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DLP - Dessert Final Demo

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School Grade Level GRADE 12

PLAN (DLP) Teaching Date January 11, 2024
Quarter SECOND
and Time 10:45 – 11:45 AM

A. Content Standards
The learners demonstrate an understanding how to prepare desserts.

B. Performance Standards The learners independently prepare desserts.

C. Learning Competencies/
Objectives LC: LO 3. Plate/Present Desserts

Learning Objectives:
1. identify the accompaniments, garnishes, and decorations for desserts
2. present desserts attractively by following the guidelines in plating desserts
3. value the importance of following guidelines in performing tasks.
II.CONTENT Plating/Presenting Desserts


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials COOKERY MANUAL 1 of 2
3. Textbook pages pp. 182-184

4. Additional Materials
from Learning List the materials to be used in different days. Varied sources of materials sustain children’s interest in the lesson and in
Resource (LR) portal learning. Ensure that there is a mix of concrete and manipulative materials as well as paper-based materials. Hands - on
learning promotes concept development.

B. Other Learning Resources K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum Technology and Livelihood Education Learning Module
- PowerPoint Presentations, Visual Aids, Video
A. Reviewing previous PRE-ACTIVITY
lesson or presenting the I. Prayer
new lesson. To start, requesting everyone to stand for our opening Father God, we thank you for your love, grace, and
(ACTIVITY) prayer. Can someone from the class to lead the prayer? blessings you give unto us. We are so blessed yet grateful
for this beautiful day. Father God, we pray for guidance and
wisdom. Give us an open mind to learn the topic we will
have this day. Protect us with your anointing power and
love. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

Good afternoon class! Good afternoon sir! Good afternoon classmates! Good

II. Daily Routine

Before you will sit down, please: (The students pick up the pieces of papers and cellophanes
 Arrange your chairs properly; and and arrange the chairs)
 Pick up pieces of papers and cellophanes
under your chairs.

How are you today class? Yes sir. We are fine.

III. Checking of Attendance

Are there students absent from the class? None sir.

Very good class! Keep it up.

IV. Collecting of Assignment

Please pass the assignment.

V. Set Classroom Rules

Class be reminded by the following classroom rules: Yes sir, noted.
a. Listen attentively to the teacher’s discussion.
b. Raise one hand if you want to answer.
c. Ask for clarifications if you are confused.
d. Be careful of using sharp objects
e. Wear PPEs when dealing with foods
f. Critique ideas not people.
g. Be always respectful.
h. Put cellphones in a silent mode.

This time, let’s play pass the ball. Peel the ball if it will be in What was our previous lesson about?
your hands. I will play a music, then if it’s stopped to you, Answer: Our past lesson is all about Store Starch and
you will be the one to answer. Cereal Dishes

Correct! (continue playing the music) What do you mean by FIFO?

Answer: FIFO means first in, first out.

Very good! Let’s continue passing the ball. (continue playing What thing in which you should store pasta?
the music) Answer: Pasta should be stored in an airtight container.

Good job! You still remember the lesson well.


Group yourselves into three. Go to your respective groups. DECIPHER BY SOLVING

Kindly read the mechanics of your activity today. Direction: Find the word/s by substituting the numbers with
its corresponding letter by solving the mathematical
problem. The group who can raise their paper first, will be
the one to give the answer. If their given answer is wrong,
the other groups can answer.

1. 14+5+1 8-3 4x5+4 10x2 10+10+1 9x2 3x2-1

20 5 24 20 21 18 5 =TEXTURE
2. 2+5 0+1 24-6 4-18 32 20-1 4x2 8-3 14+5
7 1 18 14 9 19 8 5 19 = GARNISHES

3. 4x4 3x5-3 0.99+0.01 10x2 3x2-1

16 12 1 20 5 =PLATE

Congratulations everyone!
B. Establishing a purpose What is your feeling when playing the game? It is fun doing the activity. I enjoyed the game.
of the lesson.
What have you observed in your activity? Its more of words related to plating food.

So, do you have in mind what is our topic today? Our topic is about plating food sir.

Okay! To be specific, our topic for today is about? Our topic is about plating/presenting desserts.

Please be guided by the following learning objectives. At the end of this lesson, the students are expected to:
Kindly read our objectives of this lesson. 1. Identify the accompaniments, garnishes, and
decorations for desserts
2. Present desserts attractively by following the
guidelines in plating desserts
3. Value the importance of following guidelines in
performing tasks
C. Presenting examples Let us know first the difficult words in our discussion this UNLOCKING DIFFICULTIES
/Instances of the new afternoon. What are the difficult words?
lesson 1. Accompaniments – complement the main food and
(ANALYSIS) enrich its taste. It provides an aesthetic value to the main
dish. (tutorialspoint.com)
2. Anglaise – Is the French term for English cream referring
to pouring custard. (atyourtable.com.au)
3. Suppressant - an agent that tends to suppress or reduce
in intensity rather than eliminate something. (Merriam-
Webster Dictionary)

Can you give your idea what is plating? Plating is the art of presenting or arranging food in attractive
way, making the food visually appealing and appetizing.

