This document contains definitions and calculations for various financial ratios used to evaluate businesses. It includes liquidity ratios like current ratio and quick ratio, asset management ratios like inventory turnover and receivables turnover, debt ratios, profitability ratios like profit margin and return on assets/equity, and amortization calculations. It also discusses yield to maturity, risk and rates of return, and factors that affect yields on different types of bonds.
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This document contains definitions and calculations for various financial ratios used to evaluate businesses. It includes liquidity ratios like current ratio and quick ratio, asset management ratios like inventory turnover and receivables turnover, debt ratios, profitability ratios like profit margin and return on assets/equity, and amortization calculations. It also discusses yield to maturity, risk and rates of return, and factors that affect yields on different types of bonds.
This document contains definitions and calculations for various financial ratios used to evaluate businesses. It includes liquidity ratios like current ratio and quick ratio, asset management ratios like inventory turnover and receivables turnover, debt ratios, profitability ratios like profit margin and return on assets/equity, and amortization calculations. It also discusses yield to maturity, risk and rates of return, and factors that affect yields on different types of bonds.
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50%(2)50% menganggap dokumen ini bermanfaat (2 suara)
This document contains definitions and calculations for various financial ratios used to evaluate businesses. It includes liquidity ratios like current ratio and quick ratio, asset management ratios like inventory turnover and receivables turnover, debt ratios, profitability ratios like profit margin and return on assets/equity, and amortization calculations. It also discusses yield to maturity, risk and rates of return, and factors that affect yields on different types of bonds.
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FINANCIAL RATIO Yield to Maturity/ YTM = Interest pada PV tertentu ( diketahui, PV,FV,PMT,dan n) cari pake fungsi
ROE .15 % (Extended Du The Current Ratio = Current Assets : Current Liabilities Pont Equation) Acid Test / Quick Ratio = ( Current Assets – Inventory ): Current Liabilities ASSET MANAGEMENT RATIO The Inventory Turnover Ratio = Sales : Inventories Evaluating Receivables = The Days Sale Outstanding = Receivables : Sales / 360 ROA 5 % (Du Pont Equation) Multiplied by Asset/Equity 2.9 X (equity multiplier) Evaluating Fixed Assets = Fixed AssetsTurnover Ratio = Sales : Net Fixed Assets Evaluating Total Assets = Total Asset Ratio = Sales : Total Assets DEBT RATIO PM 13% Multiplied by Total Assets Turnover 0,37 X Debt Ratio = Total Debt : Total Assets EBIT = Laba usaha+Pendapatan Bunga+Selisih Kurs+ Lain-lain = ( Laba usaha + Pendapatan Bunga+ Selisih Kurs) – Lain-lain Divided Divided Total Assets Sales 4,681,674,520 NI 651,883,453 Sales 4,681,674,520 TIE = EBIT : Interes Charges into into 12,636,575,760 PROFITABILITY RATIO Profit Margin on Sales = Net Income : Sales Total Costs Added Basic Earning Power (BEP ) = EBIT : Total Asset Subtracted Sales 4,681,674,520 Fixed Assets to Current Assets 5,934,272,367 from 1,370,848,844 Return of Total Assets ( ROA ) = Net Income : Total Asset 7,471,058,241 Return of Common Equity ( ROE ) = Net Income : Total Equity AMORTIZATION Other Operating Cost Interest + preferred Cash + Marketable YEAR 1 3,653,813,165 s Dividend Securities 421,900,620 939,955,340 The Required Payment 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 5% Depreciation Taxes 15,000 PMT PMT PMT PMT PMT PMT 1,508,019,737 350,538,845 Account Receivable Inventories 208,071,793 35,376,788 Hitung PMT dengan Ms.Excel calculation n 6 i 0.05 pv 15000 Analisis Dupont Chart : ROE naik karena ROA bagus, sedangkan kalau karena Equity Multiplier berarti buruk karena artinya pmt ($2,955.26) yang mempengaruhi ROE adalah Hutang yang meningkat. ROA naik karena apa ? kalau karena profit margin OK, brarti perusahaan profitable tetapi kalau karena TATO belum tentu baik karena artinya ada Masukkan ke table excel penurunan Asset bisa berupa investasi yang berkurang karena investor kurang percaya terhadap Beg PRIN- END perusahaan atau ada aset yang dijual. Year Bal PMT INT PMT BAL 1 15,000 2,955 750 2,205 12,795 2 12,795 2,955 639.75 2,316 10,479 Semiannual bond ; n = 2x nya; interest / 2. Quartal : n x4 ; interest / 4 3 10,479 2,955 523.95 2,431 8,048 EFF semi annual bond = ( 1 + I nom/m)m ; m = 2 untuk semiannual; I = I coupon. Dan ketika 4 8,048 2,955 402.4 2,553 5,495 membandingkan annual semi annual dengan rate dan pmt sama, gunakan EFF yg sama untuk mencari 5 5,495 2,955 274.75 2,681 2,814 pv/harga. Semiannual bond bisa menghasilkan PV lebih murah juga ( cari pake fungsi PV di excel ) Yield to Call ( YTC ) : Interest sampai di call. Dicari dengan fungsi Interest. Inputnya : dicari PMT dulu ( i 6 2,814 2,955 140.7 2,814 0 coupon x par value) trus dimasukkin ke fungsi interest. N = sampai di call, jangan lupa perhatikan itu TOTAL 17,732 2,732 15,000 semiannual atau annual. PV = harga beli/jual obligasi, FV = pas di call berapa, PMT diketahui.
