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Ah, a nice leisurely afternoon. Time to log on to tumblr and look at my completely-manageable activity page, which has surely not changed much in the 12 hours since I last saw it






Anyway I guess this seems as good a time as any to introduce myself to the new folks.

I’m Kayt, an academic library worker, night lurker, and person who was unironically described by a fellow librarian as a vampire. I blog about libraries and communication and adhd and whatever leisure I’m enjoying and also really basic job/resume tips because I hire college students and see some really interesting choices sometimes.

I have a rabbit named Momiji Hasenpfeffer and a garden full of garlic (and a guide somewhere in my blog about how you can also have a garden full of garlic) and a browser full of tabs that I am absolutely going to finish reading one day.

Interesting: Had a post in my queue for today. Sometime between when I queued it (a week or so ago) and now, OP turned off reblogs.

It didn’t disappear from my queue at all. It was still there, I could click to edit my tags if I wanted, and rearrange its queued position.

Instead, when time came for it to be posted, it just disappeared. It’s not on my blog. It’s not in my queue or drafts. There’s no notification or anything after the fact or even before—if I hadn’t been going through my queue to add tags last night, I wouldn’t have even known that OP had turned off reblogs. The post reached the top of the queue and then, simply, disappeared at posting time instead.

The queue didn’t adjust for its disappearance, either—it’s currently set to post twice a day, with the disappeared post intended to be the second. You can see timestamps on my blog, only one post appeared earlier today, and my queue shows the next in line scheduled for tomorrow.

Interesting, and a little disappointing.





When I was in the hospital, they gave me a big bracelet that said ALLERGY, but like. I’m allergic to bees. Were they going to prescribe me bees in there.


So there’s a medication called hyaluronidase. It’s used to make other medications absorb better, because it makes the cell wall more permeable.

One common usage is to make local anesthetic more effective during surgery, for instance. It’s used in a number of injected medications.

Bee stings contain an enzyme very similar to this medication, so sometimes, people with bee allergies have an allergic reaction to hyaluronidase.

This is called cross-reactivity, where your body mistakes something for the thing it’s actually allergic to, and has an allergic reaction anyway. For instance, sometimes people with latex allergies also are allergic to bananas and other fruits. They don’t actually contain latex, but there are some similar proteins.

Apparently, hyraluronidase used in humans is derived from one of four sources: sheep testicles, cow testicles, cow testicles again, and GMO hamster ovaries.

tl;dr: They won’t inject you with bees, but they might inject you with purified cow testicle juice, and your body might say ‘eh, cow balls are BASICALLY bees’ and try to kill you anyway.

The world is full of such beauty and wonder. Thank you for that sentence.

(via kaity--did)


So for all of you who think nothing matters:

We have a local, I guess I’ll call it an events complex. It’s where concerts and the fair go. It’s owned by the city.

When Trump started the whole ICE thing, our commissioner sent a letter to the local representatives, telling them they could use it as a detention center for illegal immigrants. Our event center. Where the 4H kids show their fuckin’ lambs.

“The fuck you will” was the resounding reply.

So, when I talk about coalition-building, and working with people you do not agree with or maybe even like, this is what I’m talking about. There was an immediate and vocal show of disapproval, from all sides. We all contacted people we knew would dislike this, REGARDLESS OF HOW THEY FELT ABOUT ANYTHING ELSE. The meeting was packed with people yelling at the commissioners. Of all political stripes. Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, Prairie Populist, Independent.

Some were, of course, the tumblr-style arguments about inherent humanity, but–I think more compellingly if you’re actually trying to put the pressure on–there were questions of, ‘How are we gonna get paid?“ "Are you aware of how, as the only event center for more than two hours, much fuckin money this brings into the community? ANd that immigrants of all types make up less than 2% of the population of the entire state?(my argument), "Do we trust the government to pay us?”, “Isn’t there a fuckin’ empty prison in [town about an hour from here]? Are you just being a kiss-ass?’ (offered up by a man I know to be very conservative indeed. BUT HE DID NOT WANT OUR SPACE USED FOR THIS) and, an argument that was so good I was infuriated I didn’t come up with it, "DO you think the bank is gonna want to be known as the sponsor of "National bank Detention Center?” (Which caught on and the bank had to offer up a letter saying how they hoped the commissioners would use the event center as intended.)

They folded. A letter came out a few days ago from the manager of the event center, saying it was decided that the events center would rescind the offer, as “more acceptable alternatives could be found.” They blinked.

That’s the thing. All that happened is that a bunch of people got mad an went to ONE TWO HOUR MEETING. It changed everything.


