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If you have fine, straight hair, it can be difficult to hold a curly style for more than a few hours. Prepping your hair with a curl cream product will get you off to the right start. After curling your hair, pin it up to let it cool in a curled position, and finish with a firm-hold hairspray that will keep your curls intact throughout the day.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Starting with Dry Hair

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  1. When you wash your hair, you rinse away the natural oils your scalp produces. These oils add texture and hold to your hair, much like a pomade or gel would do. Day-old hair is less likely to drop curls, since the natural oils in your hair will help the curls retain their shape.[1]
    • If it's too late, and you already washed your hair, you can still use this method. Just rough dry your hair with a blow dryer or let it completely air dry before you curl it.
  2. There are several products you can use to add some texture to fine, straight hair so it keeps its curly shape longer than just an hour or two. Try smoothing one of the following products into your hair from the roots to the tips:[2]
    • Dry shampoo. This is great to use if your hair looks a little oily at the roots. Sprinkle it around your roots, wait a minute, then comb it from the roots to the tips.
    • Curl-enhancing cream.[3] Use a dime or quarter-sized amount (depending on the length of your hair) and comb in it from the roots to the tips to distribute the product evenly.
    • Gel or pomade. If you don't have curl-enhancing cream, hair gel or pomade will work. Don't use so much your hair gets weighed down; you want just enough to lightly coat your hair.
  3. [4] Again, it's all about adding texture. Spray a light coating of light to medium hold hairspray a few inches from your hair, then comb it through from roots to tips to distribute it evenly.[5]
    • Avoid using firm-hold hairspray, since it's designed to keep your hair locked in place. It could result in a stiff, crispy look.
  4. [6] Now that your hair is prepped, use a curling iron, hot rollers or another curling device of your choice to add the curl you crave. Even if your hair is fine and straight, it should be able to hold any curly style if you prep it right. Here are a few fun styles to try:
  5. As you complete each curl, coil it against your head and use a bobby pin to pin it up. Repeat until all of your curls are pinned against your head. Let your hair fully cool down before removing the pins and letting your curls drop.[7]
  6. [8] Use a medium to firm-hold spray to keep your curls in place after you take them down. For a looser look, run your fingers through your hair before spraying; for tighter curls, spray away and avoid touching them.[9]
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Starting With Wet Hair

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  1. Conditioner makes hair smooth and silky, but when you're trying to hold curls, you want a rougher, dryer texture. If your hair is too slippery, it won't hold curl. When you wash your hair, rinse out the shampoo and skip the conditioner altogether.[10]
  2. This product is actually made for people with curly hair, but it works great for straight-haired people who want to add curl, too. Use a dime or quarter-sized amount, depending on the length of your hair. Comb it through your hair from the roots to the tips to distribute the product evenly.[11]
    • If you don't have curl cream, you can use gel or mousse instead. Don't add too much product to your hair, since you could end up weighing it down. Too much product will cause the curls to fall out instead of staying in place.
  3. There are many methods used to curl wet hair without using any type of heat. You can have shiny, glossy, well-shaped curls or waves without using a curling iron; you just need some extra time. Try one of these popular methods to get the look you want:[12]
  4. [13] No matter which curling method you use, the secret is to let your hair completely dry. You can help it along by blowing the pinned-up curls with a blow dryer. Alternatively, sleep on the curls and let them dry overnight.[14]
    • Unpin one curl to test and see if they're dry. If the curl is still wet inside, pin it back up and wait few more hours, then try again.
  5. Remove the pins, t-shirt-strips or socks that helped you curl your hair, and let your curls down gently. Avoid combing or brushing them, since this can cause them to fall out right away.
  6. Use a medium or strong-hold spray to finish the look and hold your curls in place for the rest of the day. Remember to avoid touching your hair too much, since puling on the curls can make them fall out faster.
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Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    What is the best way to curl hair without damaging it?
    Brianna Bowling
    Brianna Bowling
    Hair Stylist
    Brianna Bowling is a Hair Stylist and the Co-Owner of The CRAFT Salon in Glendora, California. With more than 11 years of experience, she specializes in balayage, blonding, and vivid colors. Brianna has received years of in-depth training on advanced color techniques.
    Brianna Bowling
    Hair Stylist
    Expert Answer
    Always spritz a heat protecting hairspray that has a hold onto your hair before you start curling it.
  • Question
    What can you use instead of hairspray?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You can buy a curling cream at your local salon or drug store. You can put it in before curling and it will hold as long as hairspray.
  • Question
    The hairspray makes my hair turn white. What should I use instead?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    If the hairspray is turning your hair white, it's either a bad hairspray, or you're holding the hairspray too close to the hair. You should hold the hairspray about 20-30 cm away from your hair.
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  • If the ends of your hair won't hold curl, it might be time for a trim. Damaged, split ends don't hold curl well.
  • Try braiding it while your hair is damp or even dry. You can apply gel and leave it in too. Make about four braids, one in the front right, front left, back left, and back right then spin each braid into its own bun. For best results, leave these (fairly tight) braids in over night.
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About This Article

Brianna Bowling
Co-authored by:
Hair Stylist
This article was co-authored by Brianna Bowling. Brianna Bowling is a Hair Stylist and the Co-Owner of The CRAFT Salon in Glendora, California. With more than 11 years of experience, she specializes in balayage, blonding, and vivid colors. Brianna has received years of in-depth training on advanced color techniques. This article has been viewed 217,302 times.
2 votes - 100%
Co-authors: 25
Updated: August 22, 2024
Views: 217,302
Categories: Curling Hair
Article SummaryX

If you want to get your dry hair to hold curls, try curling it after a day or two without a shower, since the texture will help your hair hold curls better. Before you curl your hair, use products that will add texture to your hair like dry shampoo, curl-enhancing cream, or hair gel. Also, spraying a light coat of hairspray before curling your hair will add more body. Then, curl your hair with either a hot iron or hot rollers! For advice on how to get your damp hair to hold a curl, read on!

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