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A model subglacial drainage system, coupled to an ice-dammed reservoir that receives a time-varying meltwater input, is described and analysed. In numerical experiments an ice-marginal lake drains through a subglacial channel, producing... more
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      Earth SciencesEnvironmental ScienceGlaciologyDynamical Systems
Wars and conflicts have been a key determinant of international system dynamics. The end of the Cold War was especially noteworthy as a new era for all actors in terms of policy making and international dynamics. Then 9/11 completely... more
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      Middle East StudiesPoliticsChaos TheorySyria
Özet Matematiğin mimarlık dahil olmak üzere farklı disiplinlerle girdiği sıkı ilişki ve teknolojinin gün geçtikçe gelişmesiyle kullanım alanı artan bilgisayar destekli tasarım teknolojisi sayesinde tasarım sürecinde farklı matematiksel... more
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      ArchitectureComplexity TheorySelf-OrganizationStructure
In this PPT Rowley & Roevens compare their Proteus Organize with Chaos model to several others: Kotter's 8-steps, Appreciative inquiry, Kubler-Ross, McKinsey, etc.
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      Organizational BehaviorOrganizational PsychologyOrganizational TheoryOrganizational Change
We study the phenomena at the overlap of quantum chaos and nonclassical statistics for the time-dependent model of nonlinear oscillator. It is shown in the framework of Mandel Q-parameter and Wigner function that the statistics of... more
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      PhysicsQuantum MechanicsChaos TheoryQuantum Chaos
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      Chaos TheoryElectrocardiographyFourier AnalysisMathematical Analysis
Although Jung made a connection between his concept of the archetype and mankind's evolutionary history throughout his career, he remained notoriously tight-lipped about his own specific views on evolutionary theory. In the final years of... more
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      Complexity TheoryChaos TheoryArchetypesTranspersonal Studies
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      MathematicsApplied MathematicsNonlinear dynamicsChaos Theory
We test for the presence of low-dimensional chaotic structure in crude oil, heating oil, and unleaded gasoline futures prices from the early 1980s. Evidence on chaos will have important implications for regulators and short-term trading... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringEnergy EconomicsEnergyEnergy Policy
Chaos je tradiční protiklad řádu: oblast nerozlišitelnosti, neartikulovatelného zmatku a nepředvídatelných vpádů. Původní řecké slovo evokovalo rozevřený chřtán, do něhož může být vše řádné, leč neopatrné vtaženo. Chaos nicméně nezůstal v... more
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      PhilosophyArt TheoryChaos Theory
Este artículo desarrolla un modelo de cadena de suministro de cuatro niveles mediante la utilización de la dinámica de sistemas con el software Ithink® y Mathlab® para el análisis de los datos. La cadena de suministro se estudia a partir... more
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      Supply Chain ManagementChaos TheorySystem DynamicsSupply Chain
In this work, our prime focus is to study the one to one correspondence between the conduction phenomena in electrical wires with impurity and the scattering events responsible for particle production during stochastic inflation and... more
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      PhysicsQuantum PhysicsGravitationFoundations of Quantum Mechanics
In much of the current literature on supply chain management, supply networks are recognized as a system. In this paper, we take this observation to the next level by arguing the need to recognize supply networks as a complex adaptive... more
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      EngineeringSupply Chain ManagementOperations ManagementComplexity Theory
Gray codes have found many applications in engineering and mathematics. In this work we explain how to apply Gray codes to the determination of the control parameter and initial point of a chaotic orbit generated by the Mandelbrot map... more
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      Chaos TheoryAperiodic Order, multi-dimensional symbolic dynamicsUnimodal Maps
This study examines that in what aspects the levels of leaders' emotional intelligence in chaos and complexity situations can affect the organizations. Also, in this study the dimensions of emotional intelligence which are closely... more
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      PsychologyEducationEmotional intelligenceLeadership
How do creative young people interpret their lives and derive meaning from their experiences? What role does creativity itself play in their psychological growth?
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      CreativityChaos TheoryAdolescentesPsychological Development
The Positive Disintegration (Dabrowski, 1996) is the process of transition from the point attractor (primitive integration) to the cycle attractor (unilevel disintegration) and then to the chaotic attractor (spontaneous multilevel... more
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      Adolescent DevelopmentChaos TheoryEmotionsTheory of Positive Disintegration
In this article, the general form of the Duffing equation is considered. The power series method is adapted to solve this equation with initial conditions. The convergence theorem of the method of power series is proved.
