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Submitted by:

Student of Department of English Education
Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training
Reg. No: 231 324 238


2017 M / 1437 H

First of all, I would like to thank Allah the Almighty for giving me

strength, health and capability to complete this thesis entitled “Using Movie to

Increase Students’ Pronunciation )”. Greeting and praying are also presented to

Prophet Muhammad shallallahu „alaihi wa sallam who has struggled whole-

heartedly to deliver the truth to human being and guide his ummah to the right


My deepest gratitude is addressed to my supervisors Mr.Dr. Muhammad

AR, M.Ed and Ms. Nashriyah, MA. Who have given a great deal of time and

provided me valuable guidance to accomplish this research during the whole

process of my work. Also, I would like to acknowledge my academic supervisor

Mr.Drs. Luthfi Aunie M.A, and all lecturers of English Education Department for

every support. As well, I am grateful to the Vocabulary and Pronunciation

leacture of English Department where I conducted the research.

Moreover, I owe my deepest thank and my sincere gratitude to my beloved

father, Syarifuddin, and my beloved mother, Mawarni, and to my sisters and

brothers, Nurlina, Dahlia, Risna, Muhammad Nazar, Zaky Muwafaq, for the great

kindness, endless love, and everlasting support both financial and moral.

Though only my name that appears on the cover of this thesis, many great

people have contributed to its production. I have been fortunate to have many

friends who cherish me all the time. My appreciation is addressed to all my batch

mates as well. I would also like to present my deep thanks to all my crazy and

outstanding “friend in need” Bebi Intan, Mera, Nia , Nova, Nawir, Zura, Deknyak,

Aida, Naini, Yuni, Munira, Kejora, Putri, Novi, Muna, Miftah, Irsanti, Azila,

Ridha Rahmayanti, Henny, Muslina, Mulia, Ima, Dila, Faisal, Edwar, Ajir, Ulfa,

Intan ,Suhud, Aida Zul, Cici. I proudly thank you for all the encouragements and

may Allah bless you forever. I would also be thankfull to my fiance' “Muazzam

Hasda” for supporting me to finish my thesis.

Finally, I wish this thesis can give valuable and useful information for the

readers. For all critics and suggestion, I sincerely appreciate them and will accept

all of them.

Banda Aceh, August 1st 2017

The writer

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................ i
CONTENTS ................................................................................................... iii
LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................ iv
LIST OF APPENDICES ............................................................................... v
DECLARATION LETTER .......................................................................... vi
ABSTRACT .................................................................................................... vii

A. Background of Study ........................................................................... 1
B. Research Question ............................................................................... 4
C. The Aims of Research ......................................................................... 5
D. Hypothesis ........................................................................................... 5
E. Research Benefit ................................................................................. 6
F. Research Terminology ........................................................................ 6


A. Definition of Pronunciation .................................................................. 9
B. Types of Pronunciation ........................................................................ 10
C. Component of Pronunciation ............................................................... 16
D. Definition of Movie .............................................................................. 17
E. Criteria of Movie .................................................................................. 19
F. Relevant Researches ............................................................................. 25


A. Research Design .................................................................................. 26
B. Population and Sample ........................................................................ 26
C. Technique of Data Collection ............................................................. 27
D. Technique of Data Analysis ................................................................ 28
E. The Brief Description of Research Location ...................................... 29


A. The Data Analysis ............................................................................... 31
1. The result of Pretest-Posttest ......................................................... 31
2. The analysis of Questionnaire ........................................................ 40
B. Discussion ........................................................................................... 44


A. Conclusion ........................................................................................... 46
B. Suggestion ........................................................................................... 47

REFERENCES .............................................................................................. 48


Table 3.1 The Number of the Students ............................................................

Table 4.1 The Score of Pre-test and Post-test ..................................................
Table 4.2 The Frequency’s Table of Pre-test ...................................................
Table 4.3 The Frequency’s Table of Post-test .................................................
Table 4.4 The Difference Score of Pre-test and Post-test ................................
Table 4.5 Analysis Questionnaire ....................................................................


I. The Recommendation Letter of Conducting Research from Faculty of

Tarbiyah and Teacher Training
II. The Confirmation Letter of Conducting Research from Faculty of
Tarbiyah and Teacher Training
III. Lesson Plan
IV. Scoring Criteria
V. Pre-test and Post-test
VI. Questionnaire
VII. Autobiography


This research is designed due to a consideration that pronunciation has always

been the most challenging skill faced by the students at English Department and
media is very helpful in improving their pronunciation ability. Therefore, the
purpose of this study is to identify whether movie is a good medium to improve
students’ pronunciation and to find out students’ perception toward using movie
as medium in learning English pronunciation. This research took place in UIN Ar-
Raniry, at the second semester of English Department students (unit 6). 28
students of unit 6 had participated in this research. This research applied a
quantitative approach and used a pre experimental research design including pre-
test and post-test. The data were obtained from both tests and questionnaires to
measure the students’ ability and perception. The result showed that movie is
effective in improving students’ pronunciation ability. It is proved by the mean
score of post-test which was higher than that of pre-test. The mean score of pre-
tets was 60 while that of post-tets was 80. Equally important, the answers that
students’ chose in questionnaires greatly supported that movie is really effective
in teaching pronunciation. After all, movie can help students to construct their
ideas in practicing pronunciation better than before.

Keywords: Movie, Pronunciation



A. Background of Study

I personally think that English is the world's most important language. Why

do I say that? Firstly, English is an international language. It is spoken by many

people all over the world, either as a first or a second language. Secondly, English

is also the key which opens doors to scientific, and technical knowledge, which is

needed for the economic and political development of many countries in the

world. Thirdly, English is a top requirement of those who are seeking jobs.

English as a foreign language is taught in all schools in Indonesia. It has been

taught in every Educational Institution Level.

In learning English, there are four language skills that should be learned by

the students, they are: listening, speaking, reading and writing. All skills in

English are essential because all these skills relate to each other. This research

will not focus on the four skills, since it consumes a lot of times and needs

continous efforts. This research is only related to one skill, namely Speaking and I

choose one part of the speaking, that is “Pronunciation”. Pronunciation is one of

important aspects in English. Celce-Murcia (1996: 8) states that intelligible

pronunciation is one of the necessary components of oral communication. As a

foreign language, English is considered difficult to pronounce since there are

differences between the symbol and it sounds. In many cases, students understand

the meaning but find difficulties to express the word on spoken language, because

it is very different between how to spell and to pronounce the word. Howeve


important to improve pronunciation. As stated by Harmer (2000: 183) “made

aware of pronunciation issues will be of immense benefit not only to their own

production but also to their own understanding of spoken English”. It means that

the better of pronunciation and the better we understand the meaning.

As foreign language learners, Indonesian students often find problem with

pronunciation when they speak, read, or listen to English words. It might be

caused by internal and external factors. Internal factors come from the learners

themselves, such as motivation, interest, aptitude, and intelligence, while the

external factors come from outside of the learners, such as the situation and

condition of the environment, learning materials, and the teacher’s ability in

handling the English teaching learning process. As Kenworthy (1987: 4) observes

that “there are many factors affecting pronunciation learning for EFL students

such as hearing, native language and age of learners”.

