2. MATERIALS ...................................................................................................2
2.1.1 Scope
Section 1 General
2.1.2 References
EN 10051 Specification for continuously hot-rolled uncoated plate, sheet and strip of
non-alloy steels. Tolerances on dimension and shape
EN 10113 Hot rolled products in weldable fine grain structural steels.
EN 10155 Structural steels with improved atmospheric corrosion resistance. Technical
delivery conditions.
1 Material shall be steel in rolled sections, structural hollow sections, plates and bars and shall
comply with the appropriate standard shown in Table 2.1.
2 The steel designations used in this publication are those given in BS 5950.
1 All steel shall have been specifically tested in accordance with the appropriate material
quality standard shown in Table 2.1.
1 The Contractor shall obtain the manufacturer's test certificates and submit them to the
Engineer for review.
1 Dimensions and Tolerances shall comply with the appropriate standard shown in Table 2.1.
Table 2.1
QCS Section 16 Part 2 Materials Page 4
1 Material quality requirements for Fine Grain Steels are given in EN 10113 Material
quality requirements for Weather resistant grades are given in EN 10155.
2 BS EN 10210-1 contains material quality requirements for Non-alloy and Fine Grain
3 Tolerances for plates cut from wide strip produced on continuous mills are given in BS
EN 10051.
2.2.1 General
1 Steel surfaces when used shall not be more heavily pitted or rusted than Grade C of BS
7079 Part Al.
2 Surface defects in hot rolled sections, plates and wide flats revealed during surface
preparation which are not in accordance with the requirements of BS EN 10163 shall be
rectified accordingly.
3 Surface defects in hot rolled hollow sections revealed during surface preparation which are
not in accordance with the requirements of BS EN 10210-1 shall be rectified accordingly.
2.3.1 General
1 Material quality or section form of components may, with the agreement of the Engineer be
substituted where it can be demonstrated that the structural properties are not less suitable
than the designed component.
2.4.1 Standards
1 Consumables for use in metal arc welding shall comply with BS 639, BS 2901, Part 1, BS
4165 or BS 7084 as appropriate.
2.4.2 Storage
1 Consumables to be stored in the Contractor's works and on the Site, shall be kept in a
controlled atmosphere, in accordance with BS 5135. Any drying or baking of consumables
before issue shall be carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.
1 Shop and site bolts and nuts shall be to one the following grades:
(a) Grade 4.6 in accordance with BS 4190
(b) Grade 8.8 or 10.9 in accordance with BS 3692.
2.5.5 Washers
1 Metal washers shall be made in accordance with BS 4320 Section 2. Unless otherwise
specified, black steel washers to Form E shall be used.
1 Where specific coatings are required, they shall be provided by the fastener manufacturer.
2.6.1 General
1 Proprietary studs used in composite construction shall be the headed type with the following
properties after being formed:
(a) minimum yield strength - 350 N/mm2
(b) minimum ultimate tensile strength -450 N/mm
(c) elongation of 15% on a gauge length of 5.65 √A, where A is the area of the test
1 Chilled iron grit shall be in accordance with BS 7079 Part E2, and cast steel grit shall be in
accordance with BS 7079 Part E3.
1 Paint materials and other coatings supplied shall be in accordance with the appropriate
British Standard or European Standard for the materials.
1 All proprietary items shall be used in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations
and instructions.