Cosmetics - Biological Aspects
Cosmetics - Biological Aspects
Cosmetics - Biological Aspects
Biological Aspects
Presented by,
M.Pharm II Semester,
Department of Pharmaceutics,
College of Pharmacy, MMC.
Structure of Skin
Structure of hair
The organs of the integumentary system include the skin and its accessory structure including hair,
Its area is about 2 square meters (22 square feet) and weighs 4.5–5kg (10–11 lb), about 16% of body
Langerhans cells
Merkel cells
The epidermis is composed of four layers in thin skin, and
The papillary region lies just below the epidermis and consists of
superficial layers.
It also contains lamellated (pacinian) corpuscles that detect
external pressure applied to the skin. su
Problems Associated with
Dry skin is an awkward condition set apart by scaling, tingling, and breaking.
Dry skin is a condition described as absence of water in the most shallow layer of the skin.
Dry skin has a low level of sebum and can be prone to sensitivity.
It usually feels "tight“ and uncomfortable after washing unless some type of moisturizer or skin cream is
It looks dull, especially on the cheeks and around the eyes. There may be tiny expression lines on these spots
and at the corners of the mouth
The oil glands do not supply enough lubrication to the skin. As a result, the skin becomes dehydrated.
Poor diet. Nutritional deficiencies, especially deficiencies of vitamin A and the B vitamins, can also contribute
to dry skin.
Environmental factors such as exposure to sun, wind, cold, chemicals, or cosmetics, or excessive bathing with
harsh soaps.
Ichthyosis Vulgaris
Allergic Eczema
Xeroderma or xerodermia "dry skin", is a condition which can safely be treated with
Cleansing, Moisturizing
Change in lifestyle
Avoiding heat
Dry skin needs plenty of thorough but gentle cleansing, regular stimulation with massage and
generous quantities of oil and moisture.
Washing dry skin with soap and water not only removes grime but also the natural oils protecting
the skin.
A moisturizer increases the water content of the outer layers of the skin and gives it a soft, moist
Drink at least 2 L of water every day to keep the skin well hydrated. Eat foods such as garlic,
onions, eggs, and asparagus that are high in sulfur, which helps to keep the skin smooth and
Acne, also known as acne vulgaris
Its an inflammatory skin condition that occurs when oil and dead skin cells block the pore opening,
causing sebum (oil) to build up inside the pore
of oil glands
Stage 1: Clogged Pores. Cells lining pores shed and mix
with excess sebum produced by sebaceous glands,
forming a plug, which leads to clogged pores.
Stage 2: Bacteria. Accumulated sebum and dead cells
attract propioni bacterium naturally found in skin,
which feeds on oil and multiplies rapidly inside pores.
Stage 3: Inflammation. This bacterial overgrowth
triggers the natural inflammatory response causing
swelling and redness. This can ultimately lead to
discoloration and scarring.
High-glycemic-load diets
Stress can aggravate the skin by triggering release of androgens and cortisol. These stress
hormones can stimulate an overproduction of oil. When this excess oil mixes with dead skin cells,
it promotes bacterial growth and can cause acne to develop or worsen.
Several medications like lithium, hydantoin, isoniazid, glucocorticoids, iodides, bromides, and
Too much washing will only irritate the skin further and worsen their acne. Gently washing the face daily
with mild cleanser or soap, pat dry and use appropriate acne treatment
They have activity against P. acnes, act on the surface of the skin to reduce the stimulus for inflammation
of the lesions, inhibit the growth of bacteria and reduce inflammation. Topical antibiotics used in acne
treatment are erythromycin, clindamycin etc.
Benzoyl Peroxide
Benzoyl peroxide is a topical disinfectant, originally employed as a peeling agent for treating acne .
Benzoyl peroxide has proven bactericidal activity against P. acnes by releasing free radical oxygen, which
degrades the bacterial proteins
Azelaic Acid
Azelaic acid is a natural dicarboxylic acid that inhibits protein synthesis of the P.
acnes species .
Some acne scar will remain permanent, so patients should use appropriate acne treatment as soon as
HQ affects not only the formation melanisation and degradation of melanosomes but it also
affects the membranous structures of melanocytes and eventually causes necrosis of whole
2.Azelaic acid
Azelaic acid is a naturally occurring non phenolic, saturated, 9 carbon dicarboxylic acid that
competitively inhibit tyrosinase.
Azelaic acid was initially developed for the treatment of acne but it has effect on tyrosinase, it
has also been used to treat melasma, lentigo maligna and other disorders of
Glycolic acid is an α hydroxy acid that is usually combined with other agents at a
concentration of 5-10% for its skin lightening property.
