Facebook and news companies by investigating their web traffic sources, social sharing practices and content distribution on Facebook. The paper also seeks to determine... more
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      Platform StudiesGoogleNewspapersFacebook Studies
Référence complète : Frison-Roche, M.-A., Les conséquences régulatoires d'un monde repensé à partir de la notion de "donnée", in Frison-Roche, M.-A. (dir.), Internet, espace d'interrégulation, série "Régulation", Journal of Regulation -... more
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      FinanceRegulation And GovernanceFinancial AccountingThe Internet of Things
This paper explained step by step "How to" installing Ubuntu server as proxy server including squid3 and SARG to make reports ; who, when, where poeple's "in and out" to your machine.
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Traditional, institutionally supported learning management systems (LMSs) provide many features and benefits; however, most LMSs do not provide tools and features that are comparable with emerging learning technologies. In addition, since... more
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      Educational TechnologyInstructional TechnologyICT in EducationOnline Education
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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The paper demonstrates the qualitative evaluation of the English to Urdu Machine Translation Systems, namely PBSMT and NMT hosted on Google’s Translate. This system is popularly known as Rosetta, formerly governed by Phrase-based approach... more
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      Machine LearningMachine TranslationHindi/UrduStatistical Machine Translation
The values that underpin good journalism, the need of citizens for reliable and abundant information, and the importance of such information for a healthy society and a robust democracy: these are perennial, and provide compass-bearings... more
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      New MediaDigital MediaMedia PolicyFacebook
A Google tem sido investigada em diversos países por práticas anticoncorrenciais. Entretanto, não é comum que a mesma seja punida nesses processos. As recentes condenações da Google na União Europeia chamam, portanto, atenção. O objetivo... more
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      Antitrust (Law)CompetitionGoogleEuropean Union Law, Competition Law, International Trade Law
Tinjauan permasalahan dan tantangan bencana kabut asap yang terjadi pada tahun 2015 di Indonesia. Beberapa permasalahan termasuk di bidang penegakan hukum dan korupsi menjadi sorotan utama dalam bencana kabut asap pada tahun 2015.
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      Political ScienceIndonesiaGoogleHukum
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      AlgorithmsMedia StudiesNew MediaPopular Culture
This paper reports on an investigation into the online visibility of work undertaken in South Africa in the field of poverty alleviation. An experiment with Google searches was undertaken, motivated by concerns about the visibility of... more
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      Information ScienceNew MediaLibrary SciencePublishing
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      Business EthicsPhilosophyEthicsAristotle