In fact, based on the writer’s experience most of students get difficulties to

speak English because they have lot of vocabularies and they do not know the

way to pronounce it. Therefore in teaching learning process most of students want

to speak English in a good pronunciation, they want to have more media to

practice their English pronunciation not only from book or dictionary but also

from the other media such as watch movie from television or from laptop. Most of

people from different ages love watching movie from different genres. Exactly the

students’ usually watch movie just for fun, to fulfill the leisure time without

caring about the content, such as what the singer sings about, what the reporter

informs, even if they do, they only know the tittle. The problem is how to make

these activities become useful, not only for fun but also for gaining the

information and the knowledge inside.

Because of that, lecturers must know how to make students enjoy in learning

and understanding what they are learning, exactly in mastering pronunciation. As

a lecturer, it is important to create an interesting method, materials and media in

teaching environment until the students understand about how to pronounce the

word. The best one in teaching-learning process is active learning. In active

learning the students are actively involved. Klippel (1984: 5) claims that “learning

is more effective if the learners are actively involved in the process”. And then the

researcher think to solve that problem, watching movie is one of the unique way

and the alternative technique that can be used in teaching pronunciation. We can

see the students’ ability of understanding the movie to increase pronunciation.

Based on Keith Robinson (2007: 2) defines that “the power of seeing an actor

speak, hearing their pronunciation, and linking it reforces learning, it challenging

and makes you think”. And the writer’s has experience, most of the writer’s

friends can speak English well and remember a new vocabulary and pronounce it

without learning English course. They just watch the movie and they pronounce

the word better than the writer does.

The researcher also found some previous researches that have been conducted

by using movie as learning media to improve students’ ability in learning English.

A researcher named Mustika Ratna Pratiwi. In her research, “Improving

Pronunciation Ability Using Cartoon Films”, has discussed how to improve

pronunciation by using cartoon films. In her research, final result prove that

cartoon films could improve the students’ pronunciation ability. Then, Imayati

Kalean in her research“ Speaking Skill Improvement By Using Movie As Media”,

her research result showed that movie is media to improve an effective students’

speaking skill. Then I also found in Uin Ar-Raniry thesis espesially at English

Department, a researcher named Farisati Izza. “Increasing Vocabulary through

Barbie Movie”. The thesis discussed how to improve vocabulary by using barbie

movie. Her research showed that teaching vocabulary using movie as media can

improve students’ vocabulary skill. Based on the result, the researcher concluded

that movie is considered as an effective media in improving the students’ ability

in mastering pronunciation.

As seen above in previous study, movie can help students in learning English

very well. In this case, it is different from the research before, the researcher

focuses on improving the students’ ability in English pronunciation by using

movie as media. Based on the explanation above, the writer is interested in

conducting a research with the title “Using Movie to Increase Students’

Pronunciation (An experimental research at Department of English

Language Education in UIN Ar Raniry Banda Aceh)”.

B. Research Questions

Based on the background of study, the writer formulates the research

questions as follows:

1. Does using movie increase students’ pronunciation ?


2. What do they perceive about watching movie as a medium in learning

English pronunciation ?

C. The Aims of Research

The aims of the study can be stated as follows:

1. To identify whether movie is a good medium to improve students’


2. To find out students’ perception toward using movie as medium in

learning English pronunciation.

D. Hypotheses

Based on the background of study, hypotheses of the research are as

follows :

Ho : If the movie is implemented for the students’ of English Department of

UIN Ar-Raniry, then the students’ pronunciation ability will not enhance.

Therefore, the movie should not be implemented for them.

Ha : If the movie is implemented for the students’ of English Department of

UIN Ar-Raniry, then the students’ pronunciation ability will enhance.

Therefore, the movie should be implemented for them.

E. Research Benefit

The researcher hopes that the result of this research will give some

contributions to English language teaching and learning, as follows:


1. For teacher

The teacher will be able to use this media in order to increase students’

pronunciation ability and also the teacher can apply this media in the

classroom to make the students interst in learning process.

2. For students

Students will be able to increase their pronunciation ability by using

movie and also the students feel interest because they can watch movie

and they can learn pronunciation by watching movie.

3. For researcher

Through this research, the researcher will find an alternative way of

teaching English in a fun way and this is a good method for researcher

because it very interesting by using movie as media.

F. Research Terminology

This sub chapter explains about some keywords that need further explanation

in order to prevent misunderstanding between the researcher and the reader. They


1. Movie

Movie is also called a film, is a series of still images which, when

shown on a screen, creates the illusion of moving images. Hornby

(1995:434) defines film as story, etc. recorded as a set of moving pictures

to be shown on television or the cinema. Then, according to Imayati

Kalean (2013:2) stated that “Movie is a kind of media that the researcher

believes will make students interest, because most of teenagers like to

watch movie. Some factors that create positive learning environment are

the plot, actors or actresses, and the dialogue as well. All of these will

influence them during learning in the class and they will not feel bored.

Also from the movie, they will automatically learn about the foreigner’s

culture, get knowledge, and know how the foreigners pronounce the

words. Interesting movie will support the students to imitate what they see

and listen, so it will influence their understanding in communication by

using English. During learning activity, teacher guides and corrects the

students’ errors, so the result of teaching and learning activity by using

movie as media will succeed”.

In this research, the tittle of movie that I took are “Akeelah and the

bee” and “Ron Clark” movie. They are education movie, therefore the

students also learn educational values in the learning process.

2. Pronunciation

Pronunciation comes from word “pronounce”. Hornby (1995: 928)

says that “Pronunciation is the way in which a language is spoken, the way

in which a word is pronounced, the way a person speaks the words of a

language”. From the definitions above, we may conclude that

pronunciation is the way a person utters a word or a language. Here, the

researcher uses movie as media to learn pronunciation of English words.

The standard pronunciation used in this study is the standard pronunciation

of Oxford Learner’s Dictionary.



Learning English language with teaching media like audiovisual will bring

students easy to learn and make students interested in learning. The pronunciation

lecturer should be a good model to the students, otherwise; the students will

imitate bad pronunciation and lead making mistakes. Lecturer should produce the

accurate sounds and their productions of speech to the students in order to make

the students really understand about how correct pronunciation is produced.

Harmer (2000:183) states that concentrating on sounds, showing where they are

made in the mouth, making students aware of where words should be stressed- all

things give them extra information about spoken English and help them achieve

the goal of improved comprehension and intelligibility.

Teaching pronunciation is teaching about aspects that influence meanings

of sentences through segmental phonemes. It is important to teach, because

pronunciation is a basic sub skill in speaking. Therefore, good pronunciation

avoids misunderstanding in communication. When people say, for example,

“soap” in a situation such as a restaurant where they should have said “soup,” the

inaccurate production of a phoneme can lead to misunderstand. It happens

because Indonesian students have difficulties in pronouncing English words due

to influence of students‟ seventh language and environment.


1. Definiton of Pronunciation

Pronunciation is the act or manner of pronouncing words; utterance of

speech, a way of speaking a word, especially a way that is accepted or generally

understood, and a graphic representation of the way a word spoken, using

phonetic symbols.

Further pronunciation definition taken from Oxford Dictionary states

pronunciation is the way in which a language or a particular word or sound is

spoken. If one is said to have "correct pronunciation", then it refers to both within

a specific dialect.” A word can be spoken in different ways by various individuals

or groups, depending on many factors, such as: the area in which they grew up,

the area in which they now live, if they have a speech or voice disorder, their

ethnic group, their social class, or their education.

