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Новая книга кандидата исторических наук, ведущего научного сотрудника сектора нумизматики Национального музея истории Украины – Андрея Бойко-Гагарина «ФАЛЬШИВОМОНЕТНИЧЕСТВО В ЦЕНТРАЛЬНОЙ И ВОСТОЧНОЙ ЕВРОПЕ В ЭПОХУ СРЕДНЕВЕКОВЬЯ И... more
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      HistoryEconomic HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
Experts have recently reported false bronze nummi with large reverse monograms of late Roman Imperial and Ostrogothic leaders. The experts include Alain Gennari and other members of, but not the present author. He is simply... more
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      Roman HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesLate Antique Archaeology
Бойко-Гагарин А., Багдонас Г., Денисенко Ю. Новые неописанные разновидности литовских монет Сигизмунда ІІІ Ваза // Нумизматика и фалеристика. - № 4. - 2016. - Киев, 2016. - С. 37-38.
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      HistoryEconomic HistoryMedieval HistoryNumismatics
Итак, мы видим, что аспект фальшивомонетничества в Золотой Орде приобрёл совсем иные черты по сравнению с государствами Европы. Фальшивых монет, изготовленных путём на- несения покрытия на заготовку из недрагоценного металла, несмотря на... more
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      History of ScienceMongolian StudiesNumismaticsHistory of the Mongol Empire
В этой статье рассмотрены подделки денежно-весовых слитков, находившихся в денежном обращении Киевской Руси. Проведен РФА анализ медных слитков гривен, на основании чего сделаны выводы относительно принадлежности слитков с поверхностным... more
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      HistoryEconomic HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
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      CounterfeitAuthenticThomson Reuters
In an everyday perspective of resistance, there is a tendency to favor hu­man action and agency, both in the exercise of power or in the acts of resistance. The aim of this study is to examine material agency in every­day power-dynamics... more
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      Critical TheorySocial MovementsCommunicationNew Media
Бойко-Гагарін А.С. Тогочасні підробки ісламських монет із колекції В. Гріньковського у зібранні Національного музею історії України / Андрій Бойко-Гагарін // Збірник наукових праць « Науковий вісник Національного музею історії України».... more
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      HistoryEconomic HistoryOttoman HistoryMedieval History
In China, shanzhai (which is related to the English word ‘counterfeit’) products are widely used by a large amount of Chinese users and have been fully integrated into the society. This paper investigates the situated behaviours and... more
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      ConsumptionConsumer BehaviorEveryday LifeIdentity
Бойко-Гагарін А.С. Справа фальшивомонетника Адама Богуша (1868–1870 рр.). Проблеми гуманітарних наук: збірник наукових праць Дрогобицького державного педагогічного університету імені Івана Франка. Серія Історія / ред. кол. Василь... more
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      Polish HistoryPolish StudiesPolish MigrationRussian Empire
In 2018 and 2019, I received letters in Texas mailed from France bearing what appeared to be Marianne self-adhesive stamps. The contents were typical Nigerian-type scam letters with contact information in Barcelona. On further... more
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      Forgery, Fakery, Fraud419 ScamsCounterfeitsForgery
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyNumismaticsMedieval Archaeology
Boiko-Gagarin A.S. Sposoby vyroby falsonych papierovych platidiel v ruskom imperiu v 19. a na pociatku 20. storocia. Numizmatika. Casopis Slovenskej numizmatickej spolocnosti pri SAV. № 29. Bratislava, 2020. P. 57-68.
