This article was co-authored by David Wilkins. David Wilkins is a Professional Body Piercer and the Owner of The Axiom Body Piercing Studio in Des Moines, Iowa. David has been working in the industry since 1994 and is knowledgeable about all aspects of the body piercing industry. He runs an educational YouTube channel specializing in sharing expert body piercings and tattoo information. He completed his apprenticeship in body piercing in Omaha, Nebraska.
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If you've got a new piercing, you know how important it is to keep it clean and healthy. Taking a bath with a new piercing is best avoided, if possible; showering is safer and easier. However, if your only option is to take a bath, some precautions can help you avoid infections.
Take a shower instead, if you can. It is easier, safer, and overall a better idea.[1]
- You should ideally not have a soaking bath until the piercing is through the initial healing stages, and oozing, bleeding and scabbing have all stopped.
Shower as normal. Just be careful to avoid hitting or damaging your piercing area. Don't pull at or scrub the area.Advertisement
When you're done, pat the area dry very lightly with a clean, soft towel.
Rinse the wound out with sea salt water (one pinch in an eggcup of boiled and cooled water is about right) or tea tree oil. Ideally both.[2] The purpose of this is to rinse out any bacteria or soap that might have snuck in there.
Clean your piercing thoroughly before you sleep that night using normal procedure.
Do it in your own, clean bath. Clean the bath thoroughly first.[3] Disinfectant and a very good rinse. Repeat this step every single time you bathe with a new piercing.
Be sensible with the temperature of the water. Very hot water will cause your piercing to swell and hurt.
If possible, cover the piercing with a waterproof dressing. If not possible, do everything you can to keep the piercing well clear of the water. Make sure a minimum amount of contact occurs between the piercing and the water.
Make the bath as quick as possible.
- Do not allow any soap, shampoo, conditioner or any other chemicals to get on the piercing.
- Do not touch, pull, tug, brush against, wash over, scrub around or near the piercing whilst you are in the water.
Once you get out, pat the area dry very lightly with a clean, soft towel. Then immediately rinse the wound out with sea salt water (one pinch in an eggcup of boiled and cooled water is about right) or tea tree oil. Ideally both.[4] The purpose of this is to rinse out any bacteria, or soaps that might have snuck in there, and it is absolutely critically important that you do this as soon as you are out of the water.
Clean your piercing thoroughly before you sleep that night using normal procedure with a saline sterile solution.
Community Q&A
QuestionCan I wash my hair in the tub after getting an ear piercing?Community AnswerI wouldn't recommend it, but if you have to, try to avoid getting soap in the piercing.
QuestionHow many times should I clean the piercing? Should I use just the saline water and nothing else?Community AnswerYou should be soaking your piercing 2-3 times a day in warm saline water. You shouldn't need anything else to clean your piercing.
QuestionI pierced my ears a few days ago, and they've started swelling, and they're painful. What do I do?Community AnswerIf the area is red, swollen, and leaking pus, it may be infected. Soak the piercing 2-3 times per day in a mixture of warm (not hot) water and non-iodized salt. Talk to your doctor to make sure you don't need antibiotics.
Try pure aloe gel for new piercings. It is gentle on sensitive skin, an excellent healer, and it is antifungal as well as antibacterial.Thanks
- Do not make a decision you will regret just because you want one bath or swim. Wait and be wise.Thanks
- Remember, a piercing is something for you to enjoy for years to come. You can afford to skip one bath or swimming session to protect that. Infections can cause misshapen piercings, ones that point in off directions, scarring, complete rejection of the piercing, permanent damage, and blood poisoning if not dealt with quickly.Thanks
- Soap and bacteria can both really harm your new piercing, remember how important it is to rinse it out after bath or shower!Thanks
- Baths harbor bacteria, and warm water is a great environment for them to grow. That shouldn't be an issue with your own clean bathtub, though.Thanks
- Remember, a new piercing is a deep, open wound, and should be treated with all of the care of a normal deep wound.Thanks
- Never go swimming after a new piercing. It can wait. Swimming lasts a couple hours, infections last weeks of pain, a misshapen piercing scar lasts a lifetime.[5]Thanks
Expert Interview

Thanks for reading our article! If you'd like to learn more about care pf piercings, check out our in-depth interview with David Wilkins.
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About This Article
To keep your new piercing clean, try taking showers instead of baths while the piercing heals. If you have to take a bath, clean your tub thoroughly to help keep your piercing from getting infected. Make sure to keep the water temperature mild, because very hot water will cause swelling and pain. While it may be tempting to relax in the bath for a long time, limit your piercing’s exposure to soap and chemicals from shampoos or conditioners by only bathing as long as you need to. Once you get out of the bath, lightly pat your piercing dry and immediately rinse the area out with sea salt water. For more advice, like how to shower with a new piercing, read on.
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