Answer: The Development Commissioner (MSME), Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium
Enterprises, Govt. of India, will implement up-scaled 'Financial Support to MSMEs in ZED
Certification Scheme' for the benefit of manufacturing Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises
(MSMEs) for a period of 3 years (for FY 2017-18 to 2019-20) i.e. till the end of the Fourteenth
Finance Commission (2019-20) at financial outlay of Rs. 116.94 Cr. with Gol Contribution:
Rs. 100.00 Cr. and Pvt. Contribution Rs. 16.94 Cr.
The scheme is an extensive drive of the Government of India to enhance global competitiveness
of MSMEs by providing them financial support in assessment, rating & handholding of its
manufacturing processes on quality and environment aspects. The objectives of the scheme
include inculcating Zero Defect & Zero Effect practices in manufacturing processes, ensure
continuous improvement.
For more detail about the scheme, please visit: www.dcmsme.gov.in/ www.zed.org.in
Answer: The scheme envisages promotion of Zero Defect and Zero Effect (ZED) manufacturing
amongst MSMEs and ZED Assessment for their certification with the following objectives:
Answer: The major activities under the ZED Certification Scheme are:
Answer: ZED offers a wide variety of benefits to the MSMEs. This ZED Model is applicable to
MSMEs who are seeking to improve their internal management and operational systems.
Benefit to MSMEs
• Improved processes leading to higher revenues: Adoption of ZED in true spirit will result
in superior quality of products manufactured, reduced rejection, reduced waste/scrap and
hence resulting in higher revenues & profits.
• Credible & reliable vendor database: ZED will ensure that the companies investing in
India have a ready-made & reliable vendor-base to support their activities, in the form of
ZED rated MSMEs.
• Reducing negative effect on the environment: Enhanced environment consciousness will
make MSMEs "Responsible Manufacturers".
• Awards & Rewards: High performing ZED units will be recognized nationally by the
Ministry of MSME and QCI through an award & reward system which will help them to
showcase themselves globally.
• Aligning with best practices: MSMEs will get an opportunity to benchmark their systems
and processes and learn the best practices across the globe under the ambit of ZED
Certification Scheme.
• Global Competitiveness: Enhanced competitiveness of MSMEs will improve their
visibility in the global marketplace.
• Visibility & brand recognition: A "ZED Mark" to enable an MSME to be seen as a
company with a leverage over non-rated MSME units
• Various State Governments have included ZED in their respective industrial policies.
• Banks are also coming forward to extend benefits to ZED rated MSMEs in the form of
concession in interest rates and processing fee.
Answer: All MSMEs registered under MSMED Act, 2006 as amended from time to time and
also to MSMEs which are included as par executive orders issued by AS&DC(MSME)
consistent with MSMED Act from time to time.
Answer: The ZED Scheme will be implemented nationwide by % DC (MSME) through NMIU
as per up-scaled ZED scheme guidelines.
Answer: Site-assessments will be allocated to Rating Agencies which have been accredited by
Quality Council ofIndia. The assessments will be carried out by Assessors from these accredited
rating agencies, who have undergone and passed a ZED Assessors training programme.
Answer: The NMIU will allocate assessors to MSMEs for site-assessments and will closely
monitor their activities.
Answer: The ZED certification will be issued by Quality Council of India after reviewing the
site-assessment report.
10) Who is/are going to conduct Gap analysis and handholding activity?
Answer: The Gap analysis and handholding activity in the scheme will be allocated to
Consulting Organizations which have been empanelled by Quality Council of India. The
handholding will be carried out by Consultants from these empanelled Organisations, who have
undergone and passed a ZED Consultant training Programme.
Answer: The ZED Scheme is being governed by a Programme Monitoring and Advisory
Committee (PMAC), which provides an overall guidance & direction. At the highest level,
PMAC provides overall direction to the Scheme headed by the Development Commissioner
(MSME). NMIU will be responsible for facilitating, implementing and monitoring of the scheme
across the country.QCI, NPC, Field Offices & Autonomous Bodies of DC (MSME), Central
Govt, State Govts, and their institutions, Industry Chambers and Associations will act as
Implementing Agency.
13) Who is the NMIU of ZED Scheme?
Answer: A National Monitoring and Implementing Unit (NMIU) shall be setup in the % DC
(MSME) to take care of facilitation, implementation and monitoring of the scheme, involving
implementing agencies in accordance with established procedure.
