A Great Beginning ..: Jan-Feb 2012
A Great Beginning ..: Jan-Feb 2012
A Great Beginning ..: Jan-Feb 2012
Jan-Feb 2012
Year2012beginswithaeventfullmonthforSukhe Dukkhe Organisation. Lots of event one by one were our picnic cum outing with the underprivileged students of Educare projet, visit of Calcutta zoo with the underprivileged children of Educare project and Saraswati Puja & cultural program by the students of Educare project of SukheDukkheOrganisation. The students were very much enjoyed with those programs.Thestudentswereenjoyedfirsttimein therelifetosuchoutingcumpicnic.AtBakhrahat, 24 parganas (south) we have arrange that outing cumpicnicandtooktheminareservedbuswhich took 2 hours journey. We have arranged game competition for them in the program and prizes also distributed to them. Some well wishers and members also participated in this program by contributingindiviually. In the visit at Zoo they have also enjoyed very muchhavingseentheanimals. The students also very much happy by arranging themselves the Saraswati Puja as their own. They have done every thing from purchasing Idol to Immersionandperfomingintheculturalprogram. Wearegratefultothosepersonswhoarehelping us financially and being present to maintain these ongoingprograms. ..Secretary
MessagefromSecretary EventsinJanuary PicnicofEduCareStudents VisittoZoo SaraswatiPuja Miscellaneousnews 1 2 2 3 4 5
The students of the Edu-care project have celebrated the 150th birthday of Swami Vivekananda on 12.1.12. They garlanded in the picture of Swamiji and learnt some life history of him. We have also distributed oranges, sweets and lozenges to the students on the day.
The students also celebrated the birthday of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose on 23.1.12 in the class room. They have garlanded in the picture of Netaji and learnt how he fights for the Independence of our mother land against British raj. We have also distributed some food to them on this occasion.
As a part of our Edu-care project we have arrange a picnic cum outing of our students at Bakhrahat, 24 Parganas (south) on 15.1.12. We have reserved a bus for them and also arranged different game competitions among them. Prizes have also distributed them for the competition. They have enjoyed themselves by playing cricket in the ground of the picnic spot and made various types of photo session among themselves. The breakfast and lunch which we have arranged for them were also enhancing their happiness. They have enjoyed first time in their life such picnic cum outing program. The elder group of the students attend that program. We have separated younger group with another program.
For students
learning nursery classes have gone to Zoo with us on 21.1.12. The Students enjoyed so
much to see the animals out of their text books and feel the joy of life science and preliminary learning of Zoology. They watched with
Elephant, Hippopotamus,
Crocodile, Zebra, Deer, Birds, Snakes, Fishes and There other was animals. also
decoration and preparation for the Puja of the Goddess of knowledge and were very much attended the Pushpanjali flowers mantras). (offering along of with
The students were very much in the evening, a cultural arranged programme in which was the
students participated and performed. Our members and well wishers were
present to encourage the tiny angels to perform in a social gathering. ended of The with sweet
programme distribution
Substantial increase in learning outcome of all vulnerable children enrolled in the various Schools
Our patron and well wisher and the famous writer Ananya Das sent her own books for the children of our Edu Care Project. The student will read this story book for increasing their inner knowledge about story.
The awareness for education and the eagerness of going to school inculcate a sense of discipline inthestudent.
Allthestudentstakingpartineducationalaswell ascocurricularactivities
We are indebted to our well wishers who gave us the support and encouragement in achieving our mission. Our sincere thanks to: Smt Ananya Das Sri Arunangsu Das Smt. Sulakshana Sen Sharma Mitra Sri Sandeep Mitra Sri Raja Ghosal Smt. Ranjita Ghosal Sri Indrajit Sen Sri Rudrapratap Khan Sri Avijit Neogy Smt. Subeera Neogy Ms. Avinandita Neogy.
Attitudinalchangesintheparents. Amajorchangeinoutlookisperceivedamongthe parents ofthe children of this project regarding the importance of schooling, punctuality, cleanliness,disciplineetc. Observing the interest and progress of their children in studies and other relevant activities each and every parent are feeling an urge to admittheirwardtoEducareProjectastheylulls ahopetoseetheirchildrenasagoodcitizenof future. Parents are happy to witness the project in providing not only education to their children butalsodevelopthemastotalhumanbeing.