Annual Day Report
Annual Day Report
Annual Day Report
Greeting and a warm welcome to each and every one present in this
special action. Learning give creativity , creativity leeds to Thinking,
Thinking provides Knowladge and knowledge makes you great.
I have great pleasure in presenting to you The Annual Report of my
Chota School for the academic year 2024-2025
We Thank the almighty god for all the blessing restored upon us after
once again warm welcome aboard to qvery one arrived hess today.
Our school is one of the prestigious school in our town .As we approach
to the end of this academic year our school give service towards to
providing quality education to all children we take this opportunity to
thank the almighty lord for his abundant blessing and guidance from
our president ,parents, students ,teacher and well wishes .
As we share theb yearly updates of our activities. We take the modesty
to say that we did our best to do as we had planned.
We have always been committed to creat an environment in the school
which helps the young mind to blossom and provide a plat form for
individual thinking and holistic development of a child’s personality we
are proud to acknowledge. That we had 100% good result achivevment
in academic ,co caesicules & extra cuesicuals activities and program of
our My Chota School.
Re- opening the school re – opening ceremony for the academic year
2024-2025 took place on may 27 with great enthusiasm and excitement
the my chota school.
Mamagement and staff made special efforts to welcome the students
and creat on inspiring atmosphere . The school premises were
beautifully deekod up to welcome the student with inspiring captions
such as fan learn camp emphosising the growth and through education.
Assembly assembiles are medium to enlighten the young mind
associating with god and an incredible spirit to move an the powerfully
nature the development of intrapessnal intelligence and promte value –
based education.
On 5th June world The main paopose of the celebration was to spread
awerness about the need to protect the environment and the ways to
do it.
“International yoga day” was a yoga for heal on 21st june
“International yoga day” was celebrated in our school all the teacher
and student participated and demonstrated varions as an all celebrated
the day with lot of yoy.
On 15th August we celebrated 78th INDEPENDENCE day to remember
the pride the commitment and the contribution the brove individuals
who sacrifice their lives for the caves of india our president sir the
national flag and the celebrations included the list of performance done
by the student sweet were distributed at the end of the celebration and
also our children presents fancy dress, competitions.
On 19th august we celebrated Happy Raksh bandana it significant the
love and care of brother and sisters in our india.
23rd august we celebrate “Krishna janmastami “ and teacher teach the
importance of Festival celebrations kids was dressed up as Krishna and
won the priye and perform dance in Krishna Fancy dress
August 30th we celebrate Green day children were decorates
themselves like tree, mango, and come in vagious vegetables and green
fruits constumes.
September 5th we celebrate the teachers day with great inttusiasm
teachers like flower, they spread the sweet smell of knowledge the
children in my chota school adored and gratified their teachers through
a miniature displaying to show their affection all the way through a day.
October 2nd we celebrated Gandhi Yanthi two great personalities of
our countries shased their birth day on this day one is the Father of
nations mahathma Gandhi and other second prime minister of our
country lal bhahadur shashtri this day semanided the importance of
kindness truth, non –vilence and peace.
October 17th we celebrated and honors maharshi valmiki jayanthi of
the Ramayana.
November 1st we celebrate 69th kannada Rajyosthva day with Great
indusiam and our children give dance performance our cultural
programe with inthusiasm
On November 14th our school celebrate childrens day the birth
anniversary of pandith jawahar lal neharu this day we play some
games and full day of joy and give some gift to all children to make
them happy.
November 18th we celebrate kanakadasa jayanthi ..
November 21st we celebrated pink day celebration to make the
children Identity the pink colors children decorate themselves with pink
colour costumes..
On December 25th we celebrated Christmas in our school our school
beautifully decorated and all are dressed up very well Santh clouse
distributed gift to children and our Students done various program it
was a blessed and joy for program for every one..
January 1st we celebrated New Year and distributed sweet’s to children.
January 10th er conducted cooking fireless competition to make
children to learn small business Idea and learn How to cook without
January 13th we celebrated Sankranthi Festival and teacher tell about
the importance of festival children were wear traditional costumes
enjoyed a lot..
January 20th go for trip to make Children interact with nature and
enjoyed it..
January 26th we celebrated Republic day our kid come in fancy dress
and perform so many culture programs and enjoyed it Republicday and
won the prize for their talent.
February 10th we have sports day in that our children play some games
and win the prize.