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y‘◊]Eı aeFÓÁ / Serial No. : Q.P.

Code : 19UA161ENVS 
ÂXTˆÁL› a«\ˆÁb ]«N˛ ◊[˝`ü◊[˝VÓÁ_Ã^
ÿoˆÁTˆEı YÁPˆy‘] (B.D.P.) XLÃ[˝VÁ„Ã[˝Ã[˝ ÿëˆÁl˘Ã[˝
Signature of the Invigilator after
%X«`›_X Yy (Assignment) Verification of *
◊Qˆ„a∂ëˆÃ[˝, 2018 A[˝e L«X, 2019
( December, 2018 & June, 2019 )
%Á[˝◊`ÓEı YÁPˆy‘](Compulsory Course ) YÃ[˝›l˘Á„Eı‰≥V–Ã[˝ aá˚Á_„EıÃ[˝ ÿëˆÁl˘Ã[˝
Y◊Ã[˝„[˝` ◊[˝VÓÁ / Environmental Studies Signature of the Exam. Supervisor 
Y“`¬ac˜ =w¯Ã[˝ Y«◊ÿôˆEıÁ (Question-cum-Answer Booklet)
A[˝e ◊X‰∂oˆ ]«◊V–Tˆ ◊X„V¤`Á[˝◊_ aTˆEÔıTˆÁÃ[˝ a„Ü YÁ_X EıÃ[˝„Tˆ c˜„[˝* BE PRESERVED BY THE UNIVERSITY BEYOND
Complete this cover in your own interest, and
follow carefully the instructions printed below. DATES OF PUBLICATION OF RESULTS. 
ÂÃ[˝Á_/Roll ....................... X∂ëˆÃ[˝/No. ......................... YÃ[˝›l˘ÁUfi„VÃ[˝ Y…Ã[˝S ÂEı[˝_]Áy ]…_ÓÁÃ^Eı„VÃ[˝
EıÃ[˝„Tˆ c˜„[˝ LXÓ
For Evaluators
◊X[˝μ˘X X∂ëˆÃ[˝ To be filled in by only
Enrolment Number the Candidates
YÃ[˝›l˘ÁÃ[˝ TˆÁ◊Ã[˝F =w¯Ã[˝ ÂVCÃ^Á Y“‰`¬Ã[˝ Y“Áä X∂ëˆÃ[˝
Date of Exam. Marks awarded 
y‘◊]Eı aeFÓÁ
Serial No. of
YÃ[˝›l˘ÁUfi„VÃ[˝ Y“◊Tˆ ◊X„V¤` question answered
1* ◊_◊FTˆ %U[˝Á %◊_◊FTˆ ÂEıÁ„XÁ =w¯Ã[˝Yy ÂEıÁ„XÁ Âl˘‰yc˜O YÃ[˝›l˘Á-
Eıl˘ ÂU„Eı [˝Ác˜O„Ã[˝ ◊X„Ã^ ^ÁCÃ^Á ^Á„[˝ XÁ*
In no circumstances may you remove Answer
Books, used or unused, from the Examination
2* Y“‰`¬Ã[˝ =w¯Ã[˝ Y“‰`¬Ã[˝ X›‰ªJÙ ÂVCÃ^Á LÁÃ^GÁ„Tˆc˜O ◊V„Tˆ c˜„[˝, %XÓy XÃ^*
Answers are to be written in the space provided
under each question and nowhere else.
3* YÃ[˝›l˘ÁUfiÃ[˝Á %[˝`Óc˜O [˝Áe_Á %U[˝Á c˜OeÃ[˝ÁL›„Tˆ a+…SÔ =w¯Ã[˝ EıÃ[˝„[˝X;
%Áe◊`Eı [˝Áe_Á %U[˝Á %Áe◊`Eı c˜OeÃ[˝ÁL›„Tˆ =w¯Ã[˝ EıÃ[˝Á ^Á„[˝ XÁ*
Candidates should answer wholly in Bengali or
English and not partly in Bengali or partly in
4* YÃ[˝›l˘Á Eı„l˘ Â]Á[˝Ác˜O_ ÂZıÁX (ªJÙÁ_« %U[˝Á [˝μ˘) a+…SÔ\ˆÁ„[˝ ◊X◊bà˘*
%XÓUÁÃ^, =N˛ =w¯Ã[˝Yy◊ªRÙO [˝Á◊Tˆ_ [˝„_ GSÓ c˜„[˝˝* A„l˘‰y
%aV«YÁÃ^ %[˝_∂누XÃ[˝ ◊XÃ^] %X«aÁ„Ã[˝ `Á◊ÿôˆÃ[˝ [˝Ó[˝ÿöˆÁ G–c˜S EıÃ[˝Á
Mobile Phone (on or off) will not be allowed inside
Examination Hall. Otherwise, he/she will be
treated as R.A. Candidate and his/her answer TOTAL
script will be cancelled.

