Take advantage of the new beta version (available at https://viz-beta.cds.unistra.fr).
A new look improves the search and the usage of the VizieR tables.
Please try it! and thanks for sending your feelback at question@simbad
The VizieR navigation bar in the left of the page is available throughout your navigation. It remembers your choices and enables to modify the output.
The main form now displays dynamically an estimation of the results (ajax)
A new search (by column contents (ucd)) in the main form enables a search for tables having columns with specific parameters like motions, masses, fluxes in specific bands, etc.
An icon illustrates the waveband specific to each catalog int the Catalog Selection Page
A new output Horizontal results option is available when you use a list of targets/constraints
A crossmatch between 2 or more catalogs is now available.
An annotation service is now available to post your remarks about the VizieR catalogs