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Nouvelles à propos des services du CDS

Applied filters: -

  • SPECFIND 3.0 ingested into SIMBAD

    The SPECFIND cross-identifications based on 220 VizieR radio continuum tables (SPECFIND 3.0 catalog) are now ingested into SIMBAD. During this operation 180 thousand new radio continuum objects were created in SIMBAD and one million radio continuum identifiers were added to the database. Furthermore, the cross-identification between SPECFIND 3.0 and SIMBAD resulted in 10 thousand new redshifts for radio continuum sources.


  • Catalogs recently added in VizieR

    Catalogs added between 01-Sep-2024 and 01-Oct-2024 and others added in the past.

  • Service outage

    On June 24, between 5am and 6am UTC (7am-8am CEST), network maintenance will take place. All CDS services hosted at Strasbourg will be down during this maintenance. Mirrors will still be available.


  • A new access to SIMBAD TAP in astroquery

    The latest version of the python library astroquery (v0.4.7) ships a new access to SIMBAD TAP.

    The detailed documentation is on astroquery's page, but here is a quick preview of some of the new functionalities:


  • Easter Egg Hunt

    Happy Easter!

    Hunt down all eggs hidden in the English version of the entire CDS Website. Click on each egg you find. The egg will disappear and the corresponding top counter will be updated. Enjoy the surprise when you find all eggs of each category, but also all eggs of all categories (gamers, do not cheat...).


  • ASOV meeting

    Les journées ASOV 2024 auront lieu les 18 et 19 mars 2024 dans l’amphithéâtre de l’Observatoire de Strasbourg. Elles seront suivies des journées semi-hackathon qui se termineront le 20 mars après-midi.


  • New VizieR version

    A new VizieR version is available.

    • Improved traceability and reproducibility of queries by annotating VOTable with terms defined in the latest version of Data Origin.
    • Improved quality of URLs provided in VOTable when the -meta.out=Dhul option is set.
    • Investigation of mivot-based VOTable serialization for position propagation.


  • DECaPS DR2 HiPS available

    The second release of the DECam Plane Survey is now available as HiPS datasets:

  • Aladin Lite v3 talk at ADASS 2022

    The slides of the talk Aladin Lite v3 release: Instructions to embed it into your own applications, presented at the ADASS conference 2022 early November, are available online:

  • VizieR new version

    A new version is available.

    The VizieR service is now hosted by CDS domain (cds.unistra.fr). It includes a new global positional search, based on the IVOA MOCS standard.

    Hosted domain.

    The domain "u-strasbg.fr" is obsoleted by the CDS domain "cds.unistra.fr".


  • Aladin Desktop v12 release

    CDS is pleased to announce the release of Aladin Desktop version 12.

    This new major release includes:

    • Planetary data support : HiPS, MOCs, catalogues,... (more...).

    • Cone search update facility (more...)


  • VizieR patch

    The last VizieR release is available.

    • VizieR allows to compute positions into another coordinate System (ICRS, GALACTIC, FK4, Ecliptic) taking into account proper motions. It is now also possible to ignore the proper motions (-out.add=J2000/0.)


  • Aladin Lite v3 beta test

    You are invited to beta test Aladin Lite version 3, available at the following URL:


    Feel free to send your comments and feedbacks to matthieu.baumann@astro.unistra.fr and thomas.boch@astro.unistra.fr

    The page https://aladin.cds.unistra.fr/AladinLite/v3-beta/news/ will give you the details on the new features developed for this version.


  • 1.8 billion stars for the 50th anniversary of CDS

    On Monday 13 June 2022, the Strasbourg Astronomical Data Centre (CDS) publishes the Data Release 3 of the ESA Gaia mission in the CDS services. This major data release coincides with the 50th anniversary year of the operations of the CDS (1972-2022), making it an ideal time to celebrate the integration of the 1.8 billion stars from Gaia DR3!


    aladin-lite vizier xmatch
  • CDS Documentalists to be awarded the CNRS Cristal Collectif medal 2022!

    On 9 June 2022 the CNRS has announced (https://www.cnrs.fr/en/node/6836) that the CDS documentalists team is one of the winners of the CNRS Collective cristal medal 2022!

    The CNRS Collective cristal medal rewards teams of men and women in support functions who have carried out projects with remarkable technical mastery, collective dimension, applications, innovation and reach.


  • CDS is hiring

    We are seeking an Astronomy Data Science Engineer to work on the EOSC Future project. This position would suit candidates with research experience who are moving into data science. Note the advertisement in English and French.


  • New VizieR version

    A new version VizieR version is available

    see beta version

    • Improve reports in VOTable/HTML in case of timeout

    • Fixes some units in VOTable 1.4 output

    • Fixes xmatch error

  • VizieR new beta version

    A new version VizieR version is available @ VizieR-beta

    • Improve reports in VOTable/HTML in case of timeout

    • Fixes some units in VOTable 1.4 output

    • Fixes xmatch error

    Note about units update:


  • Reorganized list of object types

    Beginning of June, the historical list of object types in SIMBAD will be replaced by a reorganized list, based on physical properties, and on the evolutionary stage for stars. It will enable a more interactive search, and will provide minimal definitions. The hierarchies between object types will evolve: for instance, a RR Lyrae Star will still be in the hierarchy of Variable Stars, and also in the hierarchy of Horizontal Branch Stars.


  • CDS 50th anniversary

    CDS 50th anniversary.

    On Friday 01 April CDS launched into its 50th anniversary year with an event held at the Palais Universitaire:

    "Open Science and the 50th anniversary of CDS" / "Science Ouverte et le 50e anniversaire du CDS"


  • TAPVizieR maintenance scheduled tuesday 21dec

    For maintenance action, the TAP VizieR service will be disturbed tuesday 21th dec.

  • SPECFIND V3 catalogue

    The updated SPECFIND V3.0 radio continuum source catalogue, described in this recent Astronomy & Astrophysics paper, has just been released in the VizieR catalogue service. Using 204 radio continuum input catalogue tables from VizieR at CDS in this new version, the authors were able to cross identify 1.6 million radio sources. With these sources, 340 000 radio spectra were created accordingly (as opposed to only 66 000 and 107 000 for the first and second SPECFIND catalogues). Furthermore, the paper identifies a sample of objects that may have a special break in their spectral energy distribution, and require follow-up observation for better identification.