PMT : Tetap dari hitungan excel pertama I coupon 0.05
INT : Percentage Interest (%) x Beg Balance n 8 YTC Example (kiri) PRIN – PMT : PMT – INT pmt 50 Short term vs Long term Bonds : Short term is more riskier in END BAL : BEG BAL – (PRIN-PMT) pv (1135.9) reinvestment rate than Long term. Long term is more riskier in interest RISK AND RATES OF RETURN fv 1050 rate risk. Menghitung Risk dan Expected Rate of Return (Kp) I ( ytm You will expect more bigger YTC on premium bond 1. Stand-alone Risk (ketika investor cuma investasi di satu tempat) periodic) per You will expect more bigger YTM on par or discount bond Risk : Standar deviasi ( semakin besar semakin besar risk) , Koefisien Varian = SD : Mean ( Risk per unit semiannual 3.57% Factors affecting bond rating and risk : debt ratio, TIE, FCC Ratio, of return). ytc 7.14% Current Ratio.
Find PV – excel, Find FV – excel. Dan dalam mencari salah satu harus negative, once again tergantung sudut pandangnya. Annuity :Payment, Ordinary Annuity : payment occur at end of period, Annuity due: payment occur at P = Probablitias, k = return setiap moment begin of period. Bedanya nulisnya kalo yg Ordinary mulai angka 1, kalo Annuity Due mulai angka 0 di Stand Alone Risk = Market Risk ( atau beta/SLOPE) + Firm Specific Risk timelines. PV ( occur ) FV ( made ). Grafik slope semakin tinggi maka semakin tinggi expected rate of returns. High risk high return, jadi ketika expected rate of return nya tinggi resiko jg tinggi. Kalau tinggi slope sama tapi grafik yang satu Kalo annuity due nyarinya di excel pake type lebih menjorok ke kiri ( negative) maka kemungkinan loss akan lebih tinggi artinya risk akan lebih tinggi. 2. Portfolio Basis (ketika investor punya banyak investasi) 1, kalo yg ordinary pake type 0. Disarankan mengkombinasikan minimal dua investasi yang punya korelasi Nyari? fv fv pv pvannuity due pv ordinary negatif. Untuk menghitung Kp dihitung dulu k rata2 dari masing – masing n 3 5 5 12 12 stock pada kondisi yang sama kemudian dimasukkan ke rumus sebelah kiri. I 0.06 0.12 0.1 0.005 0.005 Setelah itu baru dihitung deviasinya dan koefisien varian untuk risknya. Standar deviasi pada excel bisa ditulis STDEV=dimasukkan angka2 per momen yang digunakan hasil PV 100 300 ($186.28) ($5,838,513.36) ($5,809,466.03) perhitungan total Kp, Kp. Bisa dilihat bahwa melalui portfolio basis, investor akan mendapatkan high risk FV ($119.10) ($528.70) 300 dan lower return dibanding stand alone. Semakin banyak penambahan stock belum tentu lower risk, pmt 500000 500000 karena deviasi hanya berkurang minimal mendekati 20% tidak bisa jauh lebih kecil. 3. CAPM Model, Required Rate of Returns, Beta tipe 1 tipe 0 Required Rate of Return = Risk free rate of return + Risk premium x Beta Kalo Payment nya gak konstan ( uneven cash flow stream) dihitung satu2 PV nya per period. PV = CF 1 SML = Ki = Krf + ( Km – Krf) b, Risk premium = Km - Krf + CF2 + .. Beta adalah market risk, dicari dengan slope dari stock terhadap market return. Atau dengan regresi. (1+I) n Beta = 1 average stock, beta > 1 riskier than average stock, beta < 1 less riskier than average stock. (1+I) n Analisisnya expected vs required, kalo expected > required (undervalued), kalo expected < recquired Semiannual atau yg lebih diparo2 lagi bisa menghasilkan FV yang lebih besar dibanding yg Annual. (overvalued), kalo