Y“W˝ÁX YÃ[˝›l˘Eı a]ÓEı-YÃ[˝›l˘Eı ]…_ÓÁÃ^Eı 

Head Examiner Scrutineer Evaluator

Q.P. Code : 19UA161ENVS 2 

3 Q.P. Code : 19UA161ENVS

Y…SÔ]ÁX f 50 ]Á„XÃ[˝ mÃ[˝”±ºˆ f 30%

Full Marks : 50 Weightage of Marks : 30%

Y◊Ã[˝◊]Tˆ C ^UÁ^U =w¯„Ã[˝Ã[˝ LXÓ ◊[˝„`b ]…_Ó ÂVCÃ^Á c˜„[˝* %£à˘ [˝ÁXÁX, %Y◊Ã[˝¨K˜~TˆÁ A[˝e %Y◊Ã[˝õıÁÃ[˝ c˜ÿôˆÁl˘„Ã[˝Ã[˝
Âl˘‰y X∂ëˆÃ[˝ ÂEı‰ªRÙO ÂXCÃ^Á c˜„[˝* =YÁ„‹ôˆ Y“‰`¬Ã[˝ ]…_Ó]ÁX a…◊ªJÙTˆ %Á‰ªK˜*
Special credit will be given for precise and correct answer. Marks will be deducted for spelling
mistakes, untidiness and illegible handwriting. The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

1. a◊PˆEı =w¯Ã[˝◊ªRÙO "9' ◊ªJÙ◊c˜‘Tˆ EıÃ[˝”X f 1 × 10 = 10

(a) \…ˆYÁ_ GÓÁa V«HÔªRÙOXÁÃ[˝ EıÁÃ[˝S

EıÁ[˝ÔX ]„XÁjÁc˜OQˆ F ◊]UÁc˜O_ %Ác˜O„aÁaÁÃ^Á„XªRÙO F ◊]„UX F

(b) %Á]Á„VÃ[˝ ÂV„` "[˝X]„c˜Áda[˝' =VÀ^Á◊YTˆ c˜Ã^

1 _Á L«_Ác˜O F 10 c˜O %ÁG∫RÙO F 1 _Á ◊Qˆ„a∂ëˆÃ[˝ F

(c) L›[˝\ˆ„Ã[˝Ã[˝ CLX [˝ ◊à˘ YÁÃ^ ^FX

Pg < R F Pg = R F Pg > R F
(d) ◊[˝£à˘ YÁX›Ã^ L„_Ã[˝ pH c˜_

3 F 7 F 10 F
(e) [˝Áÿô«ˆTˆ„‹óˆ `◊N˛Ã[˝ Y“[˝Ác˜ a[˝ÔVÁc˜O

AEı]«F› F ◊•]«F› F ◊≈y]«F› F

(f) "X]ÔVÁ [˝gÁªJÙÁC' %Á„≥VÁ_X ÂEı £Ã[˝” Eı„Ã[˝X ?
a«≥VÃ[˝_Á_ [˝ßmSÁ F Â]W˝Á YÁ‰ªRÙOEıÃ[˝ F Ã[˝TˆX _Á_ F
(g) X[˝›\ˆ[˝X„^ÁGÓ Y“ÁE ı◊TˆEı a+„VÃ[˝ =VÁc˜Ã[˝S c˜_

