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A Study On Customer Perception Towards E-Vehicles in Bangalore

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Monika B Ashok
Mount Carmel College


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A study on customer perception towards E-vehicles in banga View project

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© 2019 JETIR January 2019, Volume 6, Issue 1 www.jetir.org (ISSN-2349-5162)


Ms. Mifzala Ansar MPhil, NET
Assistant Professor
Ms. Monika B.A ,MTA, NET
Assistant Professor
Department of Travel and Tourism
Mount Carmel College, Bangalore , India

Abstract: Every day we come across so many topics and articles which states the importance of E-Vehicles
and how Government around the world are implementing policies to promote E-Vehicles to reduce the
dependences on oil, decrease green house gasses and improve air quality. As of 2018-08-30, The Indian
Automobile Industry registered a record sale of 24.6% growth in commercial vehicles, these figures are
sufficient to pull our sleeves up and do something about it. A major pollutant comes from Metropolitan
cities and hence it is important for people living in these cities to understand and do their bit to reduce the
consumption of life threatening gasses and pollutants. Likewise, given in this context, E-Vehicles promises
to an extend to be then game changer, but our drawback would be if people dint know about them. This
paper is aimed to capture the views, sentiments and perception on the awareness and likeliness to buy the
vehicles so that sustainability in environment can be maintained. Data is collected from vehicle users in
Bangalore city. The sample size of (n=120) is taken and the responses are fed into SPSS Version 25 for
analysis and validation of the statements. Correlation analysis is used to analyze the relationship between
awareness levels of customers and their likelihood to purchase and use E-vehicles. The study also analyses
the awareness levels of customers on government initiatives for E- transportation in India.
Keywords: Consumers, E-Vehicles (EV), Hybrid E-Vehicle(HEV), Perceptions, Environment, Awareness

Expanding dimension of air contamination in Indian urban areas has been a reason for worry for approach
producers. In excess of 25 Indian urban cities are inside the 100 most contaminated urban areas in the
World1 .The reason of developing air contamination in urban areas is identified with an assortment of
sources anyway transport division makes critical commitment2. It is essential the discharges from transport
segment are limited. The antagonistic impacts of air contamination on human wellbeing and to the
economy are well known and in this way to limit the effect on the earth, approach producers are thinking
about a few alternatives. Electric vehicles have been viewed as a promising innovation alternative what's
more, a few national governments have effectively actualized strategies to advance the innovation. Indian
government is quick to advance electric vehicles as a green portability choices what's more, is additionally
considering it as a feasible answer for diminish air contamination in urban communities.

Internationally there are a few examples of overcoming adversity and best practices. For instance, China
has taken to electric vehicles bigly for bikes and transports. In the UK, urban communities like London are
giving motivating forces, for example, awards to buy new electric vehicles, exclusions from blockage
charges and free or diminished leaving charges for electric vehicles in numerous districts.

WHO, “WHO Global Urban Ambient Air Pollution Database (update 2016),” WHO, [Online]. Available:
S. K. G. R. &. P. P. Guttikunda, “Nature of air pollution, emission sources, and management in the Indian cities.,” Atmospheric
Environment, vol. 95, no. 0, pp. 501- 510, 2014.

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© 2019 JETIR January 2019, Volume 6, Issue 1 www.jetir.org (ISSN-2349-5162)

In India, electric 3 wheelers have been somewhat fruitful, anyway very little dissemination of electric
vehicles has occurred inside 2 wheelers, 4 wheelers and city transport armadas. Techno-financial
evaluations anyway demonstrate that electric bikes can turn out to be financially practical by 2020 itself
and electric four wheelers can be a noteworthy innovation choice by 2030 3, if government gives motivating
forces and foundations to charging are accessible. A solid atmosphere approach too propels the reason for
electric vehicles. The administration is enthusiastic about advancing electric vehicles . The Minister of
Power4 has even put an aggressive objective of getting to be 100% electric by 2030. Alternate services,
especially Minister of Road Transport and Highways, made a solid proclamation at Society of Indian
Automobile Manufactures (SIAM) yearly tradition, that has panicked the car business.

Anyway definition of strategies would require contributions to terms of dimension of help required,
suggestions for spending plans of government, approach instruments required and utilizing the private part.

Global Perspective on electric vehicles

Electric vehicles have picked up portion of the overall automobile industry diagonally over nations
following differed motivating forces .These motivations have been furnished with a conviction that EVs can
convey more extensive formative advantages and furthermore help in lessening CO2 emanations. The
encounters fluctuate across various nations e.g., in a nation with vitality wasteful and CO2 serious power
age segment the move to EVs may neither enhance proficiency nor decrease CO2 outflows.