(via thebibliosphere)




I am fucking BEGGING people to stop treating the EOs like they’re foregone conclusions because they aren’t but they fucking WILL be if people keep quote tweeting news articles and adding quotes from fucking handmaids tale!!!!!!!!! like ENOUGH of that garbage!!!!!!!!! because like I get it!!!!!! it sucks!!!!!!! It’s scary!!!!!!! It’s all extremely bad!!!!!!!!! It’s illegal and unconstitutional and racist and transphobic and xenophobic and dangerous to national security and dehumanizing and deeply deeply cruel and all the rest of it!!!!! but you need to NAME it as that and then FIGHT back against it!!!!!! And I’m SO TIRED of people saying “well we can’t, what do we even dooooooooo, it’s too haaaaaaaaaaaard” like idk, lots of things bitch!!!!!! Are there grassroots organizations in your community? Are there protests happening? Can you write your reps? Do you have money to donate anywhere? Are there places that support vulnerable communities where you can volunteer? Get the fuck out there and find a place where you can help, and if you’re not going to do that then you quite literally need to shut your fucking mouth about how we’re all doomed because although you may be happy to seal your own casket I will not be joining in, thanks!!!!!! Like GODDAMN!!!!!!!!!!

like I have straight up seen people say shit like “I can’t believe the department of education is gone 😢” and MEAN IT!!!!!!!! when it is NOT!!!!!!! it DECIDEDLY is not!!!!!!!!! AND IT DOESNT HAVE TO BE!!!!!!!

(like even putting aside that it’s actually a very unpopular position, only congress can get rid of it and that would require a supermajority aka multiple democrats would have to vote in favor, which will almost certainly not happen, and I can already hear some of y’all jamokes being like “he’s just going to do whatever he wants, you’re sooooooo dumb to think anyone can stop him, you’re so naive, democracy is dead” and like I MEAN YEAH IF WE ACT THAT WAY IT SURE AS FUCK MAKES IT MUCH EASIER FOR HIM TO DO THOSE THINGS.)

to use an example from history: like do you genuinely think the Act Up movement really thought Reagan was going to change his position on AIDS???? I doubt it!!!!!! They stood up and took action and took to the streets and made themselves seen and heard to make it that much fucking harder for people to look away from what was happening

AND AGAIN i can hear some of y’all about to be like “okay but lots of people DIED during the AIDS crisis you know, and so many people won’t survive this too!!!!!” as if that’s a reason to not fight, as if accepting defeat is somehow noble, as if the greatest way to honor people who’ve died at the hands of tyranny isn’t fighting back relentlessly against that tyranny, battered and bruised and spitting blood onto the ground and still standing back up for more

This is the exact way should all be responding, like we’re mad as hell and not gonna take it anymore. As people have pointed out in the notes, a major pillar of fascism is obedience in advance. Do not fucking let them do what they’re trying to do without fighting tooth and nail against it

(via thebibliosphere)


Photo of a person holding a partially constructed tiny book between thumb and forefinger. The book is approximately one centimeter on the long edge.ALT
Photo of a person holding a partially constructed tiny book by a thread attached to the spine. There are two identical tiny books with purple covers. Each book is approximately one centimeter on the long edge.ALT

Tiny book earrings work in progress, take one. Jan 2025.

Most mini books you see (e.g. for sale very cheap on etsy) have taken the easy route and made their spines with glue, if they have pages at all. I am ridiculous and like making my own life difficult so I stitched these books like a normal full-size sewn binding. You can see the folded signatures in the second photo! I think I’ll have to make these entirely with paper covers if I want to get the little hinges right next time.


ok so these new tariffs are likely going to be primarily affecting red states. i want y’all to ignore the urge to respond by saying the people in those red states deserve it because of the political representation we have. not because some of us are progressives but because this is an opportunity. if conservatives from these states start complaining about higher prices and financial strain, do not respond with “well you voted for this!” this is your opportunity to pull them to the center. say “wow that is really awful. i’m sure this isn’t what you wanted when you voted last year. you deserve representatives that will have your best interests at heart, you should let them know how upset you are! you deserve to be heard!”

because listen to me. republican politicians don’t give a shit about what progressives in red states have to say. they aren’t gonna change their voting trends for us. but if a bunch of small town conservatives start to get restless and angry with their politicians, if they lose support from their most important demographics, that has a shot at changing things. so swallow your pride and disgust and have a conversation with that republican truck driver instead of taking the pot shot that’ll get you 10 minutes of dopamine. do the hard work.

(via the-moon-loves-the-sea)



Can I Please Eat In The Computer Room Tonight? by Nicole Nikolich (2025)

Can be seen at The Delaware Contemporary through May 25, 2025. Excerpted from the exhibition website:

The dinner table is a place of routine and tradition, the daily ritual of which can consist of eating, sharing, and storytelling. However, the dining room is not always the location for eating a meal. Food can be served on the sofa in front of the TV or outside under the stars, and in Nicole Nikolich’s experience, these special occasions were spent in her computer room. Seeking solace as a young teen, there was an excitement in experiencing space and time alone. Nikolich reclaims this memory, reflecting on nostalgic moments through her textile practice. 