  • First announcement of the 2nd ESCAPE VO School

    The ESCAPE project is organising its second international Virtual Observatory school as a hybrid meeting at the Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg, France and online in Zoom.

    The School will take place from February 22-24 2022 and on March 04 2022.


  • Solar System catalogue - VESPA

    VizieR improves the visibility of Solar System catalogues

    The B/planets catalogue is a product of a collaboration with the Paris Observatory and the CDS to build a compiled solar system catalogue according to the VO EPNCore Data-model. The curation is operated by the CDS and the Paris Observatory to populate a table where each record describes a VizieR solar System catalogue.


  • new CDS registry

    **A new version of the CDS registry is now available **

    The CDS registry provides the VizieR catalogue list in the IVOA format.

    The new version is available @ http://cdsweb.unistra.fr/registry/ and is ready to be harvested.


  • new CDS registry

    Dear VO members -

    **A new version of the CDS registry is now available ** (and official) in accordance with the recent recommendations of the IVOA registry.

    The new version is available @ http://cdsweb.unistra.fr/registry/ and is ready to be harvested by Registries of Registries.


  • Network troubleshooting

    Network troubleshooting on March 18, 2021

    simbad vizier
  • New HiPS available: MSX, TESS, unWISE and Gaia EDR3

    Some new image HiPS datasets have been published in the last months in the HiPS network:

  • New solar system and exoplanet catalogue

    B/planets is a new VizieR catalogue which gathers **solar system and exoplanet ** catalogues.

    The provided table is compatible with the Europlanet project hosted in the Paris Observatory and will be used for the VESPA (Virtual European Solar and Planetary Acces) query interface.


  • CDS plays a major role in the newly announced ESCAPE project

    November 20, 2018 marks the announcement of ESCAPE - The European Science Cluster of Astronomy and Particle Physics ESFRI Research Infrastructures. The ESCAPE project will address the Open Science challenges of astronomy and particle physics research by accelerating the implementation of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).


  • TAP new feature: improvement of the object names normalisation

    A new feature in SIMBAD TAP allows you to submit a list of object names (e.g. by uploading your own table ; cf the documentation) and let SIMBAD try to find the correct identifier in SIMBAD.


  • VizieR patch

    A new VizieR version is available : https://viz-beta.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/VizieR

    • Links to the full records are corrected for large tables

    • Manage computed column truncation

    Manage computed column truncation

    A new parameter -digits=min is available to truncate computed columns with a reasonable digit number.


  • VizieR correction patch

    A patch had been installed on VizieR -

    The patch improves the conesearch efficiency. Output format is not impacted.

  • Facebook page, YouTube channel and Twitter

    Follow CDS on social media

  • Cross-identification of SIMBAD with Gaia DR2

    Cross-identification of SIMBAD with Gaia DR2

  • New VizieR version

    A new version available

    This version follows the previous beta-version posted on 30 May 2018

  • New VizieR version

    A new beta version is available @ https://viz-beta.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/VizieR

    This version includes mainly changes in precision of the computed position columns in output.

    The most important updates :

    • Increase the precision of the computed columns (computed positions columns in red).

    The new precision add 2 digits compared to the original columns precision to take into account the propagation errors due to the change of coordinate system.


  • Simbad Tap upgrade

    Simbad Tap upgrade

  • VizieR correction patch

    A patch had been installed on VizieR -

    The patch makes some corrections in the "list of constraints" management.

  • Python cds-client package to query large VizieR table

    The Python cds-client package is a new capability to query VizieR large tables.

    The Python package is the successor of the CDSclient package, it includes API and scripts to query large VizieR table : Gaia, SDSS, PanSTARRS, UCAC, 2MASS, etc.


  • CDS publishes the ESA Gaia mission Data Release 2 on April 25, 2018.

    Gaia is an ambitious ESA mission to chart a three-dimensional map of our Galaxy with unprecedented precision. Gaia DR2 is the result of 22 months of observations (July 2014 - May 2016), and contains the positions of nearly 1.7 billion stars. This major data release includes measurements of parallaxes, proper motions and colours for 1.3 billion stars!


    aladin-lite vizier xmatch
  • PanSTARRS color HiPS available

    The Pan-STARRS color HiPS, made from g and z bands PS1 image, has just been released.

    It can be browsed seamlessly from Aladin Lite, Aladin Desktop and other HiPS-compatible clients.

    You can also explore and visualise Pan-STARRS data (images and catalogue) in your browser from this custom Aladin Lite interactive map.


  • New VizieR version

    A new version available

    This version follows the previous beta-version posted on

    December,12 2017

    This version extends the large table capability in the VizieR interface to query without position


  • Pan-STARRS data available at CDS

    Some Pan-STARRS data have recently been released in CDS services:

    The catalogue is also available in our cross-match service for fast spatial cross-identifications with VizieR tables or user-uploaded tables.


    aladin-lite vizier xmatch
  • VizieR beta version

    A new beta version is available @ https://viz-beta.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/VizieR

    The version improves the ObsCore tables output and the large table access through the vizier interface. It contains also minor corrections in the layout.


  • Gaia identifiers change

    Gaia identifiers change into Gaia DR1

  • Parallax measurements

    Increase precision of parallax

  • Gravitational Waves - Aladin-Lite and Aladin visualisations

    The CDS is very pleased that our Aladin and Aladin-Lite tools are being used to visualise the sky locations of GW170814, and that the images are on Astronomy Picture of the Day and the New York Times.


  • Maintenance action scheduled on TAP

    A server migration hosting TAP VizieR service is scheduled on Monday, 4sept. in the afternoon.

    The migration will impact only the TAP access : https://tapvizier.cds.unistra.fr

  • Simbad downtime

    A downtime is scheduled during 15 minutes

  • Extragalactic and Radio Astronomy Postdoctoral Position

    The Strasbourg Astronomical Data Centre (Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg, CDS) is opening a postdoctoral position (1 year, renewable) in extragalactic and radio astronomy.

    The CDS is an astronomy data centre that is hosted by the Strasbourg Astronomical Observatory in Strasbourg, France. The CDS is dedicated to the collection and distribution of astronomical data and information, and the development of innovative techniques for scientific exploitation of large data sets. The CDS hosts the SIMBAD reference database; the VizieR service for astronomical catalogues and data published in academic journals; the Aladin interactive sky atlas; a fast catalogue cross-matching service and the CDS portal. The CDS also contributes to the development of the Virtual Observatory (For more information see http://cds.unistra.fr).


    aladin cds-portal simbad vizier xmatch
  • New version of VizieR

    A new version available

    Updates in the new version concern mostly VOTable output.