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      History of Paper MoneyRussian EmpireTsarist Empire, Russian Intellectual HistoryCounterfeits
We present a marking technology which uses extreme ultraviolet radiation to write invisible patterns on tags based on alkali fluoride thin films. The shape of the pattern is pre-determined by a mask (in the case of contact lithography) or... more
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      WatermarkingTrade MarksText WatermarkingImage Watermarking
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      Vladimir NabokovWilliam GaddisCounterfeit
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      BusinessAdvertisingBrandSocial Responsibility
Bojko-Gagarin A. Odlewnicze formy podrobki talara miasta Ulm z 1620 roku z Wolynia // Przeglad Numizmatyczny. – Nr. 3 (98). – 2017. – S. 6-7. Интереснейшая случайная находка ждала местных жителей в районе города Торчин Луцкого района... more
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      Economic HistoryMedieval HistoryHistory of ScienceNumismatics
Counterfeit medications, medication overprescribing and a slow antiquated process encompassed in recalling batches of medications represent serious supply chain concerns for the pharmaceutical industry. Blockchain, the technology... more
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      BusinessInformation TechnologyPharmacyTechnology
Context: Detection of active pharmaceutical ingredients in herbal drugs has been described in numerous studies. However, few reports have been published in relation to the analysis of counterfeit herbal supplements for the detection of... more
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      PharmacologyChemistryHealth SciencesPharmacy
В статье речь пойдет о находке уникальной средневековой подделки для обращения,
прототипом для изготовления которой послужил польский третьяк короля Сигизмунда І Старого (1506–
1548), чеканенный на монетном дворе в Кракове в
1527–1528 гг.
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      NumismaticsMedieval numismaticsCoins finds as archaeological artefactshistory of Poland
The infringement of intellectual property rights (IPRs) in the form of counterfeiting has emerged as one of the biggest crimes of the contemporary world. Counterfeiting has become a global epidemic, creating huge losses to the established... more
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The current study was designed to investigate Indonesian consumers' willingness to buy counterfeit branded products. Using a quantitative design, variables considered included extrinsic cues, lawfulness , attitudes (attitudes toward... more
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      AdvertisingIndonesiaConsumer BehaviorExperimental Design
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With the study of computers and computer applications since the first phase of 20th century, Image Processing has upraised and withstand as a vast application field. The work in this field is incredible and of immense importance with... more
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      Image ProcessingCounterfeitComputer Imaging SystemsIndian Currency
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The main objective of this study is to inspect such factors that affect the purchase intention of consumer towards imported Japanese cars and to analyze generally prevailed perception about relative advantage of imported Japanese cars on... more
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ABSTRACT Counterfeiting has been a problem for all original brand manufacturers and has broadened its scope and magnitude with a great speed in emerging economies. Many tactics used by original brands to negate counterfeiting generated... more
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      BusinessBusiness EthicsCorporate CitizenshipMultidisciplinary
We present a marking technology which uses extreme ultraviolet radiation to write invisible patterns on tags based on alkali fluoride thin films. The shape of the pattern is pre-determined by a mask (in the case of contact lithography) or... more
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      PhysicsWatermarkingInstrumentationTrade Marks
У статті досліджено фальшиві монети, що зберігаються в колекції Національного історико-етнографічного заповідника «Переяслав». Проведена класифікація фальшивих монет і представлений їхній опис. Бойко-Гагарін А.С., Кузьменко А.В.... more
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      Medieval numismaticsCounterfeitsCoinsпереяславль
1100 per cent between 1984 and 1994 (Blatt, 1993; Carty, 1994), while the International Chamber of Commerce states that it accounts for 8 per cent of world trade (Freedman, 1999). No product categories are left unscathed (Shultz and... more
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      MarketingAdvertisingPerceived RiskCounterfeit
A new stage concept was developed to reliably identify counterfeit tablets which are very similar to the genuine drug product. This concept combines single-point near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) and near-infrared chemical imaging... more
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      ChemistryAnalytical ChemistryData AnalysisFunctional Near Infrared Spectroscopy
As of 2016, 80% of the products sold in Nigeria were counterfeits and as of today, it is quite doubtful that the percentage of counterfeit and illegal goods in circulation has decreased below 50%. According to a report from Frontier... more
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      Intellectual PropertyCounterfeitsTrademarkFMCG Sector and brand preference
In today’s emerging financial and legal market, readers have access to myriad newsletters and editorials. So, what separates Court Uncourt from the plethora of legal newsletters available within the UAE and globally – you may ask. Apart... more
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      Corporate LawTrademark LawCounterfeit