Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
SY 2024-2025
A . Content Standard demonstrates understanding of conversion of time, linear, mass and capacity measures and area of square and
B. Performance Standard is able to apply knowledge of conversion of time, linear, mass and capacity measures and area of rectangle and square
in mathematical problems and real-life situations. .
C. Learning Competency/Objectives
(Write the LC code)
At the end of the discussion, the student should be able to:
a. convert time measure from days to weeks, months, and years, and vice versa
c. value the importance of converting time through active class participation
II . CONTENT Converting time measures involving days, weeks, months and year
A. References
Now, look at the days in a week.
2. How many days are there in a week?
Before we start our discussion, let us have an energizer first.
(The teacher will show a 1 min video that will energize the pupils)
3. Greetings
Good morning class
Before you take your seat kindly pick up some pieces of
papers and arrange your chairs and you may take your
Good morning, sir.
(Learners will follow the teacher)
4. Checking of Attendance
Say “here” when your name is called.
Here sir
- Xian
Here sir
- Shanelly
Here sir
week,good perfect attendance! Give yourself an excellent
concepts and (Students will do the excellent clap)
practicing new it rained continuously for 3 days and nights. How many hours did it
skills #2 clap.
rained? How many hours did it rained?
What is asked?
5. Classroom Rules
3 days
What is given?
Before we proceed
sentence?to our discussion let me remind you of
What operation will you use? 3 x 24 = n
24 =your classroom rules.
What is the number
one day
x3 Respect everyone
72 hours Raise your hand if you want to speak
F. Developing Behave and listen to teacher
Mastery (Lead Individual Follow
to Formative Convert the time given and choose the correct answer
Assessment 3) B.
1. 2Review
minutes = ___seconds
A. 120 B. 130
2. 3 hours = ___ minutes
A 180 B. 150
3. 2 days = ___ hours
A. 24 B.48
4. 240 seconds = ___ minutes