sama fair valued. EFF = ( 1 + I nom/m)m - 1, EAR = EFF % OF 10 %. FVn = PV (1 + Inom/m) m.n BOND AND ITS VALUATION Ada dua macam PV yaitu annuity atau pake payment, atau yang perpetual/ordinary yang langsung di STOCK AND ITS VALUATION akhir. Stock price : p0; ntrinsic value of stock p^0; I coupon 0.1 expected rate of growth in dividend per share g; n 10 required rate of return ks I market 0.1 ; expected rate of return k^s; expected dividend yield D1/p0; fv 1000 Expected capital gain yield p^1 – p0 / p0 ; Ks – D/P pmt 100 expected total return; k^s= D1/p0 + p^1 – p0/ p0 pv Stock Value = PV of dividends; PV = Dn / (1+Ks) n (price) ($1,000.00) I market = I coupon maka PV = FV Fungsi excel =PV PV > FV Premium Untuk menghitung PV yang digunakan Market Rate / I Market. Kalau market rate lebih tinggi maka orang PV < FV Discount akan lebih memilih deposito dibanding obligasi. Karena pada market rate yang lebih rendah, PV nya lebih rendah sehingga seharusnya bisa beli obligasi dengan harga lebih murah. Bisa pake excel untuk semuanya, cari i market pake interest, cari PMT, dsb. PV bisa negatif atau positif jug FV. PV negatif kalau kita investor karena kita BELI, FV bisa negatif kalau kita issuer company. Dari sisi perusahaan issuer, kalau Coupon rate < market artinya discount, kalau coupon rate < market artinya premium, kalau sama par bond. Ketika market rate naik, harga obligasi turun. Constant Growth Model Ketika itu constant growth maka yang digunakan adalah : Namun model ini hanya digunakan ketika ks > g Karena hasilnya tidak boleh negatif. Tetap gunakan SML untuk mencari required rate of return. For the Constant Growth, must be followed with these conditions : 1. The dividend is expected to grow forever at a constant rate, g 2. The stock price is expected to grow at this same rate 3. The expected dividend yield is a constant 4. The expected capital gain yield is also a constant, and it is equal to g 5. The expected total rate of return, , is equal to the expected dividend yield plus the expected growth rate: = dividend yield + g Supernormal Growth Dan kalau g konstan Dt = Dt-1 (1+ g) Misalkan kondisi bahwa nonconstant/supernormal growth terjadi pada bulan 1,2,3 hingga pada bulan ketiga constant pada g = 6%. Maka langkah – langkah nya adalah pertama menghitung PV tiap periode sebelum konstan sampai pada P3 . P3 dicari dengan g berubah ke g konstan. Kemudian dijumlahkan untuk mencari P^0.
Free Cash Flow / FCF
WACC : modal untuk mendanai perusahaan FCF = NOPAT – Net capital investment. Stock Price can be determined by : MV of common stock (market capitalization) = MV of firm – MV of debt and preferred stock./ Value of equity = Total value – Value of debt P = MV of common stock/number of shares Logikanya sama kaya pembagian dividen di atas, Untuk mencari PV rumusnya : PVn =TV / ( 1 + WACC )n ; TV = FCFn+1 / ( WACC – g ) Terminal Value / TV = titik dimana growth dari FCF akan konstan Market Equilibrum Dimana expected rate of return = required rate of return ks = D1/P0 + g = ks = kRF + (kM – kRF)b. Terjadi apabila If ks = + g > ks, then P0 is “too low” (a bargain). Buy orders > sell orders; P0 bid up; D1/P0 falls until D1/P0 + g = ks = ks. Harga saham berubah ketika : ki could change: ki = kRF + (kM – kRF )bi. kRF = k* + IP. g could change due to economic or firm situation Preffered Stock Vp = D / kp