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QCS 2010 Section 4 Part 5 Bored Cast-In-Place Piles Page 1

5. BORED CAST-IN-PLACE PILES.............................................................................................2

5.1 GENERAL ................................................................................................................................2
5.1.1 Scope 2
5.1.2 References 2
5.1.3 Quality Assurance 2
5.1.4 Inspection 2
5.1.5 Cleanliness of pile bases 2
5.1.6 Subsoil Samples and Testing 2
5.2 MATERIALS .............................................................................................................................3

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5.2.1 Permanent Casings 3
5.2.2 Drilling Fluid Supply 3
5.2.3 Drilling Fluid Mixing 3
5.2.4 Drilling Fluid Tests 3
5.3 BORING ...................................................................................................................................4
5.3.1 Boring Near Recently Cast Piles 4
5.3.2 Temporary Casings 4
5.3.3 Stability of Pile 5
5.3.4 Spillage and Disposal of Drilling Fluid 5
5.3.5 Pumping from Pile Bores 5
5.3.6 Continuity of Construction 5
5.3.7 Enlarged Pile Bases 5
5.4 EXTRACTION OF CASING .....................................................................................................5
5.4.1 Workability of Concrete 5
5.4.2 Concrete Level 5
5.4.3 Pile Head Casting Level Tolerances 6
5.4.4 Water levels 7
5.5 TEMPORARY BACKFILLING ABOVE PILE CASTING LEVEL ..............................................7
5.6 DISPOSAL OF EXCAVATED MATERIAL ...............................................................................7
5.7 CUTTING OFF PILE HEADS...................................................................................................7

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QCS 2010 Section 4 Part 5 Bored Cast-In-Place Piles Page 2



5.1.1 Scope

1 This Part applies to bored piles in which the pile bore is excavated by rotary or percussive
means, or both, using short augers, buckets, grabs or other boring tools to advance the open
bore. Where the open bore is unstable, temporary or permanent casing or bentonite
suspension may be used to support the wall of the bore prior to concreting.

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2 Related Sections and Parts are as follows:
This Section
Part 1, General Requirements for Piling Work
Part 2, General Requirement for Concrete Piles
Part 10, Static Load Testing of Piles
Part 11, Alternative Methods for Testing Piles
Section 5, Concrete
Section 3, Ground Investigation.
5.1.2 References

1 The following codes of practice are referred to in this Part:

BS 5573, Code of practice for safety precautions in the construction of large diameter
boreholes for piling and other purposes
BS 5930, Code of practice for site investigation.
5.1.3 Quality Assurance

5.1.4 Inspection

1 Each pile bore which does not contain standing water or drilling fluid shall be inspected
directly or indirectly prior to concrete being placed in it. This inspection shall be carried out
from the ground surface in the case of piles of less than 750 mm diameter. Torches or other
approved means of lighting, measuring tapes, and a means of measuring verticality shall be
provided. For piles of 750 mm diameter or larger, equipment shall be provided, by the
Contractor to enable his representatives and the Engineer to descend into the bore for the
purpose of inspection. Any method of descent and the equipment used shall comply with the
requirements of BS 5573.

5.1.5 Cleanliness of pile bases

1 On completion of boring and where inspection of a dry pile bore indicates the necessity,
loose, disturbed or softened soil shall be removed from the bore. Where pile bores contain
water or drilling fluid, a cleaning process shall be employed before concrete is placed. Large
debris and accumulated sediment shall be removed using appropriate approved methods,
which shall be designed to clean while at the same time minimising ground disturbance
below the pile bases. Water or drilling fluid shall be maintained at such levels throughout
and following the cleaning operation that stability of the bore is preserved.

5.1.6 Subsoil Samples and Testing

1 If required in the Contract, soil, rock or groundwater samples shall be taken or soil tests
carried out in-situ while the pile is being bored. The samples shall be taken to an approved
laboratory for testing as specified.

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2 The taking of samples and all subsequent handling, transporting and testing shall be carried
out in accordance with Section 3, Ground Investigation.


5.2.1 Permanent Casings

1 Permanent casings shall be as specified.

5.2.2 Drilling Fluid Supply

1 A certificate shall be obtained by the Contractor from the manufacturer of the bentonite
powder showing the properties of each consignment delivered to the Site. This certificate

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shall be made available to the Engineer on request. The properties to be given by the
manufacturer are the apparent viscosity range (in pascal seconds) and the gel strength
range (in pascal) for solids in water.

5.2.3 Drilling Fluid Mixing

1 Bentonite shall be mixed thoroughly with clean fresh water to make a suspension which will
maintain the stability of the pile bore for the period necessary to place concrete and
complete construction. The temperature of the water used in mixing the bentonite
suspension, and of the suspension when supplied to the borehole, shall be not lower than
5 °C.

