Eals Lecture
Eals Lecture
Eals Lecture
Charles Darwin Theory on Origin of Species states that men came from apes
Evolution - is a change in the characteristics of living things
over time.
How quickly bacteria spread or
Bacteria doubles every 20 minutes and can reproduce at tremendous
Name some helpful bacteria?
a. Lactobacillus – Yakult
b. Bifidobacterium
How are bacteria spread or how or diseases prevented?
- Through water, food, air
Different types of infectious agents
Ø Mutualism is when two different species have an ecological
relationship that they both benefit from.
1. BIOLOGICAL SYSTEM - has properties/ functions based on the
For example, zebras and wild birds in the grasslands of Africa.
arrangement and interactions of its parts together, the parts of our
Commensalism describes a relationship in which one species benefits
body enable us to move
but the other is unaffected.
2. The cellular basis of life - All organisms are made of cells
For example, clownfish take refuge in sea anemones.
Levels of organization:
For example, clownfish take refuge in sea anemones.
- cell
- tissue For example, a tick on a white-tailed deer.
Ø Predation is when one organism eats another organism to obtain
- organ
nutrients. The organism that is eaten is called the prey.
- system
For example, lion that eats gazelles.
- organism
Ø Competition is when individuals or populations compete for the same
3. The structure determines function, function reflects structure
resource and can occur within or between species.
4. Reproduction and inheritance – DNA
For example, lions and hyenas that compete for prey.
5. Environmental interactions - As part of an ecosystem, each organism
interacts continuously with its environment
6. Energy and life - Sugars, fats and other “fuel-like” molecules in the
ASEXUAL – single parent
food produce energy
SEXUAL – 2 parents
7. Regulation
Types of Asexual Reproduction
8. Evolution and diversity
BINARY FISSION - It is the simplest form of asexual reproduction and the
9. Scientific inquiry
most common among single-celled organisms.
10. science, technology and society
• It occurs when one parent splits into two offspring.
An ecosystem is a community of living things that interact with
each other and with the physical world.
PRODUCERS - A living thing that can make its own food.
Examples: Plants, Trees, Flowers
CONSUMERS - A living thing that gets its food from eating other
living things.
Example: Polar bear eating a fish. A bird eating a berry. A zebra
eating grass.
DECOMPOSERS - A living thing that breaks down other living
things to get nutrients and energy.
BUDDING - A new organism develops from an outgrowth called bud that
grows in a specific site in the body of a matured or older species. Artificial Vegetative Propagation
- a type of plant reproduction that involves human intervention.
• Breeding systems aim to improve a single trait or multiple traits.
Cloning – copying
SEXUAL REPRODUCTION – Transgenic – Transfer of traits
FERTILIZATION – UNION on egg cell and spem cells GENE SPLICING - DNA is cut out of one organism and put into another
Spem cell – male organism.
Egg cell – female
Mouth – ingest foods
Esophagus – propels food to the stomach
Pharynx - Propels food from the oral cavity to the esophagus
Stomach - Mixes and churns food with gastric juices to form chyme
Small intestine - Absorbs breakdown products of carbohydrates, proteins,
lipids, and nucleic acids, along with vitamins, minerals, and water
Large intestine - Further breaks down food residues
In this part, the large intestine (or colon) does a series of absorption of ions
and excess water, and release of undigested material through the rectum
and anus.
In defecation, the final step in digestion, undigested materials are removed
from the body as feces.