So for all of you who think nothing matters:
We have a local, I guess I’ll call it an events complex. It’s where concerts and the fair go. It’s owned by the city.
When Trump started the whole ICE thing, our commissioner sent a letter to the local representatives, telling them they could use it as a detention center for illegal immigrants. Our event center. Where the 4H kids show their fuckin’ lambs.
“The fuck you will” was the resounding reply.
So, when I talk about coalition-building, and working with people you do not agree with or maybe even like, this is what I’m talking about. There was an immediate and vocal show of disapproval, from all sides. We all contacted people we knew would dislike this, REGARDLESS OF HOW THEY FELT ABOUT ANYTHING ELSE. The meeting was packed with people yelling at the commissioners. Of all political stripes. Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, Prairie Populist, Independent.
Some were, of course, the tumblr-style arguments about inherent humanity, but–I think more compellingly if you’re actually trying to put the pressure on–there were questions of, ‘How are we gonna get paid?“ "Are you aware of how, as the only event center for more than two hours, much fuckin money this brings into the community? ANd that immigrants of all types make up less than 2% of the population of the entire state?(my argument), "Do we trust the government to pay us?”, “Isn’t there a fuckin’ empty prison in [town about an hour from here]? Are you just being a kiss-ass?’ (offered up by a man I know to be very conservative indeed. BUT HE DID NOT WANT OUR SPACE USED FOR THIS) and, an argument that was so good I was infuriated I didn’t come up with it, "DO you think the bank is gonna want to be known as the sponsor of "National bank Detention Center?” (Which caught on and the bank had to offer up a letter saying how they hoped the commissioners would use the event center as intended.)
They folded. A letter came out a few days ago from the manager of the event center, saying it was decided that the events center would rescind the offer, as “more acceptable alternatives could be found.” They blinked.
That’s the thing. All that happened is that a bunch of people got mad an went to ONE TWO HOUR MEETING. It changed everything.