2 Where saline or chemically contaminated groundwater occurs, special precautions shall be

taken to modify the bentonite suspension or prehydrate the bentonite in fresh water so as to
render it suitable in all respects for the construction of piles.

5.2.4 Drilling Fluid Tests

1 The frequency of testing drilling fluid and the method and procedure of sampling shall be
proposed by the Contractor for approval prior to the commencement of the work. The
frequency may subsequently be varied as required, depending on the consistency of the
results obtained, subject to approval.

2 Control tests shall be carried out on the bentonite suspension, using suitable apparatus.
The density of freshly mixed bentonite suspension shall be measured daily as a check on the
quality of the suspension being formed. The measuring device shall be calibrated to read to
within 0.005 g/ml. Tests to determine density, viscosity, shear strength and pH value shall
be applied to bentonite supplied to the pile bore. For average soil conditions the results shall
generally be within the ranges in Table 5.1.

3 The tests shall be carried out until a consistent working pattern has been established
account being taken of the mixing process, any blending of freshly mixed bentonite
suspension and previously used bentonite suspension, and any process which may be used
to remove impurities from previously used bentonite suspension. When the results show
consistent behaviour, the tests for shear strength and pH value may be discontinued, and
tests to determine density and viscosity shall be carried out as agreed with the Engineer. In
the event of a change in the established working pattern, tests for shear strength and pH
value shall be reintroduced for a period if required.

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Table 5.1

Tests on Bentonite

Property to be measured Range of results at 20 °C Test method

Density Less than 1.10 g/ml Mud density balance

30 - 90 s Marsh cone method

Viscosity or

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less than 0.020 Pa • s Fann viscometer*

1.4-10 Pa Shearometer
Shear strength
(10 minute gel strength)
4-40 Pa Fann viscometer

pH indicator paper strips

pH 9.5 - 12
or electrical pH meter

* Where the Fann viscometer is specified, the fluid sample should be screened by a
number 52 sieve (300 μm) prior to testing.


5.3.1 Boring Near Recently Cast Piles

1 Piles shall not be bored so close to other recently completed piles as to damage them.

5.3.2 Temporary Casings

1 Temporary casing of approved quality or an approved alternative method shall be used to

maintain the stability of a pile bore which might otherwise collapse.

2 Temporary casings shall be free from significant distortion. They shall be of uniform cross-
section throughout each continuous length. During concreting they shall be free from
internal projections and encrusted concrete which might adversely affect the proper
formation of piles.

3 The use of a vibrator to insert and withdraw temporary casing may be permitted by the
Engineer subject to compliance with Part 1 Clauses 1.5.1 (Noise and Disturbance) and 1.5.2
(Damage to Adjacent Structures) and to the method not causing disturbance of the ground
which would adversely affect the construction or the capacity of piles.

4 Where piles are bored under water or bentonite suspension in an unlined state, the insertion
of a full-length loosely fitting casing to the bottom of the bore prior to placing concrete will not
be permitted.

5 Where permanent casing is specified to ensure the integrity of a pile, the Contractor shall
submit for approval his proposals regarding the method of installation.

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5.3.3 Stability of Pile

1 Where boring takes place through unstable water-bearing strata, the process of excavation
and the depth of temporary casing employed shall be such that soil from outside the area of
the pile is not drawn into the pile section and cavities are not created outside the temporary
casing as it is advanced.

2 Where the use of drilling fluid is specified or approved for maintaining the stability of a bore,
an adequate temporary casing shall be used in conjunction with the method so as to ensure
stability of the strata near ground level until concrete has been placed. During construction
the level of drilling fluid in the pile excavation shall be maintained within the cased or stable
bore so that it is not less than 1.0 m above the level of external standing groundwater at all

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3 In the event of a rapid loss of drilling fluid from a pile excavation, the bore shall be backfilled
without delay and the instructions of the Engineer shall be obtained before boring at that
location is resumed.

5.3.4 Spillage and Disposal of Drilling Fluid

1 All reasonable steps shall be taken to prevent the spillage of bentonite suspension on the
Site in areas outside the immediate vicinity of boring. Discarded bentonite shall be removed
from the Site without undue delay. Any disposal of bentonite shall comply with the
regulations of the local controlling authority.

5.3.5 Pumping from Pile Bores

1 Pumping from pile bores shall not be permitted unless the bore has been sealed against
further water entry by casing or unless the soil is stable and will allow pumping to take place
without ground disturbance below or around the pile.

5.3.6 Continuity of Construction

1 For a pile constructed in a stable cohesive soil without the use of temporary casing or other
form of support, the pile shall be bored and the concrete shall be placed without such delay
as would lead to significant impairment of the soil strength.

5.3.7 Enlarged Pile Bases

1 A mechanically formed enlarged base shall be no smaller than the dimensions specified and
shall be concentric with the pile shaft to within a tolerance of 10 % of the shaft diameter. The
sloping surface of the frustum forming the enlargement shall make an angle to the axis of the
pile of not more than 35 °.