Fraenkel (1984:96) express that there are two main steps to learning how

to pronounce a language:

1) Receptive/list stage

In this stage, we learn to differentiate the significant sounds and pattern by

listening to the language.

2) Productive/speaking stage

By this stage, we learn to speak or to produce what we have learned


2. Type of Pronunciation

1. English Vowels

According to Jones, vowels are some of the continuous voiced sound

produced without obstruction in the mouth unaccompanied by any frictional


Jones (1958:15) in his book “The Pronunciation of English” classifies the

vowels into 5 based on the position of the tongue:

(1). Front vowels, in the production of which the „front‟ of the tongue is

raised in the direction of the hard palate. For example, /i:/ in /fi:d/ feed.

(2). Back vowels, in the production of which the „back‟ of the tongue is

raised in the direction of the soft palate. For example, /u:/ in /fu:d/ food.

(3). Central vowels, when the position of the tongue is in the middle or in

the intermediate of front and back. For example, /з:/ in /bз:d/ bird.

(4). Close vowels, when the tongue is held as high as possible consistently

with not producing a frictional noise. For example, /i:/ in /fi:d/ feed and /u:/ in

/fu:d/ food.

(5). Open vowels, when the tongue is held as low as possible as in /a:/ in

/fa:ðə / father.

2. English consonants

According to Kelly (2000:47) consonants can be described in terms:

(1). The place of articulation

(a). Labiodental

Sound which is articulated by the tip tongue against the upper teeth; e.g. /f/

(b). Dental

Sounds articulated by the tip tongue against the upper teeth. e.g : / ð /

(c). Alveolar

Namely sounds articulated by the tip or blade of the tongue against the

teeth-ridge; e.g. normal English /t/

(f). Palatals

Namely sounds articulated by the back of the tongue against the hard

palate; e.g / j /.

(g). Velars

Namely sounds articulated by the back of the tongue against the soft palate;

e.g. /k/

(h). Glottal

Namely sounds articulated in the glottis; e.g / h /.

(2). Manner of articulation

(a). Plosive

A complete closure is made somewhere in the vocal tract, and the soft palate

is also raised. Air pressure increases behind the closure, and is then released

„explosively‟, e.g. /p/ and /b/

(b) Affricative

A complete closure is made somewhere in the mouth, and the soft palate is

raised. Air pressure increases behind the closure, and is then released more slowly

than in plosives, e.g. /t_/ and /d_/

(c). Fricative

When two vocal organs come close enough together for the movement of air

between them to be heard, e.g. /f/ and /v/

(d). Nasal

A closure is made by the lips, or by the tongue against the plate, the soft plate

is lowered, and air escapes through the nose, e.g. /m/ and /n/

(e) Lateral

A partial closure is made by the blade of the tongue against the alveoral

ridge. Air is able to flow around the sides of the tongue, e.g. /l/

(f) Approximant

Vocal organs come near to each other, but not so close as to cause audible

friction, e.g. /r/ and /w/

3. English Diphthongs

Diphthongs are sounds, which involve a change in quality during is their

production. It is the combination of vowel sounds. Diphthongs are represented

phonetically by sequences of two letters. The first showing the starting point and

the second indication the direction of the movement. There are three kinds of

diphthongs. They are (closing) diphthongs, falling diphthongs, centering


(1). Raising or Closing Diphthongs.

The position of the tongue when the second vowel is pronounced higher than

the first one. For example:

- /ai/, like in time /taim/, fine /fain/

- /ei/, like in make /meik/, take /teik/


- / i/, like in boy /boi/

- /au/, like in now /nau/, how /hau/

- /əu/, like in no /nəu/, go /gəu/

(2). Falling Diphthongs.

The position of the tongue when utters the second vowel is lower than the

first one. For example:

- /i ə/, like in fear /fiə(r)/, hear /hiə(r)/

- /ə/, like in pure /pjə(r)/

(3). Centering Diphthongs

The position of the tongue when utters the second vowel is at the id

central. For example:

- /ə/, like in fore /fə(r) /, more /mə(r)/

- / εə /, like in there /ðεə /

(4). Supra-segmental phonemes

Supra-segmental phonemes are classified into seven classes; they are:

- Stress. Stress is the pressure of breath with which sounds are

produced. Intonation. Intonation is the changes in the music of the voice

while producing speech.

- Pause. Pause is the silent between parts of un utterance.

- Juncture. Juncture is a very short time of pause. It is the space in

speech between sounds or words.

- Rhythm. Rhythm is the beat of language. It is the stress-time.

Meaning between two primary stresses is the same.


- Pitch. Pitch is the height and/or direction (up-down contrast level

of pitch can distinguish word. For example, in Chinese there are

four levels of sounds that can differentiate meaning.

- Length. Length is the long or short a phoneme should be


4. Stress

According to Jones (1958:57), the force of the breath with which a syllable is

pronounced is called stress. Stress varies from syllable to syllable. Syllable which

are pronounced with greater stress than the neighbor syllables are said to be

stressed. It is in fact generally sufficient to distinguish two degrees only-stressed

and unstressed. Stress syllables are marked when necessary by ‘placed

immediately before them, thus father, 'f_:_ə, arrive, ə'raiv, opportunity,

_pə'tju:niti, what shall we do? '(h)w_t_əlwi:'du.

The same words and sentences are not always stressed in the same way.

Variations are sometimes necessary for making the meaning clear, and they are

eventually needed due to rhythmical considerations. Thus the word injudicious

when simply taken to mean “foolish” would have stress on the third: 'di_əsyllable,

thus he was very injudicious, hi:wəz'veriind_u:'di_əs, but when used in contrast

with judicious, the chief stress would be on the first syllable, the stress on the

third being only secondary, e.g. that was very judicious, __twəz'verid_u:'di_əs,

and the answer is I should call it injudicious,'ai_ədk_:litveri'ind_u:di_əs.

Untrained speakers often fail to bring out contrast of this kind properly. In

'(h)w_t_əlwi:'du:, '(h)w_t'__lwi:'du:, '(h)w_t_əl'wi:du:, the variations of stress


actually modify the meaning of the words. The word unknown, _nnoun shows

clearly how rhythm may affect stress. Compare an unknown land, ən'_nnoun'l_nd

with quite unknown, 'kwait_n'noun. When isolated the word would generally be

pronounced, the two syllables having equal stress. The rhythmical principle

underlying these changes is a tendency to avoid consecutive stressed syllables

when possible.

5. Intonation

Jones (1958:59) states in speaking, the pitch of the voice, i.e. the pith of the

musical note produced by the vocal chords, is constantly changing. These

variations in pitch are called intonation (or inflection). Intonation is thus quite

independent of stress, with which it is sometimes confused by beginners.

Fluctuations in pitch either involve a rising pitch or a falling pitch. Intonation

is found in every language and even in tonal languages, but the realization and

function are seemingly different. It is used in non-tonal languages to add attitudes

to words (attitudinal function) and to differentiate between whquestions, yes-no

questions, declarative statements, commands, requests, etc.

Generally speaking, the following intonations are distinguished:

- Rising Intonation means the pitch of the voice rises over time

- Falling Intonation means that the pitch falls with time

- Dipping Intonation falls and then rises

- Peaking Intonation rises and then falls


3. Component of Pronunciation

In pronunciation we have to paying attention to the component of pronunciation.

According to Djiwandono (2008:124) There are four components of

pronunciation, there are; intelligibility, fluency, accuracy and native-like.

