Bamisco Introduction To Drone or UAV
Bamisco Introduction To Drone or UAV
Bamisco Introduction To Drone or UAV
The design and construction of a surveillance drone, commonly referred to as a quadcopter, involves the
integration of various components and technologies to create a sophisticated aerial platform capable of
capturing and transmitting real-time surveillance data. This endeavor encompasses a diverse array of
disciplines, including mechanical engineering, electronics, software development, and aerodynamics. Key
components of such a drone include the frame structure, propulsion system, flight control unit, camera
module, and communication systems. The frame must be lightweight yet durable, providing stability and
maneuverability during flight. The propulsion system typically comprises four electric motors and
propellers, arranged in a quadcopter configuration, enabling vertical takeoff, hover, and controlled
movement in multiple directions. A flight control unit, equipped with sensors such as gyroscopes and
accelerometers, ensures stability and precise control of the drone’s movements. The camera module is
pivotal for surveillance purposes, often featuring high-resolution imaging capabilities, pan-tilt-zoom
functionality, and infrared sensors for night vision. Integration of communication systems enables real-
time data transmission to ground control stations or remote monitoring stations, facilitating timely
decision-making. Moreover, adherence to regulatory frameworks and safety standards is crucial
throughout the design and construction process to ensure compliance and operational integrity. By
synergizing these diverse elements, the design and construction of a surveillance drone yield a
sophisticated aerial platform capable of enhancing situational awareness and security in various contexts.
Surveillance is the monitoring of the behavior, activities, or other changing information, usually of people
for the purpose of influencing, managing, directing, or protecting them. This can include observation from
a distance by means of electronic equipment (such as CCTV cameras), or interception of electronically
transmitted information (such as Internet traffic or phone calls); and it can include simple, relatively no- or
low-technology methods such as human intelligence agents and interception and aerial surveillance where
drones are applied to relay information and gathering the required data.
This work focuses on a quadcopter type of drone which is uses four rotors for lift, steering, and stabilization.
Unlike other aerial vehicles, the quadcopter can achieve vertical flight in a more stable condition. The
quadcopter is not affected by the torque issues that a helicopter experiences due to the main rotor.
Furthermore, due to the quadcopter‟s cyclic design, it is easier to construct and maintain. In the project
design of a quadcopter is constructed to ensure it can achieve a total flight of 10 minutes in Air with the
possibility of future progress to improve in time and robustness.
This project created a platform to learn about the unmanned aerial vehicles such as the quadcopter. This
expands the scope of the Electrical Engineering to include the control and the understanding of the
mathematical components. The quadcopter has many applications that an interested to develop security
systems, mapping and reconnaissance especially in a disaster and dangerous area. It also opens up the
possibilities to broaden the understanding and application of control systems, stabilization, artificial
Intelligence and computer Image processing as it applies to the quadcopter.
Any aircraft or flying machine operated without a human pilot such machines is called
an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). It can be guided autonomously or remotely by a
human operator using onboard computers and robots.
During surveillance or military operation, UAVs can be a part of an unmanned aircraft
system (UAS), Drones are separately for air and water
Drones have become increasingly popular in recent years. They are used for a variety of
purposes, including photography, videography, surveying, inspection, and even delivery.
But have you ever wondered how drones work? we’ll take a look at the working principle of
The basic components of a drone are the frame, motors, propellers, battery, flight
controller, and sensors. Let’s take a closer look at each of these components.
Flight controllers
Motors and Propellers:
When air flows over an aerofoil and pressure, viscous and drag force act on the profiles
Force is directly proportional to the velocity of air at the inlet
The flow pattern around the cross-section of the aerofoil or propeller is shown below. High
fluid pressure at the bottom and low pressure at the top of the propeller causes an upward
force which is called a lift. This force is responsible for lifting the weight of an aero-plane
or drone.
The amount of lift force depends on the angle of inclination of the aerofoil or propeller.
Bicopter (2 propellers)
Triplecopter (3 propellers)
Quadcopter (4 propellers)
Hexacopter (6 propellers)
Octacopter (8 propellers)
Due to the mass of the drone, the body mass force always acts in the direction of gravity
Higher the weight of the drone, more power is required to lift and move the drone
Weight of drone = mass of drone × acceleration due to gravity
The vertical force acting on the drone is called lift
This force is due to pressure differences across the drone (in the vertical direction).
Hence, the speed, size, and shape of the propeller blade decide the amount of lift force
Lift is essential to lift the body against the gravity
To create this force, all four propellers run at high speed to lift the drone
The force acting on the drone in the direction of motion is called thrust. However, for
drone dynamics, it is normal to the rotor plane.
During hovering, the thrust is purely vertical. If thrust is inclined then the drone will tilt
forward or backward.
This force is essential to move the drone in the desired direction at equal speed
To get desired motion, two propellers have been given high speed
The force acting on the drone in the opposite direction of motion due to air resistance is
called drag
This may be because of pressure difference and viscosity of air
To reduce the drag, the aerodynamic shape of the drone is selected
Kinematic for Quad-copter
The thrust produced by each propeller is perpendicular to the plane of rotation of
propellers. It is directly proportional to the square of the angular velocity of the propeller
Rigid-body dynamics
To calculate individual speeds and forces acting on drones, the three-dimensional rigid-
body dynamics should be modeled
The first step is to identify the reference coordinates, the direction of rotor speed and
forces acting the drones
For the rigid body, we have to consider the effect of aerodynamic, inertial, gravitational,
and gyroscope
Aerodynamic Forces: rotation of the propellers in air causes various forces such as
friction and drag
Secondary aerodynamic effects: blade flapping, ground effect, and local flow fields
Inertial counter torques: gravitational forces acting at the center of drone affect the
rotation of propellers
Gyroscopic effects: change in the orientation of drone body and plane rotation of
Based on Newton-Euler equations, all forces and moments acting on a quadcopter are
combined and result in a complete model of the drone dynamics
This physical model is useful to control the desired motion of the quadcopter
Major Components of Drones
The following are major parts of drones.
