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QCS 2010 Section 4 Part 4 Precast Reinforced Concrete Page 1

Segmental Piles
4. PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE SEGMENTAL PILES ...............................................2
4.1 GENERAL ................................................................................................................................2
4.1.1 Scope 2
4.1.2 References 2
4.1.3 Submittals 2
4.1.4 Quality Assurance 2
4.1.5 Tolerances in Pile Dimensions 2
4.1.6 Handling, Transportation, Storage and Acceptance of Piles 3
4.2 MATERIALS AND COMPONENTS .........................................................................................3

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4.2.1 Fabricated Steel Components 3
4.2.2 Pile Splices 3
4.2.3 Pile Toes 3
4.2.4 Pile Head Reinforcement 3
4.2.5 Main Reinforcement 4
4.2.6 Formwork 4
4.3 DRIVING PILES .......................................................................................................................4
4.3.1 Strength of Piles 4
4.3.2 Leaders and Trestles 4
4.3.3 Performance of Driving Equipment 4
4.3.4 Length of Piles 4
4.3.5 Driving Procedure and Redrive Checks 4
4.3.6 Final Set 5
4.3.7 Preboring 5
4.3.8 Jetting 5
4.4 RISEN PILES ...........................................................................................................................5
4.5 REPAIR AND LENGTHENING OF PILES...............................................................................6
4.5.1 Repair of Damaged Pile Heads 6
4.5.2 Lengthening of Piles 6
4.6 CUTTING OFF PILE HEADS...................................................................................................6

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Segmental Piles



4.1.1 Scope

1 This Part applies to piles made of elements cast at a precasting works away from the site,
where work cannot normally be closely supervised by the Engineer. The elements are joined
together as necessary on site during driving using special proven steel joints incorporated
into the pile elements when cast.

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2 Related Sections and Parts are as follows:
This Section
Part 1, General Requirements for Piling Work
Part 2, General Requirements for Concrete Piles
Part 3, Precast Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Piles
Part 10, Static Load Testing of Piles
Part 11, Alternative Methods for Testing Piles
Part 12, Reduction of Friction on Piles
Section 5, Concrete.
4.1.2 References

1 The following Standards are referred to in this Part:

BS 7613, Hot rolled quenched and tempered weldable structural steel plates
BS 3100, Steel castings for general engineering purposes
BS 2789, Spheroidal graphite or nodular graphite cast iron
BS 8110, Structural use of concrete.
4.1.3 Submittals

1 The Contractor shall order the piles to suit the construction programme and seek the
Engineer's approval before placing the order. When preliminary piles are specified the
approval for the piles for the main work will not necessarily be given until the results of the
driving and tests on preliminary piles have been received and evaluated.

4.1.4 Quality Assurance

1 A certificate of quality from the pile manufacturer shall be provided to the Engineer when
required stating that the designated requirements have been fulfilled during manufacture.

2 Each pile element shall be marked in such a manner that it can be identified with the records
of manufacture, which shall state the date of casting, the cement type, concrete grade,
element length and any other relevant data. On delivery, the pile elements shall be
accompanied by records of manufacture.

4.1.5 Tolerances in Pile Dimensions

1 The cross-sectional dimensions of the pile shall be not less than those designated.

2 The head of a pile element or the end of the pile upon which the hammer acts shall be
square to the pile axis within a tolerance of 1 in 50.

3 Each pile joint shall be square to the axis of the pile within a tolerance of 1 in 150. The
centroid of the pile joint shall lie within 5 mm of the true axis of the pile element.

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4 Each face of a pile element shall not deviate by more than 6 mm from any straight line 3 m
long joining two points on that face, nor shall the centre of area of the pile at any cross-
section along its length deviate by more than 1/500 of the pile length from a line joining the
centres of area at the ends of the element. Where a pile element is less than 3 m long the
permitted deviation from straightness shall be reduced below 6 mm on a pro rata basis in
accordance with actual length.