Answer: Each parameter has 5 maturity levels. Each level corresponds to the existing state of
systems and processes in the manufacturing unit which is being assessed. These levels range
from Learner which is levell, to Beginner, Organized and Achiever that correspond to level 2, 3
& 4 respectively. The topmost level is World Class at level 5.
Answer: ZED Maturity Assessment Model will evaluate an MSME's manufacturing unit on
process based enablers and performance based outcome parameters at the operational level,
within the following disciplines:
• Quality Management
• Production Management
• Environment Management
• Energy Management
• Safety Management
• Natural Resource Management
• Intellectual Property Management
• Human Resource Management
• Design Management
• Overall Company Performance (Financial)
Answer: To access detail guidelines of the scheme follow or click on: www.dcmsme.gov.in/
19) What is the web address from where information about the ZED Scheme can be
Answer: ZED Certification is not mandatory by the Government; it is a voluntary scheme which
will provide the MSMEs a road map to global competitiveness.
21) Does the ZED Certification Scheme cover all MSME sectors?
Answer: The ZED Certification Scheme covers only, the MSME sectors belonging to all
22) Are parameters related to safety of processes covered In the ZED Maturity
Assessment Model?
Answer: Yes. The parameters related to safety of processes are covered in the ZED Maturity
Model. For more details please visit www.zed.org.in.
23) When will the assessor (s) visit the MSMEs site for assessment?
Answer: After the desktop assessment, ZED assessor(s) from an accredited rating agency will be
appointed to conduct a site-assessment of the MSME that has applied. The MSME unit will be
informed well in time for a site-assessment date.
Answer: The MSME units will have the option to avail the services of a ZED certified
consultant after Desktop Assessment. The NMIU will allocate a consultant to the MSME and the
handholding process will commence. This process will typically be for about 6 months.
25) How will the confidentiality of data & other processes of the MSME be maintained
during the entire ZED Certification process?
Answer: The NMIU has taken steps to ensure the confidentiality of the entire process. A Non-
Disclosure Agreement will be signed between the parties involved. All data is stored on a secure
server with limited access.
26) Do ISO etc. certified companies need to go for ZED Certification?
Answer: All MSMEs can avail scheme benefits irrespective of the certifications they may have.
ZED is an integrated and holistic certification and handholding scheme which aims to provide an
opportunity to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises to strive to continuously improve its
processes thereby aiming to move up the ZED maturity assessment model (Bronze- Silver-Gold-
Diamond-Platinum). It is a maturity assessment model and not a conformity assessment model.
27) If an MSME has no ISO or similar certification, will it be eligible to apply for ZED
Answer: Yes. All MSMEs which are registered with Ministry ofMSME (UAM/EM-II) can avail
scheme benefits irrespective of the certifications they may have.
28) Whether ZED certified units still need to get other certifications like ISO to establish
their credence?
Answer: ZED Certification is independent of Certifications like ISO etc. MSMEs are free to
obtain any other certifications simultaneously, however, it may be noted that merely having any
such certificate will have no bearing or impact on the outcome of the ZED site assessment
process. Though, an MSME which has implemented a quality or an environment management
system or any other tool or intervention in its true spirit, does have a chance to score higher on
the ZED Maturity Model.
29) Will CPSUs, OEMs, Large buyers give any recognition/ preference to ZED certified
Answer: The office of DC (MSME) along with QCI are actively pursuing this and discussions
are in process to establish recognition/preference to ZED certified units among CPSUs, OEMs,
Large buyers etc. A few OEMs/Large Enterprises in India have already commenced integration
of ZED in their supply chain.
30) If an MSME has been ZED Certified and they want to go for re-certification, when can
they can apply?
Answer: Typically, an MSME can apply for re-rating/re-certification after 6 months of initial
certification. However, the subsidy on the cost of the re-certification component will be given to
those MSMEs only which achieve a higher level in rating from the initial/previous rating. For
example, if the previous rating of an MSME unit was Bronze, then subsidy will be extended only
if re-certification rating of that MSME unit is minimum Silver.
31) How will the NMIU ensure uniformity in assessment by different assessors?
Answer: NMIU has developed an exhaustive training module for the eligible assessors. As per
the scheme guidelines, all the assessors will be trained and certified on the ZED Maturity
Assessment Model. Further, efforts have been made to minimize subjectivity in assessment. The
assessment is being done using the latest technology and zero use of paper. This is expected to
enhance accuracy and ensure uniformity among assessments by different assessors.