- Intelligibility is pronounced of the whole text and its parts are heard clearly or

not causing misunderstanding.

- Fluency is as a whole of text can be pronounced fluently.

- Accuracy is words and parts of text are pronounced accurately.

- Native-like is pronounced of the whole text and its parts are pronounced like

native speaker.

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that in pronounced the words,

phrase and sentences we have to paying attention to the indicators above.


An audiovisual aid is one of the media of teaching pronunciation. The

most important reason for utilizing audiovisual materials in junior high school

instruct Freudenstein in Alatis (1981: 275) says that there are three media in order

to run the teaching and learning process effectively and efficiently. They are

defined as follows.

1). Visual: boards (blackboard, magnetic board, slot board), chart (wall chart,

flow chart), and pictures.

2). Audio: radios and tape recorder.

3). Audio visual: film, TV, and video.

4. Definition of Movie

Movie is a motion picture or film produced for entertainment that tells a

story. Hornby (1995:434) defines movie as story, etc. recorded as a set of moving

pictures to be shown on television or the cinema. Here, Hornby gives a clear

definition about movie. There are three important keys about movie based on his


– Movies are story.

– Movies are recorded as moving pictures.

– Movies are shown on TV or cinema.

Movies are form of entertainment that enacts a story by sequence of images

giving by the illusion of continuous movement.

Here, movie is treated as a form of entertainment. Meanwhile, Allen and Gomery

(1985:136) state that movie is an art which portrays man‟s interpretation of life.

Movie as an art and movie as a form of entertainment are both right. The

main difference between them is the goal. The goal of movie as entertainment

media is to entertain the viewers. Meanwhile, the goal of movie as an art is to give

particular messages to the viewers. Since movie gives particular messages to the

viewers, the writer have a tendency to appreciate movie as an art. From the

definitions above, it can be stated that movie are story which portrays man‟s

interpretation of life recorded as a set of moving images to be shown on television

or cinema in order to gives particular messages to the viewers.

Movie is the media of teaching which has benefit for lecturer and students. As

the lecturer analyzes students‟ responses to the questions and situations which are

projected, both lecturer and learner benefit from evaluative strength of audiovisual

aids. One of the best uses of movie is to bring to the students experiments and

demonstration which are ordinarily impractical in the classroom.

Goldwyn (1993:46) states that English teachers seem to have liked movie

because of its artistic seriousness which in turn meant that is worth studying,

pupils also liked this rather out of the ordinary treat so different from most of their

lessons in school.

Forney in Smith (2009 : 126) suggests that movie is a great tool for students

because it allows them to learn outside of the average college parameters such as

books, lectures, papers, and the like. She sees the value in these methods of

learning, but she also states that a student can get a real active picture of material

from a film, such as watching a counseling subject‟s progress over time in a film

like Good Will Hunting (1997: 147). She also explains how there are different

student learning styles that different types of media can encourage, film being part

of the „concrete experience‟ group. Overall, Forney (2004: 143) finds

entertainment media to be invaluable for the student learning experience based on

its easy accessibility and the students‟ built in knowledge of it. Watching movie

was the favorite activity that students like. It was fun for watching movie in the

class, so the classroom atmosphere was enjoyable and made them more ready to

learn. According to Brown (1983: 233), “movie is the most widely applicable and

powerful among the resources for teaching and learning since it has unique

capacity to communicate, to influence, and to inform”. While students were

watching the movie, directly they got some experiences from the movie and it

influenced their understanding and thinking. English movie had big contribution

for the students in learning English, as like how the native speaker pronounce the

words, how they mimic their face, and also they will see how the native speaker

use body language when they are speaking.

5. Criteria of Movie

According to Wikipedia the criteria of movie as follows:

1) Factual movie present ideas and information precisely, using pictures and

sound to clarify meaning in ways which are superior to and different from the

usual illustrated lecture.

2) Pictorial reports are comprised of movie footage which records events such as

track meets or time and motion studies much as they occurred with little or no


3) Fictional drama movie often present stirring, believable versions of literacy

classics. They are useful in developing attitudes, building appreciation, and

presenting information.

4) True drama films portray events in the lives of actual people.

5) Travelogues give geographic information.

6) Training movie stress religious history and dramatize situation

7) Involving moral and spiritual values.

8) Documentary movie are a major special type with important educational


9) Cartoon movie is a movie made by animating a series of drawings.

Leacturer use movie in many different ways and for a variety of purposes: to

communicate information, to change or to strengthen attitudes, to develop skills,

to stimulate interest, to raise problems, to seek moods, to emotionalize learning.

They sometimes use movie to test abilities of their students to apply principles to

problem situation.

In this research, the tittle of movie that the researcher took are “Akeelah and

the bee” and “Ron Clark Story” movie. The researcher choose both of movie

because they are education and inspiration movie, therefore the students also

learn educational values and practice their pronunciation in the learning process.

They are the synopsis of story movie :

The first movie "Akeelah and the Bee" may inspire you in the process of

mastering and memorizing vocabulary. Akeelah and the Bee is an inspirational

movie, produced by 2929 Productions and Starbucks entertainment directed by


Michael Romersa and Danny Liewely. This film tells of a 11-year-old girl who

struggled to follow the spelling bee name “Akeelah Anderson”. Akeelah is a

middle-school students from Crenshaw south Lost Angels. She is a genius girl

who has a high memory, especially in spelling words. But she did not have a good

kinship relationships, within the family and in school. She is the youngest of four

brothers, his father has died since she was a child and his mother was a nurse who

is always busy with his job. In her school environment she did not have many

friends and she often gets ribbing from his friends. She's always got an A+ every

spelling test, and therefore his teacher Ms. Cross asked him to partisipate at the

spelling bee contest and represented her school in the contest. Initially she was a

timid girl and never spoke in public. When she was asked to join the spelling bee

that she refused for fear will be the mockery his friend, but she won the spelling

bee at her school and had to represent her school for the district spelling bee.

When she followed the district spelling bee she does not have a coach and not get

support from her family and she almost failed in the race. Luckily the last

participant to commit fraud and finally she had a chance to win a third

championship. To confront the regional spelling bee akeelah get a coach named

Dr. Joshua Larabee. This is the most interesting part of this film the process of

learning and memorizing vocabulary. From her teacher akeelah learn so many

words and have lots of learning strategies. She learned to memorized the words

with games, scrabble, by making own word list "dictionary itself" and by moving

the body to remember vocabulary and correct spelling. Dr.Larabee teaches him to

know, remember and spell the word not only memorized but also learn from

reading the essays or articles, apply it in a sentence, knowing where it came from

the word including the wording. He said to akeelah that difficult word is a

combination of simple words. So exactly no difficult words that can not to

remember and to spell. It's time in the regional spelling bee. Akeelah has a rival

named Dylan Chiu he has followed the spelling bee and won both the national

level twice. Dylan's father is obsessed with Dylan in order to win the race.

Akeelah can spell all the words that has give by the jury, but suddenly his mother

came and told akeelah to quit the race because his mother did not know the

capabilities of her daughter. Akeelah has hard worked and support from his coach

finally akeelah can advance to the national level. To face the race to spell the

national level coaches have been preparing for 5000 cards that contain vocabulary

that must be memorized and studied by akeelah. Akeelah get support from

everyone in the neighborhood because her mother saying "that everyone can be a

coach and wherever you are could be a place of your learning". Akeelah prepare

for the race to spell the national level with the helped of many people. Finally

akeelah included in the final race with Dylan main opponent. It was Akeelah

know the distress experienced by Dylan for his father's pressure. Akeelah intend

to succumb to Dylan could to be the winner but Dylan did not receive it. He

thinks victory in this way is not fair. Finally they did the best that they can and

they become a double champion. jointly lifted the championship trophy. What

lessons can we take from the movie Akeelah and the Bee?