What are the garnishes that can be put or added in Fruits, vegetables, lemon.
presenting desserts?

Very good! There are a lot actually but let’s see if what are
foods that can be used only as garnish on certain desserts.

This time, let’s do an activity. This is called “Identify and Identify and Match
Match”. Please read the mechanics. Direction: In your group, identify the following words to its
corresponding appropriate picture and definition. You will be
given 1 minute and 30 seconds to finish the task. We will
check the output during the discussion.

(The students are doing the task)

Time’s up! Please paste your answer on the board. Do you The task is all about the accompaniments, garnishes and
have any idea, what your activity is all about? decorations for dessert.

Very good! What is the first one? This is a flavored simple syrup use to moisten cakes.
Flavorings maybe extracted like vanilla, liquors like rum.

Can you give me example of a fruit that can be add as Lemon, orange, grapes.

Stirred vanilla custard sauce; consists of milk, sugar, egg
Very good! Example of dessert syrup is sugar syrup or yolks and vanilla stirred over low heat until lightly thickened.
honey syrup. How about the next one?
It contains starch as well as eggs, resulting in a much
Correct! Can you tell me the 3rd accompaniments, thicker and more stable product.
garnishes, and decorations for dessert?

Okay, very good! Pastry cream, if added additional liquid, it Consists of milk, sugar, eggs, and flavorings. (whole eggs
is used as custard sauce. Now, what is the last one? are used for greater thickening power)

Very good! Good job everyone for a job well-done!

Desserts should turn heads in dining room. Garnishing and
Now, kindly read the Art of Dessert Plating plating are an integral part of building your recipe.

Elements and Principles of Arts

Yes sir.
Did you know that when you do plating, you also make an
Plating food is considered an art because it involves
How? creativity, skill, and an understanding of aesthetics.

A chef uses a plate to present his/her culinary creations.

Alright. Just like a painter uses a canvas to create a visual
masterpiece. For a chef, what medium he/she uses to
create an art? The elements of arts are lines, shapes, color, texture, form,
space, etc.
Very good. What are the elements of arts?

Thank you! So, our topic today is integrated in arts since

you will be plating creatively the dessert. What are
garnishes that can add attraction to the desserts?
https://images.app.goo.gl/PVQ https://images.app.goo.gl/vYu https://images.app.goo.gl/vYu
HSMLfcLMy4CYD9 wJ4ccZR4SY1D28 wJ4ccZR4SY1D28

Fruits Garnish Nuts Garnish Chocolate Garnish

Yes, I did.

There are five https://images.app.goo.gl/vYu

guidelines in plating
Cookies Garnish
Now, watch the video on the guidelines in plating dessert. Guidelines in plating dessert:
1. make garnishes edible
Plating Desserts – NATshell TV 2. keep it clean and simple
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iIdwFWStGKo 3. make your garnishes relate to the dessert on the plate
4. layer flavors and textures in your dessert
Were you able to understand what was being shown in the 5.try different plates

How many guidelines in plating desserts?

What are those?

1. The plate – when plating desserts, the choice of plate is
Very good! Now, these are the plating and presenting tips critical to the final presentation. Remember, the plate is the
and techniques that may help you enhance your overall frame of the presentation.
It means that choosing the right size of plate is important
What is the first one? because food should not be crowded onto the plate.

2. Color – always consider color as an important part of

plate presentation. Always try to have a variety of colors on
Alright, so what does it means? plate.
 Green is fresh and cool, and can be soothing.
 Red is passion and excitement
Very good! How about the next one?  Black is sophisticated and elegant.
 Blue is a natural appetite suppressant, since it can
make food look unappetizing.
It should be two or more colors.

3. Texture – contrasting hard and soft, smooth and coarse,

adds visual interest to your food, and it will enhance your
How many colors should be incorporated in customers’ enjoyment to the food.
plating/presenting your desserts?
4. Keep things clean – remember that neatness counts.
Correct! What is the next one? Food should be contained within the rim of the plate, yet it
should not be crowded in the center.

It means that the presentation should be pleasing to the eye

Good job! What is the fourth one? and not dirty.

5. Garnish to impress – garnishes and decorations can

enhance your plate presentation. Choose garnishes that are
What does it mean? appropriate to the ingredients.

It means that the garnishes should relate to the main food

What a fantastic idea! How about the last one? What does it itself. Not just being added to make the presentation look
mean? beautiful.

 Never decorate a plate with something inedible.

Very good! Garnishes should serve its purpose.  Ensure the garnish complements and enhances the
 Choose garnishes that are the correct size; they
should be easy to eat.
What are the other techniques to keep in mind when
garnishing: In plating or presenting desserts, we should consider a lot of
factors including the garnishes, plates, and even the entirety
of the presentation.

So, what did you learn from our discussion today? Can you
share at least a short one?