5.4.1 Workability of Concrete

1 Temporary casings shall be extracted while the concrete within them remains sufficiently
workable to ensure that the concrete is not lifted. During extraction the motion of the casing
shall be maintained in an axial direction relative to the pile.

5.4.2 Concrete Level

1 When the casing is being extracted, a sufficient quantity of concrete shall be maintained
within it to ensure that pressure from external water, drilling fluid or soil is exceeded and that
the pile is neither reduced in section nor contaminated.

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2 The concrete level within a temporary casing shall be topped up where necessary during the
course of casing extraction in such a way that the base of the casing is always below the
concrete surface until the casting of the pile has been completed.

3 Adequate precautions shall be taken in all cases where excess heads of water or drilling
fluid could occur as the casing is withdrawn because of the displacement of water or fluid by
the concrete as it flows into its final position against the walls of the pile bore. Where two or
more discontinuous lengths of casing (double casing) are used in the construction the
proposed method of working shall be approved.

5.4.3 Pile Head Casting Level Tolerances

1 For piles cast in dry bores using temporary casing and without the use of a permanent lining,
pile heads shall be cast to a level above the specified cut-off so that, after trimming, a sound

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concrete connection with the pile can be made. The casting level shall be within the
tolerance above the cut-off level shown in Table 5.2, but shall not be above the original
ground level. No pile shall be cast with its head below standing water level unless approved
measures are taken to prevent inflow of water causing segregation of the concrete as
temporary casing is extracted, and, where approved by the Engineer, the groundwater level
for each pile shall be treated as the cut-off level for the purpose of calculating tolerance.

2 For piles cast in dry bores within permanent lining tubes or permanent casings, or where
their cut-off levels are in stable ground below the base of any casing used, pile heads shall
be cast to a level above the specified cut-off so that, after trimming, a sound concrete
connection with the pile can be made. The casting level shall be within the tolerance above
the cut-off level shown in Table 5.3, but shall not be above the original ground level.

3 For piles cast under water or drilling fluid, the pile heads shall be cast to a level above the
specified cut-off so that, after trimming to remove all debris and contaminated concrete, a
sound concrete connection with the pile can be made. The casting level shall be within the
tolerance above the cut-off level shown in Table 5.4, but shall not be above the commencing
surface level. Cut-off levels may be specified below the standing groundwater level, and
where this condition applies the borehole fluid level shall not be reduced below the standing
groundwater level until the concrete has set.

4 Where the cut-off level of piles lies at depths greater than 10 m below the original ground
level, then the tolerances given in Tables 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4 will be varied after discussion with
the Contractor and before the commencement of the piling to take account of the special
conditions which apply.

Table 5.2

Casting Tolerance Above Cut-off Level For Piles Cast In Dry Bores Using Temporary Casing
and Without the Use of a Permanent Lining

Cut-off distance below commencing surface, Casting tolerance above cut-off level, m
H, m

0.3 + H/12 + C/8

0.15-10.00 where C = length of temporary casing
below the commencing surface*

* If H is greater than C, then this tolerance is no longer applicable and the tolerances in
Table 5.4 will apply.

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Table 5.3

Casting Tolerance Above Cut-off Level For Piles Cast in Dry Bores Within Permanent Lining
Tubes or Permanent Casings, or Where Their Cut-Off Levels are in Stable Ground Below the
Base of Any Casing Used

Cut-off distance below commencing surface, Casting tolerance above cut-off level, m
H, m

0.15-10.00 0.3 + H/10

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Table 5.4

Casting Tolerance Above Cut-off Level For Piles Cast Under Water or Drilling Fluid**

Cut-off distance below commencing surface, Casting tolerance above cut-off level, m
H, m

1.0 + H /12 + C/8

0.15-10.00 where C = length of temporary casing
below the commencing surface

** In cases where a pile is cast so that the cut-off is within a permanent lining tube, the
appropriate tolerance is given by deletion of the casing term C/8 in the table.

5.4.4 Water levels

1 During extraction of temporary casings, where circumstances are such that newly placed
unset concrete is brought into contact with external groundwater, precautions shall be taken
to ensure that the internal concrete pressure at all levels within the pile exceeds the external
groundwater pressure.


1 After each pile has been cast, any empty bore remaining shall be protected and shall be
carefully backfilled as soon as possible with approved materials.


1 Disposal of excavated material shall be carried out by the Contractor as necessary to
facilitate the Works and to the satisfaction of the Engineer.


1 When cutting off and trimming piles to the specified cut-off level, the Contractor shall take
care to avoid shattering or otherwise damaging the rest of the pile. Any cracked or defective
concrete shall be cut away and the pile repaired in an approved manner to provide a full and
sound section at the cut-off level


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