1. Frame:
It should have sufficient strength to hold the propeller momentum and additional weight
for motors and cameras
Sturdy and less aerodynamic resistance
1. Propellers:
The speed and load lifting ability of a drone depends on shape, size, and number of
The long propellers create huge thrust to carry heavy loads at a low speed (RPM) and
less sensitive to change the speed of rotation
Short propellers carry fewer loads. They change rotation speeds quickly and require a
high speed for more thrust.
2. Motor
Both motors brushless and brushed type can be used for drones
A brushed motor is less expensive and useful for small-sized drones
Brushless type motors are powerful and energy very efficient. But they need Electronic
Speed Controller (ESC) to control their speed. These brushless motors are widely used
for racing freestyle drones, traffic surveys and aerial photography drones.
3. ESC (Electronic Speed Controller)
ESC is used to connect the battery to the electric motor for the power supply
It converts the signal from the flight controller to the revolution per minted (RPM) of
ESC is provided to each y motor of the drone
4. Flight Controller (FC)
It is the computer processor which manages balance and telecommunication controls
using different transmitter
Sensors are located in this unit for the accelerometer, barometer, magnetometer,
gyrometer and GPS
The distance measurement can be carried out by an ultrasound sensor
5. Radio Transmitter sends the radio signal to ESC to pilot to control motor speed.
6. Radio Receiver: Received the signal from the pilot. This device is attached to the
7. Battery: High-power capacity, Lithium Polymer (LiPo) is used for most drones. The
battery can have 3S (3 cells) or 4S (4 cells).
When the pilot or autonomous system gives the drone a command, the flight controller
sends signals to the motors to spin the propellers
The speed and direction of the motors and propellers are adjusted to achieve the desired
movement. The sensors provide data to the flight controller, which uses it to stabilize the
drone in the air and adjust its movement
Drones can be controlled manually using a remote controller or programmed to fly
autonomously. Autonomous drones use sensors and pre-programmed instructions to fly to
a specific location, perform a task like taking photos or delivering a package, and return to
their starting point.
How to operate a Drone
Operating a drone can be a fun and rewarding experience, but it’s important to know how
to do so safely and legally
Here are some general steps to operate a drone:
1. Read the manual: The first step is to read the drone manual carefully, as each drone
model is unique and has its own set of instructions.
2. Register your drone: Depending on your location, you may need to register your
drone with the appropriate authorities.
3. Charge your drone battery: Make sure your drone battery is fully charged before
flying it.
4. Find a suitable location: Choose a location that is open, clear, and away from any
obstacles like trees, buildings, or power lines.
5. Check the weather: Avoid flying your drone in windy or rainy conditions. Check the
weather forecast before flying.
6. Turn on the drone: Turn on the drone and the remote control.
7. Calibrate the drone: Follow the instructions in the manual to calibrate the drone
before flying.
8. Take off: Push the throttle stick slowly and smoothly to take off the drone.
9. Fly the drone: Use the remote control to maneuver the drone in the air. Keep it at a
safe distance from people and property.
10. Land the drone: When you are ready to land the drone, slowly bring it down to the
ground using the throttle stick.
11. Turn off the drone: After landing the drone, turn off the drone and the remote
Precautions during the Drone Use
Drones can be a fun and useful tool, but they can also be dangerous if not used properly.
Here are some precautions to keep in mind when using a drone:
1. Know the laws and regulations:
Before flying a drone, make sure you know the laws and regulations in your area
This includes any local, state, and federal regulations, as well as any restrictions on
where you can fly your drone.
2. Always keep your drone in sight:
It’s important to keep your drone within your line of sight at all times
This will help you avoid collisions with other objects or people.
3. Fly in open areas
Try to fly your drone in open areas away from people, buildings, and other obstacles
This will help you avoid accidents and crashes.
4. Respect people’s privacy:
Don’t fly your drone over private property without permission
Also, avoid flying your drone close to people’s homes or in areas where people have a
reasonable expectation of privacy.
5. Avoid flying in bad weather:
Drones are not designed to handle extreme weather conditions like strong winds,
heavy rain, or snow
Avoid flying your drone in these conditions, as they can cause your drone to crash or
become damaged.
6. Keep your drone in good condition:
Regularly check your drone for any signs of damage or wear and tear
Replace any damaged parts before flying.
7. Practice safe battery use:
Always use the manufacturer’s recommended batteries and charger
Avoid charging your batteries unattended and never use damaged or swollen
8. Be prepared for emergencies: Keep a first aid kit and a fire extinguisher nearby in
case of emergencies. Also, be prepared to land your drone quickly if necessary.
By following these precautions, you can help ensure a safe and enjoyable drone experience
for yourself and others.
Application and Development of Drones
Drones or UAE has a lot of application in space, defense, and military purposes, delivery of
food items, and spraying of pesticides in farming
Refer to the post for the application of drones in industries on this website
Application of drone and scope of CFD modeling