Chapter 8 Study Guide Key
Chapter 8 Study Guide Key
Chapter 8 Study Guide Key
1. Solubility refers to the grams of _solute_ per 100 g of _solvent__. 21. Solutes dissolve faster if the solvent is _Heated / hot_.
2. Loose sugar dissolves much faster than a sugar cube because loose 22. Water is a(n) _polar_ compound because its shared electrons are not
sugar has _a greater surface area_ spread evenly throughout each molecule.
3. Sugar will dissolve more quickly in iced tea if you stir it because 23. Because so many substances can dissolve in water, it is often referred
stirring _ allows dissolved molecules to diffuse through the tea _ to as the _universal solvent_.
4. You can make a solute dissolve more quickly in a solvent by __ 24. A(n) _supersaturated_ solution is an unstable system.
heating the solvent _ 25. A saturated solution contains the greatest quantity of _solute_ that
5. Water can dissolve charged particles because _ its atoms have partial will dissolve in a given quantity of _sovent_.
charges _ 26. Soap works because the negatively charged end of the hydrocarbon
6. An unsaturated solution is one that _ can dissolve more solute at the chain dissolves in _water_, whereas the neutral end dissolves in _oil_.
current conditions _ 27. A crystal of solute was dropped into a solution, and it dissolved. The
7. What happens when a supersaturated solution cools down? The solute original solution was unsaturated_.
will precipitate out of the solution 28. If a crystal of solute is dropped into a solution and other crystals
8. In a solution, the substance that is being dissolved is the _ solute _. appear, the solution was _supersaturated_.
9. A substance that does NOT conduct an electric current when it forms 29. Stirring _increases_ the speed of dissolving of a solid in a liquid
a solution is a(n) _ nonelectrolyte _. 30. Explain what happens when a crystalline solid dissolves in water.
10. A solution that contains all of the solute it can hold at a given The crystalline solid dissociates into positive and negative ions;
temperature is _ saturated _. positive ions are attracted to the negative end of water molecule,
11. Increasing the surface area of a solid _ speeds the rate of solution _. negative ions to the positive end
12. When a gas is dissolved in a liquid, the gas dissolves faster if the 31. Sugar is a molecule that does not ionize when dissolved in water. Will
liquid is _ cooled _. a sugar solution conduct electricity? No; sugar is a nonelectrolyte
13. The concentration of solution that contains a large amount of solute in 32. Explain what it means to say that a supersaturated solution is an
the solvent could be described as _ concentrated _. unstable system. Supersaturated solutions hold more dissolved solute
14. An alloy is an example of a _ solid _ solution. than is specified by their solubility. They can only do so in special
15. A molecule that is positively charged on one end and negatively circumstances, such as if the solution is heated. They are unstable
charged on the other end is _ polar _. because as the solution cools, or as more solute is added, the excess
16. The amount of solute that can be dissolved in a specific amount of solute will rapidly precipitate out
solvent at a given temperature is its _ solubility _.
Acids and Bases
17. As sugar dissolves in water, sugar molecules _diffuse_, or spread
throughout the entire solution. 33. Acids are substances that form hydronium ions when dissolved in
water _
18. A solute's __solubility_ can often be increased by heating.
19. Shaking or stirring a solution will make a solute _dissolve_ more 34. When dissolved in water, all acids will _ conduct electricity _
quickly 35. A solution that is mildly acidic would have a pH of approximately 6_
20. A solute will dissolve more quickly if you increase its _surface area_ 36. The pH of a substance is a measure of its hydronium ion
by breaking it into small pieces. concentration
37. The label on a bottle indicates that the substance inside has a pH of 60. How is the concentration of an acid or base different from the
13. This tells you that the substance is _ strongly basic _ strength of an acid or base? Concentration refers to the amount of
38. When a solution of an acid reacts with a solution of a base, acid or base dissolved in solution. Strength refers to how completely
hydronium ions react with hydroxide ions to form _ water _ the acid ionizes in solution
39. When a solution of an acid reacts with a solution of a base, the pH of 61. What is an acid? a substance that produces hydrogen ions, H+, in a
the resulting solution depends on the amounts of acid and base used _ water solution
40. What is a salt? An ionic compound that does not contain oxide or 62. What is a base? a substance that forms hydroxide ions, OH-, in a
hydroxide anions water solution, or any substance that accepts H+ from acids
41. A(n) _ acid _ is a substance that produces H+ ions in a water solution. 63. List two common acids that are NOT harmful to the body when
42. A(n) _ base _ is a substance that produces OH- ions in a solution. ingested and a product in which each is used. acetic acid—vinegar;
43. _ pH _ measures how acidic or basic a substance is. acetylsalicylic acid—aspirin; ascorbic acid—vitamin C; carbonic acid
44. _ Indicators _ change color in the presence of an acid or a base. —carbonated drinks; phosphoric acid—soft drinks
45. A bitter taste and a slippery feel are clues that a solution is probably 64. List one common base that is NOT harmful to the body when
a(n) _ base _. ingested and a product in which it is used. aluminum hydroxide—
deodorant, antacid; magnesium hydroxide—milk of magnesia
46. _ Strength _ of a solution refers to the ease with which an acid or base
forms ions in solution. 65. What is pH? a measure of the concentration of hydronium ions in a
47. A base that only partly ionizes in a solution is a _ weak _ base.
48. pH measures the _ concentration _ of hydronium ions in a solution. 66. Identify the following pHs as a strong base, a weak acid, a weak base,
or a strong acid: 2, 5, 8, 11. strong acid—2; weak acid—5; weak
49. Coffee has a pH of about 5. Coffee is _ somewhat acidic _.
base—8; strong base—11
50. A(n) _indicator_ is a compound that can change color in a solution,
depending on whether the solution is acidic or basic.
Tell if the following is an acid (A), a base (B) or could be either an
51. An acid is a substance that donates hydrogen ions (H+) to form acid or a base (AB)
_hydronium_ ions when dissolved in water.
67. In solution, it feels slippery. B
52. A(n) _base_ is a substance that either contains hydroxide ions (OH–)
or reacts with water to form hydroxide ions.
68. It has a bitter taste. B
53. Apple juice has a pH of 3, and stomach acid has a pH of 2. This 69. It has the chemical formula HNO3. A
means that stomach acid is _10_ times more acidic than apple juice. 70. It can be corrosive. AB
54. pH is a measure of the _hydronium ion concentration_ of a solution. 71. It reacts with an indicator to produce a change in its color. AB
55. In a neutralization reaction, hydronium ions react with hydroxide ions 72. It has a sour taste. A
to produce _water_. 73. It has the chemical formula Ca(OH)2. B
56. Salts are _ionic compounds_ formed when acids and bases react. 74. It forms hydronium ions in water. A
57. Because lye contains hydroxide ions, it is a _basic_ compound.
58. What factor determines the strength of an acid or a base? how
completely a compound separates into ions when dissolved in water
59. How is a weak acid different from a strong acid? weak acid—partly
ionizes in solution; strong acid—completely, or almost completely,
ionizes in solution