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    • Bob Dylan
L'articolo riflette sull'importanza della scrittura e sulla produzione del cantautore ebraico-canadese Leonard Norman Cohen.
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      American LiteratureAmerican StudiesJewish StudiesSongwriting
L'articolo affronta lo spinoso tema dell'assegnazione del Nobel per la Letteratura 2016 a Bob Dylan, riflettendo sulle ragioni proposte dalla commissione e sui reali meriti della produzione del menestrello.
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      American LiteratureJewish American LiteratureAmerican StudiesJewish Studies
Questo volume raccoglie cinque contributi in onore di Dario Calimani offerti dai suoi allievi. Il suo metodo critico e il suo insegnamento si sono sempre contraddistinti per la convinzione che il sapere debba essere sincretico e la... more
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      Samuel BeckettBob DylanSeicentoFilosofia e mistica ebraica
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      American LiteratureItalian LiteratureAfrican American StudiesAmerican music
Articolo pubblicato in "Tales of Unfulfilled Times
Saggi critici in onore di Dario Calimani offerti dai suoi allievi", a.c. di Fabio Fantuzzi. Venezia: Edizioni Ca' Foscari, 2017: 53-77.
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      American LiteratureJewish StudiesSongwritingPainting
Giovan Battista Andreini’s La Centaura (1622) is a mixed play that juxtaposes comedy, pastoral, and tragedy. Through a close reading of the ways in which the play combines different genres, presents manifold metatextual elements, and... more
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      Theatre StudiesComedyBaroque Art and LiteratureMetatheatre
A three days’ Convention on “Bob Dylan and the Arts” is being announced for October 29-31, 2018 in the Roma Tre Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures. Focusing on the unceasing and colorful work of the 2016 Nobel... more
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      American LiteratureMusicMusicologyJewish Studies
Not unlike the much more famous ‘Jewish heretic hermeneutics’ studied by Susan Handelman, such as those of Freud, Derrida, Bloom and others, painter and philosopher Norman Raeben has formulated his own new method for artistic creation... more
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      American LiteratureJewish StudiesJacques DerridaBob Dylan
Nonostante l’influenza che la musica e la letteratura americane hanno avuto sulla poesia di Luciano Cecchinel, questo aspetto della poetica di un autore che Cesare Segre ha definito “una delle voci maggiori della poesia italiana d’oggi”... more
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      FolkloreFolk MusicBluesPoesia italiana contemporanea
Sulla base della raccolta di documenti e informazioni inediti delle lezioni del Maestro Norman Raeben, l'articolo approfondisce il rapporto che Bob Dylan ha con le fonti e i modelli artistici. La carriera musicale quanto quella pittorica... more
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      MusicologyArt HistoryPopular Music StudiesPopular Music
L'articolo approfondisce il legame tra il cantautore americano Woody Guthrie e la cultura ebraica, un aspetto poco noto della sua produzione connesso in un primo momento ai suoi rapporti con Moses Asch, Harold Leventhal e Ed Robbin, e poi... more
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      American LiteratureJewish American LiteratureAmerican StudiesJewish Studies
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In this interview, we talk with one of the organizers of the conference "Masked and Anonymous: The Many Faces of Bob Dylan", Fabio Fantuzzi, about both the event and his own research into Dylan’s work with his one-time painting teacher,... more
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      American LiteratureMusicArt TheoryContemporary Art
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      MusicFolkloreDiasporasLiterature and Music
Bob Dylan and the Arts is a dialogue of different voices that focuses on Bob Dylan’s genius from transdisciplinary perspectives. Dylan’s production, which centers on the song form, stretches from poetry to performance, from painting to... more
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      Jewish American LiteratureAmerican StudiesPopular Music StudiesPopular Music
These pages analyze Norman Raeben's figure and theories and discuss his influence on his former student Bob Dylan
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      American LiteratureJewish StudiesSongwritingLiterature and Music
This chapter is an introduction to the Art section of the book "Bob Dylan and the Arts".
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      American LiteratureMusicologyPopular Music StudiesPopular Music
Intervista ad Alessandro Carrera, Fabio Fantuzzi, Renato Giovannoli e Gerolamo Mossa sul libro "Bob Dylan and the Arts"
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      American LiteratureAmerican StudiesMusicMusic and Language
Intervista a Maria Anita Stefanelli, Alessandro Carrera e Fabio Fantuzzi, curatori “Bob Dylan and the Arts. Songs, Film, Painting, and Sculpture in Dylan’s Universe”
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      MusicPopular Music StudiesPopular MusicPainting