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Discover the message behind the mystical purple rose
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Magical, opulent, beautiful, purple roses represent royalty and majesty. They can also signify admiration, love, enchantment, and self-discovery. In this article, we’ll explain everything you need to know about purple roses, including their symbolism, spiritual meaning, and history. Read on for a complete guide to the meaning of purple roses, including who to give them to and when.

Purple Rose Symbolism

Purple roses represent royalty and love at first sight, making them the perfect flowers to give to a long-term partner. If you have a crush on someone, give them light purple roses to reveal your romantic feelings. Or, send dark purple roses to a friend or colleague to convey your respect and admiration.

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Purple Rose Symbolism

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  1. Light purple or lavender roses evoke feelings of attraction and romance, so they’re a subtle way to admit that you have feelings for someone.[1] Surprise someone with a single purple rose to reveal you have a crush on them, or give them a huge bouquet to take your relationship to the next level.
  2. Dark purple roses signify admiration, gratitude, and respect, so they’re a wonderful gift to present to a boss or colleague. If you want to tell someone that you look up to them, send a bouquet of violet or plum-colored blooms their way.
  3. Purple is considered a highly spiritual color, giving purple roses a mysterious allure. Because purple roses are not as common as pink or red roses, many people think they’re more magical. They complement other flowers in a bouquet and look stunning in arrangements, making them a popular choice for weddings.[2]
  4. Purple roses are most often associated with majesty, luxury, and opulence. In ancient times, purple dye was extremely expensive and difficult to produce, so only royals could afford it.[3] This symbolism makes purple roses the perfect gift for someone who deserves everything and more!
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History of Purple Roses

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  1. However, they weren’t widely cultivated until hundreds of years later. In the 18th century, Dutch hybridists wanted to create different colored roses, so they crossbred European roses with ones from China. The breeding process produced purple pigments in the flowers, which gained popularity in the 20th century.[5]
    • One of the earliest purple rose varieties is the “Cardinal de Richelieu,” which was created in France during the mid-19th century. It has deep purple petals and a light fragrance.[6]
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When to Give Purple Roses

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  1. Purple roses are a unique option for weddings, graduations, and other milestone moments. They’re the perfect way to say “congratulations” and show someone that you care about them.
    • Put your purple roses in an arrangement with other flowers, or present them in a vase.
  2. Give dark purple roses to your boss or colleague to show respect. Whether you’re trying to level up in your career or simply bring some joy into the office, present a bouquet of purple roses to someone you admire. It’s a thoughtful gesture to let them know that you value their opinions and enjoy working with them.
    • Send purple roses when someone is about to achieve a major goal or have a work anniversary.
  3. If you’ve had a crush on someone for a while, let it be known with a bouquet of lavender roses! It sends the message that you want to be more than friends and you’re waiting on them to make a move.
    • Light purple roses give off a sweet and shy vibe, while deep purple roses communicate lust and passion.
  4. Do you know someone who just moved to a new city, landed a promotion, or got engaged? A bouquet of purple roses is the perfect gift to show support for their next chapter in life and let them know that you have their back through it all!
    • If they live in another state, send flowers by scheduling a delivery from a nearby shop or placing an order online.
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How Purple Roses Are Made

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About This Article

Jason Zuk
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Intuitive Psychic Medium
This article was reviewed by Jason Zuk and by wikiHow staff writer, Bailey Cho. Jason Zuk is a Psychic Medium based in Tampa, Florida. He has almost 20 years of experience and has worked professionally as a psychic medium for six years. Jason works with people to confront obstacles and challenges so they can reach personal clarity. He is the Producer and Host of the podcast, The Social Psychic Radio Show, which is a seven-time Award Winning Podcast ranked in the Top 2% of all podcasts globally. Jason is also the Producer and Co-Host with Megan Kane of his second show, Psychic Visions Podcast, which is signed with ElectraCast Media. Jason received his Bachelor of Arts from the University of Tampa, a Juris Doctorate from Nova Southeastern University, and an LL.M. (Master of Law) in International & Comparative Law from Georgetown University. This article has been viewed 4,474 times.
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Updated: May 8, 2024
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