    Column and table description curation with cleaning the LaTeX.

    This new update generates 2 descriptions :

    • the rich-description (containing LaTeX) and used in the VizieR web page


  • HiPS recently added

    List of recent HiPS generated by the CDS

  • Deletion of out-of-date measurements in Simbad

    Some old measurements coming from catalogues in Vizier will be removed from Simbad in few days.

  • MOC output in TAP

    Multi Order Coverage output is available in TAP queries

  • Downtime on April 3

    A down-time is scheduled for our services on April 3

  • CDS Services interruption on April 3, 2017

    A major upgrade of all electrical systems at the Strasbourg Observatory will result in a complete power outage scheduled on Monday, April 3, 2017, starting at 07:00 CET (5:00 a.m. GMT), and lasting 6 to 10 hours.


    simbad vizier
  • HTTPS support

    HTTPS protocol is now available for SIMBAD queries

  • New version of CDS Portal

    We just released a new version of the CDS Portal. It provides a single-page summary of and access to CDS services and resources available for a given object or position.


    aladin-lite cds-portal

  • Server upgrade for portal and annotations service [DONE]

    The portal and the annotations service will undergo a server upgrade on Thursday December 15th.

    A few hours of interruption is expected.

    Update on December 16th: both services are up and operational again.


  • TAPVizieR update

    A new version of TAPVizieR is online.

    The version includes:

    • change in the the healpix parameters function (the 3rd parameter is now the order)

    • improve crossmatch between tables and upload tables


  • VizieR new version

    This version follows the previous beta-version posted on

    02 November 2016

  • VizieR beta version

    A new beta version is available @https://viz-beta.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/VizieR

    The version improves the ICRS management for VizieR catalogue and contains ConeSearch output corrections.


    • ICRS coordinate system are available for new catalogues instead of FK5, equinox 2000


  • Link from SIMBAD to VizieR

    A Vizier icon from Simbad to go to the catalogue entry

  • Maintenance action on Oct. 4 2016 [done]

    A maintenance action is scheduled on CDS tuesday october 4th afternoon.

    During the maintenance operation Hips catalogues won't be available through Aladin and some large catalogs will be unavailable from the VizieR CDS website.


    aladin vizier
  • Gaia Data Release 1 available at CDS - September 14, 2016

    Gaia DR1 - Density map

    Gaia is an ambitious ESA mission to chart a three-dimensional map of our Galaxy, the Milky Way, in the process revealing the composition, formation and evolution of the Galaxy. Gaia will provide unprecedented positional and radial velocity measurements with the accuracies needed to produce a stereoscopic and kinematic census of about one billion stars in our Galaxy and throughout the Local Group.


    aladin vizier xmatch
  • TAPVizieR news

    The new version of TAPVizieR is online.

    This new version contains technicals aspects (tables description and queuing) and some updates in the layout:

    • includes a widget to work/upload your own tables (in VOTable format)


  • VizieR new version

    This version follows the previous beta-version posted on 23 May 2016

  • Cross-match service downtime on June 14 2016

    Due to a server upgrade, the cross-match service will be interrupted on Tuesday June 14 2016.

    We will do our very best to keep this interruption as short as possible!


  • CDS network outage on May 30th 2016

    Due to an equipment upgrade on RENATER network, all CDS services hosted at Strasbourg (Simbad main data base, VizieR main data base Aladin image server, Web sites, ...) will be unreachable during 30 minutes on Monday 30 May 2016 sometime between 6 and 8am local time (between 4 and 6am GMT).


    aladin simbad vizier
  • VizieR beta version

    A new beta version is available @ https://viz-beta.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/VizieR

    This version enables to query tables using the original columns name and contains ConeSearch output corrections.


    • Query VizieR using the original columns name or the VizieR standardized columns names.

    Select the output column name using the web interface or by URL with the option -out.orig=o


  • Postdoctoral Researcher position

    Postdoctoral Researcher position

    aladin simbad vizier xmatch
  • Aladin v9

    Aladin v9 announcement

  • HiPS news

    48 new HiPS covering all HST and HLA direct imaging observations

  • VizieR Patch

    The patch makes minor updates and corrections int the VizieR output layout.

    The unit Jansky/beam is added to the VizieR unit list.

    This patch is available on the beta vizier server.


  • CDS network outage 10mn 14/1/2016

    CDS network outage 10mn 14/1/2016 around 8:30pm

    aladin simbad vizier

  • AAS 225th meeting in Seattle

    CDS will be present at the 225th AAS meeting in Seattle, January 4-8 2015.

    Visit us at booth #418 "SIMBAD" for a demo of our services !

  • New server for ALADIN

    On Monday, 17th Novembre 2014, ALADIN server (aladin.u-strasbg.fr) will be upgraded.

  • photometry viewer

    new photometry viewer

  • Maintenance action scheduled

    A maintenance action is scheduled on VizieR on Wednesday September 24th pm, CET.

    During the maintenance operation, the VizieR web site will be unavailable.

    This action won't disturb the VizieR mirrors (see the VizieR mirror list).


  • IPHAS DR2 catalogue available in VizieR

    The second data release of the INT/WFC Photometric H-Alpha Survey (IPHAS) has just been made available through VizieR. It covers 1860 degxdeg of the Northern Milky Way at red visible wavelengths, at Galactic latitudes |b| < 5 deg and longitudes l = 30 to 215 deg in the broad-band r, i and narrow-band H-alpha filters. It was obtained using the Wide Field Camera (WFC) on the 2.5-m Isaac Newton Telescope (INT) in La Palma and contains a total of about 219 million sources.


  • new VizieR version

    This version follows the previous beta-version posted on July, 24th

  • Aladin in Portuguese language

    Aladin is now available in Portuguese language.

    The translation has been done by Prof. Dr. Eduardo Brescansin de Amôres and Melina Lima.

    No need to install a new version. Just relaunch Aladin and go to the menu Edit -> User preferences -> Language.


  • Maintenance action scheduled

    A maintenance action is scheduled on VizieR thursday september 4th afternoon.