The first, in moral terms we can learn the importance of support from the

people closest to us / the family, school and community environments in teaching


and learning. The necessity and seriousness of purpose in doing all things without

fear of any kind, keep trying and never give up. This film has taught us to keep

the spirit and self-assured and open mind. In learning should not only become

fixated on one theory and one way, but also try to learn a variety of ways and

make it comfortable. This is the importance to open your mind.

The second, from the academic side we can learn how to memorize

vocabulary. From this film we can learn ways to enrich our vocabulary, there are :

1. Make a list of new words that we find or words that we do not understand its

meaning in our personal dictionary. So we have a list of words that we can open at

everytime and everywhere. Personal dictionary is very useful to help us in the

process of memorizing vocabulary.

2. Learn vocabulary by playing games like Scrabble, flip words, etc. Learn to play

will be very helpful. It is the easiest way to optimize the workings of the brain to

remember vocabulary. So the brain will be encouraged to think and keep thinking

to find the right answer. Learning with game can reduce stress in the study

making it easier for the brain to accept new things.

3. Read a lot. All science is all around us especially if we want to read a lot. Not

only have to read from books, but also from everything that we can see, hear and

feel. Included in enriching our vocabulary must be a lot of reading so that our

vocabulary is also growing. Vocabulary is not to memorize but to understand and


4. Various ways to move the body to stimulate the brain in memorize vocabulary,

such as moving the fingers, spinning, jumping rope, etc.


That some lessons that we can draw from the movie “Akeelah and the bee”. This

movie has inspired many people who to learn to do best. For all students at

English department it is very important to wach the movie “Akeelah and The

Bee” to find and to know how to memorize vocabulary effectively.

The second movie “The Ron Clark Story” is the inspirational movie tells the

real-life of Clark (Matthew Perry), a teacher from upstate New York who moves

to Manhattan and re-instills courage and hope into the lives of many down-and-

out students. Via highly innovative teaching strategies and rule sets, and an

ongoing, strenuous effort, Clark manages to turn several lives around and raises

students' test scores to admirable levels. His star pupils include a young girl forced

to both attend school and care for her siblings and a graffiti-prone young man who

rechannels his energies into more traditional painting with Clark's encouragement.

In the end, even when pneumonia threatens to keep Clark down, he refuses to let

it. Ernie Hudson (Ghostbusters) and Hannah Hodson co-star; Granada America

produced. Max Enscoe and Annie deYoung scripted. The story is about a teacher

who is in a nice town with decent students. This teacher always encourages his

students to go for their dreams and they could be anything they want to be. When

they make his own personal parking space he sees it as his tombstone, or where he

will spend the rest of his life.

The writer is interested to select this movie because the main characters in

this movie provided the reader some moral values conveyed the moral value

implied among others such as: courage, hard work and self sacrifice. The movie is

one of good to be chosen as a supplementary material enrichment in instruction.


Now days, many teachers only teach the students without paying attention

the students‟ ability in learning the material but the teacher only chase the time

and finish the material, whereas the character of a good teacher should make their

lessons interesting and make the students be able to understand the material.

6. Relevant Researches

A researcher named Mustika Ratna Pratiwi, in her research titled

“Improving Pronunciation Ability Using Cartoon Films” has discussed how to

improve pronunciation by using cartoon films. In her research, final result prove

that cartoon films could improve the students‟ pronunciation ability. Then,

Imayati Kalean in her research under the title “ Speaking Skill Improvement By

Using Movie As Media” her research result showed that movie is media to

improve an effective students‟ speaking skill. Then I also found in Uin Ar-Raniry

thesis espesially at English Department, a researcher named Farisati Izza.

“Increasing Vocabulary through Barbie Movie”. The thesis discussed how to

improve vocabulary by using barbie movie. Her research showed that teaching

vocabulary using movie as media can improve students‟ vocabulary skill. Based

on the result, the researcher concluded that movie is considered as an effective

media in improving the students‟ ability in mastering pronunciation.

In conducting this research, the researcher was inspired from their previous

research above, but in different way, the researcher measure students‟

pronunciation ability, not vocabulary or others. The researcher wants to know

whether movie is an effective media too in teaching speaking, also what is

students perception toward using this media in teaching learning process.



A. Research Design

Research method deals with how the research questions proposed in the first

chapter are processed with a particular method. According to Cohen, Manion &

Morrison (2007:446), method is approaches used in educational research to gather

data which are to be used as a basis for inference and interpretation, for

explanation and prediction. It means that method is the way used to discuss and

examine the problem.

In this research, the researcher used a quantitative approach to analyze the

data. The researcher applied a pre-experimental research design, involving pre-test

and post-test to measure students’ ability in pronunciation. Also, the researcher

used questionnaire in the last meeting to know about students’ perception toward

learning English using movie to enhance pronunciation ability.

The researcher conducted a research at Uin Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh especially

at English Department and chose only one class as sample.

B. Population and Sample

According to Barker, Pistrang & Elliot (2002:179), population is the defined

group from which the participants in the study are to be selected. Sample is the

subset of the target population consisting of those participants who actually take

part in the study.


The population of this research was the second semester at English

Department which consisted of sevent unit. The sample of this research was the

students of unit 6. The samples were selected by using intact classes based on

Alison Mackey (2005: 141).

C. Technique of Data Collection

a. Test

Test was given to the students in order to figure out their

pronunciation ability. In this research, test was divided into two catagories;

Pre-test and Post-test. The aim of pre-test was to find out the students’

ability toward their pronunciation skill before the treatment is conducted.

On the other hand, post-test was to find out whether their pronunciation

skill improved or not after the treatment. The test was conducted by using

movie as a media, and in this time watching movie was used.

To collect the data of pre-test and post-test, the researcher applied oral

proficiency test. Oral proficiency scoring catagories suggested by Brown

(2001:406) are employed in the test to score the students’ performance.

b. Questionnaire

The researcher distributed the questionnaire to the students in order to

obtain the real data about their perception after the students were examined

by the test. The questionnaire were adapted from Ms. Nashriyah (2014)

and used Likert scale to measure students’ perception. There were twenty

one questions from the questionnaire set question that would be asked to

the students to answer the second research question about the students

perception of using English pronunciation in learning English. The

questions are about pronunciation.

D. Technique of Data Analysis

a. Analysis of the Test

The data obtained from the tests is analyzed statistically by using

statistic calculation of the t-test formula with the significance degree of

5%. According to Sudjana (2008: 158), the formula is:

𝑓 i Xi


xi : Middle Score of interval class

fi : Frequency

fi.xi : The amount of multiplication between frequency and \middle


b. Analysis of the Questionnaire

The data obtained from the questionnaire is also analyzed

statistically by counting the percentage of the students’ answers in each

item of the questionnaire. It is used to know the students’ responses after

being taught toward the use of movie in teaching pronunciation. Based on

Sudjana (2008: 160), the formula used is:

𝑷= × 𝟏𝟎𝟎%


P = Percentage

F = Frequency

N = Number of sample

100% = Constant of value

E. The Brief Description of Research Location

1. Time of Research

This research was conducted from 20 April until Mei at the Department of

English Education of UIN Ar-Raniry.