(via goodgrammaritan)







its funnier if laios is not horny for the monstrous

imagine him finding an underground monster fanclub like a meetings ad on the bulletin board for some awful bar he went to and going “wow! a monster fanclub! why’d they advertise here? i guess it really is a looked down upon interest” and when he gets there theyre all like so whats youre biggest fantasy mine is [This content was removed due to violation of Tumblr guidelines] and Laios just stands there shook, scared, upset like “wait you guys wanna fuck them? 😥 i dont think you can fuck living armor theyre mollusks i dont think i belong here i have to go” and going home and crying to falin how its like theres no one who understands monsters like they do

anyone could have a fetish. its not special. laios has something worse and its “guy who should have a phd but got the wrong kind of autism to survive school” and if they had online in dunmeshi hed have a stupid looking website he made with thee most indepth research on monster biology and ecology that is too embarrassing to cite so the real researchers just steal from him. he has a tab on the site named /citemeorieatyou and its full of the titles and names of research that stole his work but did not cite him and the bullets are all replaced by a gif of a monster he made up munching

i think the weirdest he gets is that orcs are NOT off the table you ask him what hes into and he tells you “a big round ass, mostly”

you tie him up for sex and then the next day hes like “could you tie me up again 😳 its way better than the weighted blanket and i wanna watch tv 👁️👁️” and that would be what youd have to deal with

to be clear hes sittin on the couch completely unhorny to watch animal planet and youve introduced him to the least socially acceptable stim toy

(via grammarpedant)



I want to KISS the person who made this display, that is AMAZING

(Source: instagram.com, via fuckyeahgravityfalls)



laios is perhaps the only character not to get the “they mentioned their favorite food once and the fandom makes it their whole personality” treatment. his favorite food is cheesecake and absolutely nobody cares


(via feychannel)

Musings on my week driving a recent automatic car while my decade+-year-old manual was in the shop

  • Must keep reminding myself NOT to touch the gear shift while driving. Spend a lot of driving time with my right arm clutched to my chest to avoid this.
  • Relatedly: WHERE is my CLUTCH. My left foot is so lonely.
  • I hate this wireless key fob. Petrified I will somehow lock it in the car. I have ADHD, I like the physical connection between “key in/out” and “car on/off.”
  • I have to keep jumping out of the car because I left my garage door button in my car, in the shop. That’s not the automatic’s fault, but it’s part of the experience.
  • Having volume and track skip buttons affixed to the steering wheel is cool.
  • Having to tap on a screen that requires LOOKING instead of feeling via buttons if I want to switch between music sources is NOT cool. Have given up listening to the radio all week so I’m left with just my phone’s music so I don’t have to bother with a touchscreen while driving.
  • Backup camera is cool.
  • Still keep reaching to shift gears and catching myself.
  • My car’s sound system is so much better. (But this may be because my parents changed settings, according to my father. Regardless, I had to spend a week suffering. I like having working speakers in the doors.)
  • A giant advantage of an automatic is it doesn’t get bouncy-jerky when you’re stuck in slow traffic. I do know this; one of the reasons I don’t mind mine is that I’ve spent the majority of its life as a shift worker who mostly avoids getting stuck in rush hour.
  • I know that the incessant beeping when the passenger isn’t wearing a seat belt is a safety feature but I need it to SHUT UP when I’m driving a student worker 1.5 blocks to their dorm at 5 mph.
  • Lane departure warning beeps are appreciated like 30% of the time. The rest of the time it’s…idk misreading or just the lines themselves were done badly.
  • This engine is noticeably more powerful than mine and I am LOVING the acceleration. Vroom vroom.
  • Car is also bigger, and thus noticeably heavier than mine. Acceleration aside, it’s weird to feel the weight while steering, and I have to be careful when turning in tight spaces.
  • WHERE IS MY CLUTCH *phantom stomps while trying not to grab gearshift*
  • Getting my car back and it feels incredibly light and agile. Also: my default sound system, I love you.
  • Car please stay alive forever I don’t wanna permanently adjust to another car with a sad lack of buttons.


Tags: humor video



no offense but you guys need to learn the difference between someone implying their experience is universal and a post simply just not being about you

Show me where I’ve made this mistake. Cite a specific time when I misinterpreted a post in this manner.

(via thebibliosphere)



(via archivistic)


uh oh! one of your organs has mysteriously vanished! Spin this wheel to find out which one!


literally instantly dead

not immediately dead, but theres no hope

MAYBE you have time to make it to a hospital, no guarantees you survive

you can get medical help and survive, but itll be rough

youll recover and should be able to go back to a mostly normal life after this

not bad at all you might not even notice

somehow youre doing better now?????

you already dont have this organ

(via molabuddy)