Very good class! Continue having good energy to learn

D. Discussing new concepts This time, I will let you watch a video on how to present (The students are watching the video clip)
and practicing new skills desserts.
Essential Elements of Plating – Institute of Culinary

Okay, that’s how you will present your desserts. I will show
you another clip of a chef plating his dessert. This video is
from MasterChef Australia: Reynold Poernomo (The students are watching another video clip)

Forbidden Fruit

What did you observe on the videos? The guidelines are actually followed and the plating style is

Indeed. What a good observation!

E. Discussing new concepts Now, you will apply what you have learned today. In your (The groups will draw of what task they are going to
and practicing new skills group, you will present a dessert. You will be given 3 present.)
#2 minutes to discuss within your group about your task and
(APPLICATION) also to prepare your plated dessert. You will also perform Advertising
your picked task and will be performed 2 minutes only. Poem
Please be guided on the rubric. Role Play

(see attached RUBRIC)

(Critiquing the outputs of the students)

Congratulations! You did a very good job in plating your

desserts. Give yourselves a Mommy Dionisia clap! 1,2,3 (while stomping feet) … 1,2,3 (while clapping), very
good! Very good! Very good!
F. Finding practical This time, I will spin this wheel of your names. So, whosever
applications of concepts will be selected by the AI, you will answer the questions in
and skills in daily living presented.

Are you ready? Yes sir!

(Spinning the wheel) How following guidelines helps you in your task?
Through following guidelines, it helps me to create a quality
product or outcome. It also helps me maintain consistency
and efficiency in task completions.

Can you able to perform your tasks well in your daily

lives without having guidelines?
In the absence of guidelines, it would be challenging for me
to perform my task well especially that I am a cookery
student in which following guidelines or procedures is
Let’s give them a very good clap to their awesome answers.
(students are doing the very good clap)
G. Making generalizations (Continue the spin the wheel game)
and abstractions about the
lesson. What is plating? Plating is the art of presenting or arranging food in attractive
(ABSTRACTION) way, making the food visually appealing and appetizing.

What are the different accompaniments, garnishes, and The different accompaniments, garnishes, and decorations
decorations for desserts? for desserts are dessert syrup, cream anglaise, pastry
cream, and custards.

How about the tips and techniques in plating desserts? In plating desserts, the following should be considered: the
plate, color, texture, cleanliness, and garnish.
Why is it important to set guidelines? It is important as it is the foundation to understand and to be
fully guided on the things that we are going to do or perform.
Wow! Keep up the hype to learn class! Very good!

H. Evaluating learning Answer the following questions. You will be given 3 minutes Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
to finish all the items.
1. It is a flavored simple syrup use to moisten cakes.
a. Dessert Syrup c. Pastry Cream
b. Cream Anglaise d. Custards
2. Which of the following is the stirred vanilla custard
a. Dessert Syrup c. Pastry Cream
b. Cream Anglaise d. Custards
3. How well-plated dessert affect the dining experience of
the diners?
a. It increases the overall appeal of the dessert.
b. It let the customers to pay more and give tips.
c. It decreases the appeal of the dessert.
d. None of the above
4. Which of the following accompaniments that consists of
milk, sugar, eggs, and flavorings, (whole eggs are used for
greater thickening power)
a. Dessert Syrup c. Pastry Cream
b. Cream Anglaise d. Custards
5. What accompaniments of dessert that contains eggs,
and starch, resulting in a much thicker and stable product?
a. Dessert Syrup c. Pastry Cream
b. Cream Anglaise d. Custards
6. It is a guideline in plating dessert which refers to avoiding
overcrowding the plate.
a. makes garnishes edible
b. makes it clean and simple
c. layer flavors and textures in your dessert
d. try different plates
7. Why is it important to follow the guidelines in plating?
a. It ensures the food to be visually appealing
b. It enhances the dining experience
c. It contributes to the overall taste and flavor of the dish.
d. All of the above.
8. It is the frame of the presentation.
a. Plate b. Color c. Texture d. Garnish
9. Which color that makes the plating fresh and cool, and
can be soothing in the eyes?
a. Green b. Blue c. Black d. Red
10. What tips in plating dessert that remembering neatness
a. garnish to impress c. texture
b. keeps things clean d. color
a. Additional activities for Research about proper storing of dessert. Write it in 1 whole
application or remediation sheet of paper and don’t forget to acknowledge the author
and the source’s site.

This is the rubric for your output.


4 3 2 1
The storing Most storing Some of the There are
techniques techniques storing only few
are all clear are all clear techniques storing
and easy to and easy to are all clear techniques
manage. manage. and easy to that are clear
manage. and easy to
The The Some All of the
directions are directions are directions are directions are
well- mostly organized. not
organized. organized. organized.
The output is The output is The output is The output is
very creative. creative. not so not creative.

To end, requesting everyone to please stand for the closing Dear God, thank you for guiding us today and giving us the
prayer. knowledge, which help us in participating in the class.


A. No. of learners who earned

80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies work well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovations or localized
materials did I used/discover
which I wish to share with
Prepared by: Checked by:


Student Teacher Cooperating Teacher

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