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A simple step-by-step guide to folding an origami heart
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Looking to gift someone special something fun and unique for Valentine’s Day or their birthday? Well, look no further because we have the perfect hack! Folding a dollar bill into a heart is a great way to show your love while also showing off your crafty skills. Plus, it’s an excellent way to elevate an otherwise boring card. Follow these instructions and video clips to learn how to make an origami heart with a dollar two ways.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Folding a Dollar Into a Simple Heart

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  1. Place the dollar bill with the back facing up. The back is the side without George Washington’s picture on it. Fold the bottom edge up towards you just until you see the words “One Dollar” printed on the other side.[1]
    • If you’re using something other than a dollar bill, the back side of the bill is the side with a president’s face on it.

    Tip: Choose a bill that’s wrinkle-free and crisp, so it’s easier to fold.

  2. Watermark wikiHow to Fold a Dollar Into a Heart
    Bring the right side of the bill over onto the left side and crease the fold down the middle. Then, unfold the bill so it lies flat. Now, fold the right side of the bill into the middle and then the left side into the middle. Line each edge to the middle crease you made previously.[2]
    • Make sure the edges are lined up perfectly before you crease it so that the fold runs directly through the center.
  3. Watermark wikiHow to Fold a Dollar Into a Heart
    Bring the left bottom edge into the middle of the bill, forming a 45-degree angle from the bottom of the bill. Then, do the same with the right bottom edge. This forms the point at the base of the heart.[3]
    • Line up the edges so that they’re flush with the crease. Avoid overlapping them or leaving a small gap between them.
  4. Watermark wikiHow to Fold a Dollar Into a Heart
    Once you turn the heart over so that George Washington is facing you, take the left center corner and fold it down to the left so that the edge lines up with the top of the triangle shape. Repeat that with the right center corner, folding it down to the right.[4]
    • Check that your folds form a V-shaped gap in the center at the top of the heart.
  5. Watermark wikiHow to Fold a Dollar Into a Heart
    Similar to the folds you made in the center, take the top left outside corner and fold it down to the right so that the edge is flush with the horizontal edge. Then, do the same with the right corner, pulling it down to the left and lining up the 2 edges.[5]
    • Crease each fold firmly by running your finger over it to secure the fold in place.
  6. Watermark wikiHow to Fold a Dollar Into a Heart
    Take the left tip on the outside of the heart and fold it about 12 inch (1.3 cm) in towards the middle. Then, fold the tip of the right corner in the same amount. This rounds out your heart.[6]
    • To check your finished heart, flip it over and look at the edges. If they look too pointy or harsh, turn the heart back over and adjust your corner folds until the heart is the shape you want.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Folding a Heart That Holds a Quarter

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  1. Watermark wikiHow to Fold a Dollar Into a Heart
    Place the bill on a flat surface where George Washington’s face is face up. Take the bottom left corner and fold it up towards the top so the left edge of the dollar lines up along the top edge. Crease the fold, then open the dollar up and repeat that fold on all 4 corners.[7]
    • For example, for the 2 top corners, fold them down to line up with the bottom edge of the dollar bill.
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Fold a Dollar Into a Heart
    As you pinch the top and bottom edges of the dollar towards each other on the left side, for example, the bill should collapse onto itself where you created the creases. Repeat on the right side. This forms a triangle shape on both the left and right sides of the bill.[8]
    • If the paper doesn’t collapse easily, go back and re-crease your earlier folds.

    Did you know?

    This specific type of fold is called the waterbomb base. It’s a popular base for a lot of origami shapes.

  3. Watermark wikiHow to Fold a Dollar Into a Heart
    Crease the bill on the left side where the long edge of the triangle is by folding the triangle away from you.[9]
    • If it’s easier, you can flip the bill over first and do a valley fold instead (a simple half fold), where you fold the triangle up towards you.[10]

    Did you know?

    This specific type of fold is called the mountain fold in origami.

  4. Watermark wikiHow to Fold a Dollar Into a Heart
    Find the center of the bill, which runs directly through the middle of George Washington’s face. Make a fold at that point and align the 2 long edges of the triangles so they’re flush with each other.[11]
    • Crease the fold firmly after you’ve lined up the edges so that the paper holds its shape.
  5. Watermark wikiHow to Fold a Dollar Into a Heart
    Each triangle shape has a top layer. Start on the left side and fold the bottom corner of the top layer up to meet the left outside corner. Then, fold the top corner down. This forms a small square on top of the triangle shape. Repeat on the right side.[12]
    • Make the folds so that the bottom edges line up in the center of the triangle.
  6. Watermark wikiHow to Fold a Dollar Into a Heart
    Your previous folds created 4 small flaps on top of the triangle shape. Take 1 flap and push the crease so that the paper collapses into a square. Do this on the remaining 3 folds.[13]

    Did you know?