2. Location of Research

The reasearch took place at UIN Ar-Raniry, Banda Aceh. It is the

Islamic University under the authority of Department of Religious Affair.

UIN Ar-Raniry was fristly known as IAIN Ar-Raniry, established on

October 5 th1963, then, on October, 1st 2013, based on President Decree

No.64 year 2013, IAIN changed to UIN Ar-Raniry. It is located at Jl.Ar-

Raniry Kopelma Darussalam (Lingkar Kampus)- Banda Aceh. The name

of Ar-Raniry was taken from Syeikh Nuruddin Ar-Raniry who reigned

from 1637-1641. It has contributed a very valuable in develving Islamic

thought in Southeast Asia, especially in Aceh.

The rector of UIN Ar-Raniry is Prof. Farid Wajdi Ibrahim, MA.

UIN Ar-Raniry has graduated thousands scholars and some proffessor.

The aim of this faculty is to educate pious Muslims, in order to become an


expert in the field of education and teaching of Islam and are able to

develop and proficient in applying knowledge in a veriety of educational

institutions or universities.

The Department of English Education which is known as

Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (PBI) is the place where the writer conducted

the research. It was chosen because it represents the writer’s population

and sample. This is one of the famous and leading department which is

much favored by students, especially newcomers. At it was named, this

department specializes in teaching English teacher at school or a

professional in universities. The headmaster of the Department of English

Education is Dr. T. Zulfikar, S,Ag.,M.Ed, now the Department has 21

permanent lecturers and 650 students who come from several regions in


3. The students

Table 3.1: The Number of the Students at English Department 2016

Unit T Number of the

1 35

2 35

3 35

4 35

5 35

6 28

7 35

The total number of students at English Department of semester 2 are 205

students and I choose unit six for my research.



A. The Data Analysis

To analyze the data, the researcher used statistical calculation to the tests

given for this research. There were two types of the test in this research, pre-test

and post-test. The following table is the result of the pre-test and post-test.

1. The result of Pretest Postest

The table below is the score from average of students’ scale of

fluency, comperehension, vocabulary and pronunciation.

Table 4.1 The score of pre-test and post-test


No. Name Pre-test Post-test

1 MS 65 81

2 RJ 57 70

3 AM 40 65

4 EY 60 80

5 RP 65 84

6 RM 81 86

7 FN 65 84

8 DS 57 74

9 TA 63 85

10 FA 59 75

11 IF 74 85

12 PM 48 72


13 WM 50 79

14 SN 41 66

15 Ya 74 85

16 MH 65 84

17 UH 57 69

18 HA 83 90

19 Sa 84 94

20 Hu 61 85

21 YR 49 69

22 Fa 43 67

23 SR 61 85

24 NA 83 90

25 YM 50 79

26 Yu 83 90

27 JW 60 80

28 AF 57 74


The score of the pre-test achieved by 28 students can be identified

from the lowest to the highest ones, they are as follows:

40 41 43 48 49 50 50 57

57 57 57 59 60 60 61 61

63 65 65 65 65 74 74 81

83 83 83 84

To analyze the data which was collected by giving test, the researcher

calculated the score to find out Range (R), Interval (I), Class Number (CN),

and Mean (X) by using some satictical formulas, which are:

a. Range is the difference of the highest score with the lowes score.

To find the result, the researcher used the following formula:



R= the range score

H= the highest score

L= the lowest score

It can be seen that the highest score is 84 and the lowest score is

40. Thus, the range is:

R = H-L

= 84-40

= 44

b. Class Number is the number of score that has been grouped based

on the expected interval, and the formula is:

CN= 1+3.33 log n (total sample)

CN = 1+ (3.3) log 28

= 1+ (3.3) (1.447)

= 1+ 4.7751

= 5.7751 (it can be taken 6)


c. Interval is amount of class and to find the score, the researcher used

the following formula:



I= interval

R= range

CN= class number

I =

I = 7.33 (it can be taken 7)

d. Table of frequency

The frequency distribution can be calculated as the following table:

Table 4.2 The frequency’s table of pre-test

Interval Class Fi Xia Fixi

40-48 4 43 172
49-57 7 54 378
59-65 10 56 560
74-81 3 76 228
83-84 4 83 332
Total 28 312 1670


Xi = refer to the middle score of interval class

Fi = refer to frequency

FiXi = refer to the amount of multiplication between frequency and

middle class

Based on the table above, the mean is identified by using the formula


𝑓 i Xi
𝑀1 =


=59.642 (it can be taken 60)


The score of the post-test achieved by 28 students can be identified

from the lowest to the highest ones, they are as follows:

65 66 67 69 69 70 72 74

74 75 79 79 80 80 81 84

84 84 85 85 85 85 85 86

90 90 90 94

To analyze the data which was collected by giving test, the researcher

calculated the score to find out Range (R), Interval (I), Class Number (CN),

and Mean (X) by using some satictical formulas, which are:

a. Range (R), is determined by using the following formula:


It can be seen that the highest score is 94 and the lowest score is 65.

Thus, the range is:

R = H-L

= 94-65

= 29

b. Class Number can be found out by using the formula below:

CN= 1+3.33 log n (total sample)

CN = 1+ (3.3) log 28

= 1+ (3.3) (1.447)

= 1+ 4.7751

=5.7751 (it can be taken 6)

c. Interval, the researcher identified interval used the following


I =

I = 4.8 (it can be taken 5)

d. Table of frequency

The frequency distribution can be calculated as the following table:

Table 4.3 The frequency’s table of post-test

Interval Class Fi Xi Fixi

65-67 3 66 198
69-72 4 70 280
74-79 5 76 381
80-84 6 82 493
85-86 6 85 511
90-94 4 91 364
Total 28 470 2227

Then, the researcher calculated the mean (X) to find out the average post-

test score of the students. Based on the table above, the mean can be identified by

using the following formula:


𝒇𝐢 𝐗𝐢


= 79.535 (it can be taken 80)

The aim of the test is to know the students' improvement in pronunciation

through the use of movie as media. Based on the table above, in the pre-test, the

average score is 60. Further the result of the post-test is 80. The result difference

indicates that after getting treatment, students’ pronunciation ability was

improved. It can be seen that there was difference in the improvement of students'

pronunciation ability by using movie as media. So it can be concluded that movie

is an effective media in teaching pronunciation.

Examining Hypothesis

In examining hypothesis, the researcher used “t” test (t 0) to determine the

significant difference in examining the students’ pre-test and post-test scores. First

of all, alternative hypothesis (Ha) and null hypothesis (H0) were determined as:

(Ha) : Movie will be effective in improving students’ pronunciation ability

(H0) : Movie will not be effective in improving students’ pronunciation ability

The next step, the researcher was listing the pre-test and post-test score in

order to find up the difference score between those tests.