    During the maintenance operation some large catalogs will be unavailable from the CDS website. However, this action won't disturb the access of the large catalogs installed on mirrors (see the VizieR mirror list)


  • The Data Seal of approval awarded to the CDS


    The CDS has been awarded the Data Seal of Approval (DSA, www.datasealofapproval.org/en).

    The DSA was established by a number of institutions committed to the long term archiving of research data. By assigning the seal, the DSA community seeks to guarantee the durability of the data concerned, but also to promote the goal of durable archiving in general. The DSA is granted to repositories that are committed to archiving and providing access to scholarly research in a sustainable way.


  • New VizieR beta version

    A new beta version is available @ https://viz-beta.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/VizieR

    This version contains some corrections.

    • VOTable: the new version replaces the "unsigned" types which are not described in the VOTable schema by the compliant types.


  • interactive image

    new feature : browse the sky from your Simbad object

  • Maintenance action scheduled

    A maintenance action is scheduled on TAPVizieR tuesday june 10th afternoon.

    During the maintenance operation TAPVizieR will be unavailable. However, the VizieR web pages won't be desturbed.

  • new VizieR version

    This version contains some corrections and some minor updates in the layout.

    This version follows the previous beta-version posted on May 27th

  • VizieR mirror opened in South Africa

    The South African Astroinformatics Alliance (SA3) on behalf of the South African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO) and the Centre for High Performance Computing (CHPC) is pleased to announce the release of the VizieR Catalogue Service mirror in Cape Town, South Africa.


  • New VizieR beta version

    A new beta version is available @ https://viz-beta.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/VizieR

    This version contains some corrections and some minor updates in the layout.

    • "Aladin Lite" is now available only if positions are detected in the VizieR HTML output.


  • New server for SIMBAD

    On Wednesday, 4th June 2014, SIMBAD server will be upgraded at 10:00am GMT

    On Wednesday, 4th June 2014 from 10:00am GMT, we will switch the current

    simbad server with a new one. We hope the operation to be fast, but there may be some delay in restarting.


  • AllWISE HiPS surveys available

    We juste released Progressive image surveys for the 4 AllWISE bands (W1 at 3.6um, W2 at 4.6um, W3 at 12um and W4 at 22um). We also generated a color HiPS from the W4, W2 and W1 bands.


  • Aladin Lite in VizieR

    Aladin Lite is available in the VizieR results page (more about Aladin Lite)

  • Aladin v8 announcement

    A new major Aladin is available : aladin v8

  • CMC15 catalogue available

    The Carlsberg Meridian Catalog (CMC15) source catalogue is available in VizieR.

    It can be queried directly from the VizieR service or from any tool supporting Cone Search queries (the base URL is https://vizier.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/votable/-A?-source=I/327& ).


  • Recent Progressive Survey (HiPS) additions

    Please take note of these recent Progressive Survey (HiPS) additions available in Aladin, Aladin Lite and other HiPS compatible clients.

    • SDSS-DR9 (band r) - Thomas Boch (CDS)

    • XMM (color + 3 bands) - Laurent Michel (Strasbourg Obs) in the framework of FP7 Arches project


  • AllWISE source catalogue available

    The AllWISE source catalogue is available in VizieR.

    It can be queried directly from the VizieR service or from any tool supporting Cone Search queries (the base URL is https://vizier.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/votable/-A?-source=II/328& ).


  • New VizieR beta version

    A new beta version is available @ https://viz-beta.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/VizieR

    This version include the Aladin Lite tool to visualize images in the VizieR web pages and updated VOTable output.


  • Maintenance action scheduled

    due to a maintenance action scheduled on Wednesday january 22th in the morning, the VizieR services located at Strasbourg could be disturbed.


  • Update on cross-match service

    In the last months, cross-identification jobs submitted to the cross-match service were suffering from hardware problems resulting in poor performances and slower computation time.

    This problem is now fixed and users of the service should now experience better performances.


    simbad xmatch
  • new VizieR version

    This version includes modifications to the layout, improved descriptions and visualization of photometry measurements from catalogues, and updated VOTable output.

    This version follows the previous beta-version posted on october 31th.

  • New VizieR beta version

    A new beta version is available @ https://viz-beta.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/VizieR

    This version includes modifications to the layout, improved descriptions and visualization of photometry measurements from catalogues, and updated VOTable output.

    Modifications in the VizieR engine


  • VizieR photometry viewer

    The CDS has released the VizieR photometry viewer, a new tool allowing to visualize photometry points around a given object or position.

    Data points are extracted from all 2,000+ photometry-enabled VizieR catalogues.


  • Planned maintenance for cross-match service

    The set of machines running the cross-match service will undergo a planned maintenance on Monday October 21st, between 7:30 and 10:00am UTC.

    We will do our best to minimize the service disruption time.


  • Maintenance action scheduled

    Due to a maintenance action scheduled on wednesday, 9 oct., the FTP access could be disturbed.

    It includes the VizieR plots services and the access to the additional data (fits view,...)


  • CDS SOAP Services

    CDS SOAP Services - cdsws.u-strasbg.fr

    This service was enabled around 10 years ago when SOAP was used in the frame of the IVOA.

    We will continue to maintain this service until the 31/03/2014, so for at least 6 month.


  • Simbad can sort references

    New feature to sort bibliographical reference in Simbad

  • CDS services down on September 09 and 13

    Due to a major upgrade in the electric system of the building hosting the CDS servers in Strasbourg, a power outage is planned on 2013 September 09 (Monday), from 08:00 to 18:00 and on September 13 (Friday), from 08:00 to 12:00, Central European Time.


    simbad vizier
  • CDS services down on September 09 and 13

    Due to a major upgrade in the electric system of the building hosting the CDS servers in Strasbourg, a power outage is planned on 2013 September 09 (Monday), from 08:00 to 18:00 and on September 13 (Friday), from 08:00 to 12:00, Central European Time.


    simbad vizier
  • new VizieR version

    This version contains modifications in the layout, some corrections in the VOTable output and increases the precision for computed positions.

    This version follows the previous beta-version posted on 20 june



  • New VizieR beta version

    This version contains modifications in the layout, some corrections in the VOTable output and increases the precision for computed positions.

    This version is available on the vizier beta web site.

    Detailed modifications:


  • Aladin Lite released

    Aladin lite: a simple visualizer for the browser

    CDS is releasing the first version of Aladin lite, a light version of Aladin running in the browser and geared towards simple visualization of a sky region. The first version allows one to visualize image surveys (JPEG multi-resolution HEALPix all-sky surveys) and superimpose tabular (VOTable) and footprints (STC-S) data.


