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Science5 FoodChain&Web

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I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson students will be able to:
a. distinguish between producers and consumers in a food chain and food web
b. b. describes the transfer of energy through the trophic levels
c. c. constructs a food web in a given ecosystem

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic: Food chain, food web and trophic levels of species
b. References: Learning Modules, Science for grade 5
c. Materials: Laptop, animal pictures, marker, cartolina
III. Procedure:
Teacher’s activity Students’ activity
A. Preliminary activity Good morning, ma’am
(Pick up the pieces of paper, arranged the
1. Prayer chairs and sit)
Good morning class. (Call random student)
Please lead the prayer.
Before you sit kindly pick up the pieces of
paper, align your chairs and keep your (Raise hand and says “present”)
gadgets. Thank you!

2. Checking of attendance Let

me start your attendance. Please raise your
hand and say present if your name is called. Our topic last meeting was all about
3. Review
Now let’s have a short recap about our
previews lesson. Will someone tell I learned that ecosystem s made up of all of
something about our topic last meeting? the living and nonliving things in an area.
This includes all of the plants, animals, and
What is Ecosystem? other living things that make up the
communities of life in an area. An
ecosystem also includes nonliving
materials —for example, water, rocks, soil,
and sand.

Now, we are going to learn all about the

food chain and food web.

B. Literary Integration

Producers- Plants are called producers

because they make their own food.

Consumers- Animals that eat plants are

called primary consumers.
- The primary consumers may
be eaten by other animals
called secondary consumers
or predators.

Decomposer- When all living things die,

they become the food of organisms called
- The decomposer breaks down
dead remains and waste
materials, and recycle their
nutrients. Earthworm, fungi,
and bacteria are all
Omnivores- An animal that feeds on plant
and other animals

Carnivores- An animal that only eats meat

Herbivores- An animal that only eats plant

C. Discussion

1. Motivation (The students will look under their chair to

We are going to have an activity; some of see if they are one of the characters in the
you are on the hot seat. I want you to check story)
under your chairs and see if you’re one of
the characters in the story. I have a story
book here and I’m going to read some
characters. I want all characters to come in
front and act when they will hear their part.

The students who are on the hot seat with a

Once a upon a time in remote areas of character of Plants must go in front and
Cordillera lies a very beautiful garden it has execute their roles in the story dancing in
different species of plants. The plants are harmony.
dancing in harmony due to their happiness
that Mr. Sun is shining and dancing too. But The students who are on the hot seat with a
little did the plants know caterpillars are character of Mr. Sun must go in front and
starting to eat them. While the caterpillars execute their roles in the story shining and
are eating the plants, suddenly a big frog dancing.
jumped into the garden and saw the
caterpillars. The frog immediately let its The students who are on the hot seat with a
sticky tongue out and ate the caterpillars. At character of caterpillars must go in front
the river side the frog is jumping into and execute their roles in the story eating
happiness because it ate something for lunch the plants
and the frog suddenly stopped and just
stared on the shining sun. The frog was The students who are on the hot seat with a
preoccupied due to its happiness it didn’t character of frog must go in front and
execute their roles in the story eating the
notice that a snake was observing and
following the
frog. With no hesitations the snake started caterpillar and jumping
devouring the frog. The frog can’t defend The students who are on the hot seat with a
itself because it knows that it is its fate. To character of Snake must go in front and
be eaten by a snake. While the snake is on execute their roles in the story devouring
its way to its shelter a flying eagle spotted it the frog and going to its shelter
and immediately use its claws to get the
snake to its nest and started eating it. After a The students who are on the hot seat with a
day, a young brave hunter is looking for character of Eagle must go in front and
something to eat and saw the eagle on its execute their roles in the story flying and
nest and suddenly use its weapon to catch eating the snake
the eagle. Finally, the eagles fell to its nest
and the hunter is happy carrying the eagle on The students who are on the hot seat with a
its back. THE END character of young brave hunter must go in
front and execute their roles in the story

The story shows that different species of an

What can you say about the story? ecosystem interacts with each other by
eating other organisms in order to gain
energy and survive.

The story tells us about how organisms eat

each other in order to gain energy and

2. Lesson Proper
I have here a power point presentation and I
will discuss to you what is under food chain
and food web. I will randomly ask you some
questions so listen attentively and be

Food chain
-Sequence in which energy is transferred
from one organism to another
-The energy flow from on trophic level to
the other is known as a food chain.

-Makes its own food through
Example: Grasses, ferns, trees and algae
The plant
Based on the story, what was the producer

-Is an organism that feeds on plants or other
animals for energy

Herbivores eats only plant

Based on the story telling, what organism

was the herbivore? The caterpillar
-Carnivores eat only animals

Based on the story telling. What organisms

were the carnivores? Frog, snake and eagle
-Omnivores are both plants and animals

Based on the story telling, what organism

was the omnivore?

-Detritivores eat dead organic matter

-Food web are multiple food chains
-Shows many feedings relationship that are
possible in an ecosystem

-Is the position an organism occupies in a
food chain. It refers to food or feeding

Organisms which eat other organisms to

obtain energy

1. Primary consumer: eat producers

Based on the story what is the Primary
Consumer? Caterpillar

2. Secondary consumer: eats primary

Based on the story what is the secondary
3. Tertiary consumer: eat secondary
Based on the story what is the tertiary
consumer? Snake
4. Quaternary Consumer: Eat tertiary Eagle
Based on the story what is the quaternary

5. Quinary Consumers: Eat Quaternary Hunter

Based on the story what is the Quinary

How organisms transfer energy through

trophic level?
-Each time an organism eats another
organism, energy transfer occurs.
- Food chains, food webs, and trophic
levels tell us how energy transfer occurs.
-Each step in the chains or webs represents
the transfer of energy.
- Each time energy is transferred from
one level to another, some energy is lost as
heat and less energy is available for
organisms at the next level
We learned about how organisms interact
3. Wrap- Up and survive by eating other organisms it is
Will someone sum up what you have also called the food chain where it is the
learned today? sequence in which energy is transferred
from one organism to another. Also, there
is what we call food web where it
composes multiple food chains. Food web
and food chains composes of producers
which are plants and consumers which are
the herbivores, carnivores, omnivores and
detritus. Also, we learned about trophic
level where in it is the position an organism
occupies in a food chain. Moreover, Energy
is transferred to one organism when it it’s
the other organism. But it is expected that
there would be less energy if the secondary
consumer will eat primary consumer.

4. Value Integration
Respect, open mindedness, teamwork,
selfconfidence, Environmental cleanliness,
5. Application
Students will be divided into 4 groups. Each
group will be given pieces of print outs of
different organisms in a specific ecosystem.
They construct their food web using the
print outs and they will paste it in a
cartolina. After they will put the cartolina on
the board.

6. Generalization
Last question before we move on to our

What is the Impact of food chain in our

daily life?

Food chains are important because they

That is correct! Food chains are show the intricate relationships in
important because they show the intricate ecosystems. They can reveal how each
relationships in ecosystems. It is seen that organism depends on someone else for
in food chains, each organism fills a survival. Food chains also display what
specific niche in an ecosystem. Food happens when a problem occurs and a
chains reveal how each organism depends producer or consumer is lost. Entire
on someone else for survival. communities can collapse
In a 1 whole sheet of pad paper, using the food web constructed by each group students will
create their own trophic level based on their groups constructed food web.

Draw a food web and a food chain in your notebook.

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