ÂY‰ÆœÙÁ◊_Ã^Á] F EıÃ^_Á F ÂaÏÃ[˝`◊N˛ F

(h) XÁ◊Tˆ`›„TˆÁb’ %á˚„_Ã[˝ (30° - 60°) [˝ÁÃ^«]⯄_ C„LÁ„XÃ[˝ HX±ºˆ c˜_

250 DU F 350 DU F 450 DU F

(i) ◊LÃ^Á◊QÔˆÃ^Á ÂÃ[˝Á„GÃ[˝ [˝Ác˜Eı L›[˝ÁS« c˜_
(j) UV-C ◊[˝◊EıÃ[˝„SÃ[˝ TˆÃ[˝Ü ÈVHÔÓ c˜_

100 - 280 nm F 280 - 315 nm F 315 - 400 nm F

B.A./B.Sc./B.Com.-AU-13164 [ P.T.O. 
Q.P. Code : 19UA161ENVS 4 
1. Tick "9' the correct answer : 1 × 10 = 10

(a) The cause of 'Bhopal Gas tragedy' is

Carbon monoxide F Methyl isocyanate F Methane F

(b) In our country 'Van Mahotsav' is celebrated on

1st July F 10th August F 1st December F

(c) Biomass increases when

Pg < R F Pg = R F Pg > R F
(d) The pH of potable water is

3 F 7 F 10 F
(e) Energy flow in ecosystem is always

unidirectional F bidirectional F tridirectional F

(f) Who started the 'Narmada Bachao' movement ?

Sundarlal Bahuguna F Medha Patekar F Ratan Lal F

(g) Example of renewable natural resource is

Petroleum F Coal F Solar power F

(h) The density of ozone in Temperate regions (30° - 60°) is

250 DU F 350 DU F 450 DU F

(i) The causative organism of Giardiasis is

protozoa F parasite F bacteria F

(j) The wavelength of UV-C radiation is

100-280 nm F 280-315 nm F 315-400 nm F

5 Q.P. Code : 19UA161ENVS

2. 2 × 10 = 20
Â^-ÂEıÁ„XÁ V`◊ªRÙO Y“‰`¬Ã[˝ Y“◊Tˆ◊ªRÙOÃ[˝ =w¯Ã[˝ Y“Vw¯ ªJÙÁÃ[˝◊ªRÙO _Ác˜O„XÃ[˝ ]„W˝Ó ◊_F«X f
Answer briefly any ten of the following questions each in the given four lines :
(a) G–›X„[˝á˚ ◊Eı ?
What is Green Bench ?




(b) Y«◊rÙ ªJÙy‘ [˝_„Tˆ ◊Eı Â[˝Á„MıX ?

What do you mean by nutrient cycle ?




(c) `…XÓ LXaeFÓÁ [˝ ◊à˘ EıÁ„Eı [˝„_ ?

What is zero population growth ?




(d) ◊ÿöˆ◊Tˆ`›_ =~Ã^X EıÁ„Eı [˝„_ ?

What is sustainable development ?




(e) FÁVÓ` Ö_ EıÁ„Eı [˝„_ ?

What is food chain ?




B.A./B.Sc./B.Com.-AU-13164 [ P.T.O. 
Q.P. Code : 19UA161ENVS 6 
(f) ÈL[˝ %◊j„LX ªJÙÁ◊c˜VÁ [˝_„Tˆ ◊Eı Â[˝Á„MıX ?
What do you mean by BOD ?




(g) \…ˆ◊]l˘Ã^ [˝_„Tˆ ◊Eı Â[˝Á„MıX ?

What do you mean by soil erosion ?




(h) "ÂQˆ◊a„[˝_' [˝_„Tˆ ◊Eı Â[˝Á„MıX ?

What do you mean by 'Decibel' ?




(i) EIA-AÃ[˝ mÃ[˝”±ºˆ ◊Eı ?

What is the importance of EIA ?