  • Use X-Match service for queries from coordinates

    If you are searching lots of Simbad objects (and only get some basic data) from coordinates, it will be much more powerful using the "X-Match" service instead of using the Simbad script mode.


    simbad vizier xmatch
  • New VizieR version

    This version contains :

    • some technical updates allowing to store and work with columns of tables in long integer format

    • simplification of the position syntax

    • select columns of table using the UCD1+


  • Collaboration IAS / CDS

    For improving the reliability of Aladin, the Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale (IAS) and the Centre de Données de Strasbourg (CDS) have deployed a new space of storage (~20TB) and a new Web access on the Orsay site. This new disk space is dedicated to clone a large number of multi-scale surveys (HEALPix) available in Strasbourg (DSS, 2MASS, SDSS, GALEX, PLANCK ...).


  • SDSS Data Release 9 catalogue available

    The SDSS DR9 catalogue is available in VizieR.   

    It can be queried directly from the VizieR service, or from Aladin (in tab VizieR surveys), or through any VO tool supporting Cone search queries.


    aladin vizier xmatch
  • PLANCK maps

    We are pleased to announce that the nine PLANCK nominal frequency maps are available in Aladin (in progressive HEALPix mode).

    Also, the CMB map and 2 colored compositions.

    You can access them via the menu "File => Open => Allsky => Image => Radio => PLANCK".


  • VizieR beta version updates

    This version follows the last beta version and is available at


    This version contains:

    • Technical corrections on the last beta version about the long integer

    • Simplification of the position syntax: the separator ',' is allowed to separate the right ascension and the declination. the symbol '+' used for the declination is now optional.


  • CDS service disturbance on Monday March 18th 20:00 to 24:00 GMT+1

    Due to some work on the network of the University de Strasbourg (provider of the CDS Internet link), the CDS services may be not accessible on Monday March 18th between 20:00 to 24:00 GMT+1.


    aladin simbad vizier
  • New VizieR beta version

    This version contains some technical updates allowing to store and work with columns of tables in long integer format .

    This version is available on the vizier beta web site

  • Cross-match API released

    The CDS is releasing today the first version of the API allowing one to access programmatically its cross-match service. Through HTTP calls, any script or program can submit a list of positions (up to 2 million positions) and look for counterparts in one of the 10,000+ VizieR tables.


    vizier xmatch
  • Services outage

    On January 20th, around 13:30 UTC, we experienced a major hardware failure resulting in many of our services being unavailable for several hours.

    As at January 21st, 12:54 UTC, all services, including SIMBAD, are up and running again.


  • TAPVizieR is available

    The web application TAPVizieR is a new way to query VizieR tables using the VO standard TAP (Table Access Protocol).

    With TAPVizieR you can take advantage of ADQL (SQL extension for astronomy) using the dedicated web application or by configuring VO software like TOPcat with the URL



  • new VizieR version

    This version contains some minor updates and corrections ; in particular about the conformance with VOTable1.2 schema.

    This version follows the previous beta-version posted on 30 november 2012.


    • Conformance with VOTable 1.2 schema

    e.g.: Query status edited at end of table


  • New VizieR beta version

    This version contains some minor updates and corrections.

    This version is available at: https://viz-beta.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/VizieR


    • The sort operation doesn't truncate results

    • Adapted precision of computed positions

    • Conformance with VOTable 1.2 schema


  • New VizieR beta version

    This version contains some minor updates and corrections ; in particular about the conformance with VOTable1.2 schema.

    This version is available at: https://viz-beta.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/VizieR


    • Conformance with VOTable 1.2 schema

    e.g.: Query status edited at end of table


  • CFHTLS final release announcement

    Data release of the final version of the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey (CFHTLS)

    aladin vizier
  • send VizieR's results to VO using SAMP

    Update the VizieR web application with the SAMP connector from Brisol University.

    Use the SAMP button (see below) to send VizieR's results to Aladin, TOPCat, and other VO applications.

  • ALMA footprint in Aladin

    Since version 7.5, Aladin allows one to visualize the ALMA footprint and overlay it on astronomical images.

    Since most ALMA images are expected to be mosaics, the user defines the ALMA band and a rectangular region on the sky which is filled with ALMA primary beams at the given frequency. Once created, the region can be interactively displaced and rotated and the individual pointing centers of the mosaic can be easily retrieved.


  • CDS 40th birthday

    CDS celebrated its 40th birthday on September 18.

  • CDS home page redesign

    The CDS home page has been redesigned to improve its readability.

    The home page now features basic search forms allowing one to directly query main services.

    Several new pages have also been created :


    aladin simbad vizier
  • UKIDSS surveys available in cross-match service

    Several UKIDSS surveys have been available in the CDS cross-match service :

    • UKIDSS DR6 GPS (Galactic Plane Survey)

    • UKIDSS DR7 LAS (Large Area Survey)

    • UKIDSS DR8 LAS, GCS (Galaxy Clusters Survey) and DXS (Deep Extragalactic Survey)


  • Simbad TAP

    You can now query Simbad with the TAP protocol.

    By this way, you can query the whole Simbad database using an ADQL (SQL-like) request. Some examples on the web site will help you to write your own queries.


  • new VizieR version

    This new version affects the VOTABLE output.

    It resolves some compatibility issues for VOTable-V1.1 output.

    This version follows the previous beta-version posted on 28 june.

  • Aladin v7.5 announcement

    The Aladin team is pleased to announce a new official Aladin release (version 7.5)

    In addition to a lot of improvements (see detail list), this new version allows you to create your own HEALPix all-sky survey from a set of local images, for your own usage, for your collaborators, or for the whole community (more)


  • new VizieR version

    This new beta version affects the VOTABLE output.

    It resolves some compatibility failures

  • CDS services outage on Wednesday June 13th

    Due to some work in our computer room, all CDS services running at the main Strasbourg site will be unavailable on Wednesday June 13th 2012, between 5am and 4pm GMT.


    sesame simbad vizier
  • WISE progressive catalogue available

    The WISE progressive catalogue is available in Aladin from the Allsky tab, in the Progressive catalog node:

    Progressive catalogues allow one to seamlessly browse large tabular data. At lowest resolutions, only brightest sources of the catalogue are displayed. As you zoom in, fainter sources appear until all sources of the region are displayed.