The biologically active form of niacin(vit-B3) can reduce pigmentation by reversibly the
transfer of melanosomes from the melanocytes to the keratinocytes.
6.Liquorice extract
Liquorice is the root of glycerrhiza glabra from which a some what sweet flavour can be
extracted the main component of the hydrophobic attraction of liquorice extract is
glabridin which has an effect on skin.
Preparation of base
Water in oil(w/o) cream was prepared by the addition of aqueous phase to the oily phase
with continuous agitation.
To prepare base: oily phase that consisted of paraffin oil, bees wax, coconut oil and
surfactants (cetomacrogol 1000 and cetostearyl alcohol) is heated upto 75°c.
Aqueous phase consisting of glycerine and water heated to the same temperature.
Preparation of formulation
The formulation was also prepared by same method the only difference is the addition of
glycorrhiza glabra extract that is added in a aqueous phase consisting of glycerine and
Each formulation consists of preservative as a propyl paraben 0.02%w/w and methyl
paraben 0.1%w/w. The formulation were neutralized by triethanolamine to pH=5.5 at 25°c.
Bleaching agents
Chemical peels
Intense pulsed light
Physician formulas
Laser resurfacing
Home remedies/ natural treatments
Wrinkles are the lines and creases that form in your skin.
A wrinkles also known as rhytide, is a fold, ridge or a crease in the skin.
Skin wrinkles typically appear as a result of ageing process such as glycation, habitual
sleeping positions, loss of body mass, or as a result of prolonged immersion in a water.
It is specially noticeable around your eyes, mouth and neck some wrinkles can become
deep crevices or a furrows
As you get older, your skin naturally becomes less elastic and more fragile. Decrease
production of natural oil dries your skin and make it appear more wrinkled.
Fat in the deeper layers of your skin diminishes. These causes loose, saggy skin and more
pronounced lines and crevices.
Exposure to UV light
UV radiation which speeds the natural ageing process, is the primary cause of early
Exposure to UV light breaks down your skins connective tissue collagen and elastic fibres,
which lie in the deeper layer of skin (dermis) and results in skin loses strength and flexibility
Skin begins to sag and wrinkle prematurely.
Smoking can accelerate the normal ageing process of our skin, contributing to wrinkles. This
may be due to changes in the blood supply to your skin
Repeated facial expression
The facial movements and expressions such as squinting or smiling leads to fine lines and
Poor hydration
Protect your skin from the sun
Use moisturizers
Don’t smoke
Topical retinoids: derived from vit A, retinoids- such as tretinoin (renova, retin A) and
tazarotene(avage, tazorac) –that you apply to your skin may reduce fine wrinkles,
splotches and skin roughness.
The effectiveness of antiwrinkle creams depends in part on the active ingredients. retinol,
antioxidants and some peptides may result in slight to modest improvements in wrinkles.
It is also known as miliaria and heat rash.
A heat rash occurs when sweat ducts become clogged and the sweat can’t get to the surface
of the skin. It becomes trapped beneath the skin surface causing a mild inflammation of
The common symptoms of heat rash are red bumps on the skin, and an itchy or prickly
feeling to the skin.
1. Body odor is the perceived unpleasant smell our bodies can give off when bacteria that live on
the skin break down sweat into acids.
2. Body odor usually becomes evident if measures are not taken when a human reaches puberty.
People who are obese, those who regularly eat spicy foods, as well as individuals with certain
medical conditions, such as diabetes, are more susceptible to having body odor.
3. People who sweat too much, such as those with hyperhidrosis, may also be susceptible to body
odor. However, often the salt level of their sweat is too high for the bacteria to break down. It
depends on where the excess sweating is occurring and which type of sweat glands are involved.
4.Sweat itself is virtually odorless to humans. It is the rapid multiplication of bacteria in the
presence of sweat and their breaking down of sweat into acids that eventually causes the
unpleasant smell.
1. Body odor is caused by bacteria breaking down sweat and is largely linked to the
apocrine glands. Most body odor comes from these.
2. These glands are found in the breasts, genital area, eyelids, armpits, and ear. In the ear,
they help form earwax. Apocrine glands in the skin and the eyelids are sweat glands.
3. Most of the apocrine glands in the skin are located in the groin, arm pits. In the skin,
they usually have an odor.
4. The apocrine glands are mainly responsible for body odor because the sweat they
produce is high in protein, which bacteria can break down easily.