Table 4.4 The difference score of pre-test and post-test

Score X-Y
No. D2
Nama Pre-test (Y) Post-test (X) (D)
1 MS 65 81 12 144
2 RJ 57 70 13 169
3 AM 40 65 25 625
4 EY 60 80 20 400
5 RP 65 84 19 361
6 RM 81 86 5 25
7 FN 65 84 19 361
8 DS 57 74 13 169
9 TA 63 83 22 484
10 FA 59 75 16 256
11 IF 74 85 11 121
12 PM 48 72 24 576
13 WM 50 79 29 841
14 SN 41 66 25 625
15 Ya 74 85 11 121
16 MH 68 84 19 361
17 UH 57 69 12 144
18 HA 83 90 7 49
19 Sa 84 94 10 100
20 Hu 61 85 24 576
21 YR 49 69 20 400
22 Fa 43 67 24 576
23 SR 61 85 24 576
24 NA 83 90 7 49
25 YM 50 79 29 841
26 Yu 83 90 7 49
27 JW 60 80 20 400
28 AF 57 74 17 289
N= 28 484 9688

After finding the difference score, the researcher has to find Standard

Deviation of two variables, X and Y by using the following formula:

𝐷2 𝐷 2
SD= −

9688 484 2
SD= −
28 28

SD= 346 − 17.28 2

SD= 346 − 298.59

SD= 47.4

SD= 6.88

Therefore, the Mean of Difference (MD) was counted by using the

following formula:

MD =

MD =

MD = 17.28

After getting the score of Standard Deviation Difference, the

researcher calculated the Standard Error of Mean difference (SEM D)

between two variables: X and Y





SEMD = 1.32

Then, the score of t0 can be calculated with this formula:

t0 =

t0 =

t0 = 13

The last step was to examine the t 0 by determining degree of freedom

(df) by using the following formula:

Df = N-1

= 28-1

= 27

Hypothesis of this research used Ttable at significant level of α = 0.05.

According to Ttable list, the value of distribution table at 27 as degree of

freedom was 1.32. However, in this research T score < Ttable (13 < 1.32), so

that it can be concluded Ha was accepted and H0 was rejected. In line with

this, it appears that using movie is effective in improving students’

pronunciation ability.

2. The analysis of Questionnaire

In order to get the real data of the students’ perception toward

using movie in learning English pronunciation. The researcher was

distributed the questionnaires to the students. It consisted of 21 questions

in a closed form. As the mentioned in chapter III, the researcher used the

following formula:

𝑷= × 𝟏𝟎𝟎%

In which:

P : Percentage

F : Frequency of respondents

N : Number of sample

100% : Constant value

Furthermore, the result of each questionnaire questions will be

elaborated in detail in the following tables;

Table 4.5 Analysis Questioner

NO. Statements SA A D SD

I. Learning Process
1. Learning process prepare in a 57.14% 42.85% 0% 0%
good way

2. The material prepare can help 50% 46.42% 3.5% 0%

me to study English,

II. Movie as media of pronunciation

3. Learning pronunciation by 82.142% 17.851% 0% 0%

watching movie as media
can make learning
process interesting.

4. Learning pronunciation by 57.142% 35.714% 0% 7.142%

watching movie as media
can make learning
process become

5. Movie as media help me to 75% 25% 0% 0%


6. I think movie as media is boring. 0% 0% 25% 75%

7. Movie as media make me difficult 0% 0% 32.142% 67.857%

to understand

8. Learning pronunciation by using 0% 0% 21.428% 78.571%

movie as media make me
feel unhappy.

9. I feel my pronunciation is not 0% 0% 50% 50%

enhance by using movie
as media.

10. Movie as media can make me 50% 50% 0% 0%

become intellegent,
exactly pronunciation.

11. Movie as media make me 64.285% 35.714% 0% 0%

understand the important
think to pronounce the
word correctly.

12. I don’t get the advantages of 0% 0% 35.714% 64.285%

learning pronunciation
using movie as media.

13. I get the advantages of learning 64.285% 35.714% 0% 0%

pronunciation using
movie as media, thats
make me understand
pronunciation and
understand the benefit of

III. Assignment

14. Pronunciation given was suitable 35.714% 35.714% 25% 3.57%

my understanding.

15. I think the challege of learning 39.285% 32.142% 21.42% 0%

suitable my ability.

16. The assignment influence to me 35.714% 35.714% 25% 3.57%

can help to master

17. The assignment was given make 67.857% 28.571% 3.57% 0%

me to learn more.

18. The time provided material was 67.857% 28.571% 3.57% 0%

given adequate.

19. The movie display is interest to 75% 28.571% 0% 0%

discuss for pronunciation.

IV. Overal Evaluation

20. I like learning pronunciation by 78.571% 21.428% 0% 0%

using movie as media.

21. I will recommended this learning 92.85% 7.14% 0% 0%

pronunciation by using
movie as media to others

Based on the table above, the researcher concludes that there are four kinds

of questions. The first one is learning processs. In the section, most of the

partipants strongly agreed with the statement and only 3,5% disagreed. The

second one is movie as media of pronunciation. In this section most of participant

strongly agreed with the statement only 7,142% disagreed. But in this section,

there are three statements in the negative ways. It means that the participants

should answer disagreed for the answer and finally all of participant strongly

disagree about the statement. The third one is assigment. In this section, most of

the partipants strongly agreed with the statement and few of them disagreed. The

last is overal evaluation. In the last section, all of students strongly agreed with the



Based on the analysis of the data, the researcher would like to discuss about

the research question in this study. The first research question is “Does using

movie increase students’s pronunciation ?”. To answer this research question, the

researcher conducted tests, involving pre-test and post-test. The pre-test was given

to the students before the treatment was held in the first meeting, while the post-

test was given after the students done with the treatment. Both tests were

presented in same level of difficulty.

The result of pre-test and post-test showed a significant difference as

explained in the data analysis part. Based on the calculation above, the mean score

of pre-test was 60 and the post-test was 80. It means that teaching pronunciation

by using movie is effective in improving students’ pronunciation ability in

retelling stories. It was proved by the mean score of post-test were higher than


In addition, the result of data analysis showed that t score is 13 and ttable at

significant level of α = 0.05 is 1.32. Thus, it can be stated that t 0 was higher than

ttable (13> 1.32). It means that alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted and null

hypothesis (H0) was rejected. In consequence, the hypothesis accepted was movie

is effective in improving students’ pronunciation ability.


Then, to answer the second research question, which is “What do they

perceive about watching movie as a medium in learning English pronunciation ?”,

the researcher distributed a set of questionnaire to the students in order to get the

real data about their perceptions toward learning English (pronunciation) by using

movie. Exactly, the researcher found students have a huge interest in movie. It

was proved by the answer that students chose in the questionnaire, and the result

of the questionnaire indicated movie is a good media in teaching pronunciation.



A. Conclusion

The main purpose of this research is to identify whether movie are effective

to improve students’ pronunciation. Also, to find out students’ perception toward

using movie in learning English. Based on the result and discussion in the

previous chapter, the researcher would like to summarize some conclusions as


a. Teaching pronunciation through movie can be one of an effective ways to

increase students’ pronunciation ability to the second semester of English

Department. It can be seen from the result of the post-test was higher than

the pre-test. The score of pre-test was 60, while the post-test was 80.

b. The use of movie could motivate and interest the students in learning

English much better. The researcher also found students have a huge

interest in movie. It was proved by the choice of the students in

questionnaire set indicating students’ interest. Therefore, movie is

considered as an effective media in learning English


B. Suggestion

In order to complete this research, there are some suggestions that can be

considered to make students more interested in pronunciation, as follow:

1. The researcher suggests to teachers to use movie to increase students’

interest in learning English, especially in enhancing pronunciation ability.

2. Students are expected wisely to practice more to improve their

pronunciation skill. In this case, students should select a good media to

train themselves in order to manage and construct the ideas.