  • Aladin

    Hardware upgrade and maintenance

  • new VizieR version

    This version contains some corrections and minor updates concerning the internal engine.

  • WISE All-Sky Release data products available

    Several WISE All-Sky Release data products are now available through CDS services :

    The WISE All-Sky Release catalogue (563921584 sources) is available in VizieR

    The WISE images (bands W1, W2, W3 and W4 at 3.4, 4.6, 12 and 22 �m) are available in Aladin as all-sky surveys from the Allsky tab.


    aladin vizier xmatch
  • New VizieR beta version

    This version contains some corrections and minor updates concerning the internal engine.

    This version is available at: https://viz-beta.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/VizieR (VizieR beta website)

  • Network failure

    A hardware failure of the Strasbourg RENATER network equipment on Saturday, April 07 caused the Strasbourg University and therefore CDS services to be unreachable for most of the day.

    The failure occurred around 00:00 GMT, and was only fixed 22 hours later despite two attempts to fix the problem around 10:00 GMT and 16:00 GMT, which did not work because the spare parts also had problems !


  • New Aladin allsky surveys

    2MASS and GALEX in Aladin allsky mode

  • New VizieR beta version

    This version contains some minor updates and corrections.

    This version is available at: https://viz-beta.cds.unistra.fr

    A new version containing some cosmetic adding:

    • add links to Simbad, Aladin, CDSportal in page 5

    • add a link to the new CDS Xmatch service to cross catalogs


  • VizieR version updates

    This version contains the WISE preliminary version, modifictions in the layout and includes a SED protoype.

    The SED service prototype is available:

  • Aladin server planned maintenance on February 7th

    The Aladin server will undergo a scheduled maintenance on Tuesday February 7th starting at 09:30 CET (07:30 UTC) for approximatively 1 hour.

    The image server, the Aladin applet and the web pages will be unavailable during the maintenance.


  • SOAP Web Services

    For people accessing the SOAP Web Services through cdsws.u-strasbg.fr :

    you can use an alternate server, cdsws2.u-strasbg.fr, which offers the same service.

  • Unexpected power outage

    On Saturday, January 21st, around 10:45a.m., an unexpected power outage in Strasbourg caused many servers to perform an emergency shutdown. The outage lasted around three hours, and some services did not restart properly. This caused some problems with web services, and delays for the recovery of several databases over the week-end.


  • beta version updates

    This version fixed problems in the last beta version and includes a SED protoype.

    The SED service prototype is available

    • in VOTable mode

    (ex: https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/sed?-c=m11&-c.rs=10)

    • in a plot (protoype on server cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr, still slow)

    (ex: https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/SEDplot?3c273)


  • SDSS DR8 data available in cross-match service

    The SDSS DR8 data (469,053,874 primary sources) is now available for cross-identification in our cross-match service.

    We also included some other tables previously not available in the service:

    • GSC 1.2
    • GSC ACT
    • Kepler Input Catalog


  • beta version updates

    This version contains modifications in the layout, corrections ..

    Version is available at https://viz-beta.cds.unistra.fr

    Some of recent addings of the new version:

    • VOTable version 1.2 is now in action

    • the FITS binary ouput is available


  • Sesame interruption

    A maintenance operation is planned the 25 nov 2011 between 9h and 10h, the CDS server containing web pages and the Sesame resolution name service will be stopped.

    We apologize for any inconveniences.


  • Sextractor Aladin remote service

    Du to a maintenance operation, from 21 nov 2011 14:00 to 22 nov 2011 18:00, the Aladin Sextractor remote service will be stopped.

    We apologize for any inconveniences

    Pierre Fernique


  • Maintenance aladin allsky survey server

    Aladin allsky survey server (alasky.u-strasbg.fr) will be stopped for a few minutes during Tuesday afternoon 17th November for maintenance operations (addition of 24TB disk).

    We apologize for any inconveniences

    Services concerned : Aladin allsky surveys (images & catalogs), Simbad thumbnail images, Sextractor remote service


    aladin simbad
  • CDS cross-match service released

    We are releasing today the first version of the CDS cross-match service. This new tool allows one to cross-identify sources coming from any two tables.

    Available tables include all VizieR tables having position, SIMBAD data and user-uploaded tables.


    simbad vizier xmatch
  • SDSS color available in Aladin all-sky mode

    SDSS color images are now available in Aladin all-sky mode.

    Original JPEG images come from the SDSS Data Archive Server (das.sdss.org), and have been computed from the g,r,i bands.

    This new survey is available from the "Allsky" tab in Aladin server selector :


  • Aladin server outage

    Due to an unexpected maintenance procedure, the Aladin server is stopped since 08:30 GMT. The outage should not last more than 2 hours.

    We apologize for any inconvenience.

  • Aladin server reboot

    Due to problems on one disk, the Aladin image server needs to be rebooted today. Access to images from the Aladin image server, the Aladin applet and web pages will not be available for some (hopefully short) time.


  • CDS services up and running again

    CDS services, which were partially unavailable yesterday, are now all up and running again.

    Should you have any problem accessing any service, please let us know.

  • Services outage

    We currently experience some technical difficulties in our computer room. Some of our services (including SIMBAD, Sesame, the CDS portal) are not available. We do our best to go back to normal state ASAP.


    cds-portal sesame simbad vizier
  • Aladin server planned maintenance

    The Aladin server will undergo a scheduled maintenance on Wednesday July 20th starting at 09:30 CET (07:30 UTC) for approximatively 1 hour.

    The image server, the Aladin applet and the web pages will be unavailable during the maintenance.


  • beta version updates

    This version contains some minor updates and corrections.

    Version is available at https://viz-beta.cds.unistra.fr

    Detailed modifications:

    • the limitation of rows returned by a crossmatch is defined in the navigation bar's Preference

    • some minor cosmetics updates, like the adding of a link to show your parameters in the "Result VizieR Page" or the display of the media changed ('Spectrum', 'SED', 'Images',...)


  • New VizieR version

    This version contains modifications in the layout, corrections and bug

    fixes of the last version

    This version follows the previous beta-version posted the 04-april-2011

    Detailed modifications:

    • inversion of the target and the free text inputs in the main VizieR form

    (following complains about the previous inversion, we therefore inverted the inversion (the last time))


  • beta version updates

    beta version updates

  • Aladin mailing list

    The Aladin team is pleased to announce the creation of an Aladin mailing list.