(j) ◊aÃ^Á_ ÿôˆÃ[˝ EıÁ„Eı [˝„_ ?

What is 'SIAL' layer ?




7 Q.P. Code : 19UA161ENVS

(k) Aj-◊aªR«ÙO aeÃ[˝l˘S EıÁ„Eı [˝„_ ?

What is ex-situ conservation ?




(l) L_ªJÙy‘ EıÁ„Eı [˝„_ ?

What is hydrological cycle ?




(m) C„LÁX ÿôˆ„Ã[˝Ã[˝ mÃ[˝”±ºˆ ◊Eı ?

What is the importance of ozone layer ?




(n) "ÂÃ[˝Qˆ-QˆÁªRÙOÁ [˝«Eı' [˝_„Tˆ ◊Eı Â[˝ÁMıÁÃ^ ?

What do you mean by 'Red Data Book' ?




(o) %ÓÁ„Ã[˝Áa_ EıÁ„Eı [˝„_ ?

What is Aerosol ?




B.A./B.Sc./B.Com.-AU-13164 [ P.T.O. 
Q.P. Code : 19UA161ENVS 8 
(p) a◊y‘Ã^ GÁªV Yà˘◊Tˆ [˝_„Tˆ ◊Eı Â[˝Á„MıX ?
What do you mean by Activated Sludge Process ?




(q) L›[˝Í[˝◊ªJÙyÓ [˝_„Tˆ ◊Eı Â[˝Á„MıX ?

What do you mean by biodiversity ?




(r) LXaeFÓÁ ◊XÃ^‹óˆS Y“„Ã^ÁLX ÂEıX ?

Why is population control necessary ?




(s) A_-◊X„XÁÃ[˝ È[˝◊`rÙÓ ◊Eı ?

Write the characteristic feature of El-Nino.




(t) L›[˝-\…ˆ-Ã[˝ÁaÁÃ^◊XEı ªJÙy‘ EıÁ„Eı [˝„_ ?

What is bio-geochemical cycle ?




9 Q.P. Code : 19UA161ENVS

3. 4 × 5 = 20
Y“Vw¯ %ÁªRÙO◊ªRÙO _Ác˜O„XÃ[˝ ]„W˝Ó ae◊l˘ä ªRÙO›EıÁ ◊_F«X (Â^ ÂEıÁ„XÁ YgÁªJÙ◊ªRÙO) f
Write short notes on any five of the following each in the given eight lines :
(a) FÁVÓ LÁ_
Food web








(b) ◊[˝`ü =b’ÁÃ^X

Global Warming








(c) aÁc˜O„_≥RÙO \ˆÓÁ◊_ %Á„≥VÁ_X

Silent Valley Movement








B.A./B.Sc./B.Com.-AU-13164 [ P.T.O. 
Q.P. Code : 19UA161ENVS 10 
(d) `åV…bS ÂÃ[˝Á„W˝Ã[˝ Yà˘◊Tˆ
Methods to control noise pollution








(e) XÁc˜O‰ÆœÙÁ„LX ªJÙy‘

Nitrogen cycle








(f) %∂⁄ˆ[˝ ◊rÙÃ[˝ l˘◊TˆEıÁÃ[˝Eı Y“\ˆÁ[˝

Harmful effects of Acid rain








11 Q.P. Code : 19UA161ENVS

(g) ÈL[˝Í[˝◊ªJÙ‰yÓÃ[˝ aeEıªRÙO

Crisis of Biodiversity








(h) [˝Áÿô«ˆTˆ„‹óˆ `◊N˛Y“[˝Ác˜*

Energy flow in Ecosystem.







1. Date of Publication : 15/11/2018
2. Last date of submission of answer script by the student to the study centre on
or before : 30/12/2018
3. Last date of submission of marks by the examiner to the study centre on or
before : 10/02/2019
4. Date of evaluated answer script distribution by the study centre to the student
on or before : 17/02/2019
5. Last date of submission of marks by the study centre to the Department of
C.O.E. on or before : 27/02/2019

B.A./B.Sc./B.Com.-AU-13164 [ P.T.O. 

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