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      Applied MathematicsOrdinary Differential EquationsNonlinear dynamicsChaos Theory
أحيانا تتسم محاولة الاقتراب من حالة عدم اليقين بقدر كبير من الصعوبة، وأحيانا لا يتم التعامل معها بجدية، وكلنا نذكر مقولة رامسفيلد والتي عبر فيها عن مستويات مختلفة من حالة عدم اليقين، حين علق على التقارير التي تنفي وجود أدلة على دعم... more
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      International RelationsInternational Relations TheoryChaos TheoryDecision Making Under Uncertainty
The Butterfly Effect is commonly known as the thoroughly entertaining idea that a butterfly flapping its wings somewhere in the Amazon valley could cause a tornado in Texas. The idea goes back half a century ago when an MIT meteorology... more
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      Climate ChangeComplexity TheoryChaos TheoryButterfly Effect
Intermittency in the logistic map is studied by using Discrete Wavelet and Gabor Transforln. The evolution of the periodic zones in the appearance of bursts is observed as fun(:tion of the i)aranleter. The total energy of the system is... more
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      EngineeringMathematicsChaos TheoryChaos/Complexity Theory
We conduct tests for the presence of low-dimensional chaotic structure in the futures prices of four important agricultural commodities. Though there is strong evidence of non-linear dependence, the evidence suggests that there is no... more
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      Agricultural EconomicsChaos TheoryChaos/Complexity TheoryApplied Economics
C . ( 2 0 0 2 ) Journal of Advanced Nursing 37(5), 462±469 Using chaos theory: the implications for nursing Aims of the paper. The purpose of this paper is to review chaos theory and to examine the role that it may have in the discipline... more
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      NursingNonlinear dynamicsScienceSystems Theory
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      SociologyCultural StudiesFuture StudiesPolitical Sociology
Several endomorphisms of a plane have been constructed by coupling two logistic maps. Here we study the dynamics occurring in one of them, a twisted version due to J. Dorband, which (like the other models) is rich in global bifurcations.... more
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      MathematicsChaos TheoryDynamical Systems and Bifurcation TheoryDiscrete Dynamical Systems
Security and secrecy are some of the significant concerns in the communications world. In the last years, several encryption techniques had been proposed to improve the secrecy of the information transition. Chaos-based encryption... more
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      Chaos TheoryCryptographyChaotic cryptographyArduino
Organizations in the 21 st century deal with constant changes such as globalization, technological evolutions, regulatory changes, competition, and other unexpected events, among others. These challenges can be viewed and addressed... more
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      21st Century LiteraciesComplexity TheoryChaos TheoryChaos/Complexity Theory
The thesis is on urban interventions, highlighting how void and unbuilt spaces carry as much importance as build spaces. That architecture is not only confined to built structure, an open void with small interventions causing butterfly... more
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      Chaos TheorySituationismUrban Design
Synthesis in nursing knowledge: an analysis of two approaches The need for synthesis in nursing knowledge development has been attested to by many authors. It is consistent with nursing's holistic focus and is the mark of a mature... more
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      NursingResearch DesignNonlinear dynamicsChaos Theory
This paper presents working hypotheses with relevant theoretical discussions for examining group creativity and learning in online environments. Online resources provide indispensable means for various kinds of collaborative activities,... more
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      Instructional DesignEducational TechnologyDistance EducationCreativity
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      MarketingComplexity TheoryStrategic ManagementSystems Theory
C . ( 2 0 0 2 ) Journal of Advanced Nursing 37(5), 462±469 Using chaos theory: the implications for nursing Aims of the paper. The purpose of this paper is to review chaos theory and to examine the role that it may have in the discipline... more
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      NursingNonlinear dynamicsScienceSystems Theory
It can be said a) that the world of democratic outcomes(DO) is the world where the democratic process(V1) bring together competing group of individuals in order to determine who rules in that democracy; and b) that without clear... more
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      Political TheoryDemocratic TheoryLiberalismPolitics
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    • Chaos Theory
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      Process ControlChaos TheoryStability and Chaos
Chaos theory concerns the qualitative study of unstable aperiodic behaviour in deterministic non-linear dynamical systems. Concepts from chaos theory have recently been applied as a model for interpreting organizational change and... more
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      Information SystemsComputer ScienceOrganizational ChangeComplexity
This paper conceptualizes the process of innovation implementation in high technology manufacturing, a natural setting of multiple and ongoing innovation implementation. Building on the developments in organizational learning theory, we... more
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      EngineeringOrganizational LearningOperations ManagementChaos Theory
Wilcox suggests that by using the ideas generated by chaos theory, a new tool to improve performance analysis might be created.
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    • Chaos Theory
Given the complexities of our time, it is not surprising that criminological models, theories and perspectives often fall short of providing complete and satisfactory explanations of complex phenomena. Organised crime and terrorism, and... more
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      TerrorismComplexity TheoryChaos TheoryCriminological Theory
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      AutopoiesisChaos TheoryFractalsPersian Classical music
Le recours contemporain à la notion de "complexité" renvoie fréquemment à des démarches ayant tendance à unifier sa définition. En langue anglaise, sa réduction à une forme singulière (complexity theory ou complexity science) s'avère... more
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      Information ScienceComplex Systems SciencePhilosophy of EducationComplexity Theory
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      StatisticsData AnalysisTime SeriesNonlinear dynamics
Burning Man and Black Rock City
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      Urban PlanningChaos TheoryCity planningUtopia
Pretendemos destacar a similaridade que existe entre a maneira como a ciência do caos explica os fenômenos físicos, enfatizando o conceito de atrator estranho e nosso entendimento do processo criativo.
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      CreativityChaos TheoryCreative ProcessArtes
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      Chaos TheoryEmotionsTheory of Positive Disintegration
This article examines the utility and applicability of chaos theory in technological change. Using data collected from the USPTO, we develop and find a theoretically-based chaotic model of the change process in panel display technology.... more
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      PolicyComplexityChaos TheoryTechnological change
Arthouse Tacheles, Kyoto School and Chaos Theory ... Presented at the conference Indeterminate Futures / The Future of Indeterminacy, University of Dundee (UK), 13 – 15 November 2020; published 2 November 2021:... more
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      Complexity TheoryMetaphysics of TimeChaos TheoryDialectic