Wash daily with warm water: Have a shower or bath at least once a day. since warm water helps
kill off bacteria that are present on the skin. If the weather is exceptionally hot, consider bathing
more often than once a day.
Clothing: Natural fibers allow your skin to breathe, resulting in better evaporation of sweat.
Natural-made fibers include wool, silk or cotton.
Avoid spicy foods: Curry, garlic, and other spicy foods have the potential to make some people's
sweat more pungent. Some experts believe a diet high in red meat may also raise the risk of
developing more rapid body odor.
Aluminum chloride: This substance is usually the main active ingredient in antiperspirants. If
your body does not respond to the home remedies mentioned above, talk to a pharmacist or your
doctor about a suitable product containing aluminum chloride. Follow the instructions given to
you carefully.
Antiperspirant : these are personal hygiene products designed to control sweating and body
odour safely and effectively. They are readily available on the market as sprays (aerosol) ,sticks,
creams and roll-ons.
Deodorant : these are used to eliminate bad odour which is generally caused by sweating .They
are applied locally on the surface of the body
Botulinum toxin: This is a toxin produced by Clostridium botulinum; it is the most poisonous
biological substance known. However, very small and controlled doses are today being used in
various fields of medicine. A relatively new treatment is available for individuals who sweat
excessively under the arms.
The individual is given approximately 12 injections of botulinum toxin in the armpits - a procedure
that should not last more than 45 minutes. The toxin blocks the signals from the brain to the sweat
glands, resulting in less sweating in the targeted area. One treatment can last from two to eight
Hair follicles are formed early in development of the fetus, with eyebrow, upper lip, and chin follicles
present at week 9 and the full complement of follicles present by week 22.
At this time, the total body number of 5 million follicles is present, with 1 million on the head, of which
100,000 are on the scalp
As body size increases, the number of hair follicles per unit area decreases.
The average density of hair follicles in the new born is 1135 per cm 2, drops to 795 per cm2 at the end of the
first year, and decreases to 615 per cm2 by the end of the third decade.
Continued decrease in hair follicle density occur on the scalp with balding.
Structure of Hair Follicle
The hair grows from follicles which resemble stocking-like invaginations of the epithelium enclosing an
area of dermis known as the dermal papillae .
The area of active cell division, the living area of the hair, is formed around the dermal papillae and is
known as the bulb, where cell division occurs every 23 to 72 hr.
This epidermal layer forms the outer root sheath (ORS), which is the outermost of a number of concentric
cell layers forming the complex structure of the human hair follicle.
The next layer is the inner root sheath (IRS), which actually consists of three layers, that is, the Henle, the
Huxley, and the IRS cuticle layers, the latter being in direct contact with the cuticle cells of the growing
hair fibre.
The hair is a made up of water OFasHAIR
insoluble protein known Keratin,FIBERS
which as
a protein consists of many amino acids as its primary units.
The physical shape of hair has mainly three parts,
The cuticles are the protective layers and make the outer surface of hair.
There are 6 to 10 layers of cuticles glued together with cell membrane complex
There are only two cuticle layers on the crimped side of the coily hair
The architecture of cuticle layers is shown in following figure .
The architecture of Hair Cuticles
The length of overlap area of one cuticle layer over the other cuticle layer is about 5µ.
The excessively curly hair has varying numbers of cuticle layers along the hair shaft. Only one to two
cuticle layers are found on spots where hair is thin/flat along the minor axis and 6 to 10 layers along
major axis where hair is thick.
The cuticles are rich in amino acid (cystine) and fatty acids.
The outer most part of the cuticle of hair is composed of fatty acid called 18-MEA (18-methyleicosanoic
Acid) also known as F-Layer. All of the 18-MEA is present in the upper most surface of the cuticle.
Structure of Cuticle
The structure of the cuticle itself is quite complex and
is further subdivided in four parts, such as
A - layer
The epicuticle is a very thin membrane that covers the cuticle as an outermost layer.
The F-Layer (18 – MEA) is not very resistant to alkalies, oxidizing agents, and proteolytic agents and on
prolonged exposure, significant chemical changes take place in the epicuticle layer
This renders hair fibers more porous while increasing the inter fiber friction.
A Layer
The ‘A’ layer and exocuticle layer form about two-thirds of the scale structure of a cuticle.
They are very rich in cystine contents and contains about 35 % of cystine.
The ‘A’ layer resists the attack from physical forces such as repetitive combing and brushing during
grooming and blow drying; and chemical forces such as alkalies, reducing agents, oxidizing agents, and
proteolytic enzymes.
