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An industrial piercing is technically two piercings, one through either side of the top of your ear, typically connected using a barbell-style piece of jewelry. While placing them across the ear is the most common, there are other placements as well. Aftercare for an industrial piercing focuses primarily on keeping the piercing site clean for the 2 to 6 months it takes the piercings to heal. You also need to stay alert for signs of infection, as a cartilage infection is a medical emergency.[1]

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Keeping Your Piercing Clean

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  1. Use soap and warm water to thoroughly clean your hands before you clean your ears to avoid introducing bacteria. Never touch the piercing site without washing your hands while the piercing is healing.[2]
    • Pay attention to your habits and make a conscious effort not to touch your ear or play with the piercing while it's healing.
    • Keep in mind that, as it heals, it might itch. You'll need to resist the urge to scratch it, which could introduce bacteria. If you do happen to scratch it, clean the piercing site immediately with a sea-salt solution to disinfect it.
  2. There are several commercial saline solutions available — your piercer might have one they recommend. It's also easy to make your own solution and you'll save some money by doing so. Simply dissolve 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon (0.75 to 1.42 grams) of non-iodized sea salt in one cup (8 ounces or 250 ml) of warm distilled or bottled water.
    • If you make your own solution, don't use any more salt to make the solution stronger. It won't have any added benefit and might actually irritate your skin.
    • If your piercer recommends a particular brand of saline solution, it's typically best to follow their recommendations. If you'd prefer to make your own, you might want to ask them first.
  3. The location of an industrial piercing can make it difficult to completely submerge it in the sea-salt solution, which would be ideal. If you put your solution into a large bowl, you might be able to lower the top of your ear into the solution. You can also hold a soaked cloth or cotton swab to the piercing site.[3]
    • If you're using a cloth or cotton swab, avoid pressing hard or rubbing at the piercing site. Simply hold the moisture there to clean the piercing site.
    • Your piercer will likely show you the best way to clean your piercings. Try to follow their instructions as closely as possible.

    Warning: Don't move or rotate the jewelry unless your piercer has instructed you to do so. Moving the jewelry can reopen the wound, causing the piercing to take longer to heal.

  4. Spray products can easily get in the piercing site and cause an infection or make it take longer to heal. Covering your ear with a light cloth or even your (clean) hand should do the trick.
    • If you do happen to get any of these products on or around the piercing site, rinse it with saline solution immediately.
  5. If you have longer hair, this can be tricky with an industrial piercing. However, keeping the piercing clean also means making sure your hair doesn't contaminate the site.[4]
    • If your hair falls over the top of your ears, keep it pulled back until your piercing has healed to prevent infections.
    • Keep in mind that the piercing goes through your ear to the other side, so be careful about hair behind your ear as well.

    Tip: If you get your hair cut or styled before your piercing has completely healed, let your stylist know so they can take appropriate precautions to avoid contaminating it.

  6. It can be uncomfortable or even painful to sleep on a new industrial piercing. However, you still want to make sure you have a clean sleeping surface just in case you roll over during the night.
    • Try to sleep on the other side so that you're not sleeping on your piercing. Putting added pressure on the piercing site by laying on it can delay healing.
    • Anything that touches your piercing should be clean. This includes not only the pillowcase you sleep on at night, but also other objects, such as a mobile phone, that you might hold up to your ear.
  7. Unsanitary bodies of water can introduce bacteria to your piercing and cause it to get infected. You want to wait at least 3 or 4 weeks before going swimming.
    • While you can find waterproof wound-sealant bandages at most pharmacies, these are difficult to use with industrial piercings.
    • If you're not sure yet whether it's safe to swim, go back to your piercer and have them look at the piercing. They'll let you know if it's healed enough.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Treating Infections

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  1. Until your piercing heals, it's always possible for it to become infected. Even with your best efforts to keep the piercing site clean and uncontaminated, it's still possible to get an infection. If you see any of the following, it's possible your piercing is infected:[5]
    • Swelling after the first couple of weeks
    • Red, tender skin around the holes
    • Skin near the piercing that is hot to the touch
    • Bumps near the holes
    • Green or yellow pus draining from the holes

    Tip: If you're unsure if your piercing is infected, go back to your piercer and let them look at it. They can confirm an infection and advise you on what to do.

  2. If the skin is merely red and tender, and perhaps a bit swollen, you have a mild infection. Typically, the infection will go away on its own provided you keep the site as clean as possible. If you previously soaked the piercing site twice a day, do it 4 times a day instead.[6]
    • You also want to make sure you clean the piercing site with a sea-salt water solution anytime your hands or anything unclean comes into contact with the piercing site.
    • A few drops of tea tree oil mixed with coconut oil and dabbed directly on the piercing might help clear up the infection faster and will reduce the inflammation. You can also make a paste using a crushed up aspirin and water for the same effect.
    • If you don't notice any improvement or if the infection appears to be getting worse after a couple of days, go back to your piercer and get their advice.
  3. If your piercing holes are draining green or yellow pus, this is a sign that your cartilage is infected and is a medical emergency. An infection that has developed to this level won't go away on its own. Instead, it must be treated with antibiotics.[7]
    • Do not remove your jewelry before you see the doctor. They will want to see it as is so they can determine the best way to get the jewelry out without causing the infection to spread any further.
  4. For a severe infection, your doctor will prescribe an antibiotic — typically ciprofloxacin. Make sure you take the entire round prescribed, even if the symptoms of infection go away.[8]
    • If you don't finish the entire round of antibiotics, the infection may return with more severe symptoms than the first time.
  5. Depending on the severity of the infection and how far it has progressed, you may develop an abscess in your cartilage. An abscess is simply a pocket of pus that needs to be drained by your doctor. It might look like a large pimple in your ear.[9]
    • If you see an abscess, contact your doctor immediately. If it isn't drained promptly, it could cause damage to your cartilage.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Avoiding and Minimizing Keloids