    This mailing list is dedicated to users for feedback, bug reports and suggestions of improvements, new features...


  • Saving Simbad objects list in the portal

    A new features has been introduced on Simbad pages, allowing one to save a list of Simbad objects into the user's personal storage space.

    When querying Simbad around an object name or a position, you will find, at the bottom of the page, a link to save the current result to your storage space:


  • EuroVO-ICE school 2011

    CDS and the Strasbourg astronomical observatory are proud to host the EuroVO-ICE School, March 21-24 2011.

    The goal of the school is to expose the european researchers to Virtual Observatory tools and services, so that they can use them efficiently for their own science.


  • New VizieR version

    This version includes a new interface to improve searching and querying the catalogs. Features relating to lists and crossmatch are improved.

    • The VizieR navigation bar in the left of the page is available throughout your navigation. It remembers your choices and enables to modify the output.


  • beta version updates

    This version contains:

    • the version 1.2 for votable format

    • some minor updates concerning the cosmetics in the web interface

    (this beta version completes the previous beta version)

  • New VizieR beta version

    some updates on the current beta version


  • Aladin 7

    Aladin release 7

  • New VizieR beta version

    Take advantage of the new beta version (available at https://viz-beta.cds.unistra.fr).

    A new look improves the search and the usage of the VizieR tables.

    Please try it! and thanks for sending your feelback at question@simbad


  • Planned maintenance for Aladin server

    The Aladin server will undergo a scheduled maintenance on Friday November 19th starting at 10:30 CET (09:30 UTC) for approximatively 1 hour. The image server, the Aladin applet and the web pages will be unavailable during the maintenance.


  • CDS Portal v1.0 released

    The CDS team is pleased to announce the release of the CDS Portal, a new tool allowing you to simultaneously search by position for available data in CDS services (Simbad, Aladin and VizieR) through a unique homogeneous Web interface.


    aladin cds-portal simbad vizier
  • Italian Aladin manual

    The Aladin manual is now available in Italian

  • Patch on VizieR

    A patch has been installed on VizieR (see news posted on 25 june)

  • Patch on VizieR

    A patch has been installed on the VizieR beta site.

    It will soon followed by his installation on the VizieR servers.

    Fix bugs:

    • for joined queries when a list of target is used


  • VizieR main site up and running

    The problem which prevented from querying VizieR yesterday is now fixed.

    The main VizieR site is up again and waiting for your queries.

  • VizieR main site temporarily down

    There is currently a problem with the VizieR main site, running at Strasbourg. We hope this problem will be fixed soon.

    In the meantime, we suggest users to use one of the VizieR mirrors :


  • Following latest Simbad annotations

    There are 3 different ways to keep you informed about latest annotations posted on Simbad objects:

  • Tabular display in SIMBAD

    The tabular display of object lists has been improved.

    The display of the object lists in SIMBAD has changed and allows to sort the table on any column by clicking on the column header. Consecutive clicks sort alternatively in ascending and descending order.


  • Interruption of annotations service

    An interruption of the annotations service is scheduled this afternoon. The service will be stopped for 15 minutes sometime between 13:00 UT and 17:00 UT for hardware maintenance.

    We apologize for the inconvenience.


  • SimPlay viewer released

    The CDS team is releasing today SimPlay (Simbad disPlay), a simple interactive viewer for Simbad data. For a given position on the sky, SimPlay will display Simbad data sorted by categories (stars, galaxies, ...), overlaid on a background DSS image. Basic data (position, object type, magnitudes) about objects are also displayed, as well as a link to the original Simbad data.


  • VOSchool, Strasbourg, June 2-4

    A School on the Virtual Observatory will be held in Strasbourg on June 2-4. The goal is to expose the French researcher community to advanced usage of the European Virtual Observatory tools and services so that they can use them efficiently for their own research.


  • Interruption of Simbad service

    An interruption of the Simbad service is scheduled this morning. The interruption should last less than one hour.

    In the meantime, you are advised to use the Simbad mirror at CfA.


  • Interruption of VizieR servers

    An interruption of the vizier service is scheduled for 15 march in the morning (between 08::00 and 12:00UT) for hardware maintenance.

    Some catalogs will also be unavailable on mirrors (CfA however should be ok)


  • Annotations service released

    The CDS team is proud to open a new service, allowing you to add

    annotations to SIMBAD objects.

    SIMBAD pages showing informations for individual objects will

    now contain a link at the bottom, allowing you to add informations,


  • New VizieR version

    A new version is available at https://vizier.cds.unistra.fr

    • Fix the output formats "ascii text plain" and "ascii table"

    • technicals update for 64-bit computer

    _This version follows the previous beta-version posted the 12 January 2010


  • Interruption of VizieR server

    Hardware update

  • EuroVO-AIDA School 2010

    CDS and the Strasbourg Astronomical Observatory are proud to host the EuroVO-AIDA School, January 25-28 2010.

    Informations can be found on the school website or the AIDA twiki.

  • Aladin beta release

    A new major Aladin beta release 6.039 is available for tests

  • New VizieR beta version

    A new beta version is available at https://viz-beta.cds.unistra.fr

    • Fix the output formats "ascii text plain" and "ascii table"

    • technicals update for 64-bit computer

    Note: Thanks to report problems to the VizieR Team



  • Hierarchies in SIMBAD

    Hierarchical links between objects are now available.

    The SIMBAD database contains hierarchical links between objects based upon hierarchies like cluster, object in the cluster or galaxy, star in the galaxy. Details can be found here.


  • Catalog search

    A new version of the Catalog Search is available.

    Use the Catalog search with the link in the CDS menu.

    This version improves the ergonomics :

    • A horizontal menu gives access to different views: FTP view, ReadMe view, VizieR view or a link to download files in tar.gz format


  • The VizieR archive server changed

    Hardware update

    The Vizier archive server cdsarc changed.

    If you notice any problem, please report them to the VizieR team

  • Access to new SkyBot from Aladin

    Aladin backend has been updated in order to be able to access the new version of the SkyBot service (SkyBot2), developped at IMCCE.

    If you want to take advantage of this change, there is no need to update your Aladin software. You might have nevertheless to update the definitions of services Aladin is using : access the User preferences from the Edit menu, find the Registry site entry, and click Update.