The ‘A’ layer is actually a part of the exocuticles that are divided into ‘A’ layer and ‘B’ layer, and this ‘B’ layer
is usually termed as exocuticles .
It lies next to the exocuticle layer and contains low cystine contents of about 3 %.
Due to the very low presence of cystine contents in endocuticle layer, it has a very soft and deformable
structure and swells considerably more in water than exocuticle layers.
The pronounced projection of cuticles during wet state is because the endocuticle layer swells upon wetting
with water.
The entanglement of the hair fibers is greater in the wet state and it is due to the extraordinary swelling of
The endocuticle layer can easily deteriorate from the proteolytic agents and other reactive chemicals such
as alkalies.
It is inferred that the role of the cuticles is to oppose the penetration of the reactive and non-
reactive chemicals into the cortex of the hair.
Each cuticle layer is glued to the next cuticle layer with the help of the material called
intercellular cement or cell membrane complex (CMC) and its intercellular spaces.
Types of CMC: There are three types of cell membrane complexes.
The second type of CMC is between inner most cuticle layer and the
cortical cells.
The essential role of the CMC between the cuticles is the cohesion of the
one cuticle layer to the other.
The outer Beta layers are 5nm thick and are comprised of lipids. The
central Delta layer is 15nm thick.
The central core of the hair is called cortex.
It is mechanically the most important part of the hair and largely responsible for the elasticity and tensile
strength of hair.
Cortical Cells
The cortex is primarily made up of cortical cells.
There are two types of cortical cells: para cortical cells and
ortho cortical cells.
The macro fibrils are rod like structures, with a length of few
µm and a diameter of 0.1 to 0.4 µm.
The function of the medulla is not well known and very little research is conducted on the chemistry and other
properties of medulla.
The medulla may provide thermo-regulatory properties to hair with regard to the airspaces within the medulla.
The hair fiber that is fine in texture seems to have very little medulla or no medulla and tends to have very little
The hair fiber that is coarse in texture seems to have higher degree of medulla and consequently has lots of body.
Therefore, the size of the medulla determines the degree of the body (volume) of the hair fiber
All hair follicles undergo cyclic growth activity.
An active phase, anagen, in which a hair is produced alternates with a resting period, telogen, in which the
fully formed club hair remains anchored in the follicle by its expanded base and the dermal papilla lies free of
the epidermal matrix, which is reduced to a small, quiescent secondary germ.
Between anagen and telogen is a relatively short transition phase, known as catagen, in which the newly
formed club hair moves toward the skin surface.
The follicle becomes active again at the end of telogen by a downgrowth of the secondary germ to reinvest the
dermal papilla, so that the matrix becomes reconstituted and a new hair starts to form.
Ultimately the old club hair is shed. All hairs thus reach a terminal length which is determined mainly by the
duration of anagen and partly by the rate of growth.
The growth rate of human hair has been determined by direct measurement of marked hairs in situ, by
shaving or clipping at selected intervals, and by pulse labelling 35S cystine and autoradiography.
The average growth per 24 hours has been stated to range from about 0.21 mm on the female thigh to
0.38 mm on the male chin.
Though scalp hair appears to grow faster in women than in men, before puberty the rate is greater in boys
than in girls.
In both sexes the growth rate is highest between the ages of 50 and 69 years.
Daily variations in temperature have no effect on hair growth, and it is generally agreed that shaving does
not alter the rate of hair growth.
There is sample experimental and clinical evidence that hormones influence hair growth,
although in a poorly understood and complicated way.
The follicular cycle is disturbed by the high level of oestrogen during late pregnancy,
apparently leading to postpartum alopecia.
The successive growth of pubic and axillary hair in both sexes at puberty and the growth of
the male beard are brought about by rising levels of androgens.
Paradoxically, androgens are also prerequisites for the development of male pattern
Certain vitamins, particularly some of the B complex, are necessary for normal hair growth and keratinization
of the epidermis.
It has been shown that vitamin A inhibits the differentiation of the stratified squamous epithelium. Thus
hyperkeratotic papular dermatosis is a symptom of vitamin A deficiency, and an excess of vitamin A cause hair
Protein deficiency causes kwashiorkor and has serious consequences for hair growth. The hair becomes sparse,
thin, and brittle, and loses its pigment.
The changes in the hair reflect considerable alterations in the follicular cycle, resulting in a considerably
reduced proportion of the follicles in anagen (26% for children with kwashiorkor vs. 66% for healthy children).
Furthermore, even the anagen follicles are severely atrophied with loss of inner root sheaths and outer root
1. Harry’s Cosmeticology. 8th edition.