    This is called a squash fold in origami. That’s because it involves prying apart 2 sides of a fold and “squashing” them down into a new fold.

  7. Watermark wikiHow to Fold a Dollar Into a Heart
    This creates a kite shape. Pull the 2 opposite corners on each square into the middle crease, making sure the edges lie flush along the crease. Repeat for all 4 squares.[14]
    • Line the edges up so they’re just touching. Avoid overlapping them or leaving a big gap between them.
  8. Watermark wikiHow to Fold a Dollar Into a Heart
    These squash folds are similar to the ones you did before. Pull up one of the folds on one of the kite shapes, then press it down on the crease so that the paper collapses into a small triangle shape. Do this on all 8 of the kite folds.[15]
    • If you have trouble working with such small folds, use a pair of tweezers to help lift up the folds.
  9. Watermark wikiHow to Fold a Dollar Into a Heart
    The corners of the fold hold the coin in place so it doesn't fall out. Tuck the quarter into the middle so that the corners hook around the coin's edges.
    • A smaller coin, like a dime or penny, won't work because it will fall out of the center.
    • You can also leave out the coin to display the pretty flower shape.
  10. Watermark wikiHow to Fold a Dollar Into a Heart
    Take the rectangular piece sticking up in the back and fold it down about 1 inch (2.5 cm). This leaves you with the 2 rounded tops of the heart.[16] Take the corner of the bottom layer that’s visible at the base of the heart and fold it behind the heart so you can no longer see it. This creates the pointed tip of the heart.[17]
    • Crease the folds firmly in the back so they stay down.
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    What if I can't use money?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You can cut a regular piece of paper to the size of a bill. The measurements of a U.S. dollar bill currency are 2.61 inches wide and 6.14 inches long. If you can't do that, you can trace a bill with a pencil onto the paper you are going to cut, and then cut it.
  • Question
    What happened between step 10 and 11? It's like a step is skipped as suddenly the rectangular flap, visible in step 10, has totally disappeared and the backside of the bill has changed.
    Quinlan O'Driscoll
    Quinlan O'Driscoll
    Community Answer
    It says to flip the bill over twice in the instructions. You might not have flipped it over once.
  • Question
    What happened to the quarter in #9? It's missing in #10 & 11.
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    The quarter was taken out. It is only used to create the design on the back of the heart.
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  • You could give the heart to someone for their birthday instead of putting money in a birthday card.

Tips from our Readers

  • If you don't have a quarter with you, use a bottle cap instead.
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About This Article

Amy Guerrero
Reviewed by:
Arts & Crafts Specialist
This article was reviewed by Amy Guerrero and by wikiHow staff writer, Aly Rusciano. Amy Guerrero is an Arts and Crafts Specialist and the Owner of Sunshine Craft Co., a crafting studio based in Phoenix, Arizona. Amy specializes in macrame, DIY crafting, and teaching fiber arts. She offers monthly in-person and online workshops along with having developed a range of DIY craft kits for at-home projects. Amy holds a BS in Industrial Design from Philadelphia University. She worked as a graphic designer before starting her own business. Sunshine Craft Co. is a creative hub that offers a wide range of workshops, tools, and resources for any craft project to inspire creativity and community engagement. This article has been viewed 1,889,407 times.
3 votes - 87%
Co-authors: 38
Updated: January 31, 2025
Views: 1,889,407
Categories: Featured Articles | Origami
Article SummaryX

To fold a dollar into a heart, start by placing a dollar face down on and folding the bottom edge up 1/4 inch. Then, fold the dollar in half crosswise by bringing the right side of the bill over to the left side, and then unfold it so it's flat again. Next, fold the bottom corners up to the crease in the center of the dollar. Once you've done that, flip the dollar over and fold the 2 center corners down to meet the edge. Finally, fold the 2 top outer corners down to line up with the edge and square off the sides by folding the tips of the left and right corners in. To learn how to fold a dollar heart that holds a quarter, scroll down!

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    Carmella Winecroft

    Jun 6, 2016

    "The small step videos were awesome! It was easy to finish each step then go on to the next. This is my new way to..." more
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