3. The role of teacher in the classroom is the most important thing than

anything else, therefore in order to make students more active in the

classroom, teacher should give a great support and motivate the students.

Then, it can increase their ability in pronunciation.


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(Using Movie to Increase Students’ Pronunciation.

A Study at Department of English Language Education in UIN Ar Raniry)

Course / Code : Vocabulary and Pronunciation/ PBI 2811

Semester / Year : II / 2016-2017

Unit : 6 (six)

Time : 9.40 - 11.20

A. Standard of Competence

Increase students’ pronunciation through movie.

B. Indicators

- Spell the word correctly based on movie.

- Identifying the difficult words on the movie.

C. Purpose of The Study

1. To identify whether movie is a good medium to improve students’

2. To find out students’ perception toward using movie as medium in
learning English pronunciation.
D. Media
E. Learning process
 Meeting-I
 Pre Activities
 The teacher give salam and pray together.
 The teacher check the attendent list.
 The teacher ask the student about their pronunciation.

 Main Activities
 The teacher ask the student to spell their name correctly.
 The teacher explain about pronunciation.
 The teacher ask the student to pronunce the vocabulary in the text
 The teacher give the time for the student’s to pronounce the word.
 The student pronounce the words.

 Post Activities
 The teacher give praise for the student’s.
 The teacher give comment and suggestion for the student’s.
 The teacher give salam for closing the class.

 Meeting-II
 Pre Activities
 The teacher give salam and pray together.
 The teacher check the attendent list.
 Motivation : The teacher ask the student about media of

 Main Activities
 The teacher ask the student to sit in group.
 The teacher explain about pronunciation.
 The teacher give time for student to ask question.
 The teacher plays the movie (Akeelah and the bee) for the
 The student’s watch the movie and find the new vocabulary.
 The teacher explain about pronunciation in movie and explain
how to pronounce.
 The teacher ask the student’s to pronounce the word based on

 Post Activities
 The teacher give praise for the student’s.
 The teacher give comment and suggestion for the student’s.
 The teacher give salam for closing the class.

 Meeting-III
 Pre Activities
 The teacher give salam and pray together.
 The teacher check the attendent list.
 Motivation : The teacher ask the student about pronunciation.

 Main Activities
 The teacher ask the student to sit in group.
 The teacher explain about pronunciation
 The teacher give time for student to ask question.
 The teacher plays the movie (Ron Clark Story) for the student’s.
 The student’s watch the movie and find the new vocabulary.
 The teacher explain about pronunciation in movie and explain
how to pronounce.
 The teacher ask the student’s to pronounce the word based on

 Post Activities
 The teacher give praise for the student’s.
 The teacher give comment and suggestion for the student’s.
 The teacher give salam for closing the class.

 Meeting-IV
 Pre Activities
 The teacher give salam and pray together.
 The teacher check the attendent list.
 Aperseption: The teacher ask the student’s about last meeting.

 Main Activities
 The teacher ask the student to pronunce the vocabulary in the text
 The teacher give the time for the student’s to pronounce the word.
 The student pronounce the words.

 Post Activities
 The teacher give praise for the student’s.
 The teacher give comment and suggestion for the student’s.
 The teacher give salam for closing the class.

F. Evaluasi
Form Evaluasi Pretest dan Postest
No. Scoring Criteria Scoring Scale
1 2 3 4
1 Pronunciation

2 Vocabulary

3 Fluency

4 Comperehension

3 – Very Good
2 – Good
1 – Enough
1 – Week

Final score is total point x 4

Maximum score is 100


Please spell this word correctly !

*our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.

Our deepest fear is that what we are powerfull beyond measure.
We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be? We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is
within us.
And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to the
*The problem isn’t the kids. It’s not even what they can achieve. The problem is what you
expect them to achieve. You are setting thebar here. Why? Set it up here! They can
make it.
This community judges us by scores. Government funding judges us by scores. People who
give me scores, they get my respect.
Okay good. In May, they’ll all test at grade level.
New York public schools are desperate for good teachers. Newspaper says they’re begging
for them. Dad, every year I tell my students to go for what they want in life-dream
big, take risks. It’s time I start living up to my own words.


Please spell this word correctly !

*our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.

Our deepest fear is that what we are powerfull beyond measure.
We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be? We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is
within us.
And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to the
*The problem isn’t the kids. It’s not even what they can achieve. The problem is what you
expect them to achieve. You are setting thebar here. Why? Set it up here! They can
make it.
This community judges us by scores. Government funding judges us by scores. People who
give me scores, they get my respect.
Okay good. In May, they’ll all test at grade level.
New York public schools are desperate for good teachers. Newspaper says they’re begging
for them. Dad, every year I tell my students to go for what they want in life-dream
big, take risks. It’s time I start living up to my own words.
The Result of Learning Vocabulary and Pronunciation by Using Movie

A. Students Profile
Name :
Student ID :
Unit :

B. Learning Outcome
Put a check mark (√) on one of the colomn

SA : Strongly Agree
A : Agree
D : Disagree
SD : Strongly Disagree.

NO. Statements SA A D SD

I. Learning Process
1. Learning process prepare in a good way
2. The material prepare can help me to study English, especially
II. Movie as media of pronunciation
3. Learning pronunciation by watching movie as media can make
learning process interesting.
4. Learning pronunciation by watching movie as media can make
learning process become challenge.
5. Movie as media help me to comprehend pronunciation.
6. I think movie as media is boring.
7. Movie as media make me difficult to understand pronunciation.
8. Learning pronunciation by using movie as media make me feel
9. I feel my pronunciation is not enhance by using movie as media.
10. Movie as media can make me become intellegent, exactly
11. Movie as media make me understand the important think to pronounce
the word correctly.
12. I don’t get the advantages of learning pronunciation using movie as
13. I get the advantages of learning pronunciation using movie as media,
thats make me understand pronunciation and understand the
benefit of movie.
III. Assignment
14. Pronunciation given was suitable my understanding.

15. I think the challege of learning suitable my ability.

16. The assignment influence to me can help to master pronunciation.

17. The assignment was given make me to learn more.

18. The time provided material was given adequate.

19. The movie display is interest to discuss for pronunciation.

IV. Overal Evaluation

20. I like learning pronunciation by using movie as media.

21. I will recommended this learning pronunciation by using movie as

media to others student.

Banda Aceh, .........................................2017



Personal Identity
Name : Nawal Aufa
Place and Date of Birth : Simpang Tiga, September 8th 1995
Sex : Female
Religion : Islam
Nationality : Indonesian, Acehnese
Marital Status : Single
Occupation : Student
Address : Jl. Mawar, Lamkeneng, Tungkop. Aceh Besar.
Email : nawalaufasy@gmail.com
Father’s Name : Syarifuddin
Mother’s Name : Mawarni
Occupation : Entrepreneur
Address : Iboeh Keudete, Kec. Simpang Tiga, Kab. Pidie
Educational Background
Kindergarten : TK Simpang Tiga (2000-2001)
Primary School : SDN. 1 Sigli, Pidie (2001-2007)
Junior High School : MTss Jeumala Amal, Pidie Jaya (2007-2010)
Senior High School : MAS Jeumala Amal, Pidie Jaya (2010-2013)
University : UIN Ar-Raniry (2013-2017)

Banda Aceh, July 13th 2017

Nawal Aufa

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