Handout On ZED Final
Handout On ZED Final
Handout On ZED Final
This write-up is prepared by Shri M Sundaramoorthy, AGM, MoF, CAB Pune for facilitating
classroom discussion. The material is for academic and information purposes only. Please be
guided by the relevant laws, circulars, instructions etc. in this regard. Usual disclaimer shall apply
The Government of India (GoI) launched “Make in India” on September 25, 2014, Through Make
in India project, GoI intended to spur the growth of the economy by boosting the domestic
manufacturing sector and also augment investment into the country. The project also encouraged
businesses from abroad to invest and manufacture in India, by improving the country’s ‘Ease of
Doing Business’ index. To give a fillip to Make in India Project, GoI took various measures,
including ZED certification, to create an ecosystem for competitive, quality, and clean
manufacturing and promote the development of world-class products and expand markets for
MSMEs, etc.
ZED certification scheme2 is an extensive drive of the Government of India to enhance the global
competitiveness of MSMEs by providing them financial support in assessment, rating and and
handholding of its manufacturing processes on quality and environment aspects..
2. ZED certification:
Zero Defect Zero Effect (ZED) is an indigenous, integrated and holistic maturity assessment
model that aims at enhancing the global competitiveness of MSMEs by gauging the
manufacturer’s maturity in several disciplines viz. Quality, Production, Safety, Design,
Environment, Energy, Intellectual Property Rights etc., and gradually building their capabilities to
become world-class.
Ministry of MSME has appointed Quality Council of India (QCI)3, as the National Monitoring and
Implementing Unit (NMIU) for implementation of ZED, through its pool of approved rating
agencies, and certified consultants. ZED certification is not mandatory but voluntary for MSMEs.
It provides the MSMEs a roadmap to global competitiveness to make their products acceptable
in domestic as well as global markets.
3. Objectives of the ZED Certification
The following are objectives of ZED certification
i. Create proper awareness among MSMEs about ZED manufacturing and motivate them
for assessment of their enterprise for ZED rating.
ii. Drive manufacturing with the adoption of Zero Defect production processes without
impacting the environment (Zero Effect).
iii. Support the “Make in India” campaign.
More detail about the scheme is available in the link http://dcmsme.gov.in/Guidelines-ZED-Final.pdf
QCI is an autonomous body of Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, Govt. of India which has been
created jointly with Indian industry represented by Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), Federation of Indian
Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) and Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry
iv. Encourage MSMEs to constantly upgrade their quality standards in products and
Source: https://zed.org.in/
After the assessments and evaluation, the final rating provided to the MSME will be valid for 4
years subject to compliance with a surveillance audit to be carried out by QCI. The rating
parameters applicable to MSMEs under different sectors is available in the link
https://www.zed.org.in/parameters and the updated list of ZED certified MSMEs across the
country is available in the link https://zed.org.in/zed-certified-msmes
One of the major reasons for the low availability of bank finance to the MSME sector is the high-
risk perception of the banks in lending to MSMEs and the non-availability of good quality
collaterals. As ZED ratings are issued after a structured and stringent assessment of all the
important parameters relevant to particular MSMEs and are subjected to review by QCI through
a surveillance audit, appraisal of ZED rated companies could be comparatively less risky than
non ZED rated companies, for banks. To corroborate this view, the Report of the Expert
Committee on Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in June 2019 recommended banks to pass
on some benefit, by way of interest/processing fee concessions, due to lower risks of ZED certified
1. Certification process, rating scale, available at https://zed.org.in
2. Government-schemes, zed certification available at https://www.startupindia.gov.in
3. ZED Services, available at https://www.msmeonline.in
4. ZED Guidelines, available at http://dcmsme.gov.in