32) There are already many certification systems. Will the ZED certification be another
burden on MSMEs?
Answer: ZED certification provides roadmap for enhancing business and greatly cutting down
the cost. Though this is a voluntary scheme, the implementation of ZED will not be a burden but
a boon to the MSMEs. The Government of India will be providing financial support on various
components of the scheme.
33) Can MSME Units obtain ZED Certification purely on the basis of an ISO certification?
34) Can ISO certified companies avail the subsidy applicable in ZED certification?
Answer: Yes. A UAM registered MSME, irrespective of any other Certification, can avail the
subsidies as applicable in the ZED Scheme guidelines provided they undergo all applicable steps
& processes as mentioned in the Scheme.
Answer: No, as of now the site-assessment allocation will be done by the NMIU through a pre-
defined process.
36) Will the language issue be considered during the allocation of consultants/assessors?
Answer: Due consideration will be given to ensure that language does not become a constraint
or a barrier in assessment or consulting processes.
37) Is there any provision to change the consulting organisation during the consultancy
Answer: Yes. In case an MSME or the NMIU is not satisfied with the progress of the
implementation by the consulting organisation, the agreement with them will become null and
void and the beneficiary may be allocated a new consulting organisation with appropriate
approvals as mentioned in the scheme guidelines.
38) Who will select the optional parameters during ZED assessments?
Answer: The applicant MSME will select the optional parameters for site-assessment. Necessary
assistance will be provided if needed.
Answer: The scheme is designed to assess, rate, and handhold Indian MSMEs involved in
manufacturing. To avail applicable financial support, an MSME needs to be registered under the
Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum (UAM).
Answer: No, at present this scheme is designed only for the manufacturing MSMEs in India.
41) Are the MSMEs not registered on DAM also eligible to participate in this Scheme?
Answer: Only, UAM registered MSMEs can avail financial support under this scheme. UAM
registrations can be done by visiting http://udyogaadhaar.gov.in/UA/UdyogAadhar-New.aspx.
MSMEs which are not registered in UAM will not be eligible to avail any financial support and
will have to pay the fee in full.
43) What is the fee structure? Is there any subsidy in ZED Scheme?
Answer: The Ministry of MSME, Government of India, will provide a subsidy of 80% to Micro
enterprises, 60% to Small enterprises & 50% to Medium enterprises. An additional 5% subsidy
shall be extended to MSMEs owned by SC/ST/Women & MSMEs located in NER and J&K.
For more detail about the scheme you can download the guidelines of the scheme by following
this link: www.dcmsme.gov.in.
44) Does an MSME have to pay the full amount for assessment or hand-holding?
Answer: No. Only applicable beneficiary contribution needs to be paid by the applicant MSME.
Answer: No. All payments are online and only through the ZED portal at www.zed.org.in. You
will be guided accordingly after you register.
Answer: To apply, an MSME first needs to register and then undertake Online Self-Assessment
through the website. Registration process is very simple and takes only a few minutes. Please
visit www.zed.org.in and click on "REGISTER NOW".
47) What information/details/items are required to register?
Answer: Please keep the following ready when registering for ZED certification:
48) When can an MSME submit online application for ZED Scheme? Can MSMEs
apply any time during the year for a particular examination?
Answer: Online registrations are open round the year. Please visit www.zed.org.in
Answer: The ZED Maturity Assessment Model has been conceived and structured to offer
graded benchmark levels of an MSME's performance through a set of standard enablers and
outcomes focused on quality and environmental performances.
• There are various parameters on which the MSME will be assessed and certified. The
composition of parameters may change as per sector of operation of the applicant MSME. In
addition to 50 assessment parameters there would be additional 25 parameters for obtaining
ZED-Defence Certification. Complete details of all ZED parameters will be made available
on www.dcmsme.gov.in / www.zed.org.in.
• The MSME applicant is required to be assessed on identified 20 mandatory parameters and at
least 10 other parameters (as per the MSME's NIC Code, i.e. sector of operation and type of
industry). Hence, the MSME will be rated on a minimum of 30 parameters.
• MSMEs may seek ZED rating on more than 30 parameters as per the processes and systems
available at the MSME.
• Each parameter has 5 maturity levels.
L ~.