Sample Turbines
Sample Turbines
Sample Turbines
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Invoice Customer
Customer ref.
Date 4-May-20
License Site License
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e - France
8 66 16
6 96 73
ID Internal ID
Name Turbine model
Manufucturer ID Manufacturer ID
Manufucturer Manufacturer name
Licence Yes if production under licence
Wind class Turbine wind class
Wind class 2 2nd urbine wind class (if appropriate)
Offshore Offshore capacity
Rated power Turbine rated power
Rotor diameter Turbine rotor diameter
Swept area Rotor swept area
Power density Turbine power density
Number of blades Turbine number of blades
Minimum hub height -
Maximum hub height -
Nacelle weight -
Tower weight -
Rotor weight -
Total weight -
Cut-in wind speed -
Rated wind speed -
Cut-off wind speed -
Minimum rotor speed -
Maximum rotor speed -
Rotor manufacturer -
Gear box Geard or direct drive turbine
Stages Gearbox stages
Gear ratio Gearbox ratio
Gear box manufacturers -
Generators Generator type
Generator number -
Generator maximum speed rd/min
Voltage Output voltage
Generator manufacturer -
Power regulation Power regulation device
Tower manufacturer -
Available since First availability date (format : yyyy or yyyy/mm)
Status Turbine availability
Link Direct link to The Wind Power datasheet
Update Update date
ID Name Manufucturer Manufucturer Licence
#ND =
no data
Page 1
Wind class Wind class 2 Offshore Rated Rotor Swept Power Number Minimum
power diameter area density of hub
blades height
kW m m2 m2/kW m
Page 2
Maximum Nacelle Tower Rotor Total weight Cut-in Rated wind Cut-off
hub height weight weight weight wind speed wind
speed speed
m Tons Tons Tons Tons m/s m/s m/s
85 50 #ND 31 #ND 3 15 25
125 68 206 - 335 36 310- 439 3 13.5 25
80 91 173 - 319 55 319 - 465 3 13.5 25
144 #ND #ND #ND #ND 2.5 14 25
100 50 #ND 34 #ND 3.5 14.5 22
100 85 241 52 378 3 11.5 25
105 68 155 - 235 28 251 - 331 3.5 16.5 25
138 #ND #ND 55 #ND 2 12.5 25
138 #ND #ND 55 #ND 2 14 25
80 52.5 135 15 203 3.5 11.1 25
Page 3
Minimum Maximum Rotor manufacturer Gear Stages Gear ratio Gear box
rotor rotor box manufacturers
speed speed
rd/min rd/min
Page 4
Generators Generator Generator Voltage Generator Power Tower
number maximum manufacturer regulation manufacturer
rd/min V
Page 5
Available Status Link Update
Format : yyyy
or yyyy/mm
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