4.1.6 Handling, Transportation, Storage and Acceptance of Piles

1 The method and sequence of lifting, handling, transporting and storing piles shall be such as
to avoid shock loading and to ensure that the piles are not damaged. Only designed lifting
and support points shall be used. During transport and storage, piles shall be appropriately
supported under the marked lifting points or fully supported along their length.

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2 All pile elements within a stack shall be in groups of the same length. Packing of uniform
thickness shall be provided between piles at the lifting points.

3 Concrete shall at no time be subjected to loading, including its own weight, which will induce
a compressive stress in it exceeding 0.33 of its strength at the time of loading or of the
specified strength, whichever is the less. For this purpose the assessment of the strength of
the concrete and of the stresses produced by the loads shall be subject to the approval of
the Engineer.

4 A pile element shall be rejected when the width of any transverse crack exceeds 0.3 mm.
The measurement shall be made with the pile in its working attitude.


4.2.1 Fabricated Steel Components

1 In the manufacture of jointed precast concrete segmental piles, fabricated steel components
shall comply with BS 7613 grades 43A or 50A, cast steel components with BS 3100 grade A,
and ductile iron components with BS 2789.

4.2.2 Pile Splices

1 The splice joints shall be close-fitting face to face and the locking method shall be such as to
hold the faces in intimate contact. The design and manufacture of the splicing system shall
be approved by the Engineer prior to the commencement of the Contract.

2 A spliced pile shall be capable of withstanding the same driving stresses or service axial
loads, moments and shear stresses as a single unspliced pile of the same cross-sectional
dimensions and materials.

3 The welding of a joint to main reinforcement in lieu of a lapped connection with projecting
bars affixed to the joint will not be permitted.

4.2.3 Pile Toes

1 Pile toes shall be constructed so as to ensure that damage is not caused to the pile during
installation. Where fixity is required, or socketing into rock, or in other circumstances, an
approved shoe may be required.

4.2.4 Pile Head Reinforcement

1 Where the pile head is not furnished with a joint, it shall be so reinforced or banded as to
prevent bursting of the pile under driving conditions.

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4.2.5 Main Reinforcement

1 The main longitudinal reinforcing bars shall be in one continuous length. Splicing of bars will
not be permitted except at element ends.

2 Concrete cover to steel reinforcement shall be in accordance with the requirements of

BS 8110.

3 In very aggressive ground or exposure conditions, cover greater than 25 mm may be

required, but alternative protection methods may be approved.

4.2.6 Formwork

1 If a pile is constructed with a shaped point or shoe, then the end of the pile shall be

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symmetrical about the longitudinal axis of the pile.

2 Holes for handling or pitching, where provided in the pile, shall be lined with steel tubes;
alternatively, approved inserts may be cast in.

3 Formwork shall be robust, clean and so constructed as to prevent loss of grout or aggregate
from the wet concrete and ensure the production of uniform pile sections. The piles are to be
removed from the formwork carefully so as to prevent damage.


4.3.1 Strength of Piles

1 Piles shall not be driven until the concrete has achieved the specified characteristic strength.

4.3.2 Leaders and Trestles

1 At all stages during driving and until incorporation into the substructure, the pile shall be
adequately supported and restrained by means of leaders, trestles, temporary supports or
other guide arrangements to maintain position and alignment and to prevent buckling.
These arrangements shall be such that damage to the pile does not occur.

4.3.3 Performance of Driving Equipment

1 The Contractor shall satisfy the Engineer regarding the suitability, efficiency and energy of
the driving equipment. Where required in the particular specification, dynamic evaluation
and analysis shall be provided.

2 Where a drop hammer is used, the mass of the hammer shall be at least half that of the pile
at the moment of driving unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. For other types of
hammer, the energy delivered to the pile per blow shall be at least equivalent to that of a
drop hammer of the stated mass. Drop hammers shall not be used from floating craft in
such a manner as to cause instability of the craft or damage to the pile.