Following Studies demonstrate:

Yagcitekin et al., 20155 Electric vehicles can enhance vitality effectiveness

Nanaki and Koroneos, Electric vehicles decrease air contamination emanations
Andersen et al., 20097 Electric vehicles facilitate increment infiltration of renewable
Sims et al., 20148 Electric vehicles decrease CO2 discharges in the long term

Indian Perspective on Electric vehicles

EVs have anyway insignificant nearness at present in India. The household assembling of electric 2-
wheelers (E2Ws), electric 3- wheelers (E3Ws) and electric autos (E4Ws) has as of late started in the nation.
There were about two dozen local makers of electric 2-wheelers in 2014. Electric 3-wheelers are gathered

S. Dhar and M. a. S. P. Pathak, “Electric vehicles and India's low carbon passenger transport: a long-term co-benefits
assessment.,” Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016.
PTI, “India aims to become 100% e-vehicle nation by 2030: Piyush Goyal,” Economic Times, 16 March 2016. [Online]. Available:
Yagcitekin, B., Uzunoglu, M., Karakas, A., Erdinc, O., 2015. Assessment of electricallydriven vehicles in terms of emission
impacts and energy requirements: a case study for Istanbul. Turk. J. Clean. Prod. 96, 486e492
Nanaki, E.A., Koroneos, C.J., 2013. Comparative economic and environmental analysis of conventional, hybrid and electric
vehicles e the case study of Greece. J. Clean. Prod. 53, 261e266
Andersen, P.H., Mathews, J.A., Rask, M., 2009. Integrating private transport into renewable energy policy: the strategy of
creating intelligent recharging grids for electric vehicles. Energy Policy 37, 2481e2486
Sims, R., Schaeffer, R., Creutzig, F., Nunez, X.C., D'Agosto, M., Dimitriu, D., Tiwari, G., 2014. Transport. In: Contribution of
Working Group III to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Chapter 8.

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© 2019 JETIR January 2019, Volume 6, Issue 1 www.jetir.org (ISSN-2349-5162)

by makes in the casual division utilizing batteries and segments imported from China. A couple of car
organizations are occupied with the generation of electric autos

GoI, 20129 India's Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) enrolls electric
vehicles as a center region under transport relief activities. Some portion of the
nation's National Electric Mobility Mission Plan 2020
GoI, 2015b 10 the Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Hybrid what's more, Electric
vehicles (FAME India) is gone for quickening the dissemination of half and
half and electric vehicles through budgetary motivating forces
Shukla et al., India has additionally reported CO2 outflow measures for vehicles and
201511 however the present power framework in India is coal subordinate power age
in low carbon situations in India would move towards vitality productive and
bring down carbon emanating advancements
UNFCCC, This vision of future is moreover clear in India's INDC imparted to the
2015a 12 (UNFCCC, 2015a) which incorporates yearning focuses for sustainable and
atomic power age. Clean power would make ideal empowering conditions for


Transport segment is the biggest buyer of oil in India. Since India imports more than three fourth of its oil
request, the oil imports have genuine ramifications for national vitality security. Because of high oil
reliance transport part likewise represents about 10% of CO2 outflows and is a noteworthy hotspot for air
poisons. The paper investigations the various co-advantages of EVs as CO2 outflows decrease, vitality
security and air contamination. Other than the co benefits, EVs can likewise have co-expenses and dangers,
for example, from the vast scale interest for batteries. This paper aims to scrutinize the importance of E-
Vehicles in the minds of the Consumers in maintaining sustainability in the environment.
The objectives of the study is .
 To evaluate the awareness levels of consumers on E-Vehicles
 To study the factors that influence customers to Purchase E-Vehicles
 To understand the various government initiatives towards E- Transportation in India
H1 : There exists a statistically significant relationship between awareness levels of consumers and their
purchase pattern
Table 1 Research design

Geographical Area Bangalore City

GoI, 2012. National Electric Mobility Mission Plan. Government of India, New Delhi, India
GoI, 2015b. FAME India. Scheme for Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of (Hybrid &) Electric Vehicles in India. Government
of India, New Delhi, India.
Shukla, P.R., Dhar, S., Pathak, M., Mahadevia, D., Garg, A., 2015. Pathways to Deep Decarbonization in India, SDSN e IDDRI.
UNFCCC, 2015a. India's Intended Nationally Determined Contribution. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change. URL. http://www4.unfccc.int/ submissions/INDC/PublishedDocuments/India/1/INDIAINDCTOUNFCCC.pdf

