Ecwp Microproject
Ecwp Microproject
Ecwp Microproject
The latest high tech drones are now equipped with collision avoidance
systems. These use obstacle detection sensors to scan the
surroundings, while software algorithms and SLAM technology produce
the images into 3D maps allowing the drone to sense and avoid. These
systems fuse one or more of the following sensors to sense and avoid;
Vision Sensor
Time of Flight (ToF)
Monocular Vision
Motor Stator
Motor Bell (rotor)
Cooling System
Electronic Speed Controllers
ESC Updater
Components,structure and parts of a drone
The arms of a drone are the components that support the motors and are
attached to the frame or base structure of the drone. Long arms offer greater
stability, while short arms allow for better manoeuvrability. In some cases, the
arms are part of the drone’s base structure or frame, so they are not counted
as separate parts.
Another element of a drone that is of great importance is the motors. They are
the fundamental parts that help keep the drone up and running. The
motors of a drone are located at the ends of each of the arms of the frame and
are responsible for generating the propulsive force for the drone to soar.
Drone propellers:
The motors do not have the capacity to lift the drone on their own, as they
must be connected to propellers that are in charge of rotating to provide
lift to the drone. Therefore, each motor has one or two propellers that
together make up the powertrain.Most drones have a pair of standard
propellers, which rotate counterclockwise, and a pair of reverse propellers.
This provides greater stability during flight.
The motors as well as the other electrical and electronic components of the
drone need power to operate, which they get from a battery that is located in
the frame. There are various types of batteries for drones, although the most
common are Li-po batteries, which offer great performance and autonomy in
Flight Controller Board
One of the most important parts of a drone is the controller board (not to be confused
with the identification plates or number plates of a drone) which acts as the “brain”
of the UAV. This drone flight controller is responsible for receiving and recording all
the information coming from the controller, the geolocation system, the sensors and
other interconnected elements, while sending the necessary signals to control the
drone’s movements during flight.
Other components of great relevance to the control of the drone, such as
the compass, gyroscope and sensors, are usually located on this board.
Working Principle of Drone and Flow
The subject of Fluid dynamics plays a significant role in the
design and development of aircraft and drones. This subject
consists of the working principle of the aerodynamics of aircraft.
A sufficient amount of upward force is required to lift the vehicle
against gravity which is named Lift.
A force created to move the vehicle or body in motion is called
thrust. These forces can be studied using the kinematic laws of
fluid flows
When air flows over an aerofoil and pressure, viscous and drag
force act on the profiles
Force is directly proportional to the velocity of air at the inlet
The flow pattern around the cross-section of the aerofoil or
propeller is shown below. High fluid pressure at the bottom and
low pressure at the top of the propeller causes an upward force
which is called a lift. This force is responsible for lifting the weight
of an aero-plane or drone.
The amount of lift force depends on the angle of inclination of the
aerofoil or propeller.
Fi = kf ×ωi2
Equation of motion
m = F1 + F2 + F3 + F4 – mg
Rise or Fall Motion (Throttle up)
Conditions for hovering (rise)
mg < F1 + F2 + F3 + F4
All moments = 0
Equation of motion
m = F1 + F2 + F3 + F4 – mg
Yaw Motion
Conditions for hovering
mg = F1 + F2 + F3 + F4
All moments ≠ 0
Equation of motion
mass* linear acceleration = F1 + F2 + F3 + F4 – mg
Izz *angular acceleration@ Z-axis = M1+ M2+M3+ M4
Pitch and Roll Motion
Conditions for hovering
mg < F1 + F2 + F3 + F4
All moments ≠ 0
Equation of motion
mass* linear acceleration = F1 + F2 + F3 + F4 – mg
Ixx * angular acceleration @ x-axis = (F3 – F4)×L
Rigid-body dynamics
To calculate individual speeds and forces acting on drones, the
three-dimensional rigid-body dynamics should be modeled
The first step is to identify the reference coordinates, the direction
of rotor speed and forces acting the drones
For the rigid body, we have to consider the effect of aerodynamic,
inertial, gravitational, and gyroscope
Aerodynamic Forces: rotation of the propellors in air causes
various forces such as friction and drag
Secondary aerodynamic effects: blade flapping, ground
effect, and local flow fields
Inertial counter torques: gravitational forces acting at the
center of drone affect the rotation of propellors
Gyroscopic effects: change in the orientation of drone body
and plane rotation of propellors.