4.3.4 Length of Piles

1 The length of pile supplied to be driven in any location and any additional lengths to be
added during driving shall he approved prior to the commencement of pile-driving. During the
execution of the Works, any changes to the supplied lengths shall be approved.

4.3.5 Driving Procedure and Redrive Checks

1 Except when making field splices, the driving of each pile shall he continuous until the
specified depth or resistance (set), or both, has been reached. In the event of unavoidable
interruption to driving, the pile will be accepted provided it can subsequently be driven to the

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specified depth or resistance (set), or both, without damage. A follower shall only be used
when approved, in which case the Engineer will require the set where applicable to be
revised in order to take into account reduction in the effectiveness of the hammer blow.

2 The Contractor shall inform the Engineer without delay if an unexpected change in driving
characteristics is noted. A detailed record of the driving resistance over the full length of the
nearest available pile shall be taken if required.

3 At the start of the work in a new area or section a detailed driving record shall be made over
the full length of the first pile and during the last 3 m of subsequent piles until consistency of
behaviour is established. Where required, detailed driving records shall also be made for
5 % of the piles driven, the positions of such piles being specified by the Engineer.

4 The Contractor shall give adequate notice and provide all necessary facilities to enable the

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Engineer to check driving resistance. A set or resistance measurement shall be taken only
in the presence of the Engineer unless otherwise approved.

5 Redrive checks, if required, shall be carried out to an approved procedure.

4.3.6 Final Set

1 When driving to a set criterion, the final set of each pile shall be recorded either as the
penetration in millimetres per ten blows or as the number of blows required to produce a
penetration of 25 mm.

2 When a final set is being measured, the following requirements shall be met:
(a) The exposed part of the pile shall be in good condition, without damage or distortion.
(b) The helmet, dolly and any packing shall be in sound condition.
(c) The hammer blow shall be in line with the pile axis and the impact surfaces shall be
flat and at right angles to the pile and hammer axis.
(d) The hammer shall be in good condition, delivering adequate energy per blow, and
operating correctly.
(e) The temporary compression of the pile shall be recorded if required.

4.3.7 Preboring

1 If preboring is specified, the diameter and depth of prebore shall be as designated.

4.3.8 Jetting

1 Jetting shall be carried out only when the Contractor's detailed proposals have been


1 Piles shall be driven in an approved sequence to minimise the detrimental effects of heave
and lateral displacement of the ground.

2 When required, levels and measurements shall be taken to determine the movement of the
ground or of any pile resulting from the driving process.

3 When a pile has risen as a result of adjacent piles being driven, the Engineer may call for
redriving or other testing to demonstrate that the performance of the pile is unimpaired. If
required, the Contractor shall make proposals for correcting piles detrimentally affected and
for avoidance or control of heave effects in subsequent work.

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4.5.1 Repair of Damaged Pile Heads

1 If it is necessary to repair the head of a pile during driving, the Contractor shall carry out
such repair in an approved way which allows the driving of the pile to be completed without
further damage. If the driving of a pile has been accepted but sound concrete of the pile is
below the required cut-off level, the pile shall be made good to the cut-off level, using an
approved method so that it will safely withstand the imposed design load.

4.5.2 Lengthening of Piles

1 Where piles are required to be driven to depths exceeding those expected, leaving

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insufficient projection for bonding into the following works, the piles shall be extended or
replaced as required by the Engineer using approved materials and methods.


1 Unless otherwise specified, when the driving of a pile has been approved the concrete of the
head of the pile shall be cut off to the designated level. The length of splice reinforcing bars
projecting above this level shall be as designated.

2 Care shall be taken to avoid shattering or otherwise damaging the rest of the pile. Any
cracked or defective concrete shall be cut away and the pile repaired in an approved manner
to provide a full and sound section at the cut-off level.


QCS 2010

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