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© 2019 JETIR January 2019, Volume 6, Issue 1 www.jetir.org (ISSN-2349-5162)

Population Prospective Customers at Bangalore City

Research Area E-Transportation
Sample Size 120 Prospective Customers
Sampling Method Convenient Sampling
Data Collection Primary Data Collection: Questionnaire And Interview
Secondary Data Collection: Journals, Govt Websites,
Articles And Magazines
Statistical Tools Pearsons Correlation
Descriptive statistics
Graphs and charts
Research Type Survey Based Descriptive Research


This study is chosen to address the issue of lack of knowledge with the public with reference to EV and
HEV, Further this study throws light upon the usage of these vehicles in the minds of the buyers. To
suppress the problem of Air pollution and environmental Hazards to maximum extent while using EV and


Demographic profile of the respondents

Table 2 Demographic profile of the respondents

Demographics of the Respondents

No 0-3 3 to 6 to more Edua Dipl Unde Grad abov Desi Seni Tea Leve Leve
of 6 9 than ction oma rgrad uate e gnati or m l I l II
years 9 al uate grad on Man Lead exec Exec
of quali uate agers ers utive utive
Expe ficati s s
rienc on of
e… res…
Male 73% 72% 68% 61% 60% 79% 33% 75% 83% 70% 64% 67%
Female 27% 28% 32% 39% 40% 21% 67% 25% 17% 30% 36% 33%

The respondents under study were 67% male and 33% female. the Table 4 shows the age , educational
qualification and the Occupational designation of the respondents. the study has taken approximately equal
number of respondents of 25% from age group 16-25, 18% from aged more than 45.A majority of the
respondents were graduates 55% which are further cross tabulated as 33% males are graduates and 67%

JETIR1901377 Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) www.jetir.org 582
© 2019 JETIR January 2019, Volume 6, Issue 1 www.jetir.org (ISSN-2349-5162)

females are graduates and diploma holders 32%.the respondents were mostly businessmen who require
transportation very significantly for their business. 45% respondents were businessmen.
Current transportation profile of the respondents
Table 3 Current transportation profile of the respondents

Current transportation profile of the respondents

No Expe
Type of nses
2 4 used More 1,000 3,001 More
of Petro diese electr years of
whee whee by 0 to 3 3 to 6 than - - than
vehic l l ical of Fuel
ler ler vehic 6 3,000 5,000 5,000
le servi per
ce… mo…
Series1 65% 35% 76% 17% 8% 38% 48% 14% 38% 46% 18%

The current transportation profile of the respondents includes the type of vehicle, 65% of the respondents
owned 2 wheelers and 35% of the respondents owned 4 wheelers. 76% of the respondents vehicles were run
by petrol and only 8% electric vehicles were used as mode of transportation. A majority of respondents had
vehicles who were in service for 3-6 years and a majority of 46% of the respondents spent approximately
3000-5000 per month on fuel expenses.
Awareness of Customers on E-Vehicles
Table 4 Awareness of Customers on E-Vehicles
Agree Neutral Disagree Mean
I know that E-Vehicles reduce the emissions that Awr_1 74 29 17 1.525
contribute to climate change and smog, improving
public health and reducing ecological damage.
Im environment conscious and if given a chance will Awr_2 66 41 13 1.558
take initiatives for better environment
I think there are enournomus benefits of owning an E Awr_3 45 36 39 1.950
I am aware of all the Government Initiatives Awr_4 39 26 55 2.133
regarding E Vehicles
With the growing pollution in Metropolitan cities ,I Awr_5 61 38 21 1.667
think EVehicless serve the purpose

Graph 1

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© 2019 JETIR January 2019, Volume 6, Issue 1 www.jetir.org (ISSN-2349-5162)

Disagree Neutral Agree

Awr_5 32%
Awr_4 22%
Awr_3 30%
Awr_2 34%
Awr_1 24%

A set of question were designed to extract responses related to the awareness levels of customers on E-
Vehicles. A three grade scale was used to analyse the responses 1= Helpful, 2 =Maybe, 3= Helpful. The
table indicates the number of responses and the Graph indicates the percentage of responses. Mean scores
were calculated to see the Average response of the respondents. 62% of the respondents agreed that they are
aware about the fact that that E-Vehicles reduce the emissions that contribute to climate change and smog,
improving public health and reducing ecological damage.55% of the respondents agreed that they were
environment conscious and would like to take initiative. 46% of the respondents disagreed to the item
Awr_4 On an overall basis the mean scores are around 1.5 - 2.00 which means that the customers are
slightly unaware on the propagation of E-Vehicles.
Purchase Preference Of The Respondents
Table 5 Purchase Preference Of The Respondents
Agree Neutral Disagree Mean
I prefer to buy an E- Vehicle in near future Pref_1 45 21 54 2.075
A hybrid Vehicle is more preferable compared to Pref_2 88 12 20 1.433
I feel investment In E- vehicles is risky due to lack Pref_3 78 31 11 1.442
of infrastructure
I feel E- Vehicle is not reliable for long distance Pref_4 85 34 1 1.300