  • Planned power outage on Dec. 12

    An upgrade of the electrical system of the CDS computer room will result in a 6 hours power outage planned on Saturday December 12, from 7:00 to 13:00 GMT.

    The CDS services will be unavailable during this time. Sorry for the inconvenience.


  • Aladin image server maintenance

    The Aladin image server will undergo a scheduled maintenance on Thursday October 15th and might be unavailable for a couple of hours.

    The other Aladin services (web server, applet, etc) should not be impacted.


  • Aladin 6

    new release

  • SIMBAD servers changed

    The SIMBAD servers will be changed during the week-end of july 11-12th.

    The SIMBAD database and web servers will be replaced by two new servers during this week-end. There will be some interruptions in the SIMBAD accesses. We will try to keep them as short as possible.


  • new VizieR version

    A new version is available (since 23/06/2009);

    an error occured in the ConeSearch fixed on 24/06/2009 (18:00UT)

    _This version follows the previous beta-version posted the 11/06/2009 and 15/05/2009

    However, you can use the previous version at viz-old.u-strasbg.fr.


  • new VizieR version

    new beta version available at https://viz-beta.cds.unistra.fr.

    This beta version replaces the previous beta version.

    • votable now conforms to IVOA standard for cone Search (in case of error)

    • Sesame used for name resolution


  • Aladin Beta release announcement

    Aladin beta release is available.

    A new Aladin beta release is available. Release number : 5.927

    Feel free to install and test it at this address https://aladin.cds.unistra.fr/java/AladinBeta.jar

    The beta version incorporates new features in test phase for the next official Aladin version.


  • new VizieR version

    beta version available at https://viz-beta.cds.unistra.fr.

    • you can now join tables (refer to documentation)

    • you can type in a list in each field (see the new operator <<; at help pages)

    • you can use a TSV-formatted file as an input list also votable output


  • IVOA interoperability meeting

    CDS will be hosting the 2009 spring IVOA interoperability meeting, 24-29 May 2009.

    The full meeting programme is available online

  • new VizieR version

    A new version of VizieR was installed which fixes some bugs.

    New software version for VizieR installed

    This version fixes some bugs like:

    • the bin-64 format output was corrected;

    • the cone search output now conforms to the IVOA ConeSearch standard


  • Change of computer

    Computer replacement


  • Sesame in xml: New schema

    The Sesame server (https://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/Sesame) converts names of astronomical objects into a position. It has an XML output which schema was turned by default to version 4 (http://cds.unistra.fr/xml/sesame_4.xsd).

    The sesame server is also available as a direct HTTP-GET engine, or as a Web service.


  • Improved access to Simbad data from Aladin

    The access to Simbad data from Aladin has been improved.

    • The requests are faster, allowing queries with a large radius (multiple degrees)

    • Magnitudes R, J and K have been added in the ouput to the existing magnitudes B and V


  • Aladin Beta release announcement

    Aladin beta release v5.033 is available.

    A new Aladin beta release is available. Release number : v5.033

    Feel free to install and test it at this address https://aladin.cds.unistra.fr/java/AladinBeta.jar

    The beta version incorporates new features in test phase for the next official Aladin version.


  • SIMBAD3 shutdown

    The SIMBAD3 server will definitely be shutdown on November, 22 2008.

    Therefore we urge people who are still using SIMBAD3 URLs, particularly in applications, to move them to their equivalent in SIMBAD4. Details can be found here.


  • Aladin image server offline

    The Aladin image server will be unavailable on Wed. September 17, 10:00 GMT for about one hour for maintenance.

    We apologize for the inconvenience.

  • Aladin Image server

    A new version of the Aladin Image server has been released on July the 24th 2008.

    A new version of the Aladin server is available through the various versions of all the Aladin interfaces, since Thursday July the 24th.


  • New VizieR version 6.4

    Popularity of catalogues and some others functions were added:

    • The VizieR results in HTML format are now printed as sortable tables, with a style which should bring better readability.


  • First DOIs available in Simbad

    A first set of DOIs of the AJ journal have been made available in Simbad.

    "The Digital Object Identifier (DOI®) System is for identifying content objects in the digital environment". The main journals available in Simbad have defined DOIs for each paper. Simbad has begun to introduce such article identifiers in the database. They are available for reference queries where a regular bibcode can be used. They are also displayed, when they exist, with a reference.


  • New ROT measurement structure

    The structure of the ROT(ational velocity) measurement has been changed.

    The structure of the ROT measurement has been changed to accept new data:

    • 'vsini' can be decimal numbers
    • a 'error' field has been added between square brackets
    • a quality field has been added. Its value can be 'A'(best) to 'E'(unknown). Initially the quality has been set to 'D' for all existing measurements.

  • New CDS header

    The headers of all CDS pages have been relooked to improve readability. Do not hesitate to report any issue related to improper display or broken link.

  • Aladin Beta release announcement

    Aladin beta release v5.026 is available.

    A new Aladin beta release is available. Release number : v5.026

    Feel free to install and test it at this address https://aladin.cds.unistra.fr/java/AladinBeta.jar

    The beta version incorporates new features in test phase for the next official Aladin version.


  • VizieR modifications

    Change of the default target radius

  • SIMBAD basic search

    A simple way to query SIMBAD, also available as a search plugin in your browser's toolbar.

    A single form allows basic search in SIMBAD. The input parameter can be an object identifier, sky coordinates or a bibcode.


  • Aladin beta v.5.023 available

    Aladin Beta version 5.023 is available for downloading.

    This version includes the following new features:

    • Full screen support
    • Grabbing/zooming outside the image
    • Support for FITS Rice compression
    • NED and Simbad dedicated filters upgradable by GLU
    • Support for FoV IVOA note

    It also fixes several bugs:


  • VizieR search engine in your browser

    You can add a VizieR search engine in your browser.

    This will allow you to directly access the query page for one particular catalogue (by providing its name or code: 2mass, II/246, 2246...), or to search catalogues by author, keyword, ...


  • CDS News service is opened

    You will now have direct access to informations related to the CDS :

    • new features in the SIMBAD, VizieR or Aladin services
    • new VizieR catalogues
    • new software versions
    • tutorials, workshops
    • ...

    Informations are accessible on the CDS news service page. You can also subscribe to dedicated RSS feeds to fetch informations directly in your favourite RSS management tool.


    aladin simbad vizier