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  1. Keloids are raised bumps of scar tissue that can sometimes grow near a piercing site. While they may look like a sign of infection, they don't pose any medical threat.[10]
    • Unlike infections, keloids can appear months later, after your piercing has completely healed.
    • The propensity to get keloids is genetic, so if your parents or siblings have keloids, you might be more likely to get them.[11]
  2. After you've cleaned the piercing site, apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly and then cover the piercing with an adhesive bandage. Make sure the bandage is tight enough to apply light but even pressure to the entire piercing site.[12]
    • Use soap and water in addition to sea-salt solution to clean your piercing if you're prone to getting keloids. Make sure your ear is completely dry before you add petroleum jelly.

    Tip: Talk to your piercer about using pressure earrings, also called Zimmer splints, to pierce your ear. These might also keep keloids from growing.

  3. A silicone gel bandage applies even pressure to the entire piercing site and may prevent keloids from appearing. Because a keloid takes approximately 3 months to grow, you'll need to use the silicone bandages for at least that long after the piercing has healed.[13]
    • You can keep the bandage on your skin for anywhere from 12 to 24 hours a day. Just make sure you change it at least once every 24 hours. Wash your ear thoroughly before you put another bandage on.
  4. After your piercing heals, dab a moisturizing oil, such as avocado oil, directly on the keloid. Keep the oil on your skin all the time. Eventually, it may soften the scar tissue to make the keloid appear smaller or less prominent.[14]
    • Moisturizing oils will never completely get rid of keloids, although they may reduce their appearance. This treatment works best on smaller keloids. You might not even notice a difference with larger ones.
  5. Keloids don't pose any health risks, but they might make you feel uncomfortable about your appearance. If you have keloids and dislike them, your doctor might be able to remove them. The method your doctor uses depends on the size of your keloids, but options include:[15]
    • Cryotherapy: In this process, the keloid is frozen and removed. You might end up with a lighter patch of skin where the keloid was. Cryotherapy is typically best for smaller keloids.
    • Corticosteroids or other medications: Your doctor might inject your keloids with medication to remove them. This is best used in conjunction with cryotherapy.
    • Surgical removal: If your doctor recommends this procedure, they'll simply cut the keloid away. However, with surgical removal, it's possible other keloids will develop. Surgery can also be expensive.

    Warning: Keloid removal methods are typically considered elective medical procedures and likely won't be covered by private medical insurance. Make sure you understand how much a procedure will cost before you consent to it.

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Expert Q&A

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    Is it okay to twist and turn my piercing as it's healing?
    Roger Rodriguez
    Roger Rodriguez
    Piercing Specialist
    Roger Rodriguez, also known as Roger Rabb!t, is the Owner of Ancient Adornments Body Piercing, a piercing studio based in the Los Angeles, California area. With over 25 years of piercing experience, Roger has become the co-owner of several piercing studios such as ENVY Body Piercing and Rebel Rebel Ear Piercing and teaches the craft of body piercing at Ancient Adornments. He is a member of the Association of Professional Piercers (APP).
    Roger Rodriguez
    Piercing Specialist
    Expert Answer
    You should not twist, turn, rotate, move back and forth, or bend the area around your piercing. Piercings are designed to break the skin and stay still. They're not supposed to move or rotate or slide back and forth. The premise behind a piercing is it's a cut. When you get a cut, you get a scab. And when you get a scab, then it's going to eventually heal. So if that earring is being twisted, turned, moved, or picked at, you're picking off a scab. You pick at a scab, it's going to eventually bleed and scab over again and eventually scar. So our biggest no-no's are don't touch, don't twist, don't turn, and don't rotate.
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  • Wear clothing with a looser neck that won't tug at your piercing when you take it on and off.[16]
  • Your piercing will heal more quickly if you live a healthy lifestyle, including getting enough sleep, drinking plenty of water, and eating a nutritious diet.
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  • Avoid touching or fiddling with your piercing. You not only run the risk of infecting it but also increase the time it will take to heal.[17]
  • If you notice green or yellow pus oozing from the holes, seek immediate medical attention. This is a sign of a cartilage infection and is a medical emergency.[18]
  • Don't remove or change your jewelry until your piercings have completely healed. If you're not sure, have your piercer take a look at them.[19]

About This Article

Roger Rodriguez
Co-authored by:
Piercing Specialist
This article was co-authored by Roger Rodriguez and by wikiHow staff writer, Jennifer Mueller, JD. Roger Rodriguez, also known as Roger Rabb!t, is the Owner of Ancient Adornments Body Piercing, a piercing studio based in the Los Angeles, California area. With over 25 years of piercing experience, Roger has become the co-owner of several piercing studios such as ENVY Body Piercing and Rebel Rebel Ear Piercing and teaches the craft of body piercing at Ancient Adornments. He is a member of the Association of Professional Piercers (APP). This article has been viewed 79,799 times.
47 votes - 94%
Co-authors: 4
Updated: February 24, 2025
Views: 79,799
Categories: Care of Piercings
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