Graph 2

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Disagree Neutral Agree

4 28%
3 26%
2 10%
1 18%

A set of question were designed to extract responses related to the Purchase Preferences of customers on E-
Vehicles. A three grade scale was used to analyse the responses 1= Helpful, 2 =Maybe, 3= Helpful. The
table indicates the number of responses and the Graph indicates the percentage of responses. Mean scores
were calculated to see the Average response of the respondents. A majority of 45% of the respondents were
not interested to buy the E-vehicle in spite of agreeing to the benefits of such vehicles. The disadvantages of
E- Vehicles have outperformed the advantages On an overall basis the mean scores are around 1.3 - 2.00
which means that the customers are slightly disagree on the purchase of E-Vehicles.
Awareness of Government Initiative on E- vehicles
Table 6 Awareness of Government Initiative on E- vehicles
Helpful Maybe Not Mean Score
Are you aware that the government was Govt_Int_1 72 31 17 1.542
working for operating electric buses in the
BMTC fleet to help check increasing air
Is it a good idea that the Government is Govt_Int_2 67 41 12 1.542
planning to construct 100 charging
stations to boost EV?
Union Power Secretary A K Bhalla is Govt_Int_3 77 21 22 1.542
been planning to provide subsidy to
encourage setting up of e-vehicle charging
stations, give your opinion.
Railways in India are said to be 100% Govt_Int_4 89 22 9 1.333
electrified, which will help on the fuel bill
and like wise cut pollution. give your views
on it?

Graph 3

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Not helpful Maybe Helpful

Govt_Int_4 18%
Govt_Int_3 18%
Govt_Int_2 34%
Govt_Int_1 26%

A set of question were designed to extract responses related to the awareness levels of government
initiatives on E-Vehicles. A three grade scale was used to analyse the responses 1= Helpful, 2 =Maybe, 3=
Helpful. The item. The table indicates the number of responses and the Graph indicates the percentage of
responses. Mean scores were calculated to see the Average response of the respondents. 74% of the
respondents said it will be helpful to control air pollution through 100% electrification of trains. Only 56%
respondents agreed that installation of charging stations may be helpful. On an overall basis the mean scores
are around 1.3- 15 which means that the customers are moderately aware on the propagation of E-Vehicles.
H1 : There exists a statistically significant relationship between awareness levels of consumers and their
purchase pattern

Awr_1 Awr_2 Awr_3 Awr_4 Awr_5 Pref_1 Pref_2 Pref_3 Pref_4
Awr_1 Pearson 1 .938 .861 -.258 .972 .056 .956 .996 .980
Sig. (2-tailed) .226 .340 .834 .150 .965 .189 .060 .127
N 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Awr_2 Pearson .938 1 .630 -.578 .993 -.295 .795 .966 .988
Sig. (2-tailed) .226 .566 .608 .076 .809 .415 .166 .099
N 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Awr_3 Pearson .861 .630 1 .270 .717 .556 .972 .809 .743
Sig. (2-tailed) .340 .566 .826 .491 .624 .151 .400 .467
N 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Awr_4 Pearson -.258 -.578 .270 1 -.477 .950 .036 -.347 -.444
Sig. (2-tailed) .834 .608 .826 .684 .201 .977 .774 .707
N 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

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© 2019 JETIR January 2019, Volume 6, Issue 1 www.jetir.org (ISSN-2349-5162)

Awr_5 Pearson .972 .993 .717 -.477 1 -.180 .861 .990 .999*
Sig. (2-tailed) .150 .076 .491 .684 .885 .339 .091 .023
N 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Pref_1 Pearson .056 -.295 .556 .950 -.180 1 .345 -.038 -.143
Sig. (2-tailed) .965 .809 .624 .201 .885 .776 .976 .908
N 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Pref_2 Pearson .956 .795 .972 .036 .861 .345 1 .925 .879
Sig. (2-tailed) .189 .415 .151 .977 .339 .776 .249 .316
N 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Pref_3 Pearson .996 .966 .809 -.347 .990 -.038 .925 1 .994
Sig. (2-tailed) .060 .166 .400 .774 .091 .976 .249 .067
N 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Pref_4 Pearson .980 .988 .743 -.444 .999* -.143 .879 .994 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .127 .099 .467 .707 .023 .908 .316 .067
N 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

Null hypothesis accepted. There is enough substantiation from the above table to accept the null hypothesis
and declare that There exists a statistically significant relationship between awareness levels of consumers
and their purchase pattern.


 The current transportation profile of the respondents includes the type of vehicle, 65% of the
respondents owned 2 wheelers and 35% of the respondents owned 4 wheelers.
 76% of the respondents vehicles were run by petrol and only 8% electric vehicles were used as
mode of transportation.
 A majority of respondents had vehicles who were in service for 3-6 years and a majority of 46% of
the respondents spent approximately 3000-5000 per month on fuel expenses.
 62% of the respondents agreed that they are aware about the fact that that E-Vehicles reduce the
emissions that contribute to climate change and smog, improving public health and reducing
ecological damage.
 55% of the respondents agreed that they were environment conscious and would like to take
 74% of the respondents said it will be helpful to control air pollution through 100% electrification
of trains.
 Only 56% respondents agreed that installation of charging stations may be helpful

JETIR1901377 Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) www.jetir.org 587
© 2019 JETIR January 2019, Volume 6, Issue 1 www.jetir.org (ISSN-2349-5162)

 Since there exists a strong relationship between awareness levels of customers on E- Vehicles and
purchase patterns, the government should try to create more awareness and make some rules like 1
electric vehicle per house.
 Sustainability is the answer the most environment problems and EV & HEV are was to sustainable
 Government has to give subsidy for purchasing EV so that more people opt for it. By this we can
reduce pollution to a great extent and contribute for the betterment of society and our future
generations. Also existing EV’s are high on maintenance cost, if this is taken care then people
would definitely go for it without giving a second thought. Companies like Ola and Uber can
concentrate more on bringing EV since majority of vehicles on road are taxis.

EV and HEV have their own opportunities and obstacles , but it all comes down to us as to how we choose
to see it, therefore through this study we want to know and comprehend what proceeds in the minds of the
consumers and whether or not they are willing to do their bit in maintaining a sustainable environment.

WHO, “WHO Global Urban Ambient Air Pollution Database (update 2016),” WHO, [Online]. Available:

S. K. G. R. &. P. P. Guttikunda, “Nature of air pollution, emission sources, and management in the Indian cities.,” Atmospheric
Environment, vol. 95, no. 0, pp. 501- 510, 2014.

S. Dhar and M. a. S. P. Pathak, “Electric vehicles and India's low carbon passenger transport: a long-term co-benefits
assessment.,” Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016.

PTI, “India aims to become 100% e-vehicle nation by 2030: Piyush Goyal,” Economic Times, 16 March 2016. [Online].
Available: http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/articleshow/51551706.cms?utm_source=conten

Yagcitekin, B., Uzunoglu, M., Karakas, A., Erdinc, O., 2015. Assessment of electricallydriven vehicles in terms of emission
impacts and energy requirements: a case study for Istanbul. Turk. J. Clean. Prod. 96, 486e492

Nanaki, E.A., Koroneos, C.J., 2013. Comparative economic and environmental analysis of conventional, hybrid and electric
vehicles e the case study of Greece. J. Clean. Prod. 53, 261e266

Andersen, P.H., Mathews, J.A., Rask, M., 2009. Integrating private transport into renewable energy policy: the strategy of
creating intelligent recharging grids for electric vehicles. Energy Policy 37, 2481e2486

Sims, R., Schaeffer, R., Creutzig, F., Nunez, X.C., D'Agosto, M., Dimitriu, D., Tiwari, G., 2014. Transport. In: Contribution o f
Working Group III to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Chapter 8.

GoI, 2012. National Electric Mobility Mission Plan. Government of India, New Delhi, India

GoI, 2015b. FAME India. Scheme for Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of (Hybrid &) Electric Vehicles in India. Government
of India, New Delhi, India.

Shukla, P.R., Dhar, S., Pathak, M., Mahadevia, D., Garg, A., 2015. Pathways to Deep Decarbonization in India, SDSN e IDDRI.

UNFCCC, 2015a. India's Intended Nationally Determined Contribution. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change. URL. http://www4.unfccc.int/ submissions/INDC/PublishedDocuments/India/1/INDIAINDCTOUNFCCC.pdf

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