By: group 6
Arcenas , Jae
Barana, Ericka joy
Federizo, Megie
Montalban, Angelica
Morales, Joy
In many places, people are struck and devastated by various
natural disasters, locally,nationally and globally. Thus, disaster
preparedness and risk management have been the targets of the
government and educational institutions through various plans and
programs.In this case, environmental awareness has to be
reiterated and strengthened in schools and integrated in the
curriculum, while everyone has to be oriented on taking
care of and sustaining the environment through ecoliteracy
Learning outcomes:
At the end of lesson, the student should be able to;
1.Define Ecological literacy
2.Discuss the seven environment principle of nature
3. Describe a green school
4. Articulate how ecoliteracy can be integrated in the curriculum.
5.Draw relevant life lesson and significant values from a personal
experience on initiating or participating in an environmental
6. analyze research abstract on ecoliteracy and its implication to
teaching-learning process.
7. make a community service action plan on environmental care
is a qualitative and quantitative condition that demonstrate the
human capacity to survive over time. It is qualitative in a way that
we want well-being although, it is difficult to measure. But it is also
quantitative in that natural capital and ecological carrying capacity
can measured with foot printing tools.
3. Everything is connected to
everything else.
In an ecosystem, all components interact with each other to
ensure that the system is sustainable, of which any outside
interference may result in an imbalance and deterioration of the
4. Everything changes.
People must rethink their relationship with the environment
through relevant technologies for positive changes.
1.Place-base learning
-it is an experimental learning that engages students in their own
environment and strategy that captures their imagination and
advances environmental stewardship and civic engagement.
2.Project-based learning
- it is strategy that involves students in project that use a variety of
resources,including the community,technology,outside expert,
written resources and web.
3.Socratic Inquiry
- this is named the Greek philosopher Socrates,who believed that
question(not answer) stimulate learning.therefore, rather that
teaching facts and information teachers encourage students.
4.Experiental learning
-it promotes students involvement in the real world defines the
teachers role as facilitator of learning,the process of learning leads
to behavioral outcomes.
5.Interdisciplinary learning
-It emphasizes connections between traditionally discrete
disciplines, such as math,science,history,and language art rather
than limiting to one content area at a time.