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max planck institut
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Lenzen, Christoph

Christoph Lenzen

Theory of Distributed and Embedded Systems

Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
Department 1: Algorithms and Complexity
Campus E1 4, Room 314
66123 Saarbrücken

Email: clenzen@mpi-inf.mpg.de
Phone: +49 681 9325 1008
Fax: +49 681 9325 199


This page is no longer maintained. My new homepage is here.

In protest to Elsevier's policies, I stepped down from my role as editor of TCS.

I'm a faculty member at CISPA since July 2021.

The new contact person for BHons students from TU Vienna planning to do an internship at MPII is Dr. Andreas Karrenbauer. Further details.

For other internships at D1, please refer to this information.

Research Interests

Theory of Distributed Computing, in particular clock synchronization, randomized load balancing, routing, graph problems (e.g. dominating sets, maximal independent sets, coloring), fault-tolerance, and algorithms in hardware. Here's a poster about a recent result.

Short CV

July 2021 - present: faculty member at CISPA.
2021: ERC proof-of-concept grant "Fast Response Circuits for Voltage Droop Compensation" aiming at commercialisation of results from the ERC starting grant.
2017 - 2022: ERC starting grant project "A Theory of Reliable Hardware."
July 2014 - June 2021: Group Leader at MPI for Informatics.
2013 - June 2014: Postdoctoral fellow at MIT CSAIL, with Nancy Lynch.
2012: Postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, Weizmann Institute of Science, with David Peleg.
2011: Postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, with Danny Dolev.
2011: Ph.D. degree from ETH Zurich. Thesis: Synchronization and Symmetry Breaking in Distributed Systems.
2007 - 2010: Graduate studies, Distributed Computing Group, ETH Zurich. My advisor was Roger Wattenhofer.
2007: Diploma Degree in Mathematics, University of Bonn.


winter 2022/23: Clock Synchronization and Adversarial Fault Tolerance

summer 2022: How To Clock Your Computer

winter 2021/22: Metastability-containing Synchronization Circuits

summer 2021: Clock Synchronization and Adversarial Fault Tolerance

winter 2020/21: How To Clock Your Computer

winter 2020/21: Theory of Distributed Systems

winter 2019/20: Theory of Distributed Systems

summer 2019: Keeping Time in Distributed Systems

winter 2018/19: Theory of Distributed Systems

summer 2018: Keeping Time in Distributed Systems

winter 2017/18: Theory of Distributed Systems

winter 2016/17: Theory of Distributed Systems

winter 2015/16: Theory of Distributed Systems

winter 2014/15: Theory of Distributed Systems
