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okayto asked:

Two suggestions for Premium:

  1. Have you considered having a reminder if monthly things, like the free TummblrMart item haven't been used as the end of the month approaches?


2. Have you considered letting that (and the included monthly Blaze) stack/roll over from month to month?

Please, I keep forgetting.

Answer: Hi, @okayto!

So regarding question one: friendly reminders like these sound like a great idea! We love this, in fact. We’ll take this one back to the drawing board and see what we can do, as it would be very useful to have.

As for the second suggestion, as much as we love it, it’s just not something we are considering right now and, as things stand, it’s unlikely to happen anytime soon, unfortunately.

Thanks for your questions, and keep ’em coming!

feature premium your suggestions

mohdasif asked:

About a year ago, WordPress CEO Matt Mullenweg mentioned that Tumblr would support the Fediverse, but there haven’t been any updates on this since then.

While the Fediverse is an interesting idea, I believe Tumblr should consider supporting AT Protocol instead. With Bluesky being the fastest-growing social media platform and the only one currently using AT Protocol, implementing this on Tumblr would not only provide strong competition but also make it easier for users to move between platforms.

This could help prevent monopolies and promote decentralized social networking. Are there any plans for Tumblr to adopt AT Protocol, or could this be considered in the future?

Answer: Hi, @mohdasif!

Good news! While it is still on the list, the Tumblr to WordPress migration will definitely unlock ActivityPub for Tumblr! In fact, one big reason for the migration itself is to get us into the Fediverse. When that’s done, we’re in.

The migration is still a work in progress, as we’ve previously detailed here, but we can say for sure that it will include support for WordPress’s existing ActivityPub plugins. We hope this comes as good news.

Thanks for your question, and we hope it won’t be too long. Keep the questions coming!

feature fediverse at protocol wordpress migration backend your suggestions

visuls asked:

1. when i search my blog why can't i refine it to see asks?

2. when i view my activity feed why can't i see activity by the month?

3. when will you guys fix the search function?

Answer: Hey, @visuls!

Thanks for getting in touch, here! We will address your questions one by one.

1. when i search my blog why can’t i refine it to see asks?

This is possible! You can do so by searching for something, opening the filters tab, and then selecting it from the drop-down menu, as displayed in the screenshot below.


2. when i view my activity feed why can’t i see activity by the month?

Unfortunately, we are unsure how helpful this would be, given that we only store and show activity from the last three months.

3. when will you guys fix the search function?

We are not sure if you mean the blog search in this question or overall, so we would suggest that you report any issues with searching on Tumblr to Support, giving as much detail and specificity as you can, and they will be able to take a look into it.

Thanks for your questions. Keep ’em coming, people.

feature search activity backend

themirokai asked:

If my post gets reblogged to a Community I’m not in, will I get a notification about that? Or any indication of the activity on that post within the Community?

Also, can we get notifications when Community members are reacting to our posts within a Community? Right now I only see the reaction emojis people in the Community have put on my post if I go into the Community and look at the post again.


Answer: Hey there, @themirokai!

If my post gets reblogged to a Community I’m not in, will I get a notification about that? Or any indication of the activity on that post within the Community?

Not right now, but we actually have this ticketed! It may even be implemented before this answer goes live—you can see the latest over at @changes.

Also, can we get notifications when Community members are reacting to our posts within a Community? Right now I only see the reaction emojis people in the Community have put on my post if I go into the Community and look at the post again.

Hmm, now that’s an interesting idea to discuss with the team! We love this idea, but we don’t support that yet. It’s a good next step after we add activity items that your content was reblogged to a community in the first place. Leave this with us, and we hope to have news for you before too long.

Thanks for your questions, and keep them coming! Have a great day.

feature communities notifications posting backend your suggestions

kuromi-hoemie asked:

can we get a more descriptive notifications tab? specifically when showing us anything for text posts

> 90% (literally.. i have counted before with a sample of 100) of my text post notifications just ambiguously show that someone interacted with a text post, but i have no way of telling what the actual post was without having to open every one individually, this is extremely time consuming and not helpful to me as a user.

this seems like something i should be able to know at a glance, even just truncating the first sentence would be extremely helpful. sharing examples of what I'm talking about with red boxes around blank text notifications and a green box around the one text post notification that was actually helpful.


i want all of them to be like the green box example, or to have a toggle that lets me make all of them that descriptive because what we have right now isn't helping.. this is one area where less is not more on the UX side and I'd rather have a little more clutter that's extremely useful and time saving than having to work with this for the sake of a more tidy looking notifications tab, it's a lot of extra work none of us need to be doing yk?

Answer: Hey there, @kuromi-hoemie!

This is not working as it should be, and so this feels like a bug to us. If the post has text, we should always show a summary for text posts!

So this feels like a great chance to direct folks to the Support Form instead, for bugs experienced on Tumblr, where you can fill all of this in as much detail as possible and file it as a Support request. From there, someone will take a look into it pronto.

We hope this helps. Thanks for your question!

feature notifications backend your suggestions

bloodykingkris asked:

Is there anyway we'll be getting an inbox tab for mobile? Or timestamps on asks in mobile?

I'm using android mobile and I'd love to be able to see timestamps for asks and to have a separate tab for inbox.

Answer: Hey there, @bloodykingkris!

Good news! Inbox on mobile already exists. You can find it by selecting settings (the cog wheel in the top-right) and then “Inbox” from the list. It’s here on iOS and Android.

If you meant to ask, however, whether it would be moving that to the Activity tab instead, then we can confirm there are no plans to do so at this time.

As for the timestamps, it might be that you are missing the timestamp because of the dashboard setting:


Toggling that on should show the timestamp on asks as well as the dashboard. On mobile, you can find this toggle by selecting settings (cog wheel in the top-right), and then “Account settings”, and then “Dashboard preferences” from that list. You will find the timestamp toggle in the list that follows.

It is much the same on desktop: find the settings tab from the left-hand scroll menu and then “Dashboard” from the menu on the right, where you will see the timestamp toggle.

We hope this helps. Keep the questions coming, folks!

feature inbox timestamps asks android mobile your suggestions

ecstaticallyelectrifying asked:

Hi! I wanted to reply to a post in a community with one of my sideblogs & realized it wasn't possible, is there any way this could be a thing in the future? Or possibly the ability to join with one of our sideblogs instead of our main?

Answer: Hi there, @ecstaticallyelectrifying!

We have a little good news for you. We want to make exactly this possible: to be able to join with a secondary blog, and, therefore, post with it. It just hasn’t been prioritized yet.

We wish we could put an ETA on it because we can assure you that all of us at Tumblr want this to happen. But we’re afraid that’s all we can say on this for now.

Communities is in constant change, however, as we are always working and developing and, hopefully, improving it! With a little luck, we will get something like this together before too long. You will find news here at @wip or over at @changes.

Thanks for your question, and keep ’em coming!

feature communities sideblogs

matews asked:

hey i really would appreciate the function we may share tumblr posts on instagram stories, not as a screenshot, but fancy like twitter or threads do, also have the “open on tumblr” on down of the user who share it :)

Answer: Hello there, @matews!

Good question. Unfortunately, this is not up to us at all—it’s up to Instagram to support it or not.

But it would be nice to have. Instagram doesn’t support automated posting, but for manual posting, there might be one or two things that we could do on the backend. Leave this with us, and if we make any progress with it, you will know here or at @changes.

Thanks for your question!

feature sharing instagram posting backend your suggestions

tiikerikani asked:

The zodiac sign badge lets you pick a sign to display, but the badge icons on the user profile are so small that it's hard to see. Can the badge be improved so that the selected sign and/or its name displays in the mouseover popup too? Like how the moon phases badge works.

Answer: Hello, @tiikerikani!

This is a good point, and it’s not something we have considered before. But we agree that it could be great to have. There are no plans to make any changes, but we would certainly like to, and we hope it might not be too tricky to implement.

Leave this with us. You’ll get any updates here or at @changes. Thanks for your question!

feature badges subscriptions backend your suggestions

richardmurrayhumblr asked:

Two questions 1) I have figured out between tumblr blaze/premium/badges/supporter how to have prizes for gifts in a competition. But I have one question. Can tumblr supporter be gifted, it doesn't seem so. I know I can gift blaze/premium/badges but it doesn't seem i can gift supporter, am I wrong? 2) for community post can a tool like [at] everyone be used. I know all community members can be notified but can they all be mentioned that way?

Answer: Hi there @richardmurrayhumblr!

Thanks for your questions—we will answer them one at a time.

for community post can a tool like [at] everyone be used. I know all community members can be notified but can they all be mentioned that way?

We have had a similar idea very recently and thought that @admins or @mods could work well, too. That said, it is not on our roadmap to implement something like that right now, but we certainly hope someday. It will depend on several factors, not least more feedback!

1) I have figured out between tumblr blaze/premium/badges/supporter how to have prizes for gifts in a competition. But I have one question. Can tumblr supporter be gifted, it doesn’t seem so. I know I can gift blaze/premium/badges but it doesn’t seem i can gift supporter, am I wrong?

We allow gifting a single month or year of Premium. We currently do not do the same for Supporter, but it’s something we would love to do in time. There would, however, be considerable work to do on the backend first. While it’s not a priority, we agree that it would certainly be great to have.

Leave this with us for now, and if there’s any news, you will find it here or at @changes. Keep the